Too Reckless

Vol 11 Chapter 2: Yangshan Yanjia

The Yan family is considered a big family in the Yangcheng area, and the years when they settled down can be traced back to the time when the Han family was founded.

The ancestors of the Yan family were born in the rivers and lakes in those years, and their skills were not very good, but they were tall and strong, and they were the personal soldiers who carried the flag in front of the founding monarch. I worship the prime minister, but I have divided a lot of fields on the Yangshan side.

The family business is passed down from generation to generation, how can there be a few prodigal sons, and future generations do not know the hardships of their ancestors, and they lost a lot of their ancestral property. More than 50 years ago, they even fell to the point of selling their ancestral home to pay off gambling debts.

Yan Sanjie, the son of Yan Sanjie at that time, was in the most miserable situation - the name 'Sanjie' was taken by his father, which means 'abstain from gambling, prostitution and drinking', but Yan Sanjie almost starved to death in the cold winter and twelfth lunar month. Judging from what happened here, his father obviously didn't quit these three things.

Fortunately, the Yan family's incense was prosperous, and most of Yangshan's side was close to each other.

Yan Sanjie, as the saying goes, is very prosperous. He worked hard since childhood, practiced a good style, started his career by walking around, and redeemed his ancestral house. When he was middle-aged, he broke out of 'Yan Sanye'. His name is considered a big name in the arena.

But there is an old saying in the world, that "every time comes with the strength of heaven and earth, and it is not free to transport heroes."

Yan Sanjie didn't know what happened in his life, and what kind of immortals annoyed him. First, he was the eldest son who was highly regarded. Ten years ago, he fell mad for no reason. He cut and injured passersby in the downtown area. Locked up lunatic.

After that, more and more such things happened. Half of the brothers, nephews and nephews in the family fell down, and the wives and concubines were not spared; especially in the past two years, more and more people in the nearby states and counties fell ill, and those who used to respect him more and more The villagers began to discuss in secret that the madness came from the Yan family.

Yan Sanjie can be regarded as a hero who has climbed up from the bottom. The weather is cold and the ground is freezing, and he has never frowned. However, the villagers who once fed him with food from hundreds of families secretly complained and scolded him, which made him bear it. ?

On the third day of winter, it snowed heavily.

Outside the red lacquer gate of the Yan family's ancestral house, Yan Sanjie, dressed in fancy clothes, carried his hands on his back, and looked at the flying snow in the countryside. old-fashioned.

The housekeeper Song Fu stood behind his back with his arms wrapped around his sleeves, his face also filled with sadness.

Inside the gate covered with yellow talismans, a lively shout could be heard:

"Come on..."

"Wang Daochang, you don't look like a monk..."

"The wine and meat have passed through the intestines, and the Taoist ancestors have left..."

"That's what the wild monk said..."

The messy words are in my ears, if you don't know the truth of the Yan family, it sounds like a big happy event.

Song Fu is an old man of the Yan family. Back then, he was with Yan Sanjie. He had a lot of experience in the arena. After listening to the noisy words for a while, he shook his head and sighed:

"Third Master, these 'immortal masters', it is estimated that only the few resting in the guest room can count on them, those who drink and eat meat outside, expecting them to subdue demons and eliminate demons, it is better to find a few black dogs to kill and let blood be thrown on the door. really……"

"The matter of fairies and ghosts has to be handed over to Mr. Feng Shui. No matter how bad they are, they will know more than we are."

"Hey... After hearing and seeing for a few years, I'll be watching Feng Shui. I'm afraid the third master is too. Taoism is not necessarily lower than them. If you want to cure this madness, you still have to rely on the imperial court. Yan Ge goes to the capital to walk around..."

"What can't you do, what do you expect him to do?"

Seeing this, Song Fu stopped talking, shook his head and sighed, knowing the reason why the third master was angry when he heard Yan Ge.

Yan Ge had suffered from madness, and it took a few months to slowly recover. According to the examples of previous years, those who can survive will not suffer from madness again.

For such a large family business of the Yan family, to be handed over to future generations, one must choose a safe one, lest the head of the family will go crazy within two years, and the entire Yan family will be dragged down without a leader; for this candidate, there is currently only one Yan Ge.

However, Yan Ge was born in a concubine, and he was not trained in this area at all when he was a child. After learning a little martial arts, he went to the city to find a job as a head hunter.

After being taken seriously, Yan Ge was originally obedient, but after her biological mother fell ill, no one said anything about it. She didn't help with her crumbling family business, and spent all day wandering around outside looking for a cure.

Yan Sanjie was afraid that he would force his only safe son into trouble, so he didn't even dare to say serious words. Can he have any opinions in his heart?

