The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 573: See you what to do (Part 1)

"Today, I held a press conference with only one purpose. I personally raised serious protests against a series of practices of the Samsung Group!" This is the opening statement for Zhang Yang to hold a press conference. Zhang Yang's opening remarks immediately made the reporters as excited as the blood of the chickens. All the reporters felt that they were all thrilled with excitement. Who doesn't know that the technical director of Star Group is a news maker? Although he doesn't have a lot of convictions, the only person who can make the reporter feel a stroke is the one in front of him!

"I wonder if there are any Korean journalists who came here today?" This is Zhang Yang's second question. Don’t think Zhang Yang knows that there must be Korean reporters here. Sure enough, after Zhang Yang raised this question, the reporters in the field immediately unconsciously turned their attention to one direction. See Chapter 573. ) Everyone's eyes were projected, and several Korean journalists gathered together raised their hands.

Zhang Yang immediately reached out and asked a South Korean reporter to ask, "This Korean journalist friend, if I remember correctly, I heard that your Korean people claim that their Korean nation is the most united nation in the world. May I ask what I said Right?" Because the influence of the Starry Sky Group is quite large, more than 90% of the TV stations and other media are basically live broadcast. Several of these Korean reporters are also reporters of Korean TV stations. They should also be live broadcast. of.

In addition, before the Star Group also held a press conference, this Yang’s personal press conference and the Star Group’s official press conference were around the time. Although the last Star Group official press conference was not directed at South Korea, it was directed I went to the Star Group, so when this press conference was held, the South Korean side naturally paid considerable attention. At least many people who did not watch the Star Group’s official press conference last time were in front of the TV. Waiting to see Zhang Yang's press conference, ready to condemn Zhang Yang.

So for Zhang Yang’s question, these reporters also knew that he had no choice at all about this problem, and Chapter 573 looked at you (Part 1) and did Zhang Yang praise them? So this reporter stood up and immediately said, "Yes, our Korean nation is the most united nation in the world. It seems that Mr. Zhang also knows that our Korean nation is a bit wrong. Your Zhongluo country used to be The territory of our Korean nation, unfortunately, you have not inherited this advantage of our Korean nation."

If these reporters wouldn’t say these things at ordinary times, they would not be as arrogant as domestically fooled citizens, but there are still some kind of nostrils in their bones. This is instinct, so when Zhang Yang said this, the reporter's head was hot, and he immediately came up with such a sentence.

The domestic people who watched the news in front of the TV immediately screamed, and these ordinary people who watched the news were even more firm in their hearts to resist Korean products. Zhang Yang almost laughed at the reporter's cooperation. But Zhang Yang didn't argue with this reporter on this issue at all. It wasn't necessary in the first place, and this kind of problem is the problem of having chicken or eggs first, which is useless.

So Zhang Yang just smiled slightly, then smiled and nodded and said: "You are right, I believe that your Korean nation is the most united nation in the world, so oh, since our Star Group applied to hold the same starry sky in South Korea The cup game was rejected by you, so I am here only on behalf of the Star Group Star Game Company to announce that Yan Kong Cup will never be held in South Korea! Of course, if Korean players are willing to join clubs in other countries, or modify their nationalities to participate in the Star Cup For our game, our Star Group is generous and will still welcome it."

Zhang Yang's words made a lot of people below stunned, but reporters from other countries did not have any special reactions. For them, the coverage of the Starry Sky Cup of the Star Group is already wide enough, and the population is less than 50 million. As far as South Korea is concerned, there is no big deal at all. Almost all of China’s provinces with a large population have reached this number. But for South Korea, this problem is serious.

There were a lot of people at the scene where the reporter's brain turned, and Zhang Yang's remarks seemed like an angry word, but some reporters immediately responded to their heads, and there was something greasy in it. After thinking carefully, these reporters immediately understood Zhang Yang's "good intentions." After thinking of Zhang Yang's intentions, these reporters' faces were a little weird. This guy is a bit poisonous!

The South Korean reporter didn’t consider the consequences. Others didn’t know. Maybe they were the parties, and they might not think so clearly, but bystanders were clear. Reporters from other countries guessed that one was inseparable. Before this, everyone knew that e-sports development in other countries around the world is very general, only in South Korea, e-sports has become a very important game, almost the same as the European football game.

The good atmosphere brings undoubtedly that the general level of players is a bit higher, and now the Star Cup announced that they will never log in South Korea, then it means that if these Korean players want to participate in the game, it is like what Zhang Yang said. To change the nationality, either join a club in another country.

In this way, I am afraid that everyone will remember this news conference that is broadcast today. As long as a Korean player joins the clubs of other countries, what a Korean nation is the most united nation in the world is simply a joke. And it is estimated that it will be ridiculed by the whole world. I am afraid that the embarrassment will not be someone, but the whole of South Korea.

Will this happen? This is not a problem that will not happen, it is quite possible! Although the first Star Cup competition is not too much, for example, traditional projects such as Interstellar, the Korean players actually said that it is an international first-class level. This is undoubtedly, as long as it takes the first place, it is millions. The US dollar is equivalent to billions of won, which South Korean ordinary player can refuse this?

No one has any hatred for money! And Zhang Yang is still talking about the whole South Korea. This press conference is for journalists from all countries in the world. Today’s events are bound to spread to the whole world. Although the answer is only a reporter, is this reporter answering wrong? ? That’s right, people praise that South Korea is the most united nation. Does this reporter dare to say that you are wrong, and I’m not united at all in Korea?

