The Troubleshooting Diary at Hogwarts

Chapter 41: sunny october 12

    Juey found that Cedric was very strange this semester, he was always staring at Professor Quirrell's head, and Juey had noticed it many times.

    Although she also felt that the stuttering Professor Quirrell was too far from Sirius, and the turban around his head was too funny, the twins even tried their best to get the turban down for research a bit. but! It's normal for these things to happen to Gryffindor! Cedric, a Ravenclaw, can't be so curious, can he?

    In the greenhouse class again, Zhu Yi leaned over to the opposite side of Cedric, and while bathing the vine seedlings, he asked directly, "Do you like Professor Quirrell's turban?"

    "Huh?" Cedric looked at her with a bewildered expression and said, "Why do you ask that?"

    "Because she sees you always staring at Professor Quirrell's hood." Fred came over at some point, pushed Angelina over to George's side, and interjected.

    Juey nodded and said, "Yes, that's it!"

    "Oh, I was just wondering if it's true that his hood can ward off vampires." Cedric lowered his eyes and replied in a low voice.

    "Ha, we thought so too! So Fred and the others tried a lot of ideas, but Professor Quirrell was so sweet with his hood that it never worked! Right, Fred ?" Zhu Yi immediately came alive and said excitedly.

    "Well, yes, that's right." Although Fred felt that Cedric didn't tell the truth, but what did it have to do with him, as long as this kid didn't hit Joey's idea, then there was nothing so-called.

    "So what do you want to do with us?" Zhu Yi warmly invited Cedric, so much so that she didn't notice that the glove was thrown off, and the pimple vine seedling licked her finger, which instantly swelled a Big bag, "Oh! It hurts!"

    Fred directly picked up the seedling and threw it to Cedric, grabbed Zhu Yi's hand, took out a potion bottle and dropped a drop of the "Quick Healing Potion" they had just finished testing On Zhu Yi's fingers, he blew lightly with his mouth again.

     Zhu Yi didn't feel anything at first, but the last blow he blew suddenly made her blushed, and the itchy feeling extended from the rapidly swollen fingers to her wrist.

    Zhu Yi yanked his hand back and said, "Okay...Okay..."

    "Well, the effect is really good." Fred looked at Zhu Yi's blushing face with satisfaction, and smiled meaningfully.

    As early as the beginning of the semester, he told George that he would definitely try to catch Zhu Yi this year, and the first step was to make Zhu Yi realize that he was a man Fred, and Not Fred, a childhood playmate.

    Cedric was attracted by the magical effect of this medicine, he said with admiration: "Is this your new product? It looks really good!"

    "It's for you!" Fred was in a very good mood at the moment, and generously handed over half the bottle of potion to Cedric, and said with a smile, "Be sure to give us a lot of publicity!"

    "Okay." Cedric took a closer look at the potion, raised his head and smiled, his eyes swept to the red-faced Zhu Yi who was twisting his body and wearing gloves, "Why are you blushing so much, Zhu Yi? ?"

    "It's none of your business!" Zhu Yi, who always wanted to minimize his presence, was full of anger at being exposed.

    Fred smiled complacently. Ha, that's all she says when she's shy.


    Juey quickly put Cedric behind because there's a big guy on the Gryffindor Quidditch team! Harry Potter! Sure enough, the protagonist is different, Zhu Yi still remembers when she was strictly forbidden to participate in the selection when she was in first grade! Professor McGonagall really likes Harry Potter more, woohoo woohoo!

    "He's great! He's not bad at all compared to Charlie!" Wood pulled the thin Harry to a meeting for all the team members in the lounge, his spittle sprayed Zhu Yi's face up.

    Juey wiped her face in disgust, Fred pulled her away from Wood and said, "Hey, Captain, please pay attention to your spit! Don't be so excited, now we are all It's great to know that there's a new Chaser, can we just call it quits?"

    "Oh!" After being interrupted by Fred, Wood completely forgot what he wanted to say. He frowned for a long time before giving up and said, "Okay, okay. , let's go!"

    As soon as he finished speaking, everyone dispersed, and the fastest one was Harry Potter. He shyly and Ron hid in the corner of the lounge and whispered, as if worried if he could do it.

    "Professor McGonagall is biased, am I not good? Why wasn't I allowed to participate in Quidditch when I was in first grade?!" Jue said angrily while sitting on the chair.

    "Yes, that's right, so now you don't think that Harry Potter is not so cute?" Fred leaned on the back of her chair and asked expectantly.

    Juey looked at Harry, he and Ron were listening to Hermione's sermons with the messy hair, the small fleshy face was full of surprised expressions, and the shabby glasses industry couldn't stop it His big round eyes, oh, still so cute.

    "Oh, I may really not be able to hate him, this little boy is so cute!" Zhu Yi sighed, she had absolutely no resistance to the bun face!

    Fred sighed in disappointment, alright alright, he can only say that fortunately Harry is still young, just a little boy in Jue's eyes, otherwise he may really put the savior Mr. beat up.

    But this idea disappeared from Fred's mind when Harry Potter received Nimbus 2000. Because Harry promised to let each team member ride 10 laps, but because there were too many people in line, only two people could be together, he decisively abandoned George, and sat behind Zhu Yi as he wished.

    "I don't want this perfect broom to carry our two big men, it's too unfair for it." Fred said righteously at the time.

    George made a contemptuous gesture to him and watched Fred smilingly pulling Zhu Yi onto the broom. This guy is shameless now!

