Too Reckless

Vol 13 Chapter 37: A good girl is afraid of entanglement

There are a lot of popular people. After crushing Twelve Lang outside Bafangzhai during the day, Zuo Lingquan became the focus inside and outside Juejianya. There are many foreign swordsmen who want to come to ask for advice, as well as disciples in Juejian Xianzong who are not convinced. If it wasn't for the injury on the body, it was not suitable to challenge him, I'm afraid he would be stuck in Bafangzhai and couldn't get out.

Even if there are no people who don't have long eyes to come over to ask things, the enthusiastic greetings of the swordsmen and fairies from all sides are not easy to resist. The swordsmen are okay, they just say hello and look familiar. Those fairies are simply killing people. , looks like a match and a good-looking one, the loli royal sister, young women and mature women have everything, everyone is dizzying, and all of them have the posture of throwing their arms and hugging them.

In order to prevent him from being overwhelmed and destroying the image of the ruthless sword fairy, Zuo Lingquan bought two miscellaneous books at Bafangzhai, left through the back door, and found a secluded place to live in Jiangan.

The yard where I settled down faces the street with its back facing the river. There is a small courtyard dam coming out of the back door, with a few willow trees planted. Sitting under the trees, you can enjoy the scenery along the Jianjiang River.

At night, the lights on both sides of the Jianjiang River are like daytime. Zuo Lingquan is sitting on the river bank at the edge of the courtyard dam, fishing with a fishing rod in his hand. He can faintly hear the chatter of the wandering cultivators passing by in the distant streets:

"It's so **** domineering..."

"The old swordsman has come out today. If you want me to see, Zuo Dajianxian may be able to pick up his old man's class..."

"It's not a good thing that the name of the Sword God has fallen to Dongzhou. The Sword God Immortal Sect has to find a way to keep people behind? I heard that the old Sword God has a granddaughter, a female immortal in the Jade Rank Realm, and she is young. It’s very, at most seventy or eighty years older than Zuo Jianxian, it’s a perfect match…”


Zuo Lingquan shook his head and smiled lightly at these mindless chatter.

Tang Jingxuan dressed up as a little daughter-in-law, sat beside him, kneaded his arm lightly with his hands, and said brokenly after hearing the words:

"Hmph~ I think it's so beautiful, Xijianchi refuses to borrow it, and I want to marry my granddaughter, I have no sincerity at all, why should we accept his granddaughter..."

Zuo Lingquan tilted his head and clicked on Jingyou's mouth to stop her words: "Shh, the ancestor of Huang Chao is behind the mountain, I can hear..."

Jing Xing was ruined by not being pressed and crying for many days. She blushed when she was kissed. She subconsciously looked back at the yard, but thought that Venerable Peach Blossom hadn't come back, she still suppressed the idea of ​​feeding Xiang Gong, and continued. road:

"Oh... Anyway, I just want to be beautiful..."


Under the willow tree not far away, Xie Qiutao got a stove from somewhere, with charcoal burning in it and an iron shelf made by himself on it.

Under the moonlight, Xie Qiutao put on a small gray apron and put the fishing rod bought by Duobaotan on the riverside. He was fanning the fire with a fan in his hand. Oily and watery, with the scent of 'Zizi~'.

The dumplings squatted obediently on the turtle shell of the little dragon turtle, staring at the grilled fish, several times he wanted to help 'blow the fire' to cook the fish quickly, but he was afraid that if the fire went down, the shelves would all be burnt, so he could only lightly fan the flames. Wings help.

But unfortunately, it is not so easy to fool the daughter's family by accidentally saying the wrong thing.

Seeing that the fish was almost cooked, Xie Qiutao glanced at the impatient dumpling and said with a smile:

"Tuan'er, do you want to eat?"


"I can't even if I want to eat it. There are only three fish, one for me, one for Young Master Zuo, and one for Sister Jingxun. I don't have anything to do with you, hum~"


Tuanzi was stunned, his eyes full of shock, only to feel that Tao Tao had changed, and he no longer loved it.

Shouldn't all three fish be his? Fishing just now, it's eyes assisting for so long, there is no credit and hard work!

Although Xie Qiutao said so, but how could he really let the dumpling look at his mouth, after the fish was cooked, let the dumpling play a set of "Xie Jiaquan" in front of him, and he was rewarded with one.

Zuo Lingquan was gossiping with his daughter-in-law, watching one person and one bird play by the side, just as he was about to taste Qiu Tao's cooking skills, there were footsteps in the back yard.


Zuo Lingquan looked back and saw Venerable Peach Blossom in a dark green dress walking over slowly, his face still flushed with three points of red, as if he had drank some wine.

