The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 341: Storm (6)

Chapter 341 Storms (6)

Chapter 341 Storms (6)

The car quickly reached the address on the map. The two looked around. It was an old factory building that was about to be demolished. Stopped in front of the factory, Zhao Fei immediately looked around, then shook his head and said, "No "Ambush." ​​"Huh? How do you know, you just said on the road that it might be an ambush." ​​Zhang Yang glanced at Zhao Fei with some surprise.

Zhao Fei shrugged his shoulders: "Don't I know the terrain? If you know this terrain, there must be no ambush, even if it is really a trap, as long as the killer is not the first time to enter, not the first time to kill, he will You will definitely not choose here. You see, there are no bare areas, within two kilometers of the radius, there is no wide view of the Chapter 341 wind wave (6) effect and enough sniper points for sniping targets, so here is not at all It could be a trap."

"What if he waits to kill me in case? Isn't it necessary to use a sniper rifle to kill me, after all, this is in China, the sniper rifle is not so easy to do." Zhang Yang shrugged his shoulders and replied.

Zhao Fei rolled his eyes: "Killer, killer, he's called a killer, do you know what the two killers mean? It means he kills you, and he's not going to commit suicide! Otherwise, it's called an idiot who has died together, not a killer, at least slightly A person with a bit of brain should be able to think, how rich should you be with a bodyguard when you are the richest person in the world? And when you encounter such a weird thing, it is possible to bring several bodyguards. He is waiting inside, isn’t he looking for death? "

"Uh... Okay, let's go in. No one has trouble me. That's best." Zhang Yang choked a bit. Although he can now make a few moves with Li Yingjie in his fighting hand, he said that combat experience and the like, he It is no different from ordinary people. Since Zhao Fei dare to say that there is no problem here, then there should not be much problem.

The gate of the factory building is still locked with iron chains, but as long as it is pulled hard, the crack in the middle is enough for one person to drill in. Chapter 341 Storm (6). Zhao Fei got into the front door. Although he said there was no threat here, Zhao Fei still cleverly blocked most of the angles that he could snipe.

Although Zhang Yang couldn't understand this, he could feel it, but he didn't say anything. This factory is not big, there are only two factories in total, each factory is about four floors high, it is a kind of large structure like a warehouse, surrounded by walls. Obviously, it has been abandoned for a long time because of the demolition problem. Almost all the glass above the two factories was smashed by the children who had come in to play. The other open areas are covered with weeds.

"Shall we look around?" Zhang Yang glanced at Zhao Fei and suggested. "No, you stay with me, slow down, but this is safe." Zhao Fei shook his head and directly pulled Zhang Yang's arm out of the wall counterclockwise. The whole factory is not too big, and Zhang Yang can't see what the factory is here, the equipment and the like are removed, leaving only an empty shelf.

The surrounding wall had a height of about two meters. He walked counterclockwise for three or four minutes. When he was about to walk halfway, Zhao Fei's pupil shrank suddenly: "Here." Zhang Yang immediately followed his gaze After looking at it, a few indistinct blood stains on the surrounding wall printed in his eyes.

Zhang Yang quickly walked with Zhao Fei, Zhao Fei looked around and confirmed that there was no danger, and then reached out and touched the blood stains on the wall: "It is new, probably within two hours. This person suffered a lot Serious injury, let's go." Zhao Fei immediately took Zhang Yang's hand and bowed his head to start looking for traces on the ground.

Although the ground in the factory has been hardened, the land here is somewhat saline and alkaline, and there has been no human smoke for a long time. The hardened ground has been eroded by salt, and there is a layer of floating white floating soil on top, plus the long distance near the surrounding wall It’s full of weeds, so it’s not hard to find traces here.

Soon they found a series of footprints, and occasionally a few drops of blood dripped on the gray cement brick. "It's a woman, weighing between 40 kg and 60 kg. The left part of her body was injured. The injury should be on her thigh." Zhao Fei whispered while looking around as she walked.

Zhang Yang admired it. He could see so many things just from a series of footprints. One can imagine what kind of things Zhao Fei went through. But Zhang Yang is a little curious, woman? Among the women I know, no matter who they are, it is impossible to run to this place if they are injured?

The blood stains and footprints quickly extended to the second factory building. When passing the first factory building, Zhao Fei suddenly stopped and turned directly to look in the direction of the first factory building. "What's wrong?" Zhang Yang glanced strangely in Zhao Fei's eyes. "This series of footprints is disguised. She's there." Zhao Fei pointed to the first factory building, immediately turned around, and walked directly there. .

