Today I Am a Hostage Again

Chapter 248: The second 48th day of being a hostage

Shikura Ma also had a strong desire for exclusivity towards Oshiba Kensuke, even to the point of being paranoid. Maybe he himself didn't notice it in normal times, but in fact it is true.

Shikura Ma also hoped that Osaki Kensuke should only be able to talk to him alone, only his one friend, only with him, whenever Dachai Kensuke talks and chats with other people, that person can receive Shikura Ma Also staring at death.

Unfortunately, Aizawa once experienced it once.

"Hmm, I know." Aizawa dug out the classmate named Maya Shikura from the deep sea of ​​memory, and he quickly matched the number.

Masahiro Setagawa looked at Oshiba Kensuke, who was in a frenzy and perplexity. "Actually, Shikura Ma also entered Arayada High School this year and became a classmate with us."

"Huh?" Aizawa was puzzled. "Isn't that a good thing?"

Don't even look at Ochai Kensuke who kept calling that he and Zhicang Ma had broken up, it was best not to meet each other, especially hard.

But in fact, this is just because of the momentary anger and the words that are shouted are not credible at all. The reason why they have shouted for so many years and been angry for so many years is that the two people have indeed not been in contact for many years, and the other is that the persistence of the small animal is causing trouble.

When Shikura Ma also transferred to school again and returned to Osashiba Kensuke, the two of them explained the problem. Osaki Kensuke is still a happy little angel, and can forget all the unhappiness. Maybe after repairing the old one, he will be able to have a stronger relationship. .

"That..." It was a bit difficult to explain this matter to a non-party, Masahiro Setagawa, but the state of Kensuke Oshiba was obviously not clear.

If there is any further delay, they are about to go to class time.

Aizawa dragged the enemy forward, quietly waiting for the explanation on the other side of the phone.

Masahiro Setagawa closed his eyes and his heart squinted, "Although Shikura Ma also came back, but getting along with Kensuke... That, it should be said that it is affection, but it is a bit..."

Aizawa blinked blankly, "Emotions?"

What feelings?

At this time, Kensuke Oshiba finally reacted. He held Masahiro Masahiro Masahiro Masahiro Masahiro’s hand with his mobile phone in both hands, and said to Aizawa Sora in a tone that was neither entangled nor happy: It's reconciled too."

Aizawa Sora: "I guessed it." He was not surprised.

"No, no, no, but things are not what you think!" Oshiba Kensuke cried out to Aizawa Sora about what happened this morning, "He even asked me whether to break the relationship again or let him hold him. Why? Do, nothing, you..."

"Hug?" Aizawa Sora, who has been struggling with a group of young girls who are struggling to become heroes, has not had time to illuminate the knowledge in this area. The understanding of the word'hug' has always stayed at In the hug, it is absolutely impossible to think too much.

Aizawa Sora continued: "Hug?"

Probably this is the difference between Shonen Man and Lian Ai Fan...

The protagonists of the young comics are generally fighting for their ideals and constantly sweating. All they think about is how to improve their own strength. Even if the first one is the most emotionally, it is nothing more than confession and simple relationships, even with women. The child blushed and his heartbeat was tense when he spoke.

But when it comes to romance, they are obviously all the same age, but some of the ‘knowledge’ they know is beyond the reach of the protagonists of the young manga. When they were in high school, they even thought about how to bring their favorite girls/boys to bed, and maybe even implemented them.

As a character in a young man, Sora Aizawa was able to talk to Shinichi Kudo about knowledge that should not be understood at their age, thanks to Bresant Mack.

But even if he gave Bresont Mac ten courage, he didn't dare to drive indiscriminately in front of Aizawa Sora, a child who was not yet an adult. Aizawa, a younger brother, would not take into account that he was an old classmate and he would be merciful. , Will definitely reserve a bed for him in a nearby hospital and let him live there all year round.

As soon as Aizawa's doubts were asked, on the other side, Masahiro and Osaki Kensuke, who had a wide range of knowledge, froze.

Now the question is, how should they explain the word ‘hug’ with Aizawa Sora, who is as simple as white paper, elegantly and not dirty?

But no matter what, in the end, Aizawa Sora must know some knowledge of that aspect.

Thinking of this, the two were silent, even Ochai Kangsuke, who had been flustered, didn't know what he should say.

There will always be a subtle sense of guilt.

Masahiro Kitagawa and Kensuke Oshiba looked at each other, and in the end Masahiro Kitagawa who knew better came to explain.

They also didn't understand. They clearly came to ask Oshiba Kensuke. How did they develop into the knowledge of 18 bans with Aizawa Sora?

"That..." Masahiro Setagawa thought for a long time, and finally took a deep breath, put aside his face, and asked directly: "Sora knows, what do you want to do after the two have a relationship?"

"After dating... get married?"

