The Troubleshooting Diary at Hogwarts

Chapter 40: September 20 cloudy

    Harry Potter has always been a name in Zhu Yi's heart, but now after seeing this little boy every day, Zhu Yi's heart is about to melt! He is too cute!

    "Look at his little face, it's so fleshy, I really want to pinch it!" In the common room, Zhu Yi held her face and looked at Harry who was not far from her, Almost drooling.

    "Ron is as chubby as him, why don't you want to pinch? Zhu Yi, let's not be so obvious about chasing stars." Fred stretched his long legs, his hands Holding the two cards that determine the outcome, he said while confronting George.

    "Oh!" Jue glanced at Ron sitting beside Harry with disgust, and said, "I don't think that kid is cute anymore after he wiped his nose all over me."

    "Harry Potter must have had a runny nose when he was a child." Fred threw the card directly to George, and he thought it was more important to get Jue's mind back from that little guy now.

    "But he didn't wipe me." Jue emphasized this.

    Fred couldn't argue with this logic, he raised his eyebrows, kicked George who was mocking him, turned to the other side of Joey and sat down, blocking Joey from talking to Harry Looking at him, he said with a smile, "There will be a prophecy class in the afternoon. How do you plan to make up a recent misfortune?"

      When did this guy get so strong? Jue looked at him in disbelief.

    Fred slumped on the sofa like a shame, shouting: "It's very comfortable, push it again!"

    Ju Yi was laughed at by his scoundrel, twisted his ears, and said viciously: "Is this comfortable?!"

    "It hurts!" Fred took the opportunity to grab Zhu Yi's hand and shouted in pain without any hesitation.

    Juey didn't notice that Fred's little actions were a lot lately, because under Fred's control, those actions always happened inadvertently. But George was very clear, he laughed sullenly beside him, and gave his brother a thumbs up.

    Joey found his palms sweating soon after being held by Fred's big hands. He must be hot, Joo Yi thought to herself, and she felt that she was getting hot too.

    Juey pulled out his hand, fanned himself, and muttered, "Why is it suddenly hot."

    Fred responded solemnly: "It's quite hot."

    "Where is it hot? I think the wind is quite cool today!" Ron asked suspiciously with a gummy candy in his mouth.


    Divination is a highly recommended course by Charlie, he said it is the most easily mixed grade. Zhu Yi chose it without hesitation on the course selection list last year.

    "But you have to be able to joke, otherwise this course will make you mad, hahaha!" Before Charlie went to Romania for the summer vacation, I heard that Jue and the twins chose this course class, kindly reminded.

    Juey and the twins think they are the most fun people in the world, and Ryan agrees.

    "Divination is very suitable for you, after all, you have a lot of material that almost died." Ryan said truthfully when he saw Zhu Yi's "Poke the Fog and See the Future".

    Juey thinks that he is jealous of himself, because Ryan has never gotten an "O" in this class. According to her, it's because he doesn't have so many materials, hahahaha!

    The divination class is on the eighth floor, not far from the Gryffindor tower, when Jue and the twins climbed the circular staircase together to the door of the class, they happened to meet Slytherin The sixth grade has just finished school.

    Unlucky! When Zhu Yi saw Shafik who was the leader, this was the only thought in his heart!

    Shafik is now the leader of the sixth year of Slytherin, and since he almost got his braids up last year (Juey: What a pity!), the whole person suddenly became calm.

    Originally he was the top student in the academy, but after his parents entered Azkaban, many people alienated him, and he was also cynical for a while, and even almost guided Slater Lin's split. But now he looks a lot more mature. According to Fumira, he also solemnly expressed his apology to the Quidditch captain who was about to graduate, and received a different look from many Slytherin students.

    "Shafik has a high reputation now, it's really hard for him, he can withstand the negative influence of his parents." Fumira's tone at that time was slightly admirable.

    Shafiq saw Zhu Yi in a group of people at a glance, she seemed to be beautiful this year, and he once overheard the third grade boys discussing her in the lounge. Although Slytherin hates the sun, it is actually easy to be attracted by warmth, and Zhu Yi is like a girl who exudes warmth or heat anytime, anywhere. But the two red-haired Weasleys next to her looked very unsightly.

    When Shafiq walked to Zhu Yi, he deliberately stopped, took a step to block her, and asked with a smile in her glare, "How did your summer vacation go?"

    "None of your business!" Jue said angrily, "Good dog out of the way!" Her summer vacation would have been better without him writing to Linda from time to time! This bastard!

    A strong boy behind Shafik wanted to rush out angrily, but was stopped by Shafik raising his hand lightly.

    Fred also took a step to block in front of Jue, trying to be polite and saying: "I'm sorry, we're going to be late, please let me."

    Shafik looked at one of the Weasley twins who was only a little shorter than him, his smile became colder, and he said, "It's you who should get out of the way, little friend."

    The third-year Fred was of course a little immature compared to the sixth-year Shafik, but he didn't lose his momentum at all, but instead pushed Zhu Yi, who had already started rolling up his sleeves to squeeze out Blocking it, he smiled provocatively: "Would you like to stop fighting, old man?"