Jing You was worried about Zuo Lingquan's injury, got up and said:

"Sister Yingying, you're back. Xiao Zuo got angry again after fighting with someone today. Show him if he's hurt or not."

Venerable Peach Blossom was watching the battle in the welcome pavilion today. Zhao Linglong and others lost their faces. As the elder of the winner, she naturally had a lot of face and was in a good mood.

But seeing Zuo Lingquan, Venerable Peach Blossom's expression was still lukewarm, turned and walked to the wing:

"bring it on."


There is only one entrance in the other courtyard, which is divided into three rooms on the left, middle and right. The edge of the yard is also loaded with flowers and trees, and the environment is quite good.

Zuo Lingquan got up and entered the yard, followed the Lord Peach Blossom into the main room, smelled the refreshing aroma of wine while walking, and asked curiously:

"Extraordinary Sword Immortal Sect also prepared a banquet?"

"Xianjia Zongmen, what banquet are you preparing? Zhao Linglong invited the deity to drink two drinks. Today, you are messing around in the market, and you don't show any respect to the disciples, and you beat Mu Yunshan away, and the deity accompanies Zhao Linglong to drink. It took several glasses of wine to calm them down..."

Venerable Peach Blossom opened the door of the bedroom, and after Zuo Lingquan came in, he raised his hand and pushed Zuo Lingquan's shoulder, causing him to fall onto the couch.

This domineering posture is like using force against Zuo Lingquan.

Zuo Lingquan fell on the couch, subconsciously wanting to lean on the head of the bed and wait for his daughter-in-law to ride up on her own, but after thinking about it, it felt wrong, so he took off his robe and lay on the couch.

Today, when I was injured, I used the sword. Although the outbreak was not affected, I used strong energy, and the side effects were not minor. There were obvious bruises on the right shoulder.

Venerable Peach Blossom slowly came to sit beside the bed, took out the gold needle, and pierced the bruise:

"You're a little too crazy today. Outside Juejian Cliff, you don't know how to save face for others."

These remarks are definitely not reproach, they sound more like a joke, or 'to be honored'.

"Sister Yingying is a guest in the Absolute Sword Immortal Sect. I'm not mad, I've lost Sister Yingying's face."

"It's good to know, you are a junior brought by this deity. If you lose today, let alone drinking and chatting in the Absolute Sword Immortal Sect, you can't lift your head up... You don't know if you're injured before you fight, it will hurt you. I have the deity to be frightened on it..."

Zuo Lingquan was lying on his back with his pillow in his hand, and looked back while speaking.

Venerable Peach Blossom was wearing a dark green autumn skirt, leaning over and pressing his shoulders to make needles, and the slender front of his clothes almost touched his back.

Because of drinking a little bit of wine, her cheeks were slightly red as if she was drunk, but she was soft and beautiful when she saw it up close. With the words, the dark fragrance of the orchid was blowing on her shoulders. It's heart-wrenching.

Venerable Peach Blossom said a few words casually, and when he realized that he was being peeked at, he raised his eyes and squinted slightly.

Zuo Lingquan hurriedly turned his head back, seeing that Sister Yingying was in a good mood, he said tentatively:

"I gave Sister Yingying a face today, is she proud of Yingying?"

Venerable Peach Blossom really wanted to reward Zuo Lingquan, but she could hear the 'meaning' in Zuo Lingquan's words, not just a material reward. Her technique is three-pointed:

"What's the meaning?"

When the tingling came, Zuo Lingquan's face turned pale:

"'s not interesting, I just want to make Sister Yingying's technique gentler, the needles really hurt..."

Venerable Peach Blossom was satisfied, snorted lightly, and continued to be as gentle as water pierced a needle:

"Old Sword God himself said that if I don't borrow you to wash the sword pool, it will definitely be useless, and we don't ask him. If you want to control the Heavenly Official Divine Sword, you need to be high enough, strong enough in physique, and tough enough in mind. At this point, you have to keep practicing and looking for opportunities, where are you going next? Go home for the New Year?"

Zuo Lingquan blinked and aimed at Sister Yingying's left wrist, but unfortunately the bracelet was hidden and couldn't be seen. He smiled and said:

"Sister Yingying wants to go home for Chinese New Year?"


Venerable Peach Blossom did write about the atmosphere of missing the Chinese New Year, but this year, he did not dare to go to Zuofu for Chinese New Year.

Mrs. Zuo was always pulling her to kiss her. Last time, it was not easy to refuse. Now she is kissing Zuo Lingquan. How dare she see Mrs. Zuo? The spring is broken...

"Mrs. Zuo treats me with courtesy. Although there is a difference in age, she is my elder in the world. I want to go and see it as a matter of course. But I am afraid that it will be too late to go back to the New Year. The distance is too far. already."

