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A few hours had passed, and now Lady Melissa just had one more hour before she could meet Duke Gaston.

She had been bearing all her few lessons just for Duke Gaston.

Lady Melissa had decided that it was better to have an optimistic mindset rather than that of a grumpy person.

So Lady Melissa changed her thoughts, she tried to think of more positive things, and it had worked for the past couple of hours.

She was now onto her last lesson, physics.

Now Lady Melissa was an intelligent student, and Shayla had often understood things very quickly.

Such as formulas, equations, etc.

But something about physics was just so...

Lady Melissa couldn't understand physics AT ALL.

Her grades weren't good as well, wherein most of Lady Melissa's other subjects, she would have 90s-100 she had gotten 50-60s in physics.

She BARELY passed her tests. Her teacher, however, was great at explaining; Lady Melissa just didn't like physics at all.

Instead, she detested physics, maybe even more than she hated the Crown Prince.

Lady Melissa didn't focus much on academic subjects in her past life, as she had devoted all her time and attention to the Crown Prince.

Now Lady Melissa's mind went blank every time it came into physics, and most of the time, she wasn't able to answer the questions her teacher had taught her.

Lady Melissa didn't like maths either, but yet somehow she wasn't doing too bad in maths, perhaps it was because of how maths only needed formulas?

While physics was much much more complicated than that.

If Lady Melissa could drop one subject or not learn a subject at all for her entire life, that subject would be physics.

Every time anything related to physics Lady Melissa's mind would go blank, like how she often had been during her physics lesson.

Physics, well, she admitted a good portion of it was just formulas but the other portion? No, the other portion of physics was just insanely difficult.

And the questions were just so confusing to Lady Melissa that she couldn't help but sigh at the sight of physics or even when she heard the word physics.

Though nobody could blame her, physics was known to be one of the most challenging subjects, at least in her era.

The first most challenging subject was physics, the second was mathematics, and the third was alchemy.

Now Lady Melissa wasn't exactly one to brag. Still, her mathematics scores weren't that bad, ranging around 70s-80s, which was pretty low compared to her other subjects, but she was still proud.

Because in her past life, Lady Melissa had completely given up on mathematics, thinking it was too hard for her, but in her second life, she decided to give mathematics another shot.

And now, she understood 80-90 percent of her mathematics questions and formulas, so it wasn't a problem for the great Lady Melissa.

Alchemy was the subject that Lady Melissa had adored. In contrast, many nobles had thoroughly detested even the simple idea of alchemy.

Alchemy was complicated, and it was only a little less challenging than mathematics and physics. Still, there were fewer opportunities for people to learn alchemy.

Peasants weren't as lucky as nobles, so they weren't able to learn alchemy.

Out of all the three most difficult subjects, Alchemy was the most expensive subject, so only nobles could afford Alchemy books, lessons, etc.

Alchemy wasn't that common of a subject, unlike biology, chemistry, or even physics and maths!

Thus the high prices for the subject Alchemy.

And Alchemy was a complicated subject, and it wasn't like mathematics or physics. Alchemy and magic were pretty similar.

While Alchemy was creating new things such as perhaps positions, new items, etc., magic was just something that was with you since you were born.

Alchemy wasn't that popular, so Lady Melissa Mendy Shayla didn't have many chances to showcase her skills, as nobody was THAT interested in Alchemy.

Magic, however, was a completely different subject. Since it was born with you, both nobles and peasants had a chance to learn magic or not.

People born with it would be able to learn magic, while people who were not wouldn't be able to.

And the royal family was no different.

And the people who were born with magic were just in a completely random order leaving many to believe that magic was just a game of fortune. Those born with magic were considered lucky, while those who were not were considered 'normal' or the majority.

People born with magic weren't discriminated against either, as most of the population had respected those who were lucky enough to be born with magic.

Though there were jealous people, they couldn't do much to people who were born with magic.

However, there were very rare cases of people suddenly having magic in their childhood, though rare it still happened.

Lady Melissa was counted in the majority of the population that didn't have magic. She didn't have it either in her past life, so she didn't mind it that much.

Besides, it would be a complete waste of time for her to learn a new subject, unlike the others where she had past experiences and knowledge in the subject such as swordsmanship.

Though sometimes Lady Melissa wanted to have magic as well, she wanted to learn magic and to be able to experience something new, something that she hadn't done before.

Perhaps it was because of how easy she got bored or because she had always wanted to experience something new.

But Lady Melissa was one to take risks for fun and excitement that she would get in her veins, the blood rushing through her whole body.

Lady Melissa was the type of person that would try anything at least once in her life.

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