Too Reckless

Vol 11 Chapter 18: play chess

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The dazzling electric light swept through the gloomy sea of ​​​​clouds, and the bean-sized raindrops rolled down, smashed into the mud, and merged into a creek.

Why is it not dead yet...

Old Lu was covered in blood, lying in the muddy ground, looking at the gloomy sky with deep confusion in his eyes.

When he was young, Lao Lu felt that he was favored by heaven, and that God wanted him to do something big, so that he could save himself from danger every time he was desperate.

But now that he is old and frail, his mood is ruined, and he doesn't want to practice swords anymore, he still doesn't die when he deserves it. God let him live, but he didn't give him a way to live. What does it mean?

Don't you want to get rid of it so easily?

Lao Lu thought about it like this, and recalled the past that was extremely beautiful, but now he has nothing but dare not think about the past, the more he thinks about it, the more he feels that he is not a thing.

The surrounding ground was shaking, but there were no outsiders to disturb, and there was no distinction between day and night. This thought lasted for a long time, until there was a light sound of wings flapping in the distance.

Puff puff--

Old Lu Yuguang looked at a white bird that flew from the rain screen and landed on the hilt of Huang Quanjian. He lowered his head and looked at him with dark eyes, "Jiji!" Bird language, but can roughly understand the meaning:

"Niaoniao is looking for you everywhere, you actually sleep here, do you know how far the birds have flown? Huh?"

Under the rain, the khaki feathers that the dumplings camouflaged turned into white again, like a wet white chick; although he felt that the old man could not get enough to eat himself, he opened it up with the thought of giving it a try. Birdbeak asks for errands.

The earth-shattering sword that Lao Lu made in the Fire Scythe Valley has already squeezed the last trace of energy from his body without reservation. Even if no one helps, he will have to rest for several years afterward, not to mention holding the jade broken, even himself. He was exposed to the range of blows. At this time, his injuries were so severe that he felt tormented even when he was breathing.

However, compared to the mental torture, physical pain is nothing. After a lifetime of walking alone, Old Lu was used to these things. He slowly sat up, looked at the bird at the top of the sword hilt, thought about it, and felt it from his sleeve. A wild fruit with strong spiritual energy came out and threw it to Tuanzi.

The group's dissatisfaction just now vanished into thin air, and after performing three mouthfuls of one fruit, they pointed to the south with their wings, signaling Lao Lu to go over.

With a little bird full of spirituality by his side, Lao Lu broke free from the torment of his soul and looked at the surrounding world.

Where he is located is the coast of a large lake, and the towering mountain peak can no longer be seen; the lake is in the shape of a yin and yang fish, with a stone embankment in the middle, which is obviously artificially built, and some ancient buildings can still be seen by the lake. There is a small temple in it.

what the hell...

Lao Lu was not too old to practice Taoism. In the eyes of Shangguan Yutang and other ancestors, in fact, like Zuo Lingquan and Shangguan Lingye, they are the leaders of the younger generation; but how can he say that he has also been in Zhongzhou for half his life, I have been to every corner, but I don't remember that there is such a place in Central Continent.

When I was young, I traveled all over the world, and I have strayed into many secret realms, but the secret realm that is about to collapse is indeed the first time I have seen it.

After scanning for a week, Lao Lu used his sword as a crutch, and stumbled to the ruined temple by the lake, which was still intact. He looked up and saw that it was exactly the same as the mountain where Zuo Lingquan was, and a big-horned deer was also enshrined.

Tuanzi felt that Quanquan was chatting with the nanny, but he was not in a hurry to go back, and landed on the head of the big horned deer, spreading his wings to show the shape of a phoenix, which meant roughly:

"Niaoniao also wants to make such a statue, do you think it is suitable?"

The dumplings were blessed by heaven, and even the ancestors of Shangguan couldn't see the details at a glance, let alone Lao Lu.

As a native of Central Continent, Lao Lu is familiar with the Five Elements. He recognized that the **** in front of him represented the god, and raised his hand lightly:

"Come down, this is the statue of the Lord of Central Continent. You can stand on it and jump on the head of the old man. If you anger the old man, you can't stop it."

Danzi is not even afraid of the deity of the Lord of Central Continent, how could he be afraid of a big rock that has long since lost his spiritual sense, but it still flew down when he saw that Lao Lu was very respectful.

Lao Lu's five elements are close to the soil, and the immortal sword Huangquan in his hand is the immortal soldier embryo that has been buried under the earth for countless years and gave birth to the sword spirit on his own; Looking for the magical opportunity related to the land of the five elements, the understanding of this aspect is much more than that of ordinary monks.

Old Lu walked around the ruined temple, and from the few strokes and ancient characters, he gradually saw the doorway of this place.

