The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6927: Yin and Yang balance, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

After listening to Mu Xing Dao Ling's explanation, Jiang Yun fell into contemplation.

Jiang Yun already understood the process and principle of the Five Elements Origin imitating the realm.

The so-called marker, the most intuitive is that after the outsider cultivator has cultivated his own origin dao body, even if he has stepped into the origin realm.

Naturally, the origin of the Tao is the marker of their origin.

However, there are no specific markers for the latter realm of Taoism that Jiang Yun himself has divided.

In particular, the Yin-Yang Dao Realm was completely imagined by Daoist Three Corpse and Jiang Shan's inspiration.

Therefore, he naturally does not know, if he really cultivates to this realm, what changes will be made to his body, and whether there will be any signs in his body.

Jiang Yun sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes, and thought about what the yin and yang realm should look like.

"According to the Taoist Three Corpse and Jiang Shan, everything is inseparable from yin and yang, just as everything includes the five elements."

"Everything has the attributes of yin and yang, and yin and yang, simply understood, are positive and negative."

"So, what kind of expression should the way of Yin and Yang be on the body of a cultivator?"

Wuxing Daoling looked at Jiang Yun, and naturally knew that he was already in retreat, so he didn't even dare to make a sound. After nodding to each other secretly, they also sat down with their knees crossed.

They did not dare to leave, for fear that Jiang Yun would ask them anything at any time.

At this moment, the Earth Zun, Ren Zun and Zhenren Xiaoyu, who were still trapped in different places, had blank expressions on their faces.

They also saw the appearance of Dao Zun before, and saw that Dao Zun took Jiang Yun's soul avatar, but it was also unclear why.

Later, when Jiang Yun began to use Qianjiangshui and Qianjiangyue, the Five Elements Dao Ling had stopped attacking, and they were temporarily safe.

But because they don't know anything, they don't know if the Five Elements Dao Ling is still planning something, and whether they will continue to attack themselves and others.

All they can do is wait anxiously.

Jiang Yun looked at the source of the five elements in his body, and said to himself, "If the five elements are directly integrated, can it become Yin and Yang?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun began to try directly.

But as soon as he got up, Jiang Yun ran into trouble.

According to the Five Elements Dao Ling, the Five Elements Origin will change and imitate the markers of their next realm according to their own imagination.

But I don't even know what the marker is, and I can't imagine it. The origin of the five elements is naturally still.

In desperation, Jiang Yun could only do it himself, to urge the source of the five elements to integrate them.

However, no matter in the order of the mutual generation of the five elements or the order of the mutual restraint of the five elements, the origin of the five elements cannot be merged together at all.

The five elements of mutuality can only be approached.

And the five elements of the mutual restraint attribute can't even get close.

As soon as they approached each other, the two sides seemed to have a mortal hatred, and couldn't wait to bounce off each other.

This made Jiang Yun a little surprised, but at the same time he understood where he was wrong.

In Jiang Yun's imagination, the unity of the five elements is a very simple matter.

Even, many Five Elements cultivators can also display the magical power of the Five Elements.

But now, he realized that the so-called unity of the five elements and the real integration of the origin of the five elements are completely different concepts.

"The technique of unifying the five elements is actually a fusion of the power of the five elements."

"And the fusion of the five elements that I need is to fully integrate the origin of the five elements, the things of the five elements, or the attributes of the five elements."

"It's like water and fire, and there's no way to really blend the two together."

"If I can do it, then my Yin-Yang Dao Realm may be a little bit brighter."

With this doubt, Jiang Yun fell into contemplation again.

In this way, when the time passed for a day, Jiang Yun opened his eyes and looked at the Five Elements Dao Lingdao: "Have you heard of the Yin-Yang Dao Realm?"

Jiang Yun really couldn't figure out how to integrate the five elements, so he could only ask the Taoist spirit of the five elements for advice.

However, he didn't trust the Five Elements Dao Spirit either, so he didn't ask his own question directly.

As the supreme powerhouse of the Five Elements Dao Ling, when he heard Jiang Yun's words, he immediately understood that Jiang Yun was above the breakthrough realm and encountered trouble.

In this regard, they did not laugh at or despise Jiang Yun.

Because as a cultivator, we naturally understand that breaking through this realm is itself the most difficult.

