Too Reckless

Vol 11 Chapter 3: drunk at night

There is no false person under the reputation, and the same is true of wine.

The shopkeeper Zheng was ill-mannered and casual. If there was nothing in the wine, he would not be able to open it long ago. He is still patronized by drinkers, which can only mean that the wine is really good.

Zuo Lingquan and Xie Qiutao didn't pay attention to the drinks due to the current situation, but after taking a sip of the warm spirits, the burning sensation went from the throat to the stomach, and then from the stomach to the forehead, feeling that the whole person's thoughts were overwhelmed. Pulled back and concentrated on the wine bowl in his hand.

The wine in the bowl is slightly cloudy. It looks like ordinary yellow wine, but the intensity is far higher than ordinary yellow wine. It tastes like pouring molten iron into the throat. One bite, but it makes people feel like a fairy.

"Uh... good wine!"

Zuo Lingquan suppressed the wine in his throat, and carefully observed the wine in the bowl. He wanted to see if it was some kind of immortal wine, but after watching it for a long time, it was ordinary wine, and he didn't know how it was brewed.

Xie Qiutao's round face turned a little red. She was born in the far north since she was a child, and she has long been accustomed to the cold weather and the roughness of the north. Compared with the southern drinks that pay attention to the flavor and twist, she prefers this kind of drink. I felt that she was 'strong' after taking a sip, so I took another sip from the wine bowl.

Tang Jingxuan knows how to make wine by herself. She has been brewing for many years. She considers herself to be a wine taster, but after taking a sip, she realizes that her skills are far from this old man. She curiously said:

"The shopkeeper, how did you make this wine?"

Shopkeeper Zheng held a cigarette stick and tossed peanuts:

"I told you the secret recipe, what business am I doing?"


Tang Jing pursed her lips, knowing that she had asked too much.

Zuo Lingquan shook his head and smiled. He didn't care about the shopkeeper's attitude, put down his wine bowl, ordered a few appetizers from the restaurant next door, ate a meal with Yan Ge, and bought a few jars of wine to drink on the road.

After the meal, Yan Ge got up to check out, but Zuo Lingquan didn't refuse. This move was equivalent to agreeing to accompany Yan Ge to go home and have a look.

Yangshan is in the east of Caiyi Country, more than 600 miles away from Changning City. If you are riding a horse on a snowy day, you will be less than four or five days away.

Zuo Lingquan didn't know if he could solve the problem, so naturally he wouldn't act like an immortal master on the Dao first, or choose to ride over with Yan Ge.

Because it was dark and snowy night, people and horses couldn't stand it. With Yan Ge's introduction, they found an inn with a good environment and stayed there.


The wind and snow were blowing, and the lanterns outside the window rattled. The room was still quiet, but there was no stove, and the temperature was only a little higher than the ice and snow outside.

In order to prevent the guests from freezing to death in the house, the inn thoughtfully prepared two thick quilts, but for Zuo Lingquan and others, it was naturally unusable.

In the room, Tang Jingshen untied the thick fur on his body and leaned on the thick quilt. He did not dispel the alcoholism. With a look that seemed to be drunk but not drunk, he teased the dumplings who were begging for dried fish.

Zuo Lingquan wanted to be alert to the surroundings, so naturally he couldn't indulge in the feeling of being slightly drunk. After sending Xie Qiutao back to the house, he came to the quiet room and closed the door.

Seeing Jingxu lying sideways on the bed, the curves were so exposed that he was about to cry out, "Dead ghost, come here soon", Zuo Lingquan showed a little smile, walked to the bed lightly, squatted down halfway, and held Jingxu's hand. embroidered shoes.

The cute dumpling rolled back and forth beside him, turned his head up when he saw this, and tilted his head to look at Zuo Lingquan who was helping to take off his shoes, wondering why Zuo Lingquan was so 'filial', but as soon as he glanced at it, his eyes went black. He was buried under heavy bedding.


Jingyou covered the dumpling tightly, and the skirt was slowly lifted up. Her eyes were a little strange, but she did not shrink her feet, but asked in a low voice:

"Mother-in-law, are you busy?"

