Too Reckless

Vol 13 Chapter 36: You also deserve to be called Little Sword Demon?

The setting sun is like blood.

With the appearance of a figure, on the street outside Bafangzhai, the crowd fell silent, but in an instant, there was a little more chilling that the mountains and the rain were about to come.

At the intersection of the street, Twelve Lang, dressed in a gray robe, holding a silver saber upside down, stared at the figure outside the three-story high-rise building with sharp-edged eyes. He was silent and exuded an aura that made all the surrounding pedestrians stop and follow. Looking back:

"Is it Twelve?"

"How did he get out?!"

"The one outside Bafangzhai is..."


The cultivator whispered softly on the pavilion and pavilion, and the swordsmen and fairies walking on the street cautiously retreated to both sides of the street, looking at the Twelve Lang of Juejianya and the unknown handsome young man.

Above Bafangzhai, Bao Xiangyang, who was watching from behind the window, looked particularly excited.

Zuo Lingquan's identity has already been exposed, and he came to Juejianya with Venerable Peach Blossom. There was no need to cover up. When he walked to this street, he was recognized by Bao Xiangyang, who had been looking for an 'idol'.

Bao Xiangyang didn't know that Zuo Lingquan was injured, and felt that the two sides were going to fight, so he would fight outside Bafangzhai, and Bafangzhai would be able to follow him, so he told Juejian Xianzong.

At this time, Twelve Lang came over, and just by looking at the scene, he knew that the war was about to break out. Bao Xiangyang adjusted the flowers in the mirror, and he didn't dare to let out the air, staring at the two people on both sides of the street.

Zuo Lingquan's reaction did not disappoint Bao Xiangyang and Chu Yi, the swordsman of the Black Cliff who was watching intently.

Under the Qingteng stone steps of Bafangzhai, Zuo Lingquan and Jingyou walked side by side, while Xie Qiutao quietly picked up her dumplings behind her.

Aware of the sharp-edged eyes, the two women frowned.

Zuo Lingquan turned his head and looked at the figure standing in the middle of the street. He was very dissatisfied with this kind of belligerent gaze, and said plainly:

"What are you looking at?"

The tone of voice is naturally not friendly.

Behind Bafangzhai is the eight-armed mysterious gate of the wealthy family. The shop is opened on the most prosperous street of Xianjia Market, and there are many pedestrians on both sides of the street.

The monks who can come here are not Jianxiu who are also interested in swords. From their appearance, they can recognize who the unsheathed sword fairy is at the intersection.

Hearing Zuo Lingquan's response, many people took a deep breath:

"Who is this? You speak so arrogantly outside Juejian Cliff?"

"He doesn't know Twelve Lang?"

"This arrogant tone...why does it sound a bit like the sword demon Zuo Ci?"

! !

As soon as these words came out, the monks on the street suddenly realized that they had no doubts about them.

Because the Jianxiu who came to Juejianjianya, apart from the newly emerging 'Sword Demon', no one dared to speak so aggressively before the 'Little Sword Demon'.

All the suspicious monks turned into surprises in an instant, and the noise spread out at a very fast speed, but in the blink of an eye, there were monks from afar rushing over - this is still in the 'market can't walk over your head' Under the restrictions of the rules, if you can resist the wind, I am afraid that the crowd that arrives in an instant can block the setting sun in the sky.

An opening remark confirmed the identity of the 'Sword Demon'; everyone's eyes naturally focused on the 'Little Sword Demon' Twelve Lang, and their eyes changed from awe to weirdness.

The onlookers naturally hoped that Twelve Lang would say, 'What are you doing? ', and then hit it straight.

But Twelve Lang stood outside his own sect. No matter how much he was dissatisfied and dissatisfied, he had to consider the sect's tolerance. Facing Zuo Lingquan's "inquiry", Twelve Lang held his saber and clasped his fist:

"Juejianya Twelve Lang, is your Excellency the sword demon Zuo Ci?"

Xie Qiutao is very well informed, and he has been watching all kinds of Xianmen gossip in the attic these days. When she heard the name, her eyes lit up, and she quietly moved behind Zuo Lingquan:

"Twelve Lang is the leader of Juejianjianya. It seems that swordsmanship is similar to yours. Recently, he has been dubbed "Little Sword Demon" by Daoist people..."

As soon as Zuo Lingquan heard this, he understood that the other party was here to regain his 'face'. After he came to Huajunzhou, he knew a lot about the masters of kendo. Because the style of swordsmanship is similar, he was often compared with Twelve Lang, and he naturally heard of it.

But in the past it was a laugh.

