The Tyrant Gentle Husband

Chapter 90 - Elena's accident part 2

Lisa was panic when she saw blood from Luke's fist.

"Young master, are you okay? Do you need me to treat it?" Lisa said.

"I don't need it," Luke said with an unhappy face.

"But I won't let your wound untreated because my lady will get upset when she sees your wound," Lisa said without caring about Luke's cold face.

Luke calmed his emotion after he heard Elena's name from Selly's mouth.

"I will help you to treat your wound, and I won't accept you to make my young lady sad," Lisa said while walking away without care about Luke's reaction at her sentence.

Luke sat down back at the sofa and looked up. His emotion was not vivid at this time because he was afraid when he heard Lisa's word. Elena almost lost her life, and her heart banged in pain at hearing this fact. What should he do if Elena lost her life and left him alone? Luke couldn't imagine a world without Elena anymore. Luke doesn't want to live in that dull life anymore. 

After a while, Lisa came in with medicine and helped Luke treated his wound without talking. Luke saw that Lisa is not a simple personal maid at all. 

"Finish, I will answer all questions you have, young master," Lisa said.

"So, what do you want to know?" Lisa added.

"I wanted to know anything," Luke said.

Lisa took a deep breath and started talking, "Lady Elena did have an accident six months ago."

Luke was shocked to hear this fact because the incident occurred while he was in a coma.

"Six months ago?" Luke asked.

"Yes, After the young master was in a coma for a week, the incident happened," Lisa confirmed.

"There was no one around Lady Elena at that time, and she was taking care of all of the young master's administration alone," Lisa added.

"A week after the young master admitted to the hospital, Lady Elena and I left for the hospital together. I had to buy something for Lady Elena at that time, and I had to leave her alone, but young master Reo already put many bodyguards around Lady Elena, so I didn't feel worried at all.

But when I came back, I yelled out loud when I saw Lady Elena's head wound. One bodyguard held Lady Elena's body, and two large trucks crushed Lady Elena's car to pieces. Fortunately, the driver and Lady Elena rescued by bodyguards. Otherwise, Lady Elena's life would have been," Lisa didn't dare to continue her words, and she hugged her body tightly, and her tears were overflowing.

"We brought Lady Elena to the hospital, and the doctor said if bodyguards didn't hurry a few minutes save Lady Elena, then her life couldn't be saved," Lisa said with difficulty.

"After that incident, I also found out that one truck came from the front and hit Lady Elena's car, and before the second truck came from behind to hit Lady Elena's car, Lady Elena rescued by bodyguards," Lisa said.

Luke couldn't control his emotion at this time, but Lisa was also right that he couldn't act without thinking because Elena will be sad to see his wound.

"Master Reo and Leo came back to the country when they heard Lady Elena's incident, then they investigated this matter thoroughly, and now we almost find out the culprit for this incident," Lisa said.

"Is Elena experiencing amnesia even though she remembers everyone around her?" Luke asked.

"It is a little complicated, Master Luke because it is not that simple," Lisa shook her head.

"Lady Elena has amnesia, but she is unique than any other amnesia symptoms because she is amnesia while remembering everyone around her," Lisa said.

"What do you mean by that, Lisa?" Luke asked.

"Lady Elena thinks she is not the real Elena but a girl who transmigrated from another world," Lisa said.

"Huh?" Luke widened his eyes.

"Lady Elena felt sad after Master Luke was in a coma for a week, and there was no sign of consciousness. Then at the same time, Lady Elena fancied to read novels with the theme of transmigration, and the name of the main character is the same as Lady Elena's," Lisa answered.

"Lady Elena thought that she is not the real Elena, but another girl with a different soul from the original lady Elena. Her memory about the world before she transmigrated is not clear. The doctor said that Lady Elena had amnesia. It is common in the novel that a transmigrated girl never exposed themselves to someone around her because people will think she is crazy. " Lisa added.

"Why are doctors sure that Lady Elena has amnesia? Since Lady Elena didn't try to get over the fact that Master Luke didn't love her. All this time, Lady Elena tries hard to forget the fact that she doesn't get Master Luke's heart, and she immerses herself in her work.


Even after Master Luke was in a coma, Lady Elena was upset, and she was sad that Master Luke was in a coma. She was unhappy that Master Luke didn't love her, and Lady Elena also wondered when Master Luke would divorce her and leave her alone.

Because Lady Elena knows that she is also having a loveless marriage that her mother has also lived for years, and Lady Elena knows that she cannot go through this marriage alone.

But after Lady Elena has amnesia, she didn't care anymore about her loveless marriage and actively talked to Master Luke without care about her unrequited love. Lady Elena became cheerful without any reason, and she was only happy to spend time with you even though you were not conscious.

It is because Master Luke was an incompetent husband that Lady Elena was in pain," Lisa said with tears on her face.

Luke lowered his head and kept silent.

"The Doctor said that Lady Elena tried hard to forget the fact that Master Luke doesn't love her, so she didn't remember the fact that she is the real Elena," Lisa added.

Small Teather:

Lisa: I yelled at Master Luke. What should I do? *Talking in her heart.

Luke: *Trembled in sadness and pain so that his face looks like in mad.

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