Too Reckless

Vol 11 Chapter 17: Lost Realms

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In the terrified chirping of birds, the two figures hugging each other fell into the mist between the fissures of the earth and kept falling, as if they were about to reach Huangquan Jiuyou directly.

The whole body is full of fog, and it is even difficult to judge whether it is rising or falling.

Rao is Shangguan Lingye's mind, and in this emptiness where he can't see things and can't escape, he also shows tension, pulling Zuo Lingquan behind his back, with his body in front, facing the incalculable danger ahead.

Zuo Lingquan used his left hand to wrap Shangguan Lingye's whole body in his arms, with a long sword in his hand, and also cautiously sensed the surroundings.

Fortunately, nothing indescribable appeared in the fog; after falling for an unknown period of time, the two finally fell through the fog, and what appeared in front of them was an even more bizarre scene.

The mountains and rivers are shifted, and the universe is reversed.

The two fell into the crack of the earth, but when they came out, they were in the clouds. When they looked up, the earth and the mountains and rivers were broken into pieces, suspended from the sky and fell into the clouds.

Among the clouds, there are also yellow sand and gravel falling with the rainstorm, smashing into the earth in front of him, and the sky is falling apart. I am afraid this is the scene.

The shattered earth, under the light of the thunder, can see the towering ancient trees on the earth, some little nameless beasts flee under the shaking of the earth, and even faintly see the ancient palaces covered by vines, collapsing with the rocks. , occasionally leaking cornices.

But looking around, there is no trace of human activity on the ground, not even large animals. It seems to be a small world that has long been dead to humans and is completely collapsing.

Zuo Lingquan hugged Shangguan Lingye and fell with the rainstorm, trying to control the current to stabilize his body; but the land of Jiuzhou tore apart this small world, and under the aftermath, even the space began to be unpredictable, not to mention relying on the five elements and gossip cast spells.

It felt like entering a Demon Sealing Sword Formation that was bigger than the sky. The technique was difficult to control. Even if it was shot, it would become a wild horse.

Shangguan Lingye originally wanted to ride the wind, but after using his supernatural powers, the two began to spin in the air, almost throwing Zuo Lingquan out, but finally gave up control of the world, and the two drifted with the current and fell freely. A river to the ground.


Splashes of water in the turbulent river.

Zuo Lingquan was worried that the bottom of the water would not be safe, so after falling into the water, he grabbed the suffocating dumpling and jumped to the shore, landing on the grass where the aftershock could be felt.

Shangguan Lingye stood next to him, soaked in rain. He wanted to flick his fingers to disperse the water vapor, but indiscriminately using aura might cause a chain reaction in this unstable world, so he finally chose to take out a flower umbrella. , propped on the top of his head, and said:

"This place is bigger than expected. It will take half a month to fully integrate with Central Continent."

Zuo Lingquan looked around, the sky was obscured by thunderclouds, and he could only rely on electric light to identify the radius of several meters, and sometimes he could hear the roar of the mountain and landslide. He wiped the rain off his face, stood under the flower umbrella, and asked:

"How do I get out now?"

"Heaven and earth haven't fully merged, and I can't figure out the direction. It's best not to fly around, wait until it stabilizes before leaving, and find a safe place to stay first."


Dumplings poured into chicken soup, standing on Zuo Lingquan's shoulders, pointing in one direction with his wings, as if he was saying:

"Go south, Niaoniao is the king of the southern mountain, and when the sky falls, there are birds and birds."

Although Zuo Lingquan didn't understand the meaning, but he could feel the sense of security brought by self-confidence from the dumplings, so he didn't say much, took the umbrella, and walked south with his arms around Shangguan Lingye's shoulder.

The action of hugging the shoulders is natural, and with the scene of destroying the world, it really feels like a mandarin duck in the end of the world.

Shangguan Lingye paid attention to the surroundings, noticed this little movement, and glanced at Zuo Lingquan's expression calmly. .

Tuanzi's perception of the changes in heaven and earth is much more sensitive and intuitive than the two of them. He used his wings to guide Zuo Lingquan, walked along the Wuming River for a few hours, and finally turned to a mountain that was still intact.