He remembered that when he first got the Yellow Spring Sword, in order to find the treasures related to the land of the Five Elements, the first thing he thought of was the unicorn, the local **** of heaven in Central Continent.

I once searched and read ancient books everywhere, and in the ancient books in the library of the Caiyi Kingdom Palace in the north, I found a book "The Miracles of Mountains and Rivers", which records all kinds of messy legends, among which there are records about the unicorn.

It is said that it was the sand sea of ​​Zhongzhou in the ancient years, or an oasis, the Lord of Zhongzhou who incarnated as a seven-colored deer, who used it as a nest and was worshipped by the incense of all people.

Like common deer, colorful deer change their horns, but only once every thousand years.

The antlers of the seven-colored deer are of the same rank as the feathers of stealing pills and the dragon scales in the east. The dragon scales and wings can make immortal soldiers, like the Xuanwu shield and dragon scale skirt carried by the ancestors of Shangguan. Opportunities from the gods; the special feature of deer antlers is that they can also be used medicinally.

The earth master of the Five Elements carries it, and the antlers of the master of Central Continent are used as medicine to quench the body, and the effect can not be described as rebirth; , the life soil is directly consummated, and there is no need to worry about it in this life.

After seeing the record, Lao Lu naturally came to the sand sea to look for it, but unfortunately, the oasis of the past has become the Dead Sea of ​​today. Being disturbed, the nest was moved, leaving only an empty nest, which was called 'Kirin Cave'.

It's not a bad thing for the Lord of Central Continent to leave. At least the monks don't have to worry about rushing in and being trampled to death by the gods. There may be some treasures left in the lair, not to mention antlers and deer whips. , refining a magic weapon is not easy.

It's a pity that after thousands of years, no one has found the trace, and the legend has become nonsense. In the end, Lao Lu didn't find it, and he thought it was a rumor made up.

But the place where it is now is very similar to the Qilin Cave in the legend.

Old Lu put his hands on the hilt of the sword, looked at the gradually crumbling world outside the temple, and said unexpectedly:

"Isn't this Qilin Cave Heaven?"

This sentence is a self-talk, and I didn't want to get a response from the group.

However, the dumplings are very polite and answer any questions, "jiji." Two times, as if they were saying: "It used to be, now it is the territory of birds."

When Lao Lu was confirmed, he was quite excited at first, but after a short while, he shook his head and sighed:

"If you want to plant flowers, the flowers will not bloom, but if you don't want to plant willows and willows, what can you do now that you have found the antlers, and extend your life for another five hundred years, without suffering another five hundred years of sins."

"Gee~" Tuanzi opened the bird's beak, indicating that you should not be able to find it for the birds to eat.

Old Lu thinks about it too. He also has a disciple who is also called the "two poles of the barren mountain" together with the Lord of the Barren Mountain. For chance, he should not leave it to future generations, and he can't turn a blind eye when he bends over to pick it up.

Thinking of this, Lao Lu pulled up the broken bamboo hat on his back and covered it over his head. Together with the dumplings, he stepped into the dark world where the rain was pouring.

As for where to look, Lao Lu has no clear direction. Looking for opportunities has always been like this. If you are lucky, you will meet, but if you are unlucky, it will be in vain. When you reach this kind of place, no matter how high your realm is, you have to be the same as Xie Qiutao. go.

As a small world created by the gods, Qilin Cave is not as vast as the small world that Qinglong pulled Zuo Lingquan into, but it is also larger than the artificial small world like Tiezhudongtian.

Old Lu was seriously injured and could not walk fast, but no one dared to come in easily, and he was not in a hurry.

But people outside didn't dare to come in for the time being, but that didn't mean they were the only living people here.

After walking with the dumplings for an unknown time, Lao Lu came to the bottom of a collapsed hill.

The hill seems to have been smashed by something falling from the sky, and its original appearance is no longer visible, but among the soil and gravel, there are many weathered sand grains that are only found in deserts, and broken branches of peach trees.

"Lin Zifeng?"

Old Lu's expression changed slightly, he took the hilt of his sword and came to him, quickly probed up and down the collapsed hill, and finally found a round pit among the ruins.

There were some rags and blood on the bottom of the pit, but the corpse that should have been lying in it has disappeared...


clap clap-

Rain particles, like soybeans, hit the heavy stone wall, making a crisp sound like jade beads falling on a plate.

Zuo Lingquan and Shangguan Lingye sat outside the dilapidated building that was supposed to be the main hall of the Zongmen, with their backs against the pillars, looking at the magnificent picture drawn by the electric light on the horizon.

The ancient sect built on the mountain is not small. After the group left, Zuo Lingquan and Shangguan Lingye walked around the sect, thinking about searching for some lost ancient objects or something.

