The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 6991: red wolf offer, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

Looking at the sharp fingernail that clearly did not belong to a human being, the expressions of Prison Dragon and Liu Ruxia changed drastically.

With just one fingernail, he can easily break open the space, and come to this world accurately and beside Jiang Yun.

Even, as long as the fingernail moves forward a little, it can directly stab Jiang Yun!

This kind of strength is beyond their imagination.

Jiang Yun and Liu Ruxia naturally knew that this sharp nail came from the red wolf of Hongmeng!

Among the extraterritorial monks who entered the vortex space this time, the strongest are Red Wolf and Jiayi!

But none of them expected that when Zhige was in danger, the red wolf would be able to rescue him in time.

But they don't even know where the red wolf is!

This is the difference in strength.

At this moment, Jiang Yun, although he was also shocked, did not let Zhi Ge go because of the red wolf's voice.

Jiang Yun said calmly: "If I change positions with him, will he look at the senior's face and let me go?"

Jiang Yun had no hostility towards the red wolf, and even had some gratitude.

However, after learning that the leader of the Hongmeng had a bigger plan, and that Haotian seemed to be secretly cooperating with the leader of the Hongmeng, Jiang Yun put away his gratitude.

He and the red wolf are destined to stand on opposite sides!

Now, the red wolf opened his mouth to intercede for Zhige. When Jiang Yun wanted to come, maybe the other party did not want to tear his face with himself prematurely.

But it's also possible, this is the ultimate he can do!

The red wolf couldn't, and didn't dare to take a shot to directly inflict heavy damage, or even kill himself.

Because since the Master of All Spirits once remembered that he dared to allow Honglang and Jiayi to enter the vortex space, and even waited for them for a while, it means that he must have the confidence to deal with these two.

If expected, the two of them should also be fighting against some powerhouses now.

However, when he sensed that Zhige was in danger, the red wolf had to take action, and Zhige interceded.

Of course, Jiang Yun can't be completely sure whether his speculation is correct, so this sentence is also a further test of Red Wolf's attitude.

The red wolf was silent for a moment and then said: "At most, he will defeat you and take you away. It is impossible to enslave you, and he will not kill you!"

This sentence of the red wolf is equivalent to telling Jiang Yun, Hongmeng's attitude towards Jiang Yun now!

It is possible for Hongmeng to capture Jiang Yun instead of killing him.

Jiang Yun said blankly, "What if I insist on enslaving him, or killing him?"

The red wolf was silent for a longer time this time, but when he spoke again, he did not answer the question, but directly offered a condition.

"I see that your current life, vitality, and blood of life are all consumed. I have a medicinal pill here that can help you."

"How about I use this medicine pill in exchange for Zhige?"

"In your case, it is impossible to make another move in a short period of time."

"But if you take the medicine pill I gave you, let alone make you recover completely, at least you can return to 80% of your previous state."

"If you don't believe me, I can let you take the pill first, and after the pill takes effect, you can release Zhige."

"Besides, if you let Zhige go, I promise he won't appear here again!"


The red wolf's voice fell, and the crack in front of Jiang Yun suddenly shattered, and one of the red wolf's paws protruded from it.

The claws slowly spread out, and there was indeed an elixir on it.

It has to be said that in addition to its strength, the red wolf is also extremely sensitive.

In the case that he was not personally there, he told Jiang Yun's state exactly.

It is even possible that he, like the origin of the Five Elements, recognized the technique of Qianjiang, Shuiyue, performed by Jiang Yun, which originated from the old man who wrote the pen.

Therefore, the conditions he offered were what Jiang Yun needed most at present.

Jiang Yun has just entered the tenth floor of the whirlpool space.

Next, he has to face C Yi, Soul Clone, Red Wolf, Jia Yi, and even the memories of the Master of All Spirits.

And in his current state, if there is no way to recover, he will definitely not be able to perform the technique of a thousand rivers and a thousand rivers in a short period of time.