The mountain is very high, and under the thunderstorm, the top of the mountain has been poked into the clouds, and some buildings can be faintly seen, but they are all very old and dilapidated.

The bluestone road up the mountain is still there, although you can feel the vibrations of the heaven and the earth, but when you are on the mountain, you feel very little, as if the mountain peak is the pinnacle of this small world, stabilizing everything around it.

"This mountain should be Zhongyue. The Optimus Prime of this side of the world will not collapse under normal conditions. It is estimated that it will emerge from the sand sea and become a new fairy mountain in the future."

Shangguan Lingye walked along the stone road in the mountains, looking at the overall feng shui weather of the mountain, and said:

"I don't know if the root of the mountain is damaged. If the root of the mountain is intact and successfully integrated into the terrain of Yuyao Continent, it may become a geomantic treasure land like Barren Mountain and Fulong Mountain in the future, but it is a pity that it falls to the boundary of Central Continent..."

Zuo Lingquan didn't know much about Feng Shui, so he focused more on the ancient buildings left on the mountain.

I don’t know how many years it has been isolated from the world. The architectural style is very different from the contemporary one. It can only be roughly seen that it is a practice sect.

The name of the sect can no longer be verified, but on the stone wall beside the road up the mountain, you can see some murals and stone carvings.

Zuo Lingquan swept away the vines on the mural with his sword, and upon closer inspection, he could roughly see the meaning of the mural:

Heaven and earth were initially in chaos and emptiness, and by chance, Yin and Yang were born, and then gradually the five elements of heaven and earth and even all spirits in the world were born.

When the heaven and the earth first came into being, the Azure Dragon, White Tiger and other heavenly officials and five beasts came into being. Later, the earth cracked and divided into nine continents, and each continent gave birth to small heavenly officials and five beasts. This mountain is on the mural. In the center of Yuyao Island, there is a big horned deer standing on it.

Seeing this, Zuo Lingquan was a little unclear, so he said:

"The Lord of Middle-earth, shouldn't it be a unicorn? How could it be a deer?"

Tuanzi was also very interested in the murals. Before Shangguan Lingye could speak, he posed as a round phoenix with wings spread, meaning "Aren't birds and phoenixes also phoenixes."

The meaning of Shangguan Lingye is similar to that of dumplings, but the example given is the previous Lord of the South:

"Little Heavenly Officials and Five Beasts are all descendants of the Five Heavenly Gods. The pill-stealing pill used to be just a peacock that stole the elixir, but after becoming the Lord of the South, he took control of the power of the phoenix, but it still looks like a green-headed peacock."


Zuo Lingquan nodded slightly, then looked at the group again:

"If the dumplings became a big phoenix and their appearance remained the same, wouldn't that be..."

"It turned into a big colorful group."


The dumpling shook his head quickly, indicating that he would not grow such an angry flower hair. He has always been a white dumpling and will only grow up.

These trivial chats were just digressions, and Zuo Lingquan went on to look at the murals.

After the big-horned deer settled down on this mountain, a group of mortals who sincerely worshipped came, and the big-horned deer was enlightened and established this sect.

The murals at the back depict the major events experienced by the sect, most of which are about slaying demons and eliminating demons, clearing the world, and even seeing the traces of the gathering of souls. At that time, there were 'gods and ghosts' Four characters.

The sect has experienced many years of ups and downs, and then one day, a crack appeared in the sky of Jiuzhou, and an indescribable demon fell into the world.

This sect, united with the people on the land of Jiuzhou, drove away this group of foreign visitors at the price of one hundred and one, but soon there was a new enemy, tearing apart the space and descending on Jiuzhou.

I don’t know how long this **** and dark history lasted. Almost all the murals were reincarnated again and again in this environment of foreign invasion, until a Taoist priest appeared in Huajunzhou, holding a sword and severing the sky and the earth.

The time-honored murals ended here, and the two also walked to the mountain gate.

The towering gate with a unicorn statue on the original mural has long since collapsed, leaving only a base full of moss and dead vines.

When Zuo Lingquan was still pondering the meaning of the murals, he saw that there was a painting carved on the base of the statue. The style of painting was different from the murals on the mountain road. The disciples of the sect, standing under the big horned deer statue, looked at the earth where the grass grows and the warbler flies.

