The World That Tao Rules

Chapter 7042: act according to plan, the fastest update of the latest chapters in the world of Taoism!

"How can you be so strong!"

Very far away from Jiang Yun, in the forest composed of vines, the tree demon stared at Tianzun in front of him with an ugly expression.

Since Tianzun easily destroyed a bone-breaking vine, the tree demon has no longer dared to have any contempt for Tianzun.

Even, he finally stopped hiding his cultivation, revealing his true realm.

The source realm is high-level!

The same realm as the first class of Red Wolf Armor, placed outside the realm, is also close to the top powerhouse.

But even so, in the next process of facing Tianzun, not only did he not have the upper hand, but he became more and more difficult to fight, and the more he fought, the more afraid he became.

Now, he felt even more of a death threat.

In the final analysis, the strength of Tianzun is too strong, the strong ones are a bit unreasonable, and they are unable to fight back.

According to his speculation, the strength of Tianzun should have reached the peak of the source realm, and he is only one step away from the detached powerhouse.

In any case, he could not imagine why such a powerful Heavenly Venerate would be willingly trapped in the Guantian Palace.

With the strength of Tianzun, let alone jumping out of the Guantian Palace, even if you go to any Taoist realm outside the territory, it is a strong person who is to be worshipped by countless monks.

Especially in today's outside world, the detached powerhouses are inexplicably missing, and there is no trace.

Under the detachment, the peak of the source is an invincible existence.

As long as you speak, you can have what you want, but why Tianzun refuses to jump out of this game?

Facing the doubts from the tree demon, Tianzun said expressionlessly: "Why, can't there be one or two strong people in my Daoxing world?"

The tree demon said solemnly: "I admit that I really underestimated you, but it is not easy for you to kill me."

"I just need to hold you back, wait until the Master of All Souls solves Jiang Yun, and if I join forces with him to deal with you, you will still lose!"

"So, why don't we discuss it, I'm leaving your Guantian Palace now, and you and Jiang Yun can do their best to deal with the Master of All Spirits."

"I think, Jiang Yun definitely doesn't have the strength like you, and he won't be the opponent of the Master of All Souls."

Tianzun smiled and said: "Whether Jiang Yun can deal with the Master of All Souls, that's not something you need to worry about."

"Do you really think that I am a place where you, monks from outside the territory, come and leave whenever you want?"

"You don't have to talk nonsense here. I can tell you the truth. Today, it is absolutely impossible for you to leave!"

"However, if you can tell me who the envoy behind your ten days of work is, and what his purpose is, I can spare you not to die."

"The price is that I want you to become my cultivator, and from now on, live for me!"

After staring at Tianzun for a while, the tree demon shook his head and said, "You are really dreaming!"

"Since you know that I am the one who did it for ten days, and that there is still an envoy behind me, then you should be more aware of the consequences if I make a mistake, and if you are prosperous, what kind of consequences will you suffer!"

Tianzun shrugged his shoulders and said, "Threats don't mean anything to me."

When the voice fell, Tianzun suddenly raised his palm and patted the tree demon lightly.

The seemingly innocuous palm turned the tree demon's complexion into a forest of vines, and all the vines immediately moved.

Not to attack Tianzun, but to intertwined with each other in layers, condensing a wall of vines, blocking the power of Tianzun's palm.

As for the deity of the tree demon, a gap was cracked in the palm, and a green sign was drilled out of it.

Glancing at the sign, the tree demon gritted his teeth, clenched his palm tightly, and smashed the sign into pieces, turning it into countless green spots of light, like fireflies, floating upwards.

Moreover, the speed is extremely fast, and all the light spots have disappeared in an instant.

At the same time, in a certain world within the Immortal Realm, a simple-looking middle-aged man sat cross-legged with his eyes closed.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and looked at the countless green light spots that appeared out of thin air in front of him, and a ferocious look appeared on that simple and honest face.

In his eyes, a dazzling cold light erupted!

The middle-aged man waved his hand, grabbed all the green light spots in his hand, and then patted his forehead heavily.

Immediately afterwards, the hurried voice of the tree demon sounded in his mind: "Master, I have grabbed the treasure of Daoxing Tiandi, but I was entangled by Tianzun."

"Tianzun's strength is too strong, it should be the source of the peak, come and save me!"

Obviously, the token crushed by the tree demon is like a jade slip of communication. Even if he is in the Daoxingtian map, he can still pass a simple message to his master, that is, the middle man. man.

As the voice of the tree demon fell, the middle-aged man narrowed his eyes slightly, and said to himself, "I didn't expect it to be mentioned by the leader of the Hongmeng again."

"This revitalizing water is really deep!"

"Two high-level powerhouses in the source realm, one bright and one dark, can't turn around safely, and they still need me to save their lives."

"Tianzun, will it be a monk at the peak of the source realm?"

"Why don't I believe it!"

While speaking, the man has already stepped forward and left this world.

Outside the world where Dao Zun is, the leader of the Hongmeng still stands there with his hands on his back and eyes closed.

And in the darkness behind him, a figure finally appeared quietly, it was the simple-looking middle-aged man.

The man came to the side of the leader of the Hongmeng Alliance in one step, and an apologetic smile appeared on his simple and honest face: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I have kept you waiting for a long time."

"I had almost prepared everything, but I just found out that there was one less thing to prepare, so it took a little time."

Hearing the man's voice, the leader of the Hongmeng opened his eyes, and said with a smile on his face: "It's okay, just come here."

"Now, are you sure you are ready, fellow Daoist?"

"If not, we can wait!"

"Perhaps, there will be a turning point in Daoist, I don't know!"

The middle-aged man smiled and shook his head: "Don't wait any longer."

"I've also considered it. Daoist friend's plan should be the best way for us to deal with Daoxing Tiandi now. So, let's just follow Daoist friend's plan. Let's act according to plan!"

"Okay, fellow Daoist, let's hurry up and deal with the Dao Zun first!"

After speaking, the man stretched out his hand and pointed to the world of Dao Zun in front of him and said, "Friend Dao, please!"

The Alliance Leader of Hongmeng smiled slightly: "Please!"

The two walked side by side and walked towards the world.

In the Daoxingtian map, Jiang Yun's eyes crossed his own Lei Benyuan Dao body, looked at the Master of All Souls in the distance, and slowly said: "Master of All Souls, don't think about exhausting my strength. already."

"Because, you can't waste it!"

If the Master of All Spirits can see Jiang Yun's body, he will find that the half-white and half-black circle in Jiang Yun's body has not only not decreased in the slightest, but is still continuously releasing outward. strong power.

There are countless powers in the world, but in the final analysis, they all come from yin and yang.

Since Jiang Yun's body has become yin and yang, it makes Jiang Yun's power almost endless and reciprocating.

Not to mention that it will never be exhausted, but it is simply impossible to exhaust Jiang Yun's power with an attack of the level of the Master of All Souls.

Even, the speed at which he consumes is not as fast as the speed at which Jiang Yun's power is generated.

After Jiang Yun's voice fell, a guard avenue appeared behind his body, reaching a height of 10,000 feet, which directly filled the area surrounded by the mountain of rules.

Although the Master of All Souls responded extremely quickly, the mountain of rules immediately began to expand with his hands reaching out and the scope of coverage continued to expand.

However, the guardian avenue has raised his fist without hesitation, and together with the endless thunder commanded by Lei Benyuan, he slammed into the mountain of rules.


The mountain of rules was torn apart in an instant.

Jiang Yun stepped out!

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