Masahiro Setagawa choked, "It's not wrong to say that, that is... If you get married, two people will still do something... Actually, it's okay if you don't get married. No, I didn't mean that." Suddenly, his eyes lit up, "Has Aizawa-kun ever watched TV dramas? There are often plots of the male and female protagonists, Kiss, and they will do something more after Kiss..."

Aizawa Sora seemed to understand, then his eyes widened, and a blush appeared on his white cheeks, "Huh? Isn't it..."

Does ‘hug’ mean something like this?

Hearing Aizawa's reaction, Masahiro Shitagawa knew that Aizawa had already understood.

Now that the most difficult level has been broken, it should be easier to communicate next.

"Sora, what should I do." Otaki Kensuke continued to ask Aizawa Sora in a muffled voice.

Setagawa Masahiro also whispered to the phone: "Actually, I thought about it before, but no matter what you think, Kensuke and that Shikura-kun are..."

"Because of the breakup, he can choose to be strong, or ask him to be gentle..." Oshiba Kensuke said the words that Masahiro Setagawa said to him just now, feeling that the world is spinning. No matter which of these two, he can't escape the ending of being caught!

The knowledge of this aspect had just been illuminated, and immediately after hearing such a hot topic, even Aizawa Sora couldn't help but feel a little irritating.

"Um..." I don't know if it is very resistant to strikes. Aizawa is about to wake up before he drags the enemy he just captured to the police station. When I was awake, I couldn't help but let out a slight muffled sound because of the pain in the back of his head.

Aizawa heard the sound, stopped and looked back at the man.

Without any hesitation, he took out the pan from the space and knocked it on the man's head again.

‘Boom! The sound of the ground shocked the two people waiting over there.

Ochai Kensuke: "Fa, what happened?"

"Nothing, don't care." Aizawa replied indifferently, "Regarding the question about Kensuke and Shikura, Kensuke, do you like him?"

"I like it." Dachai Kensuke didn't hesitate to take a bit, very sure. If he doesn't like it, will he still be so angry because Ma also transferred to school and left? "But Ma Ye told me that my likes are different from his likes."

Just after losing his first kiss in the morning, Oshiba Kensuke put his head against the wall. If he has the personality of Kirishima Reijiro, he can now wear the wall.

"Kensuke." Aizawa was serious and serious. "I haven't been in a relationship."

This is a dead spot.

When Oshiba Kensuke heard that he was the kind of person who had never been in love before, the same was true for Masahiro Setagawa, and even more so for Aizawa Sora.

How can three people who have never been in a relationship go beyond the step of "being in love" and discuss directly into bed?

Aizawa Sora: "But among the people I know, there is also a pair of lovers of the same sex. I can ask for you, that...what to note?"

Oshiba Kensuke, who just felt that Aizawa Sora seemed a little reliable, couldn't help it, and started to complain: "Sora, do you think I have only that way to go?!"

Aizawa Sora came into Oshiba Kensuke's ear with an apologetic voice: "Sorry, I just said that out of control. I have arrived at the police station now, and I will send you an email in a while."

Ochai Kensuke shrugged his head, and was said by two good friends one after another, his thoughts have been following this way, and he didn't mean to look back.

Sora Aizawa sent the criminals to the police station and explained carefully, especially that they might have joined the enemy alliance through an intermediary's introduction.

Leaving the police station, Aizawa took out his cell phone and sent an e-mail to Junta Higashiya, who was not sure if he was busy.

——Brother Donggu, what does it feel like to like a person? How did Higashiya make sure that he liked Mr. Saijo? Have you ever been confused because Mr. Saijo is of the same gender as your own?

Junta Higashiya didn't know if he had no work or was resting now. He responded quickly, but he didn't answer Aizawa's question.

--what? What? How could Sora suddenly ask this question? Is it empty that you already have someone you like? Who? Do i know? Could it be the Bakou who stood with you at the door that night?

Aizawa Sora after seeing the content of the email: "…………"

Before he could reply, Junta Donggu called.

As soon as the call was connected, he did not continue to ask the question just asked in the email. Instead, he talked about how he was sure that he liked Saijo.

Aizawa Sora: "..." I always feel forced to eat dog food.

"Okay, I get it." Aizawa said when Junta Higashiya asked about his relationship status: "Higashiya should still have work to do, I won't bother."

Junta Higashiya, who was hung up, looked at the screen of the phone, and then called Mr. Saijo to talk about the question Aizawa asked him.

Aizawa Sora sighed in his heart and looked at the time. It was time for normal high school students to go to class. He instead sent an email to Da Chai Jianjie.

The email was sent successfully, and Aizawa looked at the blue sky suspiciously. Why does he, a person who has never been in love, teach others how to determine the mood to fall in love?


I forgot how Oshiba Kensuke called Shikura Maya, this is written according to memory _(:з」∠)_

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