There was a lot of wind and snow outside the door, and Rao had a bit of a kung fu foundation, so he couldn't stand it after standing for a long time.

Song Fu knew that Yan Sanjie had sent a letter to Duke Wang Guo in the capital, and he dragged him to invite the immortal master of the eight classics to come over, saying that he would arrive today, but depending on the situation, he could not come today, so he said:

"Third Master, let's go in and talk. If your body breaks down again, the family really doesn't pay attention."

"Wait a there a person over there?"

"Huh?... It seems that he is really a person..."

Song Fu looked in the direction Yan Sanjie pointed, but saw a black spot on the distant mountain, passing over the ridge, and walking down the winding mountain road. .

Seeing this, the two quickly walked down the steps, looked up, and waited quietly.

It was obvious that the person who came was a little bit of real skill, and the distance was still two miles away, but in a blink of an eye, the figure came to Yanjiazhuang.

Yan Sanjie looked up and saw that the person was wearing a blue Taoist robe, with a whisk leaning on his wrist, his head erected with a meridian crown, his hair was gray, but his skin was rosy without the slightest wrinkle, and his eyes were piercing and piercing. clean.

When the two of them saw this scene, they knew that it was a really talented person; not to mention the imposing manner of the immortal style, just wearing a single shirt in the ice and snow, you can see that this practice is extraordinary.

Yan Sanjie looked solemn, stepped forward and bowed his hands in a salute:

"Xianchang is Daoist Yun of Yufeng Cliff?"

The man in Taoist robe walked to the red lacquer gate with an easy-going attitude:

"Xiaodao's surname is not Yun, he just spends his years cultivating in Yufeng Mountain. There are many clouded leopards there. The Taoist friend gave him the nickname 'Clouded Leopard Taoist'. Third Master Yan has a good reputation in Caiyi Country, so he directly called me Clouded Leopard Taoist. Can."

"Oh, I can't be called the 'Third Master'. Wang Guo's official letter said that Taoist Yun has a profound Taoism and is good at exorcising ghosts and exorcising evil spirits. He and I are on the same stage as the emperor, and I can invite Taoist masters here. It's already a blessing from a previous life..."

"Emperor Wang is just praised. The small way is just a few years of Taoism in the Fulong Mountain in the south. I haven't learned the great supernatural powers. I only know a few tricks. How can Duke Wang say it is so powerful..."

Song Fu stood behind the two, and when he heard this conversation, he felt a lot more at ease. Although he has not crossed the cultivation path, he has traveled a lot on the rivers and lakes, and his eyesight is not bad.

Those who call themselves immortal masters when they meet people, and say that they are wise in their own way, must be a liar, such as those who are eating and drinking at home.

People who are really capable, the higher they stand, the more they can feel their own insignificance, so they tend to be more modest and low-key; the clouded leopard Taoist priest in front of him, although he doesn't know how high he is, but just by looking at his bearing, he knows that he is not too small. where to go.

Between the words, Yan Sanjie welcomed the Taoist Cloud Leopard into the house, and before he could hold the reception banquet, he directly led him to a courtyard in the east house.

The courtyard is guarded by guards, and the courtyard is still clean, but there are chains on the doors, and there is only a small opening in the window for food.

As soon as the three walked into the yard, they could hear a mess of noises and howls from four or five houses, some fierce and abnormal, some heartbreaking.

"do not come……"

"Knife! Knife, give me the knife..."


After Yan Sanjie walked into the yard, her originally straight waist bent a little involuntarily, she could see sourness in her eyes, she wanted to speak, but only let out a sigh.

Taoist Cloud Leopard frowned and looked around a week later:

"Who are these patients?"

"It's all my son, the eldest, the third, the fourth, the seventh... The eldest has been crazy for ten years, and the third and fourth have gone crazy together..."

Yan Sanjie pointed to each other in turn, her lips were trembling, and when she said that, she couldn't hold back her emotions, so she directly folded her hands and knelt down:

"Master, Yan Sanjie is really helpless. As long as you can save one or two, my Yan family will go bankrupt..."


Daoist Cloud Leopard raised his hand in a vain way, and helped Yan Sanjie up from the air. Such mysterious means forced Yan Sanjie, who was a little excited, to stop talking.

"Let's first look at the patient's condition. There are too many ghosts and ghosts in the world, and Xiaodao can't guarantee that they can be cured. As for the incense money, to be honest, how many godly money can you make from your Yan family's bankruptcy? This time, it is purely to return the kingdom. The kindness of the Duke's hospitality, just remember the kindness of the Duke of the Kingdom."

Taoist Cloud Leopard walked to the window of a house, lowered his head and glanced inside, then took out a Sanqing bell from the sleeve of his Taoist robe and shook it in his hand.