Zuo Lingquan didn't go home for the past two years, considering the time he spent in retreat, he really missed it, and he sighed when he heard the words:

"Then go back next year. I promised my mother to take a big fat boy back. Now that I have nothing, I will be kicked out by my mother..."

Venerable Peach Blossom was stunned: "Who's the big fat boy?"


Zuo Lingquan promised his mother to take Sister Yingying's big fat boy home, but he definitely didn't dare to say this in front of Sister Yingying, he just said:

"Who cares about who, um... Isn't Bosuozhou a little messy? A few of my old acquaintances are there. Let's go and have a look when they heal up."

"You're not low on the Tao, you have to go and see." Venerable Taohua was silent for a while, and then said: "The deity will not follow..."


Zuo Lingquan turned around, looked at Venerable Peach Blossom, and secretly said: If you don't follow, how can I hold the big fat boy? Mother is still waiting to see your baby girl...

Venerable Peach Blossom felt that Zuo Lingquan's mind was not serious, but he didn't see the specific meaning, and he didn't care, his face calmly said:

"There is no eagle under the wings, the deity has been protecting you, it is difficult for you to be alone."

protect me? Zuo Lingquan blinked and thought a little:

"Sister Yingying, you..."

Zuo Lingquan wanted to say, "You are locked up in the Immortal King's Mausoleum, so I'll save you..." But after saying this, with Sister Yingying's temperament, the ghost knows what will happen. So he thought about it and said:

"You really don't follow?"

Venerable Peach Blossom nodded seriously:

"Well, you are asking for more happiness."

Zuo Lingquan and Sister Yingying are also old acquaintances.

Bo Suizhou is a mixture of good and evil, and the ghost knows whether there will be a wicked immortal. Although sister Yingying has a high morality, her fighting strength is really strong, and her personality is relatively skinny, so secret actions are really not very reassuring.

Zuo Lingquan hesitated, but still said:

"Why don't you follow Sister Yingying, or..."

"Why not? Are you afraid that you can't control the scene alone?"

I was afraid that you secretly followed an accident and ran to save you when the time came. What an embarrassing scene...

Zuo Lingquan murmured something in his heart, and nodded on the surface:

"Yeah, the situation in Bosuo Continent is complicated, and it's easy to go wrong."

Venerable Taohua looked serious: "People who practice cultivation have to walk on thin ice and face all kinds of dangers by themselves. I will follow. How do you accumulate experience and experience?"


Zuo Lingquan hesitated, not knowing how to remind Sister Yingying—you are not the ancestor, you are just a nanny who pretends to be a god.

The room was quiet, only the dim yellow candles shone on the cheeks of the men and women.

Venerable Peach Blossom sat beside the bed, pressed Zuo Lingquan's shoulder with his left hand, and gently twisted the golden needle with gentle movements. Glancing at Zuo Lingquan's profile, seeing that he stopped talking, he said:

"Why do you look like a child? You can't live without the deity?"

"It's reluctant."


Venerable Peach Blossom blinked, feeling that these words were teasing her, so the technique was a little more serious.

Zuo Lingquan was really helpless in his heart. They didn't have a good relationship with each other. No matter what they said, something was wrong. When he thought about it, he just sighed in his heart, raised his hand, and signaled Sister Yingying to pause for a while.

Venerable Peach Blossom stopped, frowned and said, "Do you know it hurts? Next time I dare to do it again..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Zuo Lingquan sitting up from the bed and facing her with serious eyes:

"Yingying, we..."


Venerable Peach Blossom's face darkened slightly, holding the needle and trying to poke:

"What is your name?"

Zuo Lingquan was used to being cleaned up, so he was not afraid of it at all, and even held the raised wrist of Venerable Peach Blossom, as if he were looking at a disobedient girlfriend:

"My name is Yingying. I kissed you and touched you. It's too awkward to call you a senior. What should I do if I have a heartbreak..."


Venerable Peach Blossom felt offended. Seeing Zuo Lingquan was not afraid of pain, and said those things that were unbearable to look back on, he wanted to look unhappy, got up and walked away.

It's just that Venerable Peach Blossom underestimated Zuo Lingquan's courage, she just broke free of her wrist, turned around and stood up, the timid boy behind him raised his hand and hooked her waist, and suddenly hugged her back.


Venerable Peach Blossom was hugged and sat directly in Zuo Lingquan's arms, feeling something very hard! Her face instantly turned red, and before she could speak, she found that Zuo Lingquan had brought her cheek to her earlobe and blew lightly.

hiss! !