Seeing Twelve Lang approaching the door, Zuo Lingquan's eyes were indifferent:

"So what?"

The monks on both sides of the street, and even Bao Xiangyang on the second floor, even though they were not surprised by Zuo Lingquan's tone, they still felt pleasant to see the attitude of "no sword in sight".

Twelve Lang was obviously dissatisfied with Zuo Lingquan's attitude and frowned, but he didn't do it directly, he said first:

"Recently, Zuo Jianxian is in the limelight, and everyone up and down Juejianya knows it. Since Juejianya is here, Juejianya is also an old rule to use martial arts to meet friends. I wonder if Zuo Jianxian dares to fight?"

Everyone thinks this is nonsense - the sword demon Zuo Ci dare not fight, is that still a sword demon?

But they still underestimated Zuo Lingquan.

Zuo Lingquan didn't raise his eyebrows, and signaled Juejianya behind him:

"You're too young, go back and practice for a few more years, and now I want to make friends with martial arts and call your master here."

As soon as these words came out, the monks on the street were obviously shocked.

Bao Xiangyang on the second floor of the library, even though he was mentally prepared, still took a deep breath:

"Does Zuo Jianxian not know who Master Twelve is? This is probably over the top..."

The black cliff sword ghost Chu Yi in the water curtain looked serious:

"We're afraid we won't be able to figure out the talent and perception of the sword demon, maybe it's the truth... But it's a bit crazy to call Mu Yunshan the 'back-up sword god'..."

Not only outsiders, but even Xie Qiutao was a little shocked, and quickly reminded in a low voice:

"Twelve Lang's master is the sword-wielding elder of Juejianya..."

Zuo Lingquan was unmoved.

But this move is not arrogant, but really not afraid.

What about the sword-wielding elders? Who wouldn't dare to fight against the sword in a duel outside the sect? If the old sword **** can come out, he dares to draw his sword and give it a try.

It is a chance to learn from someone who is stronger, and even if he loses, he can understand something. He can win it, and he is very happy. When fighting with an opponent like Twelve Lang, he is not even interested in drawing a sword.

Under everyone's attention, Twelve Lang saw that the other party's tone was so arrogant, even to the point of being 'rude', the raised hand naturally lowered, pulled a sword flower, and the sword edge pointed to the ground:

"Brother Zuo seems to be too young to know the depth of kendo. I want to ask my master for guidance, depending on your own ability, now you and I will settle personal affairs first. My Twelve Lang has been famous for nearly 20 years, and Brother Zuo has just emerged. Just because your swordsmanship and mine are similar, I have been dubbed the 'little sword demon' by many fellow Taoists. Swordsmen only strive for the first place, and there is no reason to be subservient without a fight; since Zuo Jianxian came to Juejianya, then Who is bigger and who is smaller, the sword must be used to make a conclusion."

Zuo Lingquan turned around and faced Twelve Lang across the long street with calm eyes:

"The nickname 'Sword Demon' is just a joke, and what the outsiders call it is up to them. But if you take it seriously and discuss 'high or low' with me, I can only remind you: you and I are because of your swordsmanship. Similar in appearance, being named 'Little Sword Demon', compared to me, I don't think you tarnish my reputation, it is considered polite; if you really think that there is only one word 'small' between you and me, then you are too much. Take yourself seriously."


There were exclamations in the street, and even many elders of the sect were stunned.

This remark is equivalent to saying, "The Twelve-Lang dislikes him when he lifts his shoes."

Bao Xiangyang, who was on the second floor of the library, slapped his knee suddenly, and a word came directly: "Absolutely!".

Above the Juejian Cliff, thousands of sword cultivators were watching from a distance, and when they heard the words, they uttered foul language.

Standing in the welcoming pavilion, Mu Yunshan stood with his hands behind his back and frowned:

"Fellow Daoist Cui, didn't you tell you this junior, where is this place?"

Zhao Linglong was also a little unhappy on her beautiful face:

"There is no second swordsman in Juejianya who is so mad. If he says this, if he can't beat him later, Dongzhou's face will be wiped clean by him."

Venerable Master Peach Blossom already knew Zuo Lingquan well, but he was still a little startled when he heard this:

"Um...Young people, it's normal to be angry."


At the entrance of the street, Twelve Lang stood with his sword in hand, his eyes full of anger.

As a sword immortal who has already realized 'Jian Yi', how can he not be arrogant in his heart; Huang Chao's ancestor scolded him as a waste, but he was convinced. Zuo Lingquan, a peer who just emerged, has no right to humiliate him with such a tone. he?

