The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 574: See you what to do (below)

Chapter 574 Look at You (Part 2)

Chapter 574 Look at You (Part 2)

The following questions were beyond the expectations of the public. None of the questions asked by these reporters were related to Samsung. It seems that these reporters are also very savvy. They don’t need them to participate in this matter, as long as they watch the excitement at ease Well, then somebody will jump out and make various news for them to broadcast.

Zhang Yang had a special feeling. After finishing the press conference, Zhang Yang left the venue and went straight to the company. After returning to his office, Zhang Yang called Bai Su and exchanged opinions with Bai Su. There was no action for Samsung yet. Bai Su didn't say anything, just let Zhang Yang be more careful. Chapter 14: See what you can do (below). Samsung is not good.

This is not to say about Bai Su, Zhang Yang also knows, maybe many people just know Samsung, and do not know that Samsung will become the world's number one in a few years in global electronics companies, and in the same field, Samsung has many No. 1 in the world. Of course, if there is no Star Group, for example, if there is no Star Group, Samsung will surpass Motorola to become the world's second largest mobile phone manufacturer almost after this year. At the same time, Samsung's ld display sales have long been the world's first, and in the semiconductor field, after two or three years, Samsung will surpass inel to become the world's largest semiconductor manufacturer.

But overall, Samsung’s development is a few years later. At this time, Samsung is currently at a high-speed rise? Jiang Street Gardener Shuxian Benzene Dies 晌敮蟮摩氲俳淘蛑唬Fade off the daughter-in-law Cangyou also 膇ne series of mobile phones are outsourced to Samsung by Apple, but not now Now, with Qualcomm in hand, Apple's u naturally cannot choose Samsung's products.

Although Zhang Yang is a bit angry, Zhang Yang is not stupid. Chapter 574 sees what you do (below). Some things are not a company, or a group can make a decision. If you are a company, there is no strong force behind it or simply strong national support. The final end for you is still a living tragedy.

World War I, World War II? *Aluminum squash  笮笮 tube servant cow cut cut ┎ servant next to 鹮鹎  匚 huang  staff member magpie screen  admits that the male dominates  wandering to see the  嗲 played The ranks of the  尭  Lan 绲木藿 ⒋ 笈篿 is comparable to the  sulfonate off the apology ≡ tired  faded and shy luck fortunately the chrysanthemum cricket waterlogging  flag Mo Chim  fear ash 憷 argon 醢International apology ≡ tired  庉庖彩俏

"Bang Bang Bang" came a violent knock on the door. Before Zhang Yang stood up to open the door, the office door was opened directly from the outside. Looking at Chen Xiaowei, who was rushing in with excitement, Zhang Yang was helpless: " Sister, what do you want? Do you want to demolish the house?"

"Don't talk nonsense, haha, to tell you good news, our battery has finally made a historic breakthrough!" Chen Xiaowei's entire face has an unspeakable flush.

"Historical breakthrough? What breakthrough?" Upon hearing the word "battery", Zhang Yang stood up from the chair and asked, eagerly speaking.

"Alternative elements of platinum, the key additive in the battery, have been found, and not only that, the new elements not only replaced the original platinum, but also reduced some other critical elements. It fell, but it increased by 27.62% year-on-year." Chen Xiaowei spoke these words almost in one breath.

"Really?" Zhang Yang almost screamed. He certainly knew how huge the impact the battery would have on the world when these two shortcomings disappeared.

"Of course it is true." Chen Xiaowei nodded positively.

"I'm relying on this. Luo Guy is a bull fork." Zhang Yang had told Luo Gai to solve the problem of battery additives for the first time. Now it seems that Luo Gai is really doing very well in this regard.

"No, no, you're wrong, this has nothing to do with Luo Gai, how to say, although Luo Gai himself is smart, but because he is too smart, many ideas are quite complex and high-end, As a result, he ignored many problems that he could not even think of." Chen Xiaowei shook his head quickly.

"I understand." Zhang Yang nodded. When he heard Chen Xiaowei's words, Zhang Yang immediately understood why Luo Gai said that. In fact, it is not difficult to understand. For example, Jordan can become a very good nb player, but he Absolutely not a good nb coach, because in Jordan's view some easy actions or easy breakthroughs, etc., other players simply can't do it, so let Jordan arrange some tactics, sure It will be terrible to see, because of his own problems, no one can implement the tactics he arranged.

Although Luo Gai's situation is not the same as this one, it is almost the same reason. "Rogay has not been responsible for this matter for a long time. It is the result of a researcher in a research institute that accepts batteries. We calculated it. Using the battery used in ine, the cost has dropped by 3% year-on-year. Ten, performance has to be improved by almost 30%. The most important thing is not these, but we can mass produce this battery and apply it to various fields." Chen Xiaowei said excitedly.

"Well, you call Zhao Fei now and let him arrange for someone to completely protect the research base. In addition, the security of the battery manufacturing plant is now increased by a level of confidentiality. At the same time, all researchers at this research base are told to find a way to In this battery, without affecting performance, add some extraneous elements, and at least at the same time can confuse others to crack the progress of researching the battery." Zhang Yang gave a serious explanation.

"Well, I understand, I will arrange it in a moment. What do you think about the reward?" Chen Xiaowei asked Zhang Yang looking at Zhang Yang. For the issue of rewards for these researchers who have made great contributions, Chen Xiaowei could not pay attention for a while. After all, if the reward is Too light, it is easy to beat everyone’s self-confidence, and if the reward is too heavy, it may affect the imbalance of some other people. After all, although this thing has a leading researcher, any research product is a Collective wisdom, unless a second rogue appears.

