The Walking Dead's Gamer

Chapter 1 - Transmigration

My name's Jake Embers and I'm a simple man. My life was average, nothing noteworthy about it, the only thing I can remember doing is giving my friend a gentle push in the right direction on his career path.

It was nothing much, just a simple you can do it! I was mediocre, though I had natural intellect, but never worked on it so I just become plain. That intellect however did make me slightly popular in school and I helped out where I could. It was nice to feel wanted. That was how I had influenced my friends life. If your smart friend says you can do it, you can do it. That's what school was like. You don't think for yourself, you follow others and try to make a good impression.

Funnily enough that friend I was talking about led or would lead a very successful life. One would if they happened upon great fortune and were able to create cures to many illness' that plagued the world.

The real question was, how had I figured this out? I was dead right? Well, it's simple really. The kind old man in front of me showed me!

I was in a white room sitting cross legged on a floor, a wood table ahead of me whilst another man, much older and wiser sat opposite. He had just gotten through explaining the whole reincarnation cycle and how I acc.u.mulated enough Karma Points to actually get a chance at reincarnation with some bonus'.

Rightfully so I was wary, I mean I did nothing to accomplish such a feat so how was it possible?

Like I was saying, apparently with my little nudge to my friend whom turned out beyond successful; I technically am the benefactor of that. I in everything but physically, created what his future held. Thus leading to me also benefiting from his amazing feats.

It was wondrous really, I mean from such a simple and small action I had helped the planet, granted in another parallel world somewhere i may have done some things differently and this outcome may not have happened, but right now, as i'm watching the world in fast forward from the clouds I can proudly say that i helped create it... Well some of it at least.

Sadly though, due to only indirectly saving millions upon millions of people, 1 wish is all I got. I say that, but that's a hell of a lot of options available! I also got the choice at which world I'd like to go to for free, thankfully.

My wish, after much debating was 'The Gamer' ability. Why? It was versatile, with training you could pretty much become a deity. A powerful entity that could travel beyond. If I were to somehow gain a power to say, travel the multiverse I could, through certain actions gain powers belonging to that world.

For example, if i were to end up in a fantasy world I could, with 'The Gamer' ability have magic skills, or If I were to end up in a cultivation type of world, I would be able to access martial art skills or cultivation techniques within 'The Gamer' menu.

Luckily enough I was able to chose a world.

The world I'd chosen. The Walking Dead. Why? It seems like one of the easiest, the only enemies being zombies and humans, though there are many flaws in the TV show, such as how the disease would effect animals or plants. It didn't delve too much into that so perhaps I may see something new.

Another reason why I chose such an apocalyptic land, like I said before, there are 2 major enemies, humans and zombies. Nothing supernatural, nothing that is super strong, well from what I've seen anyways.

That along with this now being the foundation to my life, hopefully I'd be able to traverse worlds later on, but for now staying and grinding in that world is enough for me, hell I might even have fun! Though saving people would also be good too, I'm not heartless!

Also, I got to make my own character of sorts! That really hyped me up, I mean now I can make an absurdly weird looking character... Nevermind, I had done that in some RPG games before and once I had gotten far through them I regretted it.

Going through a scroll like menu with adjusters I altered my appearance slightly.

My hair was now shorter and as black as night, my eyes now being a dark amethyst color and my body slightly altered to be slimmer to help start myself off in this world.

The god seemed slightly hesitant about the wish in which I asked, I mean with enough grinding and leveling one could become god tier as I previously stated... Right? He did however accept this due to my old world flourishing in my stead.

It was finally time. A blue portal opened up, pulling me in and a pop was heard. I was now stood in a hospitalized room and was suddenly garbed in a hospital gown. I surveyed my surroundings and noticed the barricaded door with dried blood in writing "DON'T OPEN, DEAD OUTSIDE". It kind of reminded me of a recent meme I had seen. Other phrases formed in my mind... "DON'T DEAD, OPEN OUTSIDE". I shook myself clear of those thoughts and stood stock still whilst staring ahead. A ding resonated throughout my mind as a squishy sound was heard, a blue screen popped up straight after.

[Tutorial Mode Activated]

[Your memories of your previous life have been altered slightly]

[Quest - Starting Out]


Open Status Screen

Open Inventory


2 Status Points


25 EXP

I was slightly perplexed. I thought about my memories and noticed that I couldn't remember some things, some even about the world I was now in, that wasn't good. I obviously couldn't figure out what exactly was missing, but It seemed as if I was vulnerable slightly. I ignored that and re-read the quest. After reading it, I knew what to do.

'Status' I thought mentally, better get used to it now than later.


Name - Jake Embers

Age - 19

Title - The Gamer

Race - Human

Level - 1 0/100 [LVL]

Hp - 100 [HP] (1 Regen per Minute)

M̶p̶ ̶-̶ ̶1̶0̶0̶ ̶[̶M̶P̶]̶ ̶(̶1̶ ̶R̶e̶g̶e̶n̶ ̶p̶e̶r̶ ̶M̶i̶n̶u̶t̶e̶)̶

Strength [STR] - 10

Endurance [END] - 10

Agility [AGI] - 10

Intelligence [INT] - 10

Wisdom [WIS] - 10

Charisma [CHA] - 10

Luck [LCK] - 10

Points - 10

Money - $30

LVL: Level, a basic measure of experience and estimate of strength. When you get enough EXP you will level up and gain status points.