Twelve Lang raised his head slightly and said coldly:

"A person surnamed Zuo, humiliating others, is it the style of a swordsman? How dare you speak with a sword?"

Zuo Lingquan frowned and held down the hilt of the Xuanming Sword:

"I have always been polite. I never fight by humiliating my opponent. I tell the truth. But sometimes the truth is not good, and it is not surprising to be regarded as a humiliation."

As the hand pressed the hilt of the sword, the tense atmosphere of the market reached its peak.

Everyone was terrified, looking at Zuo Lingquan, who was calm, and Twelve Lang, who was irritated.

Originally, the two sides were fighting for the size of the 'Sword Demon', but when it comes to this, it's not that simple anymore.

After the battle, Zuo Lingquan lost, and his reputation was ruined. He became an arrogant, ignorant stunner; Twelve Lang lost, and it was estimated that he would change from a 'little sword demon' to a 'little squatter'.

Twelve Lang no longer spoke, the expression on his face all converged, and turned into a calm, an all-conquering sharp sword intent, climbing steadily at the intersection, as if his body was rapidly enlarging, slowly suppressing everything on the street. noisy.

Zuo Lingquan's calm expression never changed, he took a step forward, but Jingxun next to him grabbed his arm:

"Little Zuo, you..."

Zuo Lingquan tilted his head and smiled, and continued to move forward.

Zuo Lingquan was injured, but so what?

When it was time to use a sword, Zuo Lingquan would never use his wounds as an excuse to avoid fighting.

In the face of a life-and-death struggle, your opponent will not wait for you to recover from your injuries. Even if you lose your limbs, you have to find ways to go all out.

Zuo Lingquan didn't say that the injury was more than half healed. Even if there was only one breath left, he could use the remaining breath to show his peak brilliance for a moment.

And facing Twelve Lang, who was in the same realm, a moment was enough.


Steady footsteps, stepping on the street bricks with ivy patterns.

As Zuo Lingquan, who was wearing a white robe, walked slowly, a sharp edge suddenly appeared and pointed at everyone's eyebrows, making the monks who were only a few meters away were horrified, and took a few steps back.

The two swords were intended to meet in mid-air, pressing on everyone's heads.

It was also at this time that everyone discovered the difference between two swordsmen with similar numbers of paths.

Bao Xiangyang frowned and said: "The tyranny of the sword is almost the same, why do I feel that Zuo Jianxian is more terrifying, um... It's like being pointed at the eyebrows by the sword, and you will die immediately..."

Black Cliff Sword Ghost Chu Yi was watching the live broadcast in Thunder Cliff, but he couldn't feel it, his face was full of heartbreak, and he wanted to get out of the water curtain to feel and taste it carefully.

On Juejian Cliff, Mu Yunshan said:

"The two are indeed similar, but from the point of view of sword intent, the difference is huge."

As for the difference, it's hard to describe the sword intent, it's just different anyway.

Twelve Lang's sharp-edgedness makes people feel that he will be blocked by a sword in the next instant, creating the feeling that he wants to dodge but can't dodge.

Zuo Lingquan, on the other hand, pointed his sword between the eyebrows and told you plainly—don't think about anything, you are already dead!

The key to this difference lies in the word 'quasi'.

As if under the setting sun of blood, the two figures stood at a distance of a hundred zhang.

Twelve Lang held a silver saber in his right hand, and lightly lifted his left hand to make a pinch. It could be seen that the breeze lingered on his legs and limbs, blowing his robes.

Zuo Lingquan was as motionless as a mountain, and he didn't hold it too much. He put his right hand on the hilt of the sword and made a forward movement of drawing the sword. Other than that, there was nothing unusual.

This slight difference, in the eyes of an immortal like the old sword god, has already been judged.

But the multitude of beings up and down the cliff obviously haven't seen the details of the two sides, and just waited with bated breath.

This wait is only half a breath of time.

Both of them took the 'quick sword' route, seeking to kill with a single sword beyond the limit of the opponent's physical reaction. There was no need to find the opponent's flaws.


Only to hear two shrill jingles combined into one, resounding throughout the market.

The two figures disappeared at the same time. Ninety-nine percent of the people present could not see the details.

Because the two shot at the same time and reached the intersection of the street, the distance of the sprint was exactly the same, and the speed was comparable!

But there are also differences.

Twelve Lang didn't want the scabbard, just to increase the speed of the sword to the limit.

As for Zuo Lingquan, he drew his sword and then stabbed forward. How the sword was drawn could only be seen clearly in one hand.

And even more, the experts present, and even Twelve Lang were still behind in horror.