It's a pity that the traces left by people can't withstand the erosion of endless years. The formation is like this, and so are the books. The only thing that can prove the glory of the past is these broken stones that can be seen everywhere.

Some buildings in the sect can still be identified, Tibetan sword pavilion, Zu Shitang, etc., but they all collapsed, leaving only the roadbed, and the cultivation objects that can be found are just lumps that cannot be seen.

After the two turned around, they found nothing and lost their interest. They chose a place to shelter from the rain and waited for the world to stabilize.

The sky is falling and the earth is sinking, the spiritual qi changes strangely, and all directions are chaotic. The random mobilization of the spiritual qi of the world is likely to bring about an incalculable chain reaction. Let's drink and chat together to pass the boring time that is not too long.

Thunderclouds are densely covered, like a thousand thunder dragons cruising in the sea of ​​​​clouds; the rainstorm is like a waterfall, and the crisp crackling sound becomes the music played by heaven and earth. Under this situation, the mood is very suitable for drinking.

The small wine case on the mahogany floor is placed between the two columns, with a black and white checkerboard on it.

There was a red carpet on the ground, the disguise was meaningless, and the beautiful woman in the phoenix skirt who had changed back to the gorgeous palace dress, lazily propped her face with her hands, leaned against the small case, held the white child in her hand, and turned it between her five fingers. to play with.

Zuo Lingquan finally pulled off the beard that was getting in the way of licking Wanwan, and returned to his gentle and elegant appearance, holding a black child in his right hand and a wine bowl in his left hand, sitting beside the small wine table, his eyebrows were full of bamboo on his chest. The potential, dropped a piece on the chessboard.


"Five sons in a row, Empress Dowager, you have lost again."

After speaking, he smiled and looked at the beauty in the palace dress opposite.

Shangguan Lingye's cheeks were flushed with three points of red, his eyebrows frowned slightly, showing a little dissatisfaction, he stared at the chess game for a moment, and put the white stone into the chess basket:

"It's boring, the way of playing chess is broad and profound, and you can see the nature of people at the very end. It is one of the compulsory courses in the sect; but the sect can't teach such children to play. If you have the ability, let's have a real game?"

Zuo Lingquan has been practicing martial arts since he was a child. If it sounds good, he is devoted to kendo. If it sounds bad, he is not doing his job properly.

"A person in the practice, be willing to bet and lose. Niangniang took the initiative to say to play chess to pass the time, I said to play backgammon, Niangniang agreed, said to add some color, and take off one piece of clothes at a time when losing, Niangniang also agreed with confidence, now she has to break her promise. Can't it?"


Shangguan Lingye's beautiful eyes showed a third of reluctance, but in the end he didn't lose his words. He slightly bent his legs and put his hands under the skirt, rustling.

Zuo Lingquan's eyes were not mixed with any evil thoughts, and he stared at Shangguan Lingye's skirt carefully, but it was a pity that Shangguan Lingye was unhappy and didn't want to show him the skirt. The black stockings that got up were thrown on his chest:


Zuo Lingquan took the black stockings with lingering warmth and fragrance, resisted the urge to smell them, put them beside him, shook his head and said:

"Empress Concubine, you agreed to take off one piece of clothes at a time, you take off your shoes first, and then take off your socks..."

Shangguan Lingye raised his eyes: "Did you ever say that you can't take it off from the inside out? There are so many things to do, if you don't like it, don't stop."

"Hey, that's not what I meant, keep going."

Zuo Lingquan swept the pieces into the chess basket with an inexplicable smile in his eyes. After all, both socks are gone. If he loses again, even if he takes it off from the inside out, he will take off the carp from the flower or the underpants with very little material. He wants to see where Shangguan Lingye dares to start.

Black and white fall, two or three hands in a blink of an eye.

Zuo Lingquan originally had the chance to win, but when he played, he felt something was wrong—the opponent's chess strength became stronger, and he was not fooled.

Zuo Lingquan concentrated, no longer took it lightly, and began to plan seriously, wanting to introduce Shangguan Lingye into the trap he had carefully arranged; if he wasn't playing backgammon, from the point of view of his unmoving and calm temperament, he really looked like someone with an expert. Young national players playing chess.

Shangguan Lingye was very intelligent since childhood. She was born in a wealthy family and worked in the Anti-Monster Division. This kind of self-cultivation and tempering of intelligence has already been practiced to perfection, not to mention a hundred years of experience; if she doesn't want to lose, where will she lose to A hairy boy under 20 years old, he just gave Zuo Lingquan some sweetness to taste. If he loses, he has to take off the real thing, where will he put water again.