Zhang Yanggang was about to ask how you knew that a familiar voice came from the first factory building. "Zhang...Zhang Yang...I'm...I'm here." The hoarse voice came into Zhang Yang's ear with a trembling voice. Upon hearing this voice, Zhang Yang froze for a moment, but couldn't help but called out: "I'm leaning, it's Bai Su, let's go." Zhang Yang quickly ran over there. Zhao Fei hurried to catch up.

The two were not far from the first factory building. When Zhang Yang rushed to the window of the first factory building, he immediately saw Bai Su, who was sitting on the ground against the wall on the right side of the window. That was a miserable one, and Zhang Yang, who had seen the dead before, was taken aback. The soft long hair used to be scattered on the body and face at the moment. The hair was covered with blood. The clothes on her body were almost torn into holes. Her left thigh was simply bandaged, but I don’t know. The white cloth strips ripped from where have been soaked in blood.

Zhang Yang directly kicked a few of the broken glass in the factory's windows. Zhao Fei stretched his hand and grabbed Zhang Yang: "You are outside, I will go in." After that, Zhao Fei kicked the piece that Zhang Fei directly kicked off. The big gap got into it. The Bai Su in it is estimated that because of seeing Zhang Yang, the whole person has fainted as soon as he relaxes.

Zhao Fei sniffed her nose, then simply checked her, and then nodded to Zhang Yang: "There is not much problem, she is not life-threatening, but the wound needs disinfection and infection." Carefully hug Bai Su, and then handed out Zhang Yang from the window.

Carefully taking Bai Su from Zhao Fei's arms, it is estimated that there was too much blood loss, and her face was already pale. "You take her into the car, I will remove the traces here, be careful when you are at the door, and see if someone is following." Zhao Fei said to Zhang Yang, then looked around, and ran directly into the factory. Zhang Yang nodded and immediately turned to run outside the factory.

When walking to the factory gate, Zhang Yang looked out from the gap, because this is the demolition area, and the end of this road is a dead road, so this road is basically deserted, and there are vehicles in the streets beyond. Driven, but no car turned into this road. After taking a closer look at the surrounding environment, and confirming that there were no problems, Zhang Yang carefully cradled sideways and drilled out of the gap in the door.

Opening the back door of the car, Zhang Yang carefully put Bai Su into it and paused for a moment. Bai Su was in a coma like this. Zhao Fei came to drive for a while and it was estimated that it would be very slow. In that case, there may be an accident. Zhang Yang thought for a while, and even sat in himself, and took Bai Su's upper body into his arms. When Zhang Yang held Bai Su in his arms, Zhang Yang discovered that Bai Su's left chest was also wrapped in white cloth, and it was also brightly red with blood water, which looked abnormally terrible.

"Isn't it going to happen?" This place is too dangerous. There is a heart on the left chest. Why is it hurt here? But the chest on the right is okay... A glance, Zhang Yang quickly removed his eyes, Bai Su's outer clothes have become tattered, and there is no underwear inside, it is probably taken off when wrapping the wound. From the tattered place, you can see the full pink bump.

After waiting in the car for a few minutes, Zhao Fei got out and looked around again. Zhao Fei got into the car and started directly: "There is no problem. No one should come. She doesn't know how to come." It’s a miracle here, and I sent you an email. It’s a miracle. Let’s go to the ghost knife now. Don’t worry about it. She can’t die.” This kind of injury happened to Zhao Fei, he didn’t worry at all and comforted Zhang Yang. In a word, Zhao Fei directly started the car.

Because there was a wounded person, Zhao Fei naturally drifted like that when he was driving The car drove very smoothly, but the speed was not fast. It was about half an hour later when I got there. Zhao Fei didn't know when to contact the ghost knife. When Zhang Yang came down from the car and took Bai Su into the small courtyard, the ghost knife was already waiting at the door.

Seeing Zhang Yang coming in with a person in his arms, Ghost Knife reached out and immediately held Bai Su's wrist, and then paused, Ghost Knife immediately said: "Come with me, her pulse is very weak, it should be too much blood loss, Zhao Fei check Take a look at her ankles and other places to see if this little guy has left his blood type. Otherwise, I will have to do my own testing, which may be too late.

"Understood." Zhao Fei immediately began to check Bai Su's shaking, wrists and the like. Zhang Yang quickly followed Bai Gui to the basement with Bai Su. When he approached the door of the basement, Zhao Fei finally got something: "I found it, here, it is blood type." Zhao Fei held a white tape in his hand, which was directly attached to Bai Su's ankle , With blood type written on it.

"In stock, you go to the blood bank, cabinet three, and return a few bags of blood." Ghost Knife didn't even return his head, and said to Zhao Fei. RO! ! ! ;




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