Where has Venerable Peach Blossom experienced this battle, the hot wind poured into her collar down her neck, making her whole body agitated, and half of her body was almost crisp. It felt more stimulating than kissing her, she was anxious and annoyed:

"Stinky boy, are you really looking for a fight?"

"Well, you can fight it, anyway, if it's broken, it's up to you to fix it..."


Venerable Peach Blossom hammered Zuo Lingquan's waist with his elbow.


There was a muffled sound, and the hand was quite heavy.

Zuo Lingquan frowned when he was hammered, but he didn't get angry. He just fought back symbolically and patted the round buttocks of Venerable Peach Blossom.


? !

Venerable Peach Blossom's eyes were unbelievable: "You dare to beat the deity?..."

Before the first half of the sentence, he found that Zuo Lingquan didn't let go of his hands after shooting, and kneaded and kneaded, seriously feeling the elasticity of the Lord.

To be honest, it's really big and soft. You can feel the delicate skin without any traces through the fabric of the skirt.

The indescribable touch made Venerable Peach Blossom sit up abruptly in Zuo Lingquan's arms.

As the saying goes, 'A good girl is afraid of entanglement', Zuo Lingquan suddenly became shameless, and Taohuazun's main fight is useless and useless, and he really doesn't know how to deal with it. It's just that his face flushed and he stared at the moist eyes, forcing his momentum:

"You are presumptuous..."

Zuo Lingquan was willing to go out of his way, holding on to the waist of Venerable Peach Blossom:

"Since Sister Yingying is leaving, I can't keep it. It's not the first time, so let me kiss her. I don't know how many years I will go out alone, but I can't help thinking about it..."


"Just once, I swear..."

Nonsense nonsense is nothing but an excuse to get ahead.

Venerable Peach Blossom really promised to let the kiss, but the relationship is unclear. Seeing Zuo Lingquan passing by, he could only cover Zuo Lingquan's mouth with his hand:

"Zuo Lingquan! Who do you think of this deity?!"


Although the voice was indistinct, it could still be heard that it was 'daughter-in-law'.

Where did Venerable Peach Blossom experience such a violent offensive? At first, the momentum was still strong. It was useless to say or do anything, and gradually became a little overwhelmed. After tossing and turning, it was like "Do you believe this deity hit you?" Similar words, I saw Zuo later Ling Quan took an inch and was about to shove her hand into the placket. She pressed her neckline in embarrassment and said angrily:

"You stinky boy, why don't you be so shameless in front of Shangguan's mother-in-law?"

Zuo Lingquan held onto it and responded with a smile:

"Sister Yingying asked me to kiss, I'll try it later."

? ?

Venerable Peach Blossom struggled for a while, but he didn't expect this kid to dare to say this, and he didn't expect that he would be a little moved!

Venerable Peach Blossom's angry eyes showed a little hesitation:

"Are you serious?...Ugh."

Zuo Lingquan seized the opportunity, took advantage of the momentum, kissed Venerable Peach Blossom's rosy lips, and pressed her on the couch with his backhand.

Venerable Peach Blossom's calf hanging outside the bed, gently kicked the skirt of the skirt, but did not struggle any more, just frowned and made a 'disgusting' look, grabbing Zuo Lingquan's hand to prevent him from touching it, his eyes Look elsewhere.

The cherry-red lips have a three-point alcohol smell, and there is an ecstasy sweetness between the lips and teeth.

Under the dim candlelight, the man and woman fell on the bed in a posture of looking at Qiu Tao and covering their eyes.

The man was full of affection, and the woman's eyes were strange, neither resisting nor accommodating, there was no movement, only a slight 'Zizi' sound was heard.

About half an hour later.

Venerable Peach Blossom had a little fragrant sweat on his forehead, feeling that he was about to melt, his heart was unstable, and he was afraid that something would happen to his real kiss, so he explained himself here, tilting his head to avoid the tide-like offensive:

"Hu... hu... You said yes, I will do the same to Shangguan Yutang in the future..."

Zuo Lingquan didn't get up, feeling the ups and downs of the majestic clothes, looking down at the red and familiar cheeks:

"That's natural. When I have the Taoism of Xianjun, Senior Shangguan will definitely be unable to stop it like Sister Yingying. I will definitely try it then."



Venerable Peach Blossom was stunned for a moment, and her slightly shy eyes slowly turned into a beauty and anger - co-authored by her, was she given by flickering for nothing?

Zuo Lingquan did not wait for Venerable Peach Blossom to get angry, and said with a pleasant face:

"I didn't fool Sister Yingying, my ancestor is so powerful, you let me do this kind of thing, and you definitely want me to succeed. Can't do it, don't you think?"

Venerable Peach Blossom gave in like this, was pressed and kissