The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6990: enslavement, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

At this moment, Zhi Ge's face was also pale.

With his eyesight, he could naturally see the power of Jiang Yun's magical powers, and he felt great pressure from the sixty-four rivers and sixty-four bright moons.

In his eyes, there are sixty-four Jiang Yun, sixty-four cultivators whose strength is comparable to the primary level of the Origin Realm!

With sixty-four in the first battle, he really did not have the slightest confidence to win.

However, what he cultivates is the way of warfare. If he does not fight in battle, it will affect his Dao heart and his future cultivation path.

Therefore, he gritted his teeth and shouted: "Fight!"

The war word exited, and the war intent rising in his eyes suddenly rose into the sky, turned into a raging flame, and condensed into a tall figure under the burning.

Origin Dao Body!

Zhi Ge and Prisoner Long, Liu Ruxia have been fighting until now, and they have not used the original Taoist body, but at this moment, facing Jiang Yun's forbidden Taoist technique, he must show the original Taoist body.

With the appearance of Zhige's origin, Jiang Yun stopped talking nonsense and stretched out his hand.


Suddenly, the river roared and descended from the sky, like a long dragon, continuously.


The bright moon turned into a giant wheel, rolling forward, and collided with Zhige's original body one after another.

Whether it is the river or the bright moon, the speed is extremely fast.

In an instant, Zhi Ge and the figure of his origin Dao body were completely engulfed.

The entire Supreme Realm, also under the power of Jiang Shui Mingyue, vibrated violently.

This is the first time Jiang Yun has performed this technique completely.

Although it seems that the attack of this technique is quite splendid, in fact, there is nothing too fancy, that is, the continuous attack of the river and the bright moon.

The reason, Jiang Yun is also well aware of.

This technique did not use any external power, all of it was the power in one's own body, plus the blood of one's own destiny, and then through the addition of those seals, the power of one's own power was continuously doubled, thus causing the most direct blow.

Jiang Yun's eyes and consciousness are also staring at the center where the bright moon and the river converge.

Although this technique is powerful, Jiang Yun is not sure whether it can really pose a threat to Zhi Ge.

Jiang Shui and Mingyue's attacks come and go quickly!

In less than ten breaths, it has already begun to dissipate.

This is Jiang Yun's display, so he can see it most clearly.

In the central area, Zhi Ge's original body has disappeared, and only his deity stands there.

Although the deity is covered with bruises and wounds, and even the Chang Ge in his hand is only half left, the aura emanating from Zhi Ge is still not weak.

Obviously, the technique of a thousand rivers and a thousand rivers and a moon, with Jiang Yun's current strength, is not enough to kill a middle-level powerhouse in the source realm, at most it can only severely damage the opponent.

Even so, this result made Liu Ruxia, who had also seen clearly the state of Zhige, the prisoner dragon and the tree demon with shocking expressions on their faces.

As for Jiang Yun himself, he was already quite satisfied.

In the eyes of others, Jiang Yun at this moment is also in the source realm, but in fact, he is not at all.


At this moment, a loud roar suddenly erupted from Zhi Ge's mouth again.

The voice entered Jiang Yun's ears, making Jiang Yun's heart tremble slightly.

The next moment, his body took the initiative to move uncontrollably and came to Zhi Ge.

Jiang Yun finally realized that Zhi Ge's invitation to fight was really irresistible.

Around Zhi Ge, the four golden dragons transformed by the rules of prisoners have long since disappeared, so Jiang Yun and Zhi Ge fought against each other.

Zhi Ge's face was hideous, and the fighting intent in his eyes did not weaken in the slightest.

Seeing Jiang Yun appear, he directly raised the long Ge with only half left in his hand, and smashed it towards Jiang Yun without hesitation.

The current Zhige is actually strong on the outside and working on the inside. He doesn't have much power, but his eyesight is so vicious, it is natural to see that Jiang Yun's state is even worse than his own.

Therefore, at this time, he did not choose to escape, but chose to fight Jiang Yun again.

Moreover, let him take the initiative!

Zhi Ge was right. Although Jiang Yun's false Yin-Yang Dao Realm still existed, his life blood and life essence were consumed too much, and the power in his body was almost exhausted.

Facing the oncoming Chang Ge, Jiang Yun was not panicking, and a loud sound of thunder suddenly came from his body.


