The Strongest Hacker

Vol 2 Chapter 661: be good!

Chinese: I have nothing to do with it. Let me make soy sauce. ; English: It\\\'snoneofmybusiness.Ietobuysomesauce. German: Ichbezogen, wasichkamzueinerSoja-So? e. French: Jeliscequi, j\\\'ensuisarrivunesaucedesoja. Dutch: Ikgerelateerdwat, kwamiktoteensojasaus. Russian: Я, касающихсятого, чтоя Chapter 661 Be good! пришелксоевымсоусом Spanish:. Relaadosloqueyo, mevinoaunsalsadesoja Italian:. Irelativicosa, sooaunasalsadisoia Japanese: Private Connected shi ta-do の yo u na, private ga shi te soy sauce Greek:.?? Iσχετικ ?? τι ρθασεμιασ λτσασ για ?. Mars language?: Guan Yang was so sorrowful, the front row ranger was stricken with a "poof" night, Zhang Yang almost sprayed the coffee in his mouth on the computer screen, but he still refrained and quickly pumped it out The paper towel next to it wiped the coffee sprayed from the table. Zhang Yang is really a bit stupid. Although he said that the announcement was sent out, Zhang Yang actually held the mentality that I was going to be mad at you to send the announcement. After more than 20 days, he was also angry. It's almost the same, but Zhang Yang didn't expect McAfee to be so obedient. He really was obedient in 8 small chapters 661! After a while, it was restored and the official website was operational.

And look at the time... Zhang Yang bursts of emotion, the Europeans and Americans are really TM punctual, every minute comes. However, since others are so good, Zhang Yang will not embarrass them. They quickly connected to the official website of McAfee. With the star connection, it is naturally faster than ordinary people. They quickly scanned the official website of McAfee. Zhang Yang was completely speechless, really TM said.

Actually, even the firewall is turned off, and the request to accept remote connections is turned on... This Nima, I feel that I can't defend, can't even do it? Zhang Yang was too lazy to scan, directly let Starry Sky simulate a few IPs, and then found a broiler and directly logged in to McAfee's server. Zhang Yang directly began to write announcements in the background.

After thinking about it, Zhang Yang felt that it was still good to give Bush a warning. Zhang Yang didn’t want Bush to answer his attention in three days. Zhang Yang really didn’t have so much time to play with her. NND, he just ordered the next one. , Zhang Yang himself had to execute it himself.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang immediately began to "work hard" on the keyboard. In less than ten minutes, Zhang Yang made the announcement and posted it directly to McAfee's official website. As long as Zhang Yang had logged on the server with impoliteness and kicked out all of their management rights, the McAfee presidents and these people knew that the entire animal was really coming, but they didn’t say anything. Anyway, such shameful things have already been done, and I don’t mind being more embarrassing.

What they want to know is what Heyue wants to do, and hope they won't make any more moths. So after learning that Xian U has arrived, these presidents, shareholder directors, and so on, have been watching the official website on their own computer for the first time to see if Spider U is going to engage in Shenma.

After Zhang Yang issued the announcement, the directors of McAfee also saw the announcement from GSCSD for the first time. Although they did not know Chinese, they had installed it on their computers to fight against GSCSD during this time. Translation software, the translation software will automatically translate these other words on the webpage into Chinese.

After the translation was completed, the president of McAfee took a quick look, and then his face was covered with black lines. The other directors looked at each other and then looked at each other. Then there was a strange feeling that could not be said, but this thing... they still I really don't know how to express my opinion.

At the moment, countless reporters looked at the GSCSD announcement and almost dropped their chins. This wife... These reporters are really beginning to sympathize with the McAfee board of directors. It is really hard for them to withstand. However, these reporters were wrong. The McAfee board of directors, it would be really breathless, but the face was a little weird, and everyone thought about it.

Gates looked at the online announcement with a little bit of laughter and laughter, "It's so good! I have to say that you are really good, okay, seeing that your uncle bought you some candy for you, so I won't bother you, but, I won’t toss you anymore. I’m terrified that you will be tossed by others. In order to consider it for you, I’ll say something else here. You executor is okay, you can skip it, but some people and some organizations if you If you want to be alone, then you are wrong!"

