The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 660: Do you know something wrong (Part 1)

Zhang Yang invaded all the users who belonged to McAfee. In fact, he didn't cause much damage at the beginning. He only invaded their computers and damaged the system. None of the information in them was damaged. Zhang Yang doesn't want to offend so many people at once, how good is this pot of **** soup for McAfee? Zhang Yang dares to guarantee that the first angry customer of these compromised customers is definitely not gscsd

But McAfee!

Zhang Yang guessed nothing wrong! After their website was hacked, the customers of these websites almost immediately called McAfee’s technical department and vented all their grievances to McAfee. If it’s not your gang, listen Some people are tossing behind, is gscsd staring at you? If it’s not because you guys did something wrong in Chapter 660, did you know it was wrong (next), and you dragged us into the water, did we get hacked?

Did you know that when you used other company's products, you wouldn't have any problems? McAfee's president and directors are already scorching their heads, and even some netizens with McAfee headquarters in a city have even taken some drastic actions. McAfee's directors and president's vehicles and residences have been almost attacked by unknown elements. It’s not a terrorist attack, it’s just smashing your car’s window glass, the tires were pierced, and the villa’s glass was smashed.

But these are not the most important, and the most important thing is the taming announcement that spreads with the invasion of these customers! This announcement is now on the desk of McAfee's board of directors. The above content is very simple, with only a few words.

"Do you know that you are wrong? Know that it is wrong and give the uncle to restore the server and official website operations after eight hours. The uncle has something to say. Of course, you can choose not to resume the operation of the server. As for the consequences, then you are waiting for bankruptcy. Well. In more than twenty days of the mother, the uncle has lost five pounds of meat! By the way, how can I be worth a billion pounds of meat?" To be honest, when I saw this announcement, I took Chapter 660. Do you know what's wrong (next) Ke Fei's president just smiled bitterly, he was numb, he just couldn't get angry, and now that the matter is over, what else can he do? Do you threaten the president on behalf of these directors? Although the United States is known as the United States, the directors of McAfee are still some distance away from the realm of big money. Moreover, the influence of these money in Congress has gradually receded behind the scenes in recent years, although the influence may not necessarily be Lower, but less than last resort, no one wants to jump out.

The most important thing is that Bush is a hawkish president. Who doesn't look good to him, he doesn't mind whoever is unhappy when he stepped down, anyway, he has already stepped down. And they have given them some consolation policies. With some military orders, McAfee can barely persist for a year, as long as the Internet is spent this year, it is easy to be forgotten.

And the major media, news channels, newspapers, and portals made the headline report on Zhang Yangfa's announcement. A pound of meat is a billion dollars... Now it has almost become a slogan on the Internet, and gscsd’s bullish words have made countless gscsd fans on the Internet crazy to see what is called God, this is called God!


It is undoubtedly these young people who are better integrated into this online society and have lived in the Internet age since birth, and this generation of young people is undoubtedly at least 80% of them are trendy. At least they see such a situation. Their hearts are full of enthusiasm and excitement, and they are all shocked. Why are there so few so-called network security concerns?

In this age group between fifteen and sixty to thirty, almost 70% of netizens have become fans of gscsd! There is no way to look at the announcement issued by gscsd, it makes people excited like blood of chicken.

Not a cow? Sorry? Because gscsd has always used Chinese, these young people in China are even more crazy. There are a variety of worship stickers on countless hacker forums, and posts on forums such as Tianya and Maopu are even more crazy.

Wait 8 hours to restore operations to your uncle! What kind of strength is this? Dare to take care of it? B Meimeimu 衿tannage⒁哓龉龉娉韗烗愎Complaint mother One finger gift 铨擧Dream liquid mound By the screen scene 蠊阕About brown?

"Well, nnd, why are you still seven pounds fat? I remember how tired I was during this time? Pay attention to what tactics they use and how to use them every day." When the outside world is crazy because of the gscsd announcement, Zhang Yangze It is standing on the weight scale in his own fitness room and talking to himself.

At this moment, Chen Xiaowei, who was walking slowly on the treadmill not far from Zhang Yang, almost fell softly and fell directly from the treadmill. The construction area of ​​the villa of Zhang Yang is at least five or six hundred square meters, so when it is okay, Chen Xiaowei and they directly went to the villa of Zhang Yang to live, anyway, it is not far from the headquarters, this time is just in the morning, in fact since the Star Park After the completion, every morning they run to exercise Chen Xiaowei they have changed to the outdoor. Who makes the air in Xingkong Park so good?

But because there are many things to deal with recently, plus the end of the year, the company’s various year-end summary and so on are very busy, Chen Xiaowei is like a full-winding machine. Combined, so I ran into the gym.

After just jogging for a few steps and seeing Zhang Yang standing next to the scale, Chen Xiaowei was just about to say hello, and she heard such a sentence that almost made her mad. By the way, are you tired? Every day you eat and sleep, you sleep and eat, are you tired? Didn't the old lady become a robot? Chen Xiaowei looked at Zhang Yang with a sullen expression. If Chen Xiaowei knew that Zhang Yang was a gscsd, I wondered whether it would directly break out of the small universe and pick up the barbell next to it and throw it at Zhang Yang.

You just posted an announcement on the Internet that you lost 5 pounds, which is fat again? If McAfee's gang of presidents and directors saw it, it was estimated that he was directly angered by cerebral hemorrhage and went to the hospital in groups. Looking at Chen Xiaowei's sullen expression, Zhang Yang felt that he had just made some mistakes. Well, Zhang Yang scratched his head awkwardly, and then quickly dealt with some problems for Chen Xiaowei before sending her away.