The faint copper bells echoed in the courtyard, and the howls in the room calmed down at the same time.

Yan Sanjie and Song Fu's eyes were overjoyed, but they didn't make a sound.

Daoist Cloud Leopard shook the bell and asked at the window:

"Master Yan, what did you see?"

Soon, Yan Sanjie, who had not seen his son speak for many years, heard vague words from the room:

"Gourd... gourd..."



At dusk, Changning City.

The buildings, streets and alleys were covered in silver, and four horses walked slowly on the streets, two in front and two behind, talking softly, from the leading two people:

"...My eldest brother is highly valued by my father. After the accident, there is no successor at home. My father intends to let me take over, but I don't have the ability... This madness kills people, and my mother can't even recognize me. …”

"...Brother Yan was mad before, can you remember how you felt when you got sick?"

"I can't remember, I feel dizzy, and it will be a few months later when I wake up, and my mother is crying beside..."

There are too many bitter things in the Yan family. When Yan Ge mentions it, he can't stop. Basically, he tells the experience of everyone in the family.

Zuo Lingquan was listening in the library at first, but when he saw that it was getting dark, Yan Ge, as an ordinary person, was already hungry, so he left the library and listened on the street while looking for a place to stay.

After Yan Ge's narration, Zuo Lingquan had a general understanding of the situation on the Yangshan side, but based on his experience, it was difficult to judge where the problem was.

The same is true for Xie Qiutao. She has been listening from the back. Comparing the situation of evil spirit possession, incomplete soul, and even the raging plague, she doesn't feel the same. She secretly asked Shangguan Lingye, but Shangguan Lingye couldn't figure it out.

Practitioners never believe in heresy, even if it is a matter of ghosts or gods, they have to find a statement that conforms to the causal relationship.

Although Zuo Lingquan hadn't agreed to Yan Ge, he had already discussed with a few girls secretly and went to Yangshan to take a look.

Under the twilight snow, Zuo Lingquan led the horse and walked side by side with Yan Ge, talking about the situation on the other side of Yangshan, and unknowingly walked outside the small street where he came, and a strong aroma of wine drifted from the depths of the small street. come over.

Yan Ge ran for a whole day without a drop of water, and she was so hungry that she could not walk a little when she smelled the smell of wine and meat, and raised her hand to signal to the street:

"Zuo Shaoxia and the two girls shouldn't have eaten, right? There is an old tavern here. The food is average but the wine is really good. I have to come and sit every time I come to the capital; the wine, or if I will be the host, ask Zuo Gongzi and the two girls to taste it?"

When Zuo Lingquan came over, he smelled the aroma of wine, and naturally did not refuse at this time, and walked into the small street with Yan Ge.

The snow was so heavy that the snow on the small street was knee-thick, and the drinkers who came in and out dragged a long groove on the snow to a tavern in the middle of the small street.

The tavern was kept clean inside and out, and it doesn't look outdated, but there is an old plaque hanging on the door.

Tang Jingxuan likes her own small wine shop very much. She thought she had met a colleague in this foreign country, and wanted to remind Zuo Lingquan to pay more attention. Don't drink a few sips of wine before going to hook up with the coquettish little wine girl.

But when a few people walked outside the steps of the tavern, they found that there were no women in the tavern, only three or two drinkers and a Huafa old man in old clothes.

The old man didn't seem to pay much attention to dressing up, his hair was casually rolled up and pinned to his head with a wooden stick, and some of them were drooped down. He was wearing a thick gray coat with a white washed robe inside. He stood by the counter and held a Tobacco stick, pour fried peanuts into the plate with a spoon in one hand, the guests don't raise their eyebrows when they come in.


The dumpling, who was hiding in Tang Jingxun's arms to keep warm, was very dissatisfied when he saw it, and looked at Tang Jingxuan, meaning probably "Just like this, dare to come out and do business?", but unfortunately, Tang Jingxuan pressed him back immediately.

Xie Qiutao frowned when he saw such a bad old man.

Yan Ge seemed to be used to this, and greeted him after entering the door;

"Manager Zheng, long time no see."

Shopkeeper Zheng with a cigarette stick in his mouth did not turn his head, but his words were warm:

"Yan Caotou, find a place to sit casually, saying that you were drinking at the beginning of the year, half of your busy work, and forgot to pay for a plate of peanuts..."

"Manager Zheng's memory is still so good. Didn't I come here to check out? I also brought a few friends; don't hide the best wine, if my friends return from disappointment, they will have to trouble you... "

Shopkeeper Zheng turned around and looked back, as if he was used to seeing people coming and going, without stopping his gaze, he turned around and went to the stove and warmed the wine with one hand with a cigarette stick.

Although the attitude is not good, Tang Jingshen can see that the old man has not opened the old shop for a long time.

Zuo Lingquan sat down at the wine table by the stove, curious about this place, and asked:

"The shopkeeper, why is this store called 'Feng Siniang'?"

Shopkeeper Zheng should have heard this question a lot, and said casually:

"You can't afford this name, you young people, why would you run in curiously to see what happened."


Zuo Lingquan was dumbfounded for a while.

Yan Ge, who was roasting by the stove, smiled and said:

"Don't listen to shopkeeper Zheng's nonsense. I asked when I first came here. That's not what he said. Shopkeeper Zheng, I'll talk to a few friends. Do you have any opinion?"

Shopkeeper Zheng let out a smoke ring and stopped paying attention to Yan Ge.

Yan Ge was quite interested and said earnestly from the side:

"Don't underestimate the shopkeeper Zheng. They used to be in the arena back then, but unfortunately they didn't get famous and almost starved to death in the winter. Fortunately, when I was at my worst, I met a lady who opened a tavern at home. Shopkeeper Zheng took a look and said, Hey, hey! People are beautiful, and their family has money. If this is flattering, what are the rivers and lakes..."


Shopkeeper Zheng brought the peanuts and placed them on the table, interrupting Yan Ge's words:

"What a mess, did I tell you that?"

"Is that what you mean..."


Tang Jingxuan and Xie Qiutao were obviously very interested in this story. Seeing that the words were interrupted, Xie Qiutao interjected:

"What's the result? Which young lady did the shopkeeper Zheng curry favor with?"

Shopkeeper Zheng sat down on the stool beside the stove and gestured to the tavern with his eyes:

"If you don't talk about it, how can I sit here as a shopkeeper? But it's not as bad as this kid said. At that time, I was a famous young hero in eight towns. Like this little brother, he likes to play swords."


Zuo Lingquan was slightly surprised, and looked at the hand of the shopkeeper Zheng, but he didn't see the calluses left by holding the sword all the year round.

"Little brother doesn't look like an embroidered pillow. I haven't touched a sword for decades, and I can't see anything. In fact, I didn't practice anything back then. With a little martial arts, I gave people peace everywhere...

"But this world is bigger than you think, and other people's abilities are higher than you think. With a chivalrous heart, walking around with chivalry and righteousness, self-confessing that God is on your side, nothing will happen, but in God's heart How can there be chivalry, treat everyone equally, this kind of stunned youth is most likely to die in the middle of the road.

"I was like this back then. I didn't think there was a big dragon hidden in the streets and alleys, so I passed by with a sword in hand; I met a trainer who broke my leg with only three punches and two feet. An arm, left in the alley to die.

"In those days, it was almost the same as the outside world. When I was about to freeze to death, I was picked up by my later wife, and the injury was healed. I owed a lot of debt, and I paid it as a small laborer, and I still paid it back. became the shopkeeper..."


Zuo Lingquan listened quietly and wanted to ask where the proprietress went, but seeing the age of the shopkeeper Zheng, he was probably dead, so he didn't ask.

Shopkeeper Zheng spoke for a while, and stopped talking when he saw that several people did not listen to the advice of the people who had come over.

Waiting for the wine to warm up, shopkeeper Zheng put the wine on the table and said:

"Yan Zhaotou, what happened to your run at the beginning of the year?"

"Oh, I still don't have a clue..."

"It's not like I haven't heard of this evil thing. It's only useful if you have to invite a real immortal. You run around in the streets all day, what can you get out of?"

"I can't find the gods, I'll go early if I can find them."

"A few days ago, a table drinker came and said that there was some kind of villa in the west, and an old object was dug up, and many outsiders came to buy it; I guess it was some good thing that was dug Let those people The gods noticed it, you go there and look for it, maybe you can find the gods..."

Zuo Lingquan was pouring wine, and when he heard this, his eyes were slightly surprised.

Xie Qiutao was obviously very interested and asked:

"What are you digging?"

"I don't know, it seems to be a small tower. It is said that it will still glow, colorful, and I don't know if it is true or false..."

A magical weapon that emits five-color brilliance means that the five elements are complete, and it is not an immortal weapon but also a high-grade magic weapon.

Xie Qiutao was a little surprised in her heart, she blinked and looked at Zuo Lingquan, obviously asking if she wanted to come over and take a look.

Zuo Lingquan was naturally interested, but Yan Ge's family was about to die out. He showed up to ask about the situation for a long time, then turned around and ran to find an irrelevant chance magic weapon, feeling inappropriate.

As things came one by one, Zuo Lingquan was not in the mood to be led away by chance, so he shook his head secretly, indicating that he should go to Yan's house to have a look first...

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