Zuo Lingquan just pulled down the edge of his pantyhose and saw the outline of the fat and soft white jade tiger, he stopped when he heard the sound.

Tang Jingxuan was silent for a moment, and was about to let Zuo Lingquan continue when he heard a response in his mind:

"Are you in Caiyi Country?"

"Well, are you busy? I'll start..."

"busy right now."

Tang Jingxuan was a little unconvinced, took Zuo Lingquan's finger and put it on his shirt, quite provocatively said:

"What are you busy with? If you don't make it clear, it will be difficult for my sister to do it."

Zuo Lingquan was not good at starting, so he got up and fell next to Jingxu, waiting for her to negotiate with the ancestor.

Zuo Lingquan could only hear Jingxun's words, but not the ancestor's response. After waiting for a while, he saw Jingxu's body stiffen, and then skillfully raised his hands, using his true qi as a guide, before the two of them. A red circle was drawn in the sky in front of him, and then the circles gradually became hazy, and the picture began to appear.

Zuo Lingquan was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Jingxing to be able to use such magical powers.

The magic circle suspended in front of it should be the perspective passed down by the ancestors. Inside is the bright moon of the galaxy, and the clouds divide the two worlds of immortal and ordinary.

A stocky and fat girl wearing straw sandals is holding her cheeks, lying on top of the clouds, looking at the distant horizon.

And under the silver moon in the sky, there is a golden river, moving slowly towards the north in the silent night sky. If you look carefully, you will find that it is a long dragon composed of lights.

Tang Jing didn't know why, so he set his eyes on the stocky girl who was not far from the angle of view, and asked:

"Is this your daughter?"

There is a voice on the screen:

"When the deity was a child."


Tang Jing was stunned for a moment, then got closer and looked at it carefully. She wanted to touch it with her hands, but unfortunately she couldn't.

Zuo Lingquan's eyes were placed on the long dragon in the distance.

Looking closely, it can be seen that there are hundreds of ferries in the long dragon, with giant puppets, large spirit beasts, and mountains of medicinal materials and instruments. There are also various flying spirit beasts on the periphery of the fleet, and monks walking on the road. , even more dense like locusts, at a glance, I am afraid there are no less than 10,000 people.

Zuo Lingquan has been in the cultivation path for a long time, and it is not that he has never seen a big scene, but it is indeed the first time to see such a huge team traveling together in the sky. Coupled with the vast world in front of him, the scene even shocked him a little.

"these are?"

"The reinforcements sent by the Nine Sects helped Huajun Continent to attack Posuo Continent."

Zuo Lingquan hasn't left Yuyao Continent yet, so he doesn't know what's going on outside. Seeing so many people rushing to the battlefield of the Immortal Demon, he naturally became solemn and said:

"These people are all disciples of the Nine Sects?"

"There are 8,000 disciples of the nine sects, and there are nearly 20,000 scattered cultivators following the news. The Cheng Jiujiang and Wang Rui you know are among them."


Zuo Lingquan was hunted down by Ye Xiu when he was in Xihuang Valley, and his younger brother Wang Rui once sacrificed his life to save him. He knew Wang Rui's character, and it was not unusual for him to go to war with blood, but he remembered that Wang Rui only practiced Qi in those days.

Needless to say, Cheng Jiujiang, Standard Laozi, expect him to go to war?

"Senior Shangguan, are these people the strong men of the Nine Sects?"

"On occasions where the good and the evil are fighting, the strong force is to send troops and horses to the other side. These monks are all spontaneous. After Wang Rui apprenticed to Lu Jianchen, he has been retreating on the Jing Terrace, and this time he followed the past experience; as for Cheng Jiujiang, and Ling Ye The god-shaking fist Song Chi brought in bowed his head, Song Chi was born in Jianghu and has a chivalrous spirit, and he and Tietufu asked for their lives, and Cheng Jiujiang followed."

Zuo Lingquan had a good relationship with these people, so he was naturally worried about their safety. He wanted to ask, but he seemed a bit idiot to ask if the battlefield was dangerous, so he didn't speak.