    The eyes of the two people collided, and if there is a special effect, it must be sparks. The Gryffindor and Slytherin students stood behind their families, and some even pulled out their wands.

    Professor Strawney walked out of the classroom in a daze and asked, "Don't I have class next session? What are you all doing?" confrontational students.

    Shafiq sneered and said, "Let's go." He took a deep look at Fred who raised his eyebrows at him and Zhuy who was gnashing his teeth behind him, and took Slater with him. The forests left on the other side of the stairs.

    Fred's waist was twisted from behind by Zhu Yi, and he jumped up with a strange cry.

    "Don't stand in front of me in the future!" Zhu Yi roared angrily, she was fed up with the feeling of being protected from behind! That's contempt for Gryffindor girls! They are capable and determined to face all dangers!

    "I know I know!" Fred was afraid that she would screw himself again, so he apologized slyly, "There will be no next time!"


    "Oh, Fred, you always have no choice but to take Jue? Haha!"

    "Juey is right, we are not weak lambs!"

    George and other Gryffindor students were very happy to see Fred's jokes, the whole stairwell was full of laughter and ridicule, Professor Trelawney urged two more sentences, Everyone entered the classroom.

    Shafik did not go downstairs with the other Slytherins, he stood under the stairs, leaning against the railing, with one hand in his pocket and his wand in the fingers of the other friction. The laughter above was harsh in his ears, and there was no smile on his face, and the whole person was like a cold statue.

    How can people who are in the way disappear? He thought silently in his heart.

    If you just want to mess around, the divination class is really the most suitable class to relax. The dim environment here and the fragrance that fills the entire classroom are the best lullaby.

    Juey and the twins found the most corner place for themselves. There was a curtain blocking it. Either playing silently or crawling on the table drowsy.

    Of course, this site was seized from Li by Jue and Fred, and George was only responsible for lying down on the three cushions when Fred pulled Li up. .

    "Very well, now let's see what omens are in everyone's teacups?" Professor Trelawney motioned for everyone to carefully observe the bottom of each of the teacups, and then in the classroom like It was like a wandering spirit wandering among the students, exclaiming from time to time so that the faces of several girls turned blue.

    Fred was already asleep, he was lying beside Zhu Yi, his head was against Zhu Yi's arm, the red hair rubbed against Zhu Yi's skin with his breathing, it was a little itchy . Joie and George are intently playing crackling poker, and her Uric is clasping George's Flavy's head with his jellyfish hat in a fierce battle.

    When Professor Strawney was about to come over, Li, disregarding the previous grudges, stretched out his foot and kicked George, and George and Jue immediately put the cards under the table.

    Juey bumped Fred's head with his elbow. He covered his head and looked at Zhuyi sleepily, and asked in a hoarse voice, "Dear, what's the matter?"

    Wh... what darling? Zhu Yi's face flushed red, although she herself felt a little inexplicable. This... this guy seems a little weird lately! Yes, that's right, it's his problem!

    "Pfft—" George couldn't help laughing, he was sure that his brother must be dreaming, and he said what was in his heart unconsciously.

    "What did you observe?" Professor Strawney had come to their side, and she asked in a stern tone. She had seen it all, and the three students had no reverence for divination!

    "Oh, oh! I saw a bow and arrow! I'm sure I'll be dragged into the forbidden forest by centaurs this week and shot with arrows!" Professor Lawney said, "What should I do? Professor please help me!"

    The blushing Zhu Yi and the newly awake Fred have not recovered, and the other students next to them have already started to snicker.

    Professor Strawney looked at George's teacup very seriously, and said to George in a very satisfied voice: "Oh, boy, you are very talented, but not so bad, yes Yes, I saw that you are not dead, although you are seriously injured, you are still alive. But it is amazing that you can see so much, and I believe you will achieve something."

    George nodded reverently and said gratefully, "Okay, professor, thank you for your heavenly eyes, I feel much better now."

    "Pff—" This time it was Fred's turn to laugh.

    Professor Strawney immediately turned to look at him and Zhu Yi, and asked angrily, "What did you see in the teacup?"

    "Uh, I saw that I was thrown into the sky by the beating willow and killed by a Muggle plane." Zhu Yi said nonsense with open eyes.

    "I'm afraid what you see is not true. What I see is that your whole life is ruined by a man with red hair." Pointing at Fred, he said to Zhu Yi in a low voice, "Stay away from the red-haired boy, dear."

    Fred blinked and looked at all the classmates who were staring at him, and spread his hands to show that he was innocent. George was already lying on the table and couldn't laugh.

    The author has something to say:

    Interstitial Theater:

    Shafiq sneered: You should get out of the way, little friend.

    Fred looked at Shafiq's lower body with bad intentions and said: It's impossible to say about the size.

    Zhu Yi said with great interest: Oh, I can verify this for you, except your pants!


    The babies are arguing so fiercely, so I will send it to the small theater in time to help everyone!

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