When Chen Xiaowei was sent away, Zhang Yang ate an early look at the wall clock on the wall.

The time limit is still 10 minutes before Zhang Yang enters the study room. In fact, Zhang Yang couldn't guess whether McAfee would resume server operations. If they didn't recover, Zhang Yang wouldn't mind completely bankrupting McAfee. Anyway, I've earned enough money, and it's nothing to be bored. Without giving these people a lesson, in the future, anyone who knows what **** pots will be buckled directly on Lao Tze.

If he resumes operations, Zhang Yang doesn’t mind letting them put a "life path" anyway. Now the world doesn’t know how many people are watching. If he can put his face down to resume operations, his credibility will be lost. Even if he doesn’t go bankrupt, it is estimated that it is bound to be Fading down. All in all, no matter how he chooses, Zhang Yang has to let him lose his flesh. McAfee’s market value is not high, that is, it looks like five or six billion dollars. Now the stock price has fallen to the lowest point in history, and the market value is almost It has shrunk by two thirds, leaving less than two billion dollars.

Seeing the time approaching a little bit, Zhang Yang was quite interested in making the starry sky refresh McAfee's webpage. Looking at the starry sky trying to connect, Zhang Yang couldn't help but sighed. In those movies, as the technology gets higher and higher, people become more and more lazy. Sure enough, they are too lazy to refresh their web pages.

If someone knows that Zhang Yang still has emotions at this time, I wonder if Zhang Yang will be strangled directly? In fact, at this time, the world is not just publicity. At least tens of millions of Internet users are refreshing McAfee's webpage with interest, to see if McAfee will resume server operations.

"What should I do? Everyone give an opinion? Do you agree or disagree? We only have five minutes? You have to make a decision, gentlemen." McAfee's president looked at the controversial shareholders below, Shen Sheng said.

"Of course I don't agree. Anyway, we are already this mess. What is the difference from bankruptcy? Is it that we still have to be humiliated by GSCSD in the event of bankruptcy?" a shareholder said immediately, but the tone was not very angry. There is no way. In these twenty-odd days, these people have been angry for decades. It can be said that these directors can sit here intact, and no one has entered the hospital. Miracle.

That animal plus, the mad person absolutely does not pay his life, it is said that the White House has smashed several tables. Originally this kind of thing must have asked the White House, after all, they have the instructions of the White House today.

But since I got news from the White House, I learned from the mouth of the secretary of the family member that Mr. President was stunned yesterday, and after the doctor said the president was not in good health, they gave up decisively. This is already the case for the company. If the president is ousted again, it will be impossible for the next president to clean up the mess. No one will wipe the president after he takes office.

Those of them are not stupid, and if the chickens are beaten, no one is good. "Lal, you TMD is an idiot? Why don't you agree, if you don't agree, with the character of GSCSD, our company has only one way to file for bankruptcy! After the bankruptcy, how much money do you have left? Don't say yes The military’s order will definitely not give you any more, although it will compensate you, but how much can it give you? Huh?” Another shareholder turned around and scolded him back.

"FU~CK!" The shareholder scolded hard and didn't speak anymore. He knew that the shareholder was talking about facts. If the matter was to be managed above, even if the person entered the hospital, they would call. Yes, but now there are no **** phone calls. Obviously this matter has been left to them to handle. Now the people in the conference room have regretted it. Why did they promise this **** thing at first? At first, they thought it was an opportunity. If they could get orders from the military, they would have the strength to compete with Symantec. But now the **** above have already thought about the consequences, so they did not choose to cooperate with the military for more matches. Mentec, but chose them.

SHIT! Several directors couldn't help but cursed fiercely, and then the director who just spoke raised his head and said: "Let the computer room turn on the server on time. Since the White House will not solve it for us, we will let them die! Since they do not compensate We lose, we have to recover it ourselves!" "Okay, I know." The McAfee sigh sighed. He also knows that this is the best option. If he doesn't agree, God knows what will happen. The madman could do everything, if he was mad at his head, like in France, he directly invaded the military system and threw the bomb on his head, God!

The president shook his head and made a direct call to the technical department. When his call was made, there was only 1 minute left before the last time limit of 8 hours! In fact, the server is already ready, as long as a few operations are enough, a minute is enough.

At the moment, the people in the McAfee technical department are all embarrassed, but this is also a way to do it. Although they have already scolded the capitalists with their **** in their heads for twenty days, they are still there. Under the eaves, they had to bow their heads. These people could only choose to turn on the server on As soon as the time came, the starry sky sounded. "McAfee's website successfully opened the connection and resumed operation, but Detecting a huge amount of access data, the possibility of network blocking is more than 76%!, the starry sky sounds directly.

Zhang Yang froze for a while, but he instantly reflected how these huge amounts of access data came from. At this time, it is not known how many netizens around the world refresh the McAfee website and wait for McAfee to choose to resume operations. Tens of millions of people visit a website together, and it would be a ghost if the internet is not crowded.

Fortunately, these people are all over the world, so the speed of access is different, and there are various submarine fiber optic cable transfers, which creates a difference between the front and the back, but there are nearly 10 million people refreshing in the United States alone. The huge data stream suddenly used Almost made McAfee's server crash, and the staff in the computer room once thought that GSCSD was coming again, but after checking it, these staff knew what was going on with the data access, and after staying for a while, these staff He couldn't help showing a grin that was uglier than crying. OPOH! SHIT! This is a shame! ! ! ! ;




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