    When Fred wrapped around Zhuy's waist, smelled the faint fragrance of her hair, and listened to her laughing happily, he thought contentedly, Harry is indeed very cute.

      Someone else's ball frame is a target.

    And what makes Jue happy is that Professor Snape's firepower is completely attracted by Harry and Neville, and Ron said that even if Harry coughs, he will be deducted for disrupting classroom discipline .

    "That's an old bat! He's targeting Harry!" Ron shouted indignantly, "He left Neville alone in the corner of the classroom! Too much!"

    "Oh! This honor was mine last year, and now I finally have a successor." Zhu Yi said happily.

    Harry looked at Zhu Yi with his deer-like eyes, and said a little shyly, "Has Senior Sister Zhu Yi been criticized by Professor Snape?"

    Zhu Yi couldn't help reaching out and pinching his face, wow, it feels so good! She said very proudly: "My points deducted by Professor Snape can fill Gryffindor's entire gemstone hourglass!"

    Harry was startled by Joey's sudden attack, covered his face and took a few steps back.

    Fred took a step too slowly and failed to stop Zhu Yi's hand from eating human tofu, and was very annoyed. George bumped him with the shoulder in an unwilling manner, and said in a low voice with a smile, "Look, this is the girl you like!"

    "Professor Snape hates all Gryffindors. You are not the first, and you will never be the last." Fred ignored George's ridicule and wanted to pinch again. Pulling back Harry's little face, Zhu Yi said with a smile, "Hey, I have a lot of flesh on my face, do you want to pinch it?"

    "Ouch--" George made a vomit gesture on the side, completely unable to believe that his brother could be so shameless in front of love!

    "That's what you said!" Zhu Yi was very unhappy when Fred was repeatedly stopped, she simply squeezed his face with both hands at the same time, squeezed his mouth into a toot Mouth, Fred wasn't angry at all, he even took advantage of the situation and laughed "bobo" twice!

    Zhu Yi's heart suddenly jumped for two beats, her hand seemed to be scalded, she quickly withdrew, and said stubbornly: "You... you are so disgusting!"

    "No conscience! You pinch me and say I'm disgusting!" Fred was very dissatisfied and stretched out his hand to squeeze Zhu Yi's face, bewitchingly said, "Come on, you can also be 'bobo' disgusting Hit me!"

    "You! You let go!" Juey wanted to kick Fred in shame and annoyance.

    But Fred didn't let go at all, and used his long arms to control the distance so that Zhu Yi couldn't kick him at all, making Zhu Yi angrily wow.

    "Hahahaha!" George smiled and squatted there, clutching his stomach, unable to get up. He is convinced! He is convinced! Ha ha ha ha!

    Ron and Harry also laughed silly, although neither of them understood the mystery.

    "Don't you notice that Fred is very strange recently?" Zhu Yi squatted on the floor of the bathroom at night, looking up at Angelina who was applying various skin care products to her face and said.

    Angelina looked down at her and said helplessly: "Can you stand up first? If you want to go to the toilet, can you squat on the toilet?"

    Ju Yi squatted on the toilet very obediently, and continued to ask: "Don't you think? He's really weird this semester!"

      Do you understand? Not sitting, but squatting!

    "Darling, you are so hard to serve!" Zhu Yi jumped down from the toilet and tutted.

    "Is it difficult for me to serve or are you out of your mind?" Angelina was about to laugh at her, she always had these strange behaviors, how dare you say that Fred is abnormal?

    "Okay okay, it's my brain. Then do you think Fred is weird?" Zhu Yi really wanted to communicate with people about this thing that had troubled her for a long time.

    Angelina took a deep breath, tilted her head and asked helplessly: "What do you want to say about him?"

    Juey couldn't wait to answer: "He and George are no longer together all the time!"

    Yeah, because he's always with you, oh, except when you're on the toilet. Angelina rolled her eyes and thought.

     "And he always likes to contradict me, interrupting me on purpose and preventing me from doing a lot of things I want to do!"

    Ha, if you call flirting with little boys something you like to do, then Fred is probably Harry's savior. Angelina rolled her eyes again.

    "He still... always grabs my hand..." At this moment, Zhu Yi felt a little awkward, and her face flushed slightly.

    Something interesting. Angelina rolled her eyes again.

    "Anyway, he's so weird!" Joey defined Fred decisively.

    You're weird too! Angelina rolled her eyes again.

    "Tell me what you think! Have you turned into a fish after eating ichthyosis?"


    "But it's different from just's different anyway!" Zhu Yi replied intuitively, but she racked her brains and couldn't figure out what was different, she hesitated for a long time Can't explain why.

    "Perhaps, because there is no George between you?" Angelina said jokingly.

    "Yes!" Jue immediately said excitedly, like a lost person who had been lit by a beacon, "That's right! It must be so! The loss of George between us is like the loss of a line. A three-legged stool! Immediately I can't sit still! That's not good!"

    Angelina stared at her like she was staring at a big fool, sighed, and muttered in her heart: I'm sorry, Fred, it was your third stool leg that made me Play stupid in front of Zhu Yi not to expose you.

    In other words, the only person who was fascinated by the game was Zhu Yi.

    The author has something to say:

    It seems that everyone likes to remove your pants, hahahahaha!

    This is a cool article, so it will definitely be he! Fred's absolute male protagonist will not be shaken at all! Babies don't worry!


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