If he dares to say this, it is estimated that after returning to South Korea, he will be thrown into the wilderness soon. He was right, and at the time I heard this reporter say that all Koreans who watch TV are complacent. Seeing that, the richest husband in the world is so proud of us.

After that, Zhang Yang had such a run, and this fun came. Are you united? Okay, let's see if you Koreans are really united as you think! Insidious, insidious! After considering the traps in Zhang Yang’s remarks, journalists from various countries immediately exploded in sweat. This guy said that the questions our reporters asked were tricky. How could this guy feel more insidious than us?

This is typical. Let yourself be slapped **** your own, and it is in front of people all over the world! To put it bluntly, this matter is actually nothing, but once today, as long as there is a South Korean player participating in the Star Cup competition, then Koreans don't want to raise their heads when facing the Star Group. All reporters have no doubt that Zhang Yang will even satirize and slap all South Koreans into Taiwan.

Hasn't this guy done this before? After the stroke he scolded that Japanese reporter last time, it was not just that Japanese reporter. How many people were surnamed Matsushita, Tanaka, Inoue, etc. throughout Japan? After I figured it out, these reporters were a series of flashes that suddenly came to my understanding. Well, after going back, the video of this press conference today must be retained, and there will be any news in the future, but this is to be brought out to grab the attention of readers.

The media newspapers of European and American countries don’t matter which country you are on. The reporters dare to put them on the newspaper even the scandals of their own presidents. Are they afraid of this? Zhang Yang directly laughed twice in front of countless cameras "Hey", and then picked up another speech. After coughing twice, Zhang Yang said very seriously: "It has been a long time since the Star Cup officially started to hold the competition. Not far away, because the first Star Cup, the Star Group held a little hastily, so I am here only on behalf of the Star Group’s Star Game Company to express my gratitude to all countries, clubs and individuals participating in the Star Cup, and to apologize in advance, If there is anything that is not well thought out, I hope everyone will say..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Yang paused, raised his head and looked around the room, then lowered his head and continued to say: "Because it is the first Star Cup, the clubs of the Star Cup countries will start in the za year of the Gregorian calendar. The official start of the game is synchronized, and the World of Warcraft competition will be postponed to Ming, the official start of the game. At the same time, after today’s press conference, the first Star Cup winter break will be officially opened, before the date, before the date , All the players belonging to each participating club must register with the Star Group and complete the transfer!......"

"After February 1, all unregistered or transferred players will be disqualified! And will be suspended and other related penalties! Until the summer transfer period." Zhang Yang will finish reading the documents in his hand, and then only He smiled and closed the folder in his hand, and let the reporter below take a picture.

After Zhang Yang's words were finished, reporters from all over the world looked at Zhang Yang on the stage with admiration. Although no one said it, everyone added to his heart that this guy was shameless enough. Just suggesting that clubs in various countries can go to South Korea to dig people is not counted, and it is directly selected here, and it is down? Dig people?

It's justified! This is clearly going to kill you and face you. Of course, if all South Korean players can withstand money, and none of them have gone abroad, there will be no loss for Zhang Yang and the Starry Sky Group. After all, they have just praised your unity? And they said nothing.

Even if you have any ideas, you think it yourself, and it has nothing to do with the Star Group. Looking at the reporters who kept raising their hands below, Zhang Yang finally reached out and ordered a reporter. "Director Zhang, first of all, although I am a reporter, but at the same time I am also a game fan. I am also playing World of Warcraft, a Blizzard Games company affiliated with your company. I also look forward to the World of Warcraft Athletic Edition, but what I want to ask is I don’t know if your company charges the World of Warcraft Competitive Edition for changing soups or medicines again. Is this not fair to us players?"

Zhang Yang didn't expect this reporter to ask a question that wasn't very relevant, but Zhang Yang nodded and thought about it carefully before he said, "I must say the first light, although the names of the two, and the inside The data is similar, but I want to copy some games from other game companies on the market, and change the name, and then change the characters inside. For other companies that are intact, Star World’s World of Warcraft and The online version is already completely two games."

"In addition, I have to make another point. The requirements of the World of Warcraft Edition for computers and servers are definitely beyond everyone's imagination, especially the requirements for servers. The servers of ordinary online games can't be used as World of Warcraft Edition at all. Server, so at this point, in all the countries where the Star Cup is currently logged on, purchasing these servers is a burden to Star Game Company. After all, Star Game still owes billions to the parent company Star Group The arrears of US And Star Game Company is to satisfy the general game players' love for Star Game Company and Blizzard Games, only to open the ordinary player area, because for us, the charge operation is almost The maintenance cost is the same as the server. If we only open it to the players, we will not use much money at all."

"Finally, I want to say, I believe that every player who joins the World of Warcraft Edition, I think you will never be disappointed with it! I have finished answering, thank you reporter friend." Zhang Yang seriously considered his own I said it again, and then nodded to indicate that I was done.

"Thanks to Mr. Zhang’s answer. As a reporter, I am not very satisfied with Mr. Zhang’s answer. After all, my career requires that I want more news, but as a player, my answer to Mr. Zhang Very satisfied, at least we have already downloaded the beta version of World of Warcraft, although it is a bit difficult for our computer, but in short, I like the environment and settings inside, thank you, Mr. Zhang. "This reporter’s answer caused There was a good-hearted laughter before he sat back in his place. ! ! ! ;




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