On this land, there are no more heavenly demons that harassed Jiuzhou, but there is also no pinnacle immortal who is enough to traverse Jiuzhou.

The tombs on the earth seem to indicate that the once immortal guardians of Jiuzhou have all died in these peaceful years after the heavens and the earth were cut off, and even the glorious sects that have lasted for unknown years are also Gradually wither, leaving only two or three children.

But there is no sadness or regret on the portrait. The red sun falling on the horizon has the meaning of writing the end for this ancient sect, but it seems to be telling future generations who see these murals:

Although we are all dead, we have left behind a world of endless life. We know that the horizon you will see from now on will always be the sun, not another demon that ravages the world, so we can die without worry and die in a proper place.

Zuo Lingquan stood in front of the base of the collapsed statue, and after a long silence, he sighed:

"If what the mural says is true, then the current Jiuzhou land is indeed a paradise on earth where everything is safe."

Shangguan Lingye felt more, and said softly:

"In history, there are many seniors who sacrificed their lives for the sake of the common people. Not to mention, the battle of stealing pills alone killed countless seniors, many of whom don't even know their names. Of course, what these seniors asked for was not Let us remember the names, but hope that we understand where the current nine sects came from, and like the master, use a lifetime to maintain this hard-won stability."

Having said that, Shangguan Lingye shook his head and sighed again, and accompanied him into the ancient sect that had already withered:

"Unfortunately, we only know this big truth. Without the experience of the master, it is difficult to maintain the great perseverance of the master that spans the millennium. Just like you, if you choose between me and the common people. , which one would you choose?"

? ?

Zuo Lingquan was sighing at the experience of this ancient sect, when he suddenly heard this proposition, he hesitated for a while, and wanted to answer, but found that no matter how he answered, he could only say:

"Children make choices, and I have to protect them all."


Shangguan Lingye shook his head:

"You and I can't make a choice, and I can't be ruthless. But if it's Shizun, she will stand on the side of the common people, die with you afterward, and even send you away with her own hands when necessary. I also want to be Shizun. Such a person, but unfortunately, the closer I get to you, the farther I find out from my former aspirations, that Wenrou Township is a hero's grave, and it really isn't a joke."


Zuo Lingquan knew that this topic was very heavy, and Shangguan Lingye also opened up his heart, confided his true feelings, and clearly stated that he regarded him as more important than all things in the world.

But the last sentence still sounds very weird. Who is the gentle township and who is the hero seems to be reversed.

Zuo Lingquan thought for a while, put his arms around Shangguan Lingye's waist, put her in his arms, looked back at the cracked earth, and said:

"These things are things that men should consider. When that time comes, I will know how to choose. You have a daughter's family, so you can honestly be my gentle town; if one day, you need to make a dilemma between me and the people. If I choose to choose, it means that I have practiced this sword in vain, and I don’t deserve to live until then.”

This sentence is very domineering. Although the realm gap is a bit big, it makes Shangguan Lingye sound a little funny, but she still cooperates with being a little woman, hugging her chest, leaning her head slightly on Zuo Lingquan's shoulder, and whispering softly road:

"It's good to have this ambition. In my words, I guess I'll choose you, life and death, what is it with me. This idea is already a sign of infatuation, I want to rein in the precipice, but I can't be ruthless."

? ?

Zuo Lingquan was originally very moved, but the last sentence made him feel that something was wrong. He held a flower umbrella over Shangguan Lingye's head, and looked at her profile:

"How can this be considered infatuation, this is human nature. How are you going to stop yourself from the precipice? You can't break up with me."

"You will still miss it after breaking up with friends. If you want to completely cut off the relationship, but you are tied, you have to kill the husband to prove the Tao."


Zuo Lingquan's expression froze.

Shangguan Lingye gave a "chi~" laugh, and smiled smartly and brilliantly:

"To completely cut off the ties, this is the most ruthless way. Those who can do it will become a devil if they can't become an immortal. I'm not kidding. Are you afraid?"

Zuo Lingquan is definitely not afraid, but he just thinks that Shangguan Lingye's joke is not easy to take, he thought about it, spread his hands and said:

"You have such a high level of cultivation, I can't stop you from killing your husband to prove Taoism. But there is a marriage anyway, so I should be able to choose a decent way to die, right?"