The ancestor of Shangguan could guess Zuo Lingquan's thoughts and responded:

"The battlefield of immortals and demons is more cruel than you think. It is a blessing for these people to come back in the past. This deity is here to see them off and send them on their way. There are many people who can only see each other in the next life."

When Zuo Lingquan heard that there is no one out of ten, his heart sank, and he sat up straight.

Tang Jingxun also frowned: "Knowing that most people are going to die, why do you let them pass?"

"The purpose of cultivation is this. If you don't go, who will give you the opportunity to be quiet and concubine in the house?"

After Shangguan Ancestor finished speaking, the formation in front of him dissipated on its own, and the picture disappeared without a trace.

Tang Jing pursed her lips, feeling that the good lady was really busy, so she tidied up her clothes and whispered:

"Forget it today?"

Zuo Lingquan's original thoughts had vanished, he fell silent, sat cross-legged on the bed, and said with a smile:

"Well, let's practice. After I'm done with this, maybe I can follow it to see. Cheng Jiujiang has already gone to subdue demons and exorcise demons. Let's hang around in the back, like something."

"It's very dangerous outside, so slaying demons and slaying demons here is also slaying demons and slaying demons.




On the other side, in a room separated by a wall.

Xie Qiutao, who drank a lot in the restaurant, also did not dispel the alcoholism. With a red face, he leaned on the pillow and held the iron pipa in his arms. He wanted to play it twice, but he was more disturbing in the world, so he gave up this idea.

Dizzy in my head, the feeling of being drunk but not drunk makes people feel a little floating.

Xie Qiutao lay down for a while, turned over and sandwiched the quilt between his legs, lying as if hugging a big pillow, and put the little dragon turtle huddled in the shell in front of him, squinting to figure out a way to open his mind.

But what can people think about when they are drunk? After just thinking about it for a moment, Xie Qiutao's thoughts slowly drifted to other places, such as 'What are Sister Jingxun and Young Master Zuo doing? shameful thing'...

After thinking about it for an unknown time, Xie Qiutao's eyelids gradually became heavier, and he slowly closed his eyes, as if he had fallen asleep.

But after a while, Xie Qiutao, who was sleeping, gradually wrinkled his brows, and his eyes moved quickly, as if he was having a nightmare.

Lying on the pillow, the little dragon turtle, who never dared to show its head, seemed to have sensed something, and slowly poked out a golden dragon head with two small horns from the turtle shell, two small whiskers and green bean-like eyes. He looked at the little girl who was sleeping beside him.

Xie Qiutao didn't seem to have an ordinary nightmare. His eyes moved faster and faster, his hands gripped the quilt tightly, and he almost tore the quilt to pieces. His expression even showed a three-point grimness.

The little dragon turtle was a little scared. Seeing that the situation was not good, he slowly crawled under the bed, but the little dragon turtle was placed on the inside. When he climbed over the iron pipa, he accidentally stepped on the strings of the pipa. :


The low sound of the pipa was not loud, but it was like a hammer hitting the person's chest directly.

Xie Qiutao, who had a ferocious face, was awakened instantly and turned his head up.

"Huh...huh...why fell asleep..."

Xie Qiutao took a few deep breaths and touched her forehead, only to realize that she was covered in cold sweat.

The little dragon turtle, who was raising its claws to escape, looked at each other and retracted the turtle shell with a "swoosh".


Xie Qiutao's eyes lit up, the daze in his eyes was swept away, and he quickly picked up the dragon turtle that climbed out and looked at it in his hand:

"Come out, I'll accept you as a spiritual pet, follow me in the future, and make sure you eat spicy food..."

The vibrating sound of the pipa also alerted the men and women who were meditating next door, and Zuo Lingquan's voice came over:

"Thank you girl, what's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing, I fell asleep after drinking too much, and accidentally touched the pipa string."

"Yeah, go to bed early."


Xie Qiutao was woken up by the fright, and had no desire to drink, so he had no time to sleep, holding the little dragon turtle and chattering endlessly...

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