The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6926: Origin fusion, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!


These four words are the true feelings of Jiang Yun at this moment!

Although he no longer believes in Hongmeng and is not going to cooperate with them, he finally realized that he still underestimated Hongmeng after hearing what the Five Elements Dao Ling had experienced today.

What Hongmeng is drawing may be bigger than Ten Tiangan, Dao Zun, and any monk outside the Territory!

Or, to put it more rigorously, it is not the owner of Hongmeng, but the leader of Hongmeng!

What he plotted was not some mature Hongmeng Qi, nor was it some detached powerhouse born in Daoxing Heaven and Earth.

But the whole Daoxing world!

Even, even Haotian, it is very likely that he has secretly cooperated with the leader of the Hongmeng.

Before, when Jiang Yun and Haotian Divine Sense were talking, they had a feeling.

Haotian should have the ability to take Jiang Shan out of prison safely.

However, he is willing to stay in prison all the time.

Moreover, it was also pointed out that Jiang Yun was to save them!

Jiang Yun thought at the time that the other party was trying not to disappoint Jiang Shan, and to become Jiang Shan's goodness.

But now it seems that, in addition to this reason, the other party may also have reached some kind of agreement with the leader of the Hongmeng, and also has a plan for the entire Daoxing world!

It's not unbelievable either.

Because Haotian and the leader of the Hongmeng have one thing in common, that is, they are both related to the detached powerhouse.

And all the detached powerhouses have disappeared inexplicably, and their whereabouts are unknown.

So as subordinates or friends of detached powerhouses, they contact each other and cooperate with each other. In order to find detached powerhouses in each family, they plan to make a world of Taoism and prosperity, which is reasonable and reasonable!

After being silent for a long time, Jiang Yun suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed back the sixteen rivers that had been transformed by his own blood.

Then, he looked at the Five Elements Dao Ling, nodded and said, "We can cooperate!"

"I made an oath, as long as the help you give me can really be as you said, then as long as I can see the old man in charge in the future, I will definitely say a few good words to you in front of him."

Jiang Yun finally agreed to the conditions of the Five Elements Taoist Spirit, not just because of sympathy for them, but to weaken the Five Elements Taoist Spirit while improving his strength!

Even if the Five Elements Dao Spirit itself is the source, but they each separate a part of the source, it will inevitably have some impact on themselves.

In this case, no matter what the purpose of the Alliance Leader and Haotian is, at least the Five Elements Dao Spirit may not be able to evolve a new Dao Xingtiandi in a short period of time.

In this way, the whole world can be prospered, and some more time can be bought.

Hearing that Jiang Yun finally agreed, Wu Xing Dao Ling's face suddenly showed excitement and joy.

After looking at each other, they immediately clasped their fists and bowed to Jiang Yun again, thanking them repeatedly.

Jiang Yun looked at them expressionlessly, and after they straightened up, he continued, "Don't be in a hurry to be happy."

"I believe what you said, and I also believe that your Five Elements Dao Realm can imitate the realm of others."

"However, with me, your Five Elements realm may not be able to temporarily improve me to a realm."

"First of all, my realm has already reached a bottleneck."

"Because my soul is incomplete, I am missing a part of my soul, that is, the soul clone that was ordered to you before."

"If I can fuse the soul clone, I can break through to the next realm without your help."

"This means that in the case of my incomplete soul, your Five Elements Dao Realm may also have no effect on me."

"Secondly, I'm not afraid to tell you the name of my next realm, it's called Yin-Yang Dao Realm!"

"Yin and Yang transform the three talents, the three talents transform the five elements, and the five elements transform all things."

"Yin and Yang are more advanced than the Five Elements, so I don't know if your Five Elements origin can imitate the Yin and Yang Dao Realm that I want."

"Finally, if everything goes well, but my strength is still unable to compete with the source realm, then there is no need for our cooperation to continue."

Jiang Yun told his general situation in one breath, and the Five Elements Taoist spirits looked at each other in dismay.

They really didn't expect that Jiang Yun's next realm would be a yin and yang realm higher than the five elements.

However, after the five people secretly discussed for a while, Shui Xing Dao Ling said: "We have never encountered the situation of fellow Daoists, so we really can't guarantee anything."

"It's better than this, now we will each send a part of the source to you."

"You can try it first to see if you can imitate your next realm and whether it can achieve the effect we said."

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Okay!"

The Five Elements Dao Ling really separated a part of the origin and gave it to Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun also took all of it into the body.

Strange to say, when the five origins converged in Jiang Yun's body, there was no need for Jiang Yun to urge them. They were already connected end to end by themselves, forming a circle.

Even the immortal leaf in Jiang Yun's body, and the black sword, actually flew into the wooden source and the golden source of their own accord.

There is no obstacle in the slightest, just like water and milk blending together, generally, the two are integrated with the two origins!

This fusion alone makes Jiang Yun feel that his vitality has become more vigorous, and the power of wood and the power of gold have become stronger.

Especially with the power of gold, Jiang Yun stretched out a finger at will, and under the power of gold, he made a volley towards a mountain beside him.

The mountains were immediately divided into two from the middle!

Feeling the change in power, an idea suddenly popped into Jiang Yun's heart.

"The origin of the five elements can be integrated with items related to the five elements to enhance their power."

"Then if I put the real inextinguishable tree and the items with the attributes of the five elements into the source, will it not only strengthen my own strength, but also make the things of the five elements stronger."

"What if it's not the thing of the five elements, but the demon of the five elements?"

There are too many demons of the Five Elements that Jiang Yun has encountered in his life.

Like the water monster, there is his father-in-law Hai Changsheng, and the Kraken King who was taken away by the old man who wrote the pen.

Even his wife, Xueqing, has water attributes.

If this idea can come true, then Jiang Yun can improve their strength in the shortest possible time!

However, these are things to come later, and now Jiang Yun still wants to try first, whether the origin of the five elements can really allow him to temporarily break through to the realm of yin and yang!

"What exactly should be done?"

Hearing Jiang Yun's questioning, this time it was the oldest wooden Xing Dao Ling who said, "You need to really absorb our origin first."

"We have erased consciousness from our respective origins, and they are now unowned."

"You take them as yours and let them take you as their master."

"But not with blood, but with your own power, your Dao Heart, etc. In short, in various ways, try more."

"When do you feel that you can move them freely and let them obey your orders..."

Just when Mu Xing Dao Ling said this, Jiang Yun interrupted him and said, "It's alright."

The Five Elements Dao Ling looked at each other again, this was too fast!

Really fast.

Because the wood source and the gold source, after the immortal leaf and the sword merged, these two sources have recognized Jiang Yun as the main source.

For the remaining three origins, Jiang Yun used his own guardian Dao Seal, which also succeeded quickly.

Mu Xing Dao Ling hurriedly continued: "Now, imagine the sign that you have broken through to the next realm, and the source of the five elements will change and imitate on your own according to your imagination."

"Once the five elements can be successfully imitated, it means that your realm has temporarily broken through."

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