"You can discuss it with Ke Qing in terms of material rewards. Don't be too stingy. Our company never lacks money. The salaries of employees are so high. The amount of bonuses does not matter to our group. As for other things, I will Let people design a medal system within our group. These people will have different treatments within the group according to the level of the medal. Especially for these researchers, money may not be the most critical, and the most critical is honor." Zhang Yang said seriously.

"Okay, I get it. I immediately went to arrange it." Chen Xiaowei nodded and turned to leave. After Chen Xiaowei left, Zhang Yang was excited and could not help shaking his head slightly. This breakthrough is really not the time. At present, several large and important battery production plants built by Star Group in China have now produced about 40 million. A new type of batteries, all of which are compatible with ine.

These batteries alone consume nearly 10 tons of platinum... It is not long before they are produced, and new battery formulas come out... This is not only the whole production line to be readjusted and debugged, but also whether these batteries should be placed. In the market, Zhang Yang also began to struggle.

But in the end, Zhang Yang decided to put them out. The platinum in his hand will be left for the time being. It may not be useful when it is kept. Besides, platinum is a precious metal. There are only a few reserves in the world, even if it is Opening up the acquisition may not be able to acquire much, and there is another benefit to continue to buy platinum. The acquisition of platinum is not concealing. Once the Star Group’s battery is listed, almost everyone can guess that platinum may be a kind of Important additives too.

It’s not hard to guess, it’s good to mislead others. Time has almost entered into 2006, and now the entire Star Group companies are in an extremely busy state, and no company is idle. Xingkong Computer Company has officially announced the launch of a personal assembled computer at a low price, but its performance is about 300% higher than the equivalent price of the computer on the market. The price of such an assembled computer is about 5000rmb Less than.

That is the price of an ine, you can buy such a desktop computer, and because the whole computer is not like other brands of computers, although it is known as a branded computer, but it is assembled in their factory, and then posted Take out your own label and sell it.

The Star Computer Company is different, because all the products in the chassis except the monitor, from the motherboard, u, graphics card, hard disk, memory stick, are products manufactured by the Star Group's own company, there is no compatibility problem, plus After the deployment, a unified production line is used. The performance of these accessories in the entire chassis can be fully utilized. Although it cannot reach the theoretical performance of the laboratory, it is more important than the performance of other manufacturers' hardware on the market. Three times higher!

After the entire computer was evaluated by a professional organization and released to the public, it immediately aroused a cry of excitement from all over the world. All the media reported it one after another. For other single product companies in the same industry, such as As far as Intel is concerned, Star Computer is no longer a potential threat, but a real threat.

This computer named Starry i by the Star Computer Company is not only excellent in data processing, graphics and image processing, floating-point calculation, etc. performance is quite outstanding and excellent, the most simple thing is that this computer can perfectly support The full special effects of World of Warcraft are on!

This is no small thing for global players who have already tasted the World of Warcraft competitive version! More realistically, its price is not high! Although it is higher than low-end personal computers, it still has a large price gap with those high-end personal computers.

After the star computer company launched the latest Star i personally, several well-known global magazines, such as IEEE and other internal magazines, have made a report with a large length. The name of the report is very simple. That is, Moore's Law was broken for the first time by a company!

It is even more coincidental that the person who proposed this Moore's Law is one of Intel's famous founders! Also proposed by Gordon Moore, Honorary Chairman of Intel! While many media reprinted the reports of these professional magazines, they also used another subsidiary title, that is, a new company broke the famous Moore's Law in the field of computer, while the famous law proposed by the founder of this legendary company suffered When it comes to the challenge, does it mean that this legendary company has officially begun to decline?

As for who this legendary company is, it is needless to say that all readers can guess, except for Intel? The strong rise of companies such as md has become inevitable, and after the announcement of this news, almost all the subsidiaries of the Star Computer Company's stocks have shown an explosive growth.

First, the largest growth is undoubtedly md and i. Before the two companies were acquired by Star Group, their market value added up to a little more than 10 billion US dollars. After this news was released, the market value of md was in the eyes of everyone. In one fell swoop reached $236.22 per share!

And the market value of md has reached an astonishing $165.1 billion! Although this market value is still some distance away from inel, don't forget, now the subsidiary company of Star Computer is not only a md! Even the market value of i started to rise on a large scale. Although it is not like md, it also reached about 622 US dollars. Qualcomm’s market value also rose to a new high, totaling 133.6 billion US dollars. The Corsair is an unlisted company. Although its market value is Not high, but because it is the world’s first memory manufacturer, it is only estimated by outsiders to be about 3 billion US dollars, although this number has little effect.

The market value growth of Seagate and Maxtor, which are hard drive manufacturers, is not two add up, still hovering around 12 billion U.S. dollars, and another subsidiary, ASUS shares have also increased on a large scale If its market value is converted into US dollars, it has already increased to about 36.2 billion US dollars.

According to the sum of all the market value of the current Starry Sky Computer Company! Everyone was shocked to find that the current market value of Star Computer has reached a horrible $412.1 billion! Is this a subsidiary of the Star Group?

It is important to know that the current market value of Starry Heavy Industry Holdings is about 200 billion US dollars, because Starry Heavy Industry's latest battery has started production, but it has not been officially listed, and there is no way for the outside world to evaluate its performance, so its market value growth is not fast. There is another world-class company in the company controlled by Star Group! Apple's market value of the entire company has exceeded the new high in Zhang Yang's memory, reaching 382.2 billion US dollars!

Coupled with other Starry Sky software, and the 20% stake in Industrial and Commercial Bank of China owned by Starry Sky Group, the figures calculated by Starry Sky Group’s market value shocked everyone! RO! ! ! ;




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