The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 342: Storm (7)

Zhao Fei turned directly to the other direction, and Zhang Yang followed the ghost knife holding Bai Su into the operating room, put Bai Su on a bed, and the ghost knife immediately began to check her. "After a few minutes, the ghost knife nodded The head said: "There is not much danger, there is no fatal injury" is just a coma caused by excessive blood loss, I will treat her with the wound, you are here to help."

"Me?" Zhang Yang pointed to his nose and asked in amazement. "Yes, it's you." The ghost knife didn't even lift his head, picked up the scalpel next to it, and cut the pants on the injured part of Bai Su's thigh. After cutting the pants, Zhang Yang discovered that Bai Su's thigh After the simple treatment of the wound above, although hemostasis was stopped, it was obviously a gunshot wound, and it was still a through wound. The 334th chapter of the other party's Chapter 342 storm wave (7) is definitely a military bullet.

Ordinary bullets pay attention to lethality, and there is no possibility of penetrating injuries in these areas of the thighs. Only penetrating military bullets will show penetrating injuries. Although it is said to stay to help, Zhang Yang can actually help little, only I can deliver the necessary knives, medicines, etc. to the ghost knife, and nothing else can help.

Zhao Fei quickly came back, and the ghost knife first gave Bai Su the blood, and then said to Zhao Fei, "You can wait outside, there is this kid here." Zhao Fei did not hesitate, just click Nodded and left. Zhang Yang is a little speechless. How can Zhao Fei be better than himself?

These people, Zhao Fei, must have learned first aid in the field of war. They are simply white. "Cut her left chest, there is also a penetrating injury." This girl is not related to the claim. After I have bandaged the wound, you will take off all her clothes and use clean water and alcohol on her body. Clean.

"The ghost knife pointed at Bai Su's left chest," said the expressionless expression.

"Cut apart?" Zhang Yang stammered, but they were still a big girl. The ghost knife is cut open and there is no opinion that the ghost knife is a doctor, and the question is "..." Hurry, what do you think? Chapter 342: Storm (7), haven't you seen it? Ghostblade asked Zhang Yang with a sceptical look.

Zhang Yang couldn't help crying or laughing. Does this thing have anything to do with it? I have seen it before... The problem is, but Zhang Yang knows that this time is not the real time.” Picking up the scalpel prepared next to the ghost knife, Zhang Yang can only reach out and cut the tight shirt of Bai Su's upper body.

The scalpel was very sharp. Zhang Yang easily cut the clothes near the left chest. After the cut, a plump body wrapped in white cloth appeared more than half of Zhang Yang's sight, although he could not help suggesting that he was in Heal people" but Zhang Yang is still a little dry.

When Zhang Yang finishes this work, "Ghost Knife has already finished the other wounds. Zhang Yang let his ghost knife hands open a knife and cut the white cloth wrapped in white pigment. The strong man is called a ghost knife. The skill of playing a scalpel is really amazing. Zhang Yang is amazed. "He doesn’t know if the doctor has this level, but the two knives are like ghost knife. With life, Zhang Yang didn't see how to move the white cloth that wrapped Bai Su's left chest and was cut open.

It is estimated that the blood was stuck to the wound and the white cloth. "When the ghost knife removed the white cloth on the left chest," Bai Su bored. There was a louder sound, but she did not wake up, and it was clear that her blood loss was quite serious. With the action of the ghost knife, Zhang Yang couldn't help but look at Bai Su's left chest, which had no cover, Zhang Yang couldn't help but took a breath.

White chest has a big chest, at least it is estimated. The cup-level "and obviously" Bai Su is still a big girl with a yellow breast. Her chest is abnormally straight, but at the moment her full breast on the left can be described as terrible. A bullet did not know how to shoot from the lower half of the left side of the white pigment, and a blood hole with a finger thickness pierced from the top was on both sides of the *.

"Good luck, if this bullet is biased a little bit..." Although the breast was penetrated by the bullet, Zhang Yang still had a slight fever in his face, but the ghost knife was like looking at a cargo. How many similar situations.

"This injury must be checked carefully, and the inside of the bullet must be cleaned with alcohol." Otherwise, when the injury improves in the future, if there is a lesion inside, it is estimated that the entire breast will be cut off. "The ghost knife shook his head slightly.

