The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7040: The strength of Tianzun, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

The Master of All Souls smiled and said, "Why, didn't those people outside tell you just now?"

"I set up this vortex space, naturally, to protect the Guantian Palace in secret, to protect all living beings, and to deal with the monks outside the territory!"

"Originally, I would not have opened this vortex space so early and exposed myself."

"However, I saw that the land outside the law was captured and occupied by the monks from outside the territory, and I was really angry when I saw the monks who promoted the world being slaughtered and enslaved. Only then did the vortex space open in advance to attract the monks from outside the territory to enter."

"Here, there are hundreds of foreign monks who have entered here, and all of them are of extraordinary strength. The weakest are the real emperor and the pseudo-respect."

"Now, except for this tree demon, the other monks from outside the territory have been killed by me."

"Even the strongest red wolf has been taken away by me."

"Isn't that enough to explain my purpose!"

Tianzun sneered and said: "Then why, the ancient three spirits will be wiped out by you and forcibly tied together with regular runes."

"Why, Di Zun Ren Zun and the others are teaming up to deal with Ji Kongfan?"

"Why, you want to join forces with this extraterritorial tree demon to deal with Jiang Yun."

"Don't tell me, Jiang Yun, Ji Kongfan, and the Three Ancient Spirits are also monks from outside the realm!"

The Master of All Souls sighed and said, "I do this for a reason."

"The ancient three spirits are too weak, and I can't help them improve their strength one by one. Only by tying them together in that way can they have the power to fight against the monks outside the territory."

"As for Jiang Yun, I need his ancient imprint!"

"Only if I have the imprint of the ancients, can I become stronger and better protect our Daoxing world!"

"Really?" Although the Master of All Spirits said that he was righteous and dignified, Tianzun didn't believe it at all, and sneered: "Actually, there is no need to be so troublesome."

"I have already met Zungu, and had a deep conversation with him to understand his situation."

"As long as you reintegrate into his body, he can regain his strength."

"So, you don't want to plot Jiang Yun's imprint of the ancients. Why don't you give up resistance, I will take you to see Zungu and realize your wish!"

When the voice fell, Tianzun had already raised his hand, and was about to grab it towards the Master of All Spirits.

In the face of Tianzun's shot, the Master of Ten Thousand Spirits flickered and hid behind the tree demon and said, "Friend Shu, Tianzun is powerful and knows me very well."

"I may not win against her, so you might as well deal with her, and I will deal with Jiang Yun."

"Also, Tianzun doesn't know how to practice magic. It's relatively easy for you to deal with her."

Although the reason given by the Master of All Souls was high-sounding, in fact, Jiang Yun and the tree demon could hear the true meaning of his words.

It's very simple, he is afraid of Tianzun and dare not fight Tianzun!

This made Jiang Yun take a deep look at Tianzun.

How strong is this true genius of the real domain? Isn't it only one step away from the detached powerhouse?

Otherwise, why wouldn't the Master of All Souls, who took the Red Wolf, dare not fight her!

Although the tree demon understood the purpose of the Master of All Spirits, but after a little pondering, he nodded and said, "Okay!"

No one knows that the person behind the scenes in Ten Tiangan also has a great interest in Tianzun.

Therefore, the tree demon doesn't mind testing the strength of Tianzun.

If possible, he also hopes to be able to capture Tianzun together.

The tree demon was quite straightforward. After agreeing, the arm of the original Taoist body immediately turned into a broken bone vine that was thousands of feet long, and drew it towards Tianzun.

Tianzun smiled coldly, facing the oncoming bone-breaking vine, not only did not dodge or dodge, but took the initiative to step forward and greeted it.

And she took one step and stepped on the position in the void, where the Bone Broken Vine fell.

To everyone, Tianzun seemed to be afraid that the bone-breaking vine could not hit him, so he took the initiative to send his body in front of the bone-breaking vine.

Seeing that the bone-breaking vine was about to hit the Heavenly Venerate, suddenly, it changed its direction abruptly and flew back upside down.