But unfortunately, backgammon doesn't rely on cultivation, and the rules are too simple for practitioners. Zuo Lingquan is not a stupid person. Both of them are serious, and it is not easy to decide the winner.

Two people, you attacked and defended for a long time, forced the board to be full, and finally played a draw.

Shangguan Lingye looked at the full chessboard and threw the pieces into the chess basket:

"And chess, how do you count now?"

According to the rules, harmony is a tie, and the two should start a new game.

But Zuo Lingquan felt that it was not easy to win Shangguan Lingye again, so he put down his chess pieces and looked at the enchanting beauty on the opposite side:

"If you don't win or lose, it's a waste of time. Otherwise, it's all lost in a draw. We all take one off, fair and just."

As he spoke, he undid his robe and put it aside.

? ?


Shangguan Lingye was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect Zuo Lingquan to come up with such a shameless proposal. She picked up the wine bowl and sipped, and said displeasedly:

"You think beautifully, Ben Gong didn't lose, why should you take it off?"

"The maiden didn't win either? My cultivator, if you don't do meaningless things, it's like a thief if you don't get away. You have to leave something behind, don't you think?"

This is not without reason.

But Shangguan Lingye only had so few clothes on her body, and it was wrong to take them off anywhere. How could she agree? She hummed softly:

"Either start over or stop playing."

Zuo Lingquan shook his head seriously and said earnestly:

"Empress concubine, it is most taboo for practitioners to leave a knot in their hearts. I don't want to see the goddess take off her clothes, but I just feel that the goddess must make a promise, so as not to think back on this later, feel that I am indebted, and my thoughts cannot be understood... …”


Shangguan Lingye saw that Zuo Lingquan was talking nonsense with his eyes open, and wanted to splash him with wine, but she couldn't do such a move. After being nagged for a while, she seemed to have no choice. He reached into the placket.


Zuo Lingquan spoke for a while, and sat upright, waiting for him.

Shangguan Lingye put his hand into the phoenix skirt and found Zuo Lingquan staring intently, frowning:

"Look at what?"

"Ha ha……"

Zuo Lingquan coughed lightly, picked up the wine bowl, and looked elsewhere.

But just as he looked away, he heard a "da-" sound in his ear, it seemed that the tie was torn off.

Zuo Lingquan turned his head quickly, only to see a thin black piece of fabric flying over, hitting his face directly, blocking his sight, and the smell was dark and fragrant, with a faintly refreshing milky fragrance.

! !

Zuo Lingquan's heart moved, he quickly pulled down the fabric on his face, and looked at the concubine opposite, but saw Shangguan Lingye sitting beside the small case, putting his hand behind his neck and tying a tether, and his clothes were bulging completely. , there are no wrinkles at all, not to mention the sudden appearance of spring, and the movement is unbelievably fast.

"So fast?! No... How can you put it on again after taking it off? It's against the rules."

"What's the use of saying that I'm dressed? Who told you not to say it in advance?"

Shangguan Lingye's tone was calm, but there was still a three-point blush on his face, whether it was alcohol or something else.

Zuo Lingquan's movements were too slow, so he couldn't say whether Shangguan Lingye was wrong. He lowered his head and glanced at the fabric in his hand - the silky black carp in the flower, still feeling a little warm, with hollow lace on the edge, Complete with stockings, even if you don't wear it, you can still feel the charm of wearing it.

The game is the game. After all, Shangguan Lingye is the daughter's house where the love between men and women has not been completed. It's not the first time that the socks are taken away.

Shangguan Lingye originally wanted to lose the gamble, but turned his head and ignored it, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was not right - if she lost her clothes, she didn't say that she would give her clothes to the other party if she lost. What would she do to Zuo Lingquan?

Thinking of this, Shangguan Lingye raised his hand to take the carp back from the flower.

But no matter how much Zuo Lingquan likes it, he will not watch the tasting carefully in front of Shangguan Lingye. After sweeping his eyes, he threw all the things around him into Linglong Pavilion and began to clean the chess pieces. :

"Continue to This time, it was agreed in advance that if you take it off, you can't wear it again, otherwise it will be a shame."

The tie has to be taken off together. Shangguan Lingye will continue to play chess. He really has to drink with Zuo Lingquan naked, how can he agree? He shook his head decisively and said:

"It's boring, let's go."

Zuo Lingquan was on the rise, but he couldn't let his opponent escape, so he persuaded Shangguan Lingye to continue playing chess with him.

But for a moment, Shangguan Lingye had not changed his mind. Zuo Lingquan suddenly discovered that a thunderbolt had fallen below the cliff, making a loud bang.

boom -

The thunder was very close, and it seemed to have hit something, which was completely different from other thunders far away.

The faces of the two were condensed, and they all looked at the dark rain curtain outside the mountain...

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