Shangguan Lingye thought for a while, and nodded slightly: "This requirement is natural, how do you want to die?"

Zuo Lingquan looked left and right, and after confirming that there were no outsiders in this place, he acted as if he was willing to die generously, and leaned into Shangguan Lingye's ear:

"Or... be exhausted..."

The small words were obscured by the rainstorm and could not be heard clearly.

Shangguan Lingye gradually frowned, moved his cheeks slightly, and stared at Zuo Lingquan strangely:

"It's such a painful way to die, and it's very shameful, can you think of it?"

"I think it's okay." Zuo Lingquan said half-jokingly: "Since I can't resist, I can only enjoy it before I die. If the lady has made up her mind, just do it. I will never beg for mercy, I promise to die decently."


Shangguan Lingye was speechless and wanted to reprimand Zuo Lingquan for being shameless, but her behavior prevented her from acting like a shy little woman, so she finally chose to ridicule:

"Bengong is a half-step jade, and we may have to stay here for half a month. Are you sure that you are so ignorant that you dare to fight with Bengong?"


Zuo Lingquan thought this word was very interesting. He and Qingwan practiced for two years, and all kinds of techniques had already been perfected. He responded proudly to this:

"Why don't you dare?"

Still eager to try.

But no matter how strong and assertive Shangguan Lingye's character is, facing this kind of free fighting method, it is impossible for her head to become hot. She blinked her beautiful eyes and turned her eyes to the outside of the mountain:

"The sky is falling. Today's fighting style is not suitable. Let's go to another day. After we go out..."

Zuo Lingquan was provoked to fight, how could he allow his opponent to escape, he said: "It's better to hit the sun if you choose a day, just today, the younger generation is shallow, and the first shot is respect, and I hope the maiden will not be blamed."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and used Zhaolong's grip, and the placket of his clothes was suddenly deformed, almost shooting out the troupe who was squatting on the placket to watch the show.

Shangguan Lingye was caught off guard, his body jolted, and he turned his head to reprimand Zuo Lingquan, but he never thought that Zuo Lingquan didn't talk about martial arts at all, and a set of tricks blocked her words.


Shangguan Lingye leaned back to dodge, but it was difficult to escape, until she bent back and half lay on Zuo Lingquan's arm. She wanted to beat Zuo Lingquan, but when she raised her hand, the adult did not remember the villain. , it's okay to stay here anyway.

If you really want to fight here, Shangguan Lingye watched the "Picture of Yushu in the Spring Palace" for a long time and mastered some theories. The **** ran away, obviously losing the decency of a fairy.

Therefore, after embracing each other for a long time, Shangguan Lingye still held the hand that wanted to undo the placket, turned his head and said softly:

"Okay, let's get down to business. Old Lu and Lin Zifeng from Sword Imperial City fought for their lives and pierced through the ground with a sword. At present, his life and death are unknown. Are you still thinking about being a frivolous woman here?"

Zuo Lingquan hugged Shangguan Lingye. Once reminded, he retracted his mind and turned his eyes to the vast world outside:

"I came down with a sword just now, and I saw a peach tree. It looks a bit like the ancestral tree of Peach Blossom Lake. It is estimated that an expert has taken action. Maybe Old Lu will be fine."

"It may be Venerable Peach Blossom, but I'm not sure. Even if Venerable Peach Blossom makes a move, just a small peach tree can't stop the might of the fairy sword. At most, it will give two people a breath, and I don't know if the two of them will fall too. come in."

Seeing this, Zuo Lingquan straightened Shangguan Lingye, who was lying in his arms, and looked around:

"The world is It is very dangerous to leave here without authorization. How can I go out to investigate?"


Danzi felt that it was a bit of a hindrance for him to be caught between the two. At this time, he stood up and said "jiji..." a few times, it should be saying:

"Niaoniao goes to explore the way, you continue without delay."

As he spoke, he opened his beak and asked for a reward.

Shangguan Lingye thought this was a good idea, so he touched a small dried fish from his sleeve and fed it into the dumpling's mouth:

"The group is good."


The dumplings took the small dried fish and flew into the rain curtain...

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