Jiang Yun's eyes flashed, and he said softly, "Rewind time!"

At this moment, the time around Tianzun's body reversed, affecting the Bone Broken Vine.

Although Jiang Yun can also reverse the time, Tianzun didn't even move his finger, as if he had let the power of time reverse itself with his mind.

From this, it can be seen that Tianzun's achievements in the power of time are much higher than Jiang Yun.

The bone-breaking vine had just flowed backwards, and Tianzun also raised his feet and took another step. He even came to the side of the tree demon's origin and raised his palm.

I heard a "bang", and the bone-crushing vine that had just been retracted due to the power of the reverse flow fell into the palm of Tianzun.

Tianzun's palms are also slammed together, and they are lightly grasped.

The thousand-foot-long bone-breaking vine immediately decayed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Moreover, this kind of decay is also spreading rapidly towards the body of the tree demon's original body.

This made the tree demon's complexion suddenly change, and the source body hurriedly released the bone-breaking vine.

A bone-crushing vine instantly cracked inch by inch, turned into fly ash, and dissipated.

Still the power of time!

It is also a bit similar to the power of the barren tribe. In an instant, the bone-breaking vine has gone through a long period of time and disappeared.

"So strong!"

Jiang Yun, who witnessed the whole process with his own eyes, expressed his sincere emotion.

The tree demon itself shows the middle-level realm of the original realm, and the hands are the original Tao body that is more powerful than the deity, and it cooperates with the original Tao device that originates from the main body.

If you replace yourself, you can only use the technique of Qianjiang Shuiyue to compete.

However, Tianzun took two steps in an understatement, stretched out his hand, and already easily destroyed the bone-breaking vine!

This strength, even if it is not a high-level source, is almost the same.


The tree demon was obviously also aware of the power of Tianzun, and the huge body suddenly began to shrink. After turning into a normal size, it took the original body and retreated towards the rear, with a dignified expression on its face.

At the same time as the tree demon retreated, the Master of Ten Thousand Spirits also bowed his body and jumped, bypassing Tianzun far away, and came to Jiang Yun's side.

And the voice of Tianzun also sounded in Jiang Yun's ear: "Are you sure about dealing with him?"

"Almost!" Jiang Yun replied in a deep voice.

Tianzun continued: "Okay, this tree demon has hidden strength, I am afraid you can't handle it."

"I'll deal with him as soon as possible, you hold on for a while."

Jiang Yun's heart froze!

The tree demon also hides its strength, and as expected, like the Red Wolf Armor and the others, they are all high-level powerhouses in the source realm.

Thanks to Tianzun arriving in time, otherwise, he really can only escape.

Jiang Yun also sent a voice transmission to Tianzun: "The tree demon stole the treasure of the Master of All Spirits, and it should be in his body. When Tianzun starts, I want to pay attention."

Tianzun raised his eyebrows and nodded.

Obviously, she also knew the existence of the treasure.

And she continued: "By the way, if you have the ability, kill this master of all spirits, don't think about merging him with your master."

"I don't think you want your master to have this memory and become that disgusting teacher of all spirits again."

After saying these words, Tianzun suddenly accelerated his speed and caught up with the fast retreating tree demon.

The original body of the tree demon suddenly exploded, turning into a lush forest of vines, wrapping the figure of Tianzun.

Jiang Yun fell into silence.

Although he also disliked the person of this Master of All Spirits, but the other party is the memory of the Master after all!

Only by merging the memories can the master's strength be further improved.

However, what Tianzun said is also correct.

The master has merged the memories of the past, and it is very likely that he will become the master of all spirits again.

Such a master is not what he wants.


The Master of All Spirits came to Jiang Yun's side, stretched out his claws, and patted Jiang Yun.

However, his claws were not on Jiang Yun's body, but in the nothingness beside Jiang Yun.

The nothingness directly cracked a huge crack, and a black mountain rose up from it.

The mountain exudes a powerful coercion, and it also contains the power of endless rules, which makes everything chaotic in the vast area around Jiang Yun.

Mountain of Rules!

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