Twelve Lang went all out without reservation, increased his speed to the limit, and stabbed the rushing white-robed swordsman.

The posture of Twelve Lang's front stabbing is almost the same as Zuo Lingquan's, because this is the optimal solution for the human race to push the speed to the limit. If you want to get to this step, you can only use the sword like this. The name of Jianyi' Dulong' comes from the source In this kind of unstoppable sword situation when the dragon goes out to sea.

Finding that the speed on the other side was as fast as him, Twelve Lang was determined, because they were both at the limit of the same body, after the two types of "Jian Yi", the two of them would inevitably die together, and this game could only be a draw.

But immediately, Twelve Lang's eyes showed confusion.

Because his sword pierced Zuo Lingquan's heart; and Zuo Lingquan's sword pierced his tip!

Zuo Lingquan couldn't be faster than Twelve Lang due to the physical limitations of the same realm, but in his kendo philosophy, there is also the word "accurate" - use the fastest speed to stab in the most accurate place!

Zuo Lingquan didn't take Twelve Lang in his eyes in the past, just because he heard about the approximate number of Twelve Lang.

Twelve Lang only wanted speed, and in order to pile up to the limit of his body, he performed the 'wind method' in advance and forcibly pushed himself to the top of the mountain in the same realm.

There is no problem with this number of ways. It is indeed a sword second to meet an opponent in the same realm. When the word 'sword one' is used, even at the expense of 'injuring the enemy a thousand and self-injuring eight hundred', it is better than Zuo Ling to break through the limit. Quan is fast.

But so what?

When Zuo Lingquan was put on the 'wind and thunder spell' by Venerable Peach Blossom, he already understood that when the speed exceeds the carrying capacity of his body, he is destined to no longer be able to maintain 'accuracy'.

There is no difference between opponents with slow speed in this method, but when encountering opponents like him who rely on hard power to pile up their physique to the limit, this difference is life and death!


An almost harsh sound!

A strong air wave suddenly erupted in the center of the street, and the black and blue sword energy exploded at the same time, instantly severing the long street and dividing the houses on both sides into two.

A few unlucky **** were pulled away by the expert who didn't know where they were, and they brushed past Jian Qi. When they reacted, they were so frightened that they sat directly on the ground.

And the rest of the monks, even if they didn't turn their eyes away, only saw two sword lights flashing away.

After a muffled sound of sword energy bursting, Zuo Lingquan, who was wearing a white robe, stopped at the street where Twelve Lang was standing, and slowly put the sword into the scabbard as usual, but when he received half of it, he suddenly raised his hand. Covering his mouth and nose, he coughed twice:


The muffled cough was low, but the people in the whole block were listening, and they could hear that they had suffered internal injuries, and their expressions couldn't help but be astonished:


"Zuo Jianxian lost?"

Bao Xiangyang's face was pale, and he was a little frightened and helpless. He didn't seem to believe it at all. He saw the famous idol with his own eyes and collapsed just like that.


Just a moment after the muffled cough, the crisp sound of the long sword falling on the blue brick woke everyone up again.

Countless cultivators on the street turned their heads to look, only to find that the smoke and dust in the center of the street had dissipated.

"This... what's going on?"

"Who's winning?"


On the quiet street, there were some whispers of surprise, but the result was not seen for a while.

Most of the thousands of sword cultivators at Juejian Cliff were at a loss, only a few masters at the top of the mountain, some were amazed, some shook their heads.

Mu Yunshan's slightly dissatisfied expression turned into silence. After looking at Venerable Peach Blossom who was full of surprises, he turned and left the welcome pavilion.

The markets on both sides of the Jianjiang River seemed to freeze, and everyone looked at the two people on the street with their backs to them, puzzled.

After Zuo Lingquan coughed twice, he slowly put the sword back into the scabbard and looked back:

"I asked you to go back and practice for a few more years. Do you believe it now?"


As soon as these words came out, the monks at the scene finally understood the outcome, but they still didn't understand, the sword demon Zuo Ci won the battle, how could it seem that he was more seriously injured than Twelve Lang.

Twelve Lang looked down at the sword that fell on the ground, and was a little lost, because he really understood why the ancestor called him 'trash' just now.

Because compared with the real peak of kendo, he was just an ant who had just learned to walk and thought he could have a bird's-eye view of the world.

Fang Cai's sword was very fast, and the first sword was indeed evenly matched, and no one was slower than the other.

Zuo Lingquan aimed at the tip of his sword. When the speed reached the limit, he tried his best to deflect, trying to stagger, so that both sides were injured and tied; but the tip of the sword seemed to be bitten by the opponent. bumped into.