HP: A Representation of your life force and health. When HP reaches 0 you die.

MP: A representation of your magical energy. Can be used for skills.

STR: Determines your brute force. The higher your strength, the higher output, physically will be.

END: Determines ones physical endurance. The greater the endurance, the greater the stamina and defense will be. 1 END = 10HP.

AGI: Determines your reflexes, agility, speed, accuracy and coordination. The higher it is the higher your speed at these actions will be.

INT: Determines ones ability to process and store information. It will also increase ones magical efficiency and control. 1 INT = 10MP.

WIS: Determines ones perceptiveness, willpower and sensibility. The ability to apply information usefully.

CHA: Determines ones charm. Increases trust you receive from others. Also makes you quite the looker.

LCK: Luck controls the events in which occur. Whether they be in your favor or not. Whether the quality / frequency of favorable opportunities happen for you. increase drop rates, chances for critical hits and better events.

I started thinking about the Gamer's ability. My stats should be varied, and I shouldn't even be a level 1 character.

I thought about it for a minuted and chalked it up to me technically creating a new character. When I think about it, wasn't really that hard to figure out.


For figuring out why everything is default your wisdom increased by 1.

I saw the window pop up my eyes widened slightly. It completely flew over my head that I could gain points by simply doing what they entail, unlike Luck and potentially Charisma, I could work physically for other stats, though it'd probably be tough.

It was then I looked below the 'Status' at the 'Skills' or perks section in which I possess.

[Gamer's Mind] - Passive - LVL MAX

Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through in any circ.u.mstance. Also provides a peaceful state of mind allowing the user immunity to psychological and mental status effects.

[Gamer's Body] - Passive - LVL MAX

Grants a body that allows the user to live real life like it were a game. Pain from damage does not last continuously. Sleeping restores HP, MP and heals all temporary status effects.


I looked at the 3D blue message and saw the [Quest] tab at the top. I clicked it and it came to a list of quests. Only one was displayed as that's all I seemed to have.

Quest - Starting Out


Open Status Screen ☑

Open Inventory

I saw the check mark next to the first objective and decided to fulfill the others before i leave.

I now thought of my [Inventory] and I watched as a screen with miniature boxes appeared in front of me. To the right was the representation of my body. Black hair, purple eyes, white skin, and tall just around 6'0. It was then I realized something.

Purple eyes! I really should've thought about a less attention drawing color... I mean I don't think anyone's ever had purple eyes unless a slight mutation has occurred, well I think at least. I internally sighed.

It was then I looked down physically and saw myself in hospital garbs. It was then I thought back to where I was, which was in a hospital and I didn't even know the date or anything! Once again I looked down at my gown and focused hard, squinting my eyes in the process. I was interrupted from my musing by a ding.


You have gained the skill [Observe] - Active - LVL N/A

Shows the status of whatever is Observed.

I was slightly proud of that. I knew I'd have to get this skill and early on too, but just by going through the tutorial I had already acquired it. A sense of pride founds it's way into my mind.

I decided to test thew new skill out.

[Observe] I mentally commanded.

Hospital Garbs (Equipment)

Worn by patients, designed to be easily accessible.

Huh... Neat? Sadly there seems to be no buffs or passive increases, but what'd you expect from a hospital gown for patients.

I didn't notice it yet, but the notification of me completing the quest had already went off.


Quest Complete

'Starting Out'


2 Points


25 EXP

I remembered the previous 10 points I already had. And with all 12 I had so far acc.u.mulated I decided to put them all into Luck...

What? It can't be farmed, well from what I can remember anyways... Plus everyone needs Luck in a zombie apocalypse! I also took note of the $50 I had acquired. I don't need money in this world really? Maybe it's for a shop I may unlock or find later on?


For guessing the money usage correctly your wisdom and intelligence have increased by 1.

Huh... I guess that was a good guess.

With one more look at my [Status] I shut-down the blue screen and surveyed my surroundings.


Name - Jake Embers

Age - 19

Title - The Gamer

Race - Human

Level - 1 50/100 [LVL]

Hp - 100 [HP] (1 Regen per Minute)

M̶p̶ ̶-̶ ̶1̶0̶0̶ ̶[̶M̶P̶]̶ ̶(̶1̶ ̶R̶e̶g̶e̶n̶ ̶p̶e̶r̶ ̶M̶i̶n̶u̶t̶e̶)̶

Strength [STR] - 10

Endurance [END] - 10

Agility [AGI] - 10

Intelligence [INT] - 11

Wisdom [WIS] - 12

Charisma [CHA] - 10

Luck [LCK] - 22

Points - 0

Money - $80

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