"No!" Jin Xing Daoling shook his head and said, "We've all heard of yin and yang, but putting these two together to form a realm is unheard of."

However, the older wooden walking Taoist touched his long beard and said, "No!"

"We haven't heard of Yin-Yang Dao Realm, but similar realms exist."

"Let's not talk about it, let's just say that the detached powerhouse in the Five Elements Dao Realm, his cultivation method is to cultivate Jin Dan in the body."

"And as far as I know, when he has two golden pills in his body, it is called the two golden pills."

"The two instruments are yin and yang."

"However, the difference is that the two ceremonies of that person appeared at the beginning of cultivation, and it gave Jin Dan the attributes of yin and yang."

"The yin and yang realm of Daoist friends is at the end of cultivation, so there is no comparison."

The Five Elements Dao Ling naturally wants to become a detached powerhouse, so he is particularly concerned about the Five Elements Dao world that gave birth to a detached powerhouse, and only then did he know these things.

Jiang Yun also heard Jiang Shan talk about his father's golden elixir avenue.

Jiang Yun pondered: "What is the relationship between the five elements and yin and yang, and can it imitate yin and yang?"

It was still Wooden Xingdao who said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist said right before, yin and yang are indeed more advanced than our five elements."

"However, since yin and yang can be divided into five elements, as long as the five elements are merged together, let alone imitating yin and yang, after the five elements are unified, they are simply yin and yang."

Jiang Yun's eyes flashed, and this was the question he really wanted to ask.

Jiang Yun followed Muxing Dao Ling's words: "The fusion of the power of the five elements is very simple, but if you want to truly achieve the unity of the five elements, that is, the perfect fusion of the origin and attributes of the five elements, it seems unlikely that you can do it!"

"Haha!" Mu Xing Daoling touched his beard and said with a smile: "This question is not difficult for those who know it, but not for those who are difficult!"

Wooden Xing Dao Ling is not stupid, he already understands that Jiang Yun encountered a problem in the process of integrating the five elements.

Jiang Yun also understands that his own problem is obviously not a problem for Mu Xing Dao Ling.

Therefore, Jiang Yun clasped his fists and said, "Also ask me!"

"I don't dare to preach." Mu Xing Dao Ling waved his hand and said, "I'll just share my own humble opinion for the reference of fellow Daoists."

"I won't go into details about what Yin and Yang are."

"The fusion of the five elements lies in the fact that the cathode generates yang, and the anode generates yin."

"Among our five elements, fire is pure yang, and water is pure yin."

"Then, when the negative pole generates yang, it can be seen as being in a void, producing visible things. This process is called 'wood'.

"On the contrary, the anode generates yin, that is, in a fiery heat, yin is born, the flame is restrained, and it is bound. This process is embodied as 'gold', which converges and kills, and hides quietness."

"The change in the cathode generates yang, and the anode generates yin, and finally it will be attributed to the balance of yin and yang."

"Because of balance, it can accommodate all things and grow all things. This result is reflected in the 'earth', which is born and nourished, accepted and cultivated."

"In short, among the five elements, fire and metal are yang, water and wood are yin, and earth is the balance of yin and yang."

"Based on soil, with fire and gold on top, and water and wood on top, the five elements can be merged!"

The explanation of Mu Xing Dao Ling was simple and easy to understand, which made Jiang Yun feel suddenly enlightened.

Jiang Yun stood up and clasped his fists again at Mu Xing Dao Ling and said, "I have been taught!"

After he finished speaking, Jiang Yun sat down with his knees crossed and began to follow the instructions of the wooden Xing Dao Ling to continue to try the fusion of the five elements.

When Jiang Yun placed the source of earth elements in the middle, the source of fire gold on the top, and the source of water and wood on the bottom, there was no need for Jiang Yun to do anything at all, and there was already a dense light above the source of five elements.

This is like placing the objects in the formation exactly at the position of the formation base when the formation is deployed, so that the formation can operate successfully.

The five rays of light reflected each other, covering the source of the five elements, forming a circular pattern.

Bright on the left, dim on the right!

Looking at this circular pattern, Jiang Yun's eyes lit up. Isn't this the pattern of gossip and Tai Chi that appeared in the Shanhai Dao Domain!


At the moment when this pattern was formed, within Jiang Yun's body, various forces suddenly converged towards this pattern!

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