Although the two swords collided, it was still a tie, but the gap between them was already obvious - even if he fought with Zuo Lingquan a hundred times with Jian Yi in his arms, the best result would be a tie.

And Zuo Lingquan and him fight, the worst case is a tie.

As long as Twelve Lang misses "Jian Yi", he will have no successor.

Zuo Lingquan didn't even bother to use another sword to humiliate him, but after the two swords met, he rushed past when he was unable to defend at all.

This last shot was enough to kill him a hundred times.

Twelve Lang was stunned for a while, and the monks onlookers were also silent. It was not until Zuo Lingquan was about to leave that Twelve Lang woke up and turned back in disbelief:

"Are you injured?"


The words fell, and the monks onlookers showed incredible colors.

Zuo Lingquan coughed just now, they thought it was because they didn't make a good move in the competition, and they were still confused about the outcome.


Even though he was injured, he still dared to go all out against Twelve Lang, but Twelve Lang couldn't beat him. Can this be called a match? The difference between clouds and mud is almost...

In the eyes of everyone's astonishment, Zuo Lingquan walked back from across the street with a dull expression:

"With or without injury, the result is the same. Your talent is good, you don't have to give up on yourself, and if you practice for a few decades, you might really be worthy of the three words 'little sword demon'."

These words were still maddened, but when they were said after the war, no one felt it was inappropriate.

Twelve Lang himself sounded, and even felt that this was to comfort him - even if the injury did not affect his performance, from what he saw just now, he would not be able to catch up with the sword demon in his life.

Since he is far behind, how can he afford the word 'little sword demon'?


In silence, Zuo Lingquan and Twelve Lang passed by, returned to the door of Bafangzhai, and continued to walk inside the building.

Speaking of which, the time of a sword was only a blink of an eye, but this moment changed the atmosphere of the entire Swordsman Cliff.

If it weren't for the fact that there was an old sword **** at the back of the mountain as Ding Hai Shenzhen, the mood of the thousands of disciples of Juejianya would not be much better than that of Luojian Mountain.

Just as Zuo Lingquan stepped on the steps, a voice broke the silent atmosphere outside Juejian Cliff:


The voice was vicissitudes of life and peaceful, but it brought with it an oppressive force that made Jiuzhou shudder, and instantly made everyone on the mountain hold their breath.

Zuo Lingquan turned his eyes and saw that at the top of Juejian Cliff, in a viewing pavilion, stood an old man in a gray robe. He couldn't see his face clearly, but looked at him from a distance.

"Wow! Old Sword God..."

Xie Qiutao, who was next to her, was so excited that she almost jumped up, but when she realized the situation was wrong, she quickly covered her mouth.

The reaction of all the remaining monks was almost the same as that of Xie Qiutao, because it was normal for an immortal like the old swordsman to not appear in public for hundreds of years.

In the past, sword cultivators learned from each other and met very amazing juniors. The old sword **** also commented at the most in the back mountain, telling outsiders that it was the first time everyone had seen such a scene directly on the top of the mountain.

Although this 'boy' sounds a bit crazy, but Sword God is not crazy, who else is crazy?

Being able to talk face-to-face is enough to demonstrate the potential of the sword demon Zuo Ci. Even Zhao Linglong, Mu Yunshan and others were surprised that the ancestors were so inspiring to a junior.

The ancestors of Huang Chao and the ancestors of Shangguan are characters of the same level. No matter how horizontal Zuo Lingquan is, he will not be so horizontal that he does not take the people who stand at the top of the world in his eyes. He turned around and raised his hand in a salute:

"Senior Huang."

The old man stood on the top of the mountain, his voice neither happy nor angry:

"Xijianchi can't lend you, you find a way out."

The people up and down the Swordsman Cliff were a little dazed when they heard the words, and didn't understand what they meant.

Zuo Lingquan, who was standing outside the library, understood the meaning of Huang Chao’s words because he heard a lot of words from Venerable Peach Blossom and Shangguan Patriarch:

The ancestor Huang Chao was able to show up specially and tell him in person that he recognized his swordsmanship and praised him very much.

He didn't use Xijianchi because he adhered to the "way of the heart" and could not reassure the ancestor of Huang Chao, so he would not help.

The Tao in Zuo Lingquan's heart is his own Tao, and there is no need for others to rest assured. The ancestor of Shangguan believes that he is enough.

Since the ancestor of Huang Chao was inconvenient, Zuo Lingquan naturally would not force it, and bowed his hands:





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