"Come on, let's calculate the accounts first. First of all, the uncle has lost 5 pounds in the past 20 days. I said yesterday that I would give you a 45% discount for every 1 billion US dollars, for a total of 2 billion US dollars. Within five hours, Donate to the International Foundation for Disabled Children! If you don’t donate, you will be at your own risk. If I remember correctly, McAfee should cooperate with some departments. The virus function in my hand is not so little. If you want to try its power, I also want to try it. I have written it and have not tried it. What is the power of its complete explosion? This is the first step for the uncle to forgive you. As for the latter, I have to look at the mood."

These words were actually seen by others, and they must have been seen in the clouds, because they didn’t know what it meant, but there are smart people in these media. McAfee suddenly jumped out and sent So an announcement, although there is no evidence to prove that someone behind McAfee, but this kind of problem can be thought of as long as it is not an idiot.

An international super hacker like GSCSD, and a super hacker who must be on the opposite side of the security company, and there have been countless facts before that it’s okay to don’t mess with Lao Tzu’s super hacker, as long as McAfee’s senior executives are not collectively swarmed , Certainly not such a faint trick!

Obviously, there must be an instruction behind this matter, but it is not easy for everyone to tell who this instruction is. Some problems are well-understood, everyone can guess, but there is no direct evidence, no one Dare to talk nonsense. But this happened in the United States. If it occurs in the country, it will be blocked by the Xinlang News. I am afraid that domestic netizens will not know much about it. However, in Europe and the United States, the brutality of the media is far beyond your imagination.

People reign over the country! "Free speech!" Na! These media don't care who they are commenting on, as long as their ratings can be improved, as long as the newspaper sales and magazine sales in their hands can go up, and the website views can go up, the ghost can really control who he is.

So after the announcement of Zhang Yang, the official websites of several major newspapers and other media in the United States invited experts to comment on this matter for the first time, and these experts have no virtue under their mouths and can affect assets such as McAfee in the United States. Who is most likely to be a large company with billions of dollars?

Need to say this? Of course it is the US government! Because no one else has any motivation, or it will not seem to be a pain to find help for CU, unless it is ANUBIS, the contradiction between ANUBIS and GSCSD is known all over the world, but GSCSD has not appeared for nearly two years. , A哂U's website is still operating, but it is very low-key, as long as ANUBIS is not SB, it will not cause GSCSD at this time and inexplicably cause GSCSD. After all, GSCSD is a person, although ANUBIS is also hidden deep, but with Compared with GSCSD, ANUBIS is still in the bright spot.

Therefore, these experts don't need to think about it, they made it clear the first time, the possibility of the US government's instructions behind this matter is more than 80%! Because no one has forgotten that before GSCSD jumped out, oh, wrong, before McAfee jumped out, there was a problem of cooperation between UBIS on the network, and then a White House spokesman jumped out and released a news bulletin Yes, then McAfee jumped out, and then GSCSD. Although this series of incidents seems to be a victim of the US government and very innocent, no one believes that it has nothing to do with the US government.

Especially up to now, the National Computer Network Security Center of the United States, who had been unable to jump out of this kind of thing in the past, surprisingly kept a low profile this time, but only sent people from Yangsi to assist McAfee, only to assist in the investigation, but the United States Zheng Yi did not make any statement, which made people have to imagine.

You know, more than a year ago, following the GSCSD incident, the attitude of the United States was also quite tough at the time, and also followed that opportunity to let the Parliament pass some bills, increase the cybersecurity budget, etc., but this time, what attitude is surprising None, these experts directly pointed to these problems and analyzed. Those brick homes in America are very different from those in China.

These people talk very And they are not afraid of offending anyone, so they basically say something, of course, if someone above really says hello, these people would not dare to talk nonsense , But when no one is saying hello, they naturally have no worries, so a huge storm slowly began to rotate over Europe and the United States, although this time is already evening, but the upsurge of discussion on the Internet But it is getting higher and higher.

The five-hour period is not long, especially when the five-hour period ends at the Ling Xun point in the United States. Everyone is waiting to see if this International Foundation for Disabled Children will receive this donation! Two billion dollars! This is not a small number, if the money GSCSD wants to own, no matter what means he adopts, no one will stand on the side of GSCSD, except for those fans of GSCSD, but those fans will ignore this matter.

But now GSCSD has chosen to donate to the International Foundation for Children with Disabilities, so these media are quite persuasive in their comments. Anyway, no matter who pays, it is not a bad thing in the end. Everyone has no position to talk about this matter, and Some media even stood on the side of GSCSD and started gloating. ! ! ! ;




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