The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7041: don't wait, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

After the mountain of rules emerged from nothingness, there was no further action, just suspended there quietly, like a sleeping behemoth, which could wake up at any time.

Jiang Yun was also looking at the Mountain of Rules. Although there was no expression on his face, a doubt that he had in his heart before appeared again.

This magnificent mountain of rules does not come from the power of the Master of All Spirits, but from the power in the Daoxingtian map!

Even though he is not the real owner of the Daoxingtian map, at least he has the right to use it.

Strictly speaking, the Master of All Souls is the enemy of Dao Zun and the person targeted by the Dao Xingtian map.

In this case, why is the Master of All Spirits able to use the power in this picture at will?

Who owns this picture?

At this moment, the Master of All Spirits also stepped out and stood on the top of the mountain of rules.

Strange to say, looking at the Master of All Spirits and the Mountain of Rules at this moment, Jiang Yun felt that the two seemed to be fused together.

What moved Jiang Yun even more was that the fluctuations in the aura emitted by the two were slightly stronger than before.

And this also means that the strength of the Master of All Spirits has been improved again.

The Master of All Souls finally said, "Jiang Yun, do you know that when the strength reaches a certain level, there will be a different name among the monks outside the territory."


"Xian, stronger than mortals, stronger than ordinary monks, is aloof, worshipped by all spirits, just like me."

"One person and one mountain are immortals!"

"Now, I am a fairy!"

Jiang Yun remembered that he seemed to have heard similar sayings about immortals from Jiang Shan's mouth.

However, the title of immortal can only fool ordinary people and weak monks.

With Jiang Yun's current strength, if he goes to any Taoist realm outside the realm, he will also be considered a fairy by those ordinary creatures and worship him.

Therefore, Jiang Yun said lightly: "One person and one mountain are immortals, but unfortunately, you are a wolf now!"

"One wolf and one mountain, what should it be called?"

"You!" Jiang Yun asked in a simple way, and suddenly the Master of All Spirits was furious, and the cold light in his eyes skyrocketed.

But he couldn't find a reason to refute it either.

After all, at this moment, he is indeed wearing the body of a red wolf.

"Stop talking nonsense, today, I will definitely take away your ancient imprint."

After the Master of All Souls could only helplessly release a cruel word, he waved his sleeves, and the mountain of rules under his feet suddenly soared.

The huge mountain, as if transformed into a giant snake, was actually connected end to end, surrounding Jiang Yun and Lei Benyuan, forming a circle with a radius of 10,000 zhang.

Surrounded by the Mountain of Rules, Jiang Yun immediately noticed that all the forces around him had disappeared without a trace.

In short, this vast area has become a vacuum area, with no rules and no power.

And when Jiang Yun stepped out and wanted to step out of this area, the mountain of rules actually followed Jiang Yun like a shadow.

In addition, the mountain of rules also released bursts of coercion, so that Jiang Yun's speed could not be fully expanded, and he could not escape the area surrounded by the mountain.

The next moment, the Master of All Spirits smiled Yinyin: "Look at how long the strength in your body can last!"

The voice fell, and the Master of All Spirits touched it again, and the mountain of rules shook slightly, and suddenly there were colorful rays of light blooming on it.

Every light is a rule.

A lot of rule power is no longer chaotic, but condensed together, turned into a variety of rule attacks, and rushed towards Jiang Yun.

So far, Jiang Yun has naturally understood the purpose of the Master of All Souls, using the mountain of rules to empty all power, and then exhaust his own power.

Once you're exhausted, it's time to catch yourself.

It can be seen from this that the Master of All Souls is still quite cautious.

If it was replaced by someone else, he would have a strong strength himself, and he had taken away a high-level powerhouse of the original source, so he must have taken the shot himself.

But the Master of All Souls still chose to use the safest method.

Jiang Yun's face was calm and he stood still, while Lei Benyuan raised his hand and waved, trying to attract the power of thunder.

It is a pity that the original Dao body, which could attract the entire Daoxing world and thunder, has also lost its talent-like ability under the shackles of the Mountain of Rules.