After a pause, the ghost knife raised his head again and said to Zhang Yang: "I will deal with these two wounds briefly" Let her stop the bleeding" Now you help her take off all her clothes, first clean the blood from her body with clean water , And then wash it again with at least three more times, then call me after the treatment, I will use the instrument to help her check here. By the way, there is a sick suit in the disinfection cabinet over there, help her to replace it later. "

After talking about the ghost knife, he directly glued the two gauze with adhesive tape and stuck the two wounds. Then he turned and shook his head and walked outside. He heard the ghost knife whispering while walking, "Hey, the little one now Girl, one is hotter than the other, what do you say is good and not doing well?" Zhang Yang was speechless for a while, feeling that the ghost knife is now like an adult who teaches children not to make trouble, and Bai Su is the naughty child. Shaking his head helplessly, Zhang Yang looked at the situation in front of him completely speechless, really want to start? Every element of the upper body left half a shirt to cover the remaining one intact*, and the thighs of the pants of the lower body have also been cut by the ghost knife. "Now Bai Su looks like this, if Zhang Yang wants to help her undress "There is only one option, which is to use scissors or a knife to cut all the parts of the clothing link" before she can strip her off.

Question, I'm a normal man anyway! Zhang Yang wanted to scream loudly in the sky, but obviously in this place, he was useless just to roar. Although Ghost Knife is a doctor, it is a matter of cleaning the body. If there is no one else, the matter is urgent, he can also help. The problem now is that Ghost Knife obviously cannot do this work.

As for Zhao Fei, did he kick him out without seeing the ghost knife? The only other option is Zhang Yang. Moreover, the wound on Bai Su's left chest was too awkward, and there was no time for Zhang Yang to waste it. After struggling for a while, Zhang Yang gritted his teeth fiercely, NND, didn't he just take a bath, and did he not do it! Who are you afraid of?

I didn’t hesitate to think of this Yang, just picked up the surgical scissors next to start cutting clothes for Bai Su, first opened the shirt on Bai Su’s upper body, and Bai Su’s upper body was immediately completely in the air. With a dry tongue, some guilty eyes quickly moved away from the perfect chest.

TNND, this job is really not good. Although Zhang Yang said he was out, the problem is that when he did his job, Zhang Yang found out that this job... really can't do it! Undressing, it is better to help her to clean all the blood from her body, which will take Zhang Yang’s life, because in addition to two gunshot wounds on Bai Su’s body, there are also three obvious knife wounds under the dagger, and Some fine wounds.

In order to be as careful as possible not to touch these wounds, Zhang Yang can only be cleaned by hand. It is better to say elsewhere..., look at the two chests on the cover. Zhang Yang is crying and tearless. God, can you not torture me like this, brother Really a normal man. Although it is clearly intended to cure people and save people, no one can avoid the natural reaction of the body.

Waited for Zhang Yang huā for half an hour to help Bai Su clean all the body except his hair. Zhang Yang himself collapsed as if he had undergone a violent movement. Push another bed next to Next to it, Zhang Yang carefully picked up the naked Bai Su and put it on the clean bed next to it. Then he followed the instructions of the ghost knife and went to the disinfection cabinet to get her clothes and put them on. The clothes on the lower body were good. Covered temporarily.

After doing all this and seeing that blood and fluid were almost lost, Zhang Yang quickly went out and called the ghost knife in. When Ghost Knife came in, he narrowly blinked at Zhang Yang, then patted Zhang Yang on the shoulder and said, "Well, good boy hehe. It looks like you have the potential to be a doctor."

"Forget it, I can't do this job." You first check her to see if there are any problems. "Zhang Yang shook his head slightly." The ghost knife nodded. I don't know if it was because of blood transfusion. Bai's face was a little bit more **** than it will be in the future. It's not so ugly.

Touching the pulse of Bai Su, Lianggui ghost knife nodded: "It's okay, it has stabilized. She's all traumatized. You can rest assured. It's mainly blood loss. I'll check her chest injury." Just If there is no infection, there will not be much problem with the wound. However, if you give birth in the future, it is estimated that breast milk will become a problem. The **** here must be obsolete. "The ghost knife shook his head slightly.