Without the technique of a thousand rivers, water and moon, he could not be an opponent of other powerhouses in the source realm, and he did not even have the qualifications to compete.

At this time, the red wolf sent him the medicinal pill, which was really like sending charcoal in the snow, and it had a great effect on Jiang Yun.

Moreover, in order to show his sincerity, he also sent the medicinal herbs over first.

However, Jiang Yun took a look at the medicine pill and then withdrew his gaze, bluntly refused: "I can't trust you!"

The red wolf's medicine pill came from outside the realm!

Even though Jiang Yun was a master of medicine refining, he couldn't tell whether the ingredients in the medicine pill were really like what the red wolf said, and it was even more impossible for him to take the medicine pill given by the other party.

Facing Jiang Yun's refusal, the red wolf was not angry, flipped its claws, and threw the medicinal pill to the ground, and then continued: "Well, I will change the condition."

"Do you know why Zhi Ge's body doesn't have the protective power we left behind?"

"Because of his way of fighting!"

"Anyone who leaves a protective power in his body is against his Tao and will lead to his confrontation."

"I believe you should be able to feel his struggle now."

"If you want to enslave him with your own Dao Seal, even if you can succeed, it will take a long time."

"And when you succeed, you will find that when you want to give orders to Zhi Ge as a master, his way of fighting will compete with your orders."

"The result of the confrontation is that his Dao Heart will be completely broken, and he will become a waste person if he does not die."

"You spend such a big price, but in the end you only get a waste person, which is not worth the loss."

"Since you don't want the medicine pill, then you can make a condition, how can you let Zhige go!"

Jiang Yun believed what the red wolf said was true.

Because he had wondered why there was no power left by the stronger in Zhi Ge's soul.

Furthermore, although his guardian Daoyin was embedded in Zhige's soul and spread as much as possible, he did feel a sense of unyielding and was constantly struggling.

That is not power, but a will, derived from the way of war!

Thinking back then, it didn't take long for Jiang Yun to make a guardian Dao seal for Guiyi and Xiaoyu, and to control them.

The unyielding will in Kezhi Ge's soul made it extremely difficult for Jiang Yun to protect the spread of the Dao Seal.

Not to mention that Jiang Yun's current state is extremely poor, even in his peak state, it will not take a short time to successfully enslave Zhige.

Naturally, these can prove that what the red wolf said is true!

Therefore, Jiang Yun carefully felt the situation of guarding the Daoyin again, and then calmly said: "This will not bother you."

"Even if he becomes a cripple, at least, I can reduce a strong enemy for Dao Xingtiandi, and I can gain his Dao Heart!"

The red wolf sighed and said, "If you want his Dao Heart, I can't let him give it away, but I can ask him to give you the insight of his practice!"

"Also, now you let him go. In the future, if someone falls into my hands, as long as you speak, I can also let him go."

This condition of Red Wolf made Jiang Yun really tempted.

It is very difficult to enslave Zhige himself, and it is even more difficult to kill him.

If you have enough time, it doesn't matter, just spend it with him slowly.

But now, I can't have this time myself.

Can't be enslaved, and can't be killed, then Zhige will be forced to stay, which is simply adding trouble to himself.

After letting go of Zhi Ge, although I and the entire Daoxing World will definitely face him in the future, it is not a loss to be able to gain his cultivation insights, especially a promise from Red Wolf.

After pondering for a long time, Jiang Yun finally said, "How can I trust you!"

The voice of the red wolf immediately sounded: "Zhi Ge, send your cultivation insights, don't cheat!"

"As for me, because the environment of Daoxing heaven and earth is different from other Dao worlds, I made a Dao oath, and I couldn't let heaven and earth respond, so I sent a piece of my soul to you."

"In the future, when I fulfill my promise, how about you return my divided soul to me!"

The red wolf's claws were retracted, and soon they were stretched out again. Inside, there was indeed a wisp of his soul!

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