The sound of thunder came from the body of Lei Benyuan's body, Dao lines covered the whole body, and thunders flew out from his body, rushing towards the oncoming various regular attacks.

Naturally, these thunders did not originate from Daoxing the world, but from Jiang Yun himself, the thunder of the Dao.

It has to be said that the power of the Thunder of the Dao is still extremely terrifying.

No matter how many kinds of regular attacks the Mountain of Rules unleashes, the Yuanyuan Dao body will smash them one by one with only the power of a single thunderbolt, making it impossible for them to approach Jiang Yun and the Yuanyuan Dao body at all.

As for Jiang Yun himself, he just stood there calmly, with no intention of taking action at all, just staring at the surroundings calmly.

In Jiang Yun's mind, he was still thinking about that doubt.

I can't absorb the power from all around, so it stands to reason that the Master of All Souls and the Mountain of Rules can't absorb it either.

But the regular attacks released by this mountain of rules all come from this Daoxingtian map!

This makes the power of the Mountain of Rules is endless and endless, so it is possible to consume Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun couldn't help but ask: "Senior Xia, since this Daoxingtian map belongs to Dao Zun, and it is now under my temporary control, why is the Master of All Spirits also able to control the power of the rules here?"

Xia Ruliu naturally saw this strangeness.

Hearing Jiang Yun's question, she frowned and shook her head gently: "I don't know either."

"However, in my mind, something seems to be vaguely thinking of, but I can't think of it."

"Maybe, when I figure it out, I can give you the answer."

Xia Ruliu's answer did not give Jiang Yun any help, but made Jiang Yun even more puzzled.

At this time, Xia Ruliu thought of something that she couldn't think of.

Jiang Yun didn't ask any more questions, but told her: "Senior, please don't forget to see if you can cut off the relationship between the Master of All Souls and the Red Wolf!"

Jiang Yun has not dared to use his full strength until now, just because he still can't make up his mind, he even killed the red wolf!

Xia Ruliu agreed, stopped talking, and stared at the Master of All Spirits, trying her best to make the vague thoughts in her mind clear.

Seeing that Jiang Yun didn't make a move, but just let Yuanyuan Dao body attack, the Master of All Spirits sneered.

He doesn't care whether Jiang Yun shot or Yuanyuan Dao's shot, anyway, it will consume Jiang Yun's power.

The Master of All Spirits said to himself: "With your high-intensity attack, even if you are a high-level source, you won't be able to last for too long."

"However, I don't know if the tree demon can solve Tianzun. Just in case, I will continue to increase the attack strength and consume your power as soon as possible."

For Tianzun, the Master of Ten Thousand Spirits is still extremely jealous, really afraid that the tree demon is not the opponent of Tianzun.

Therefore, as this thought fell, the Master of Ten Thousand Spirits raised his hand and moved towards the area where Jiang Yun was located. With a virtual press, countless cracks appeared under the vibration of the space.

In each crack, a large number of regular runes poured out, attacking Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, and he naturally understood that the Master of All Souls wanted a quick solution.

However, he still stood there, just letting Lei Benyuan continue to protect himself with the power of thunder.

The Master of All Souls smiled and said: "Under such a powerful attack from me, your power will be almost exhausted within a quarter of an hour at most."

A quarter of an hour passed quickly, and the face of the Master of All Spirits had darkened.

Because Jiang Yun was still standing there, calm and calm, and Lei Benyuan's body was still alive and well.

Even the thunder light on his body did not weaken in the slightest.

"What's going on here!" The Master of All Spirits widened his eyes and said, "After so long, even if his power is not exhausted, he should reduce it somewhat!"

"But looking at his appearance, it seems that his strength has not diminished at all!"

At the same time, Xia Ruliu's voice also sounded in Jiang Yun's ears: "Jiang Yun, I'm sorry, I can't think of it, nor can I cut off the relationship between the Master of All Souls and the Red Wolf."

Jiang Yun nodded lightly and said, "It's okay, then I'll wait!"

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