A palm flashing with electric light suddenly stretched out from his body and grasped Chang Ge.

There is also a large amount of thunder, which spread out from the palm of the hand, and poured into Zhi Ge's body along the long Ge.


Thunder entered the body, Zhi Ge's complexion suddenly changed greatly, and there was even an illusion that at this moment, he seemed to have returned to the time of transcendence.

The thunder in the body brought with it a power that was difficult to contend with, destroying everything in the body.


With a mouthful of blood spurting out of his mouth, Zhi Ge released the Chang Ge in his hand, and his body was also staggered back by the force of thunder.

The fighting intent in his eyes also dissipated as his body retreated.

Because he knew that he was defeated this time!

He did not despise Jiang Yun, and his judgment on Jiang Yun's state was not wrong.

But he never imagined that Jiang Yun had also condensed the original Taoist body, and it was the Lei Yuanyuan Taoist body that had restraint against the vast majority of monks, even the Great Dao.

Looking at Zhi Ge, who was staggering back, Jiang Yun's eyes were filled with cold light. He raised his hand suddenly, and a butterfly flapped its wings and flew towards Zhi Ge.

Jiang Yun's Guardian Dao Seal!

Jiang Yun threw out the guardian dao seal at this time, not to take Zhi Ge as his subordinate as he did to Zhenren Xiaoyu and Gui Yi.

Because he knew it was almost impossible.

Zhige's strength is so strong, and there should be protection from the stronger within his body.

But Jiang Yun's real purpose is to use his own guardian Dao Seal to leave traces on Zhi Ge's Dao Heart, preferably to make the opponent's Dao Heart crack!

In this case, if Zhige sees Jiang Yun again in the future, he will lose the courage to take action and will always be suppressed by Jiang Yun!

Even Jiang Yun had an even bolder idea, which was to take away Zhi Ge's Dao Heart.

What Zhige cultivates is the way of battle, and his Dao heart is also the way of battle.

Jiang Yun did not practice the Dao of War, nor was he interested in this Dao.

But there is a personal path of cultivation, which is very similar to the path of warfare.

Bright in Yang!

Ming Yuyang is on the road of invincibility. He has been challenging the strong all his life, fighting against the strong, defeating the strong, and strengthening himself.

This is similar to the way of fighting against Ge.

Therefore, if Zhige's Dao Heart can be deprived and given to Ming Yuyang, it will definitely be of great benefit to Ming Yuyang.

Not to mention making him a source realm, but becoming a supreme being, at least it's not a big problem.

Although he knew that his idea was unlikely to come true, Jiang Yun had to try it anyway.

The butterfly that guarded the Daoyin turned into quickly submerged into Zhige's body and into his soul.

A look of joy suddenly appeared on Jiang Yun's pale face.

He didn't even feel the emergence of any power, which meant that he could enslave Zhige

In the soul of Zhige, there is no stronger guardian!

Jiang Yun didn't think about the reason, but hurriedly urged the guardian Daoyin to merge into Zhige's soul.


Zhi Ge also noticed Jiang Yun's actions, and finally showed fear on his face, stared at Jiang Yun and said, "You want to enslave me."

He would rather die than be enslaved by others, what's more, this person is still not as strong as his Jiang Yun.

Where does Jiang Yun have time to pay attention to him, he is trying his best to protect the Daoyin, first to prevent the other party from self-destructing!

Just as Jiang Yun thought, Zhi Ge's body swelled up, ready to explode.

However, Jiang Yun suddenly said, "Ding Canghai!"

The three-word exit made the time on Zhi Ge suddenly stop.

And Jiang Yun also spewed out a mouthful of blood.

He was already in a state of running out of fuel, but now he has forcibly stopped Zhi Ge, making his situation even worse.

But he couldn't care about it at all. It was worth paying a price for being able to enslave a middle-level powerhouse in the source realm.

Taking advantage of the short period of stillness, the Guardian Dao Seal was embedded in Zhi Ge's soul almost instantly, and countless runes were emitted, which began to spread in all directions.

However, at this moment, the entire Supreme Realm suddenly vibrated violently.

Immediately afterwards, there was a crisp sound of "clicking", and a huge and sharp nail pierced into the space beside Jiang Yun.

The nails moved down slowly, and the space seemed to be turned into paper, and a crack was drawn!

And, there was a thick voice coming out of the crack: "Can you see my face and let him go?"

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