This kind of injury is really rare. "After all, the bullet can hit from this angle and position."

There are almost no such penetrating injuries, but this is also good. Fortunately, as long as the angle of this bullet is slightly larger, from the perspective of the shot from below, I am afraid that it will directly hit the heart.

I waited for more than two hours at the ghost knife. After the ghost knife gave Bai Su a detailed examination and washed the inside of the wound with alcohol again, the ghost knife nodded and said, "It's okay, it is estimated that there will be one or two She was able to wake up in an hour. What did this little girl do? Why did you still suffer such a big injury in China, do you know her?"

Zhang Yang hesitated for a while before speaking: "She is a special agent of Guoan, but she should not have been in Guoan for a long time. Some time ago, because of my relationship, "She has retired from Guoan." I didn’t know how it happened."

During what happened to Zhang Yanglian some time ago, he probably said it again. After listening to the ghost knife, he frowned, and after a long time he looked at Zhang Yang and said, "Now there is news that is not good news for you. Don't listen?"

"What?" Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows.

"From what you revealed, I am afraid that this little girl will be inseparable from you after being injured." In other words, I am afraid that the abandoned man will stare at you. I just checked her body, and there is a neurotoxin in her body. The preference for the type of psychedelic agent "but it should not be too much of a problem for her. Judging from the time when the psychedelic agent was injected, she should have escaped there before the psychedelic agent came into effect." Big, so she is what she is now. The most important thing you need to do now is either contact the people of Guoan and ask them to investigate what happened recently in the city of Oran, or you can find this aspect from Zhao Fei among them. Expert, let them do it." Ghostblade shrugged.

Zhang Yang's eyes involuntarily looked at Zhao Fei. Zhao Fei and Zhang Yang glanced at each other and nodded. "The ghost knife was the soul of the team before he retired. He was specifically responsible for intelligence analysis and organization plan 1. His head was A live computer, dangerous characters that almost all intelligence agencies in the world need to pay attention to, as well as famous professional killers and so on are recorded in his brain."

Listening to Zhao Fei said this, Zhang Yang nodded and paused. Zhang Yang raised his head and looked at the ghost knife and asked, "Ghost knife, based on the current situation of the Starry Sky Group, what do you think I should do."

"Starry Sky Group? Are you the founder of Starry Sky Group?" Ghost Knife froze for a moment before asking with a surprised face.

"You don't know?" Zhao Fei's face was full of weirdness.

"Nonsense, I'm retired, I have nothing to do with those messy things? I have been studying Korean dramas recently.

"Ghost Knife takes for granted, right? *The car is a file to feed the rebellious 鍖首苑Flash ⒖escape ┛扌Σ bad confusing Mao Sang?br/>

Zhang Yang couldn't figure it out, "what kind of things is Korean drama like?

"I found that Korean women's **** are generally larger than those of Chinese women in China. I just don't know if it's the result of breast augmentation." I wonder if Weiwei came to Zhang Yang and Zhao Fei's inconceivableness. The ghost knife shrugged his shoulders and explained. .

Zhang Yang: "..."

"Ghost Knife, you haven't answered my question yet." Zhang Yang wisely changed the subject.

" I will give you a suggestion now, as far as your group's current situation is concerned, it is better for you to talk to Guoan, if you let Guoan intervene in your group's security issues...recently Fortunately, within ten years, I am afraid that in ten years' time your group will be infiltrated by Guoan. "The ghost knife speaks without any taboo.

"Uh? What do you mean?" Zhang Yang choked.

"Components your own security department chanting? Just recruit Zhao Fei like them, the main thing is to send a message to let them know what you mean." Guidao said very straightforwardly.

"I get it." Zhang Yang nodded, if he said he would boycott it from the beginning. "It's natural to consider the mood of the Starry Sky Group above. Naturally, you won't be tired of playing privately, but if you let Guoan intervene from the beginning, I'm afraid this Guo'an would never mind such a kind of easy-going intelligence. For the intelligence department, anything that hasn't been taken down can be rushed out. For them, it should be said that people don't have to be invincible. For the intelligence department, "face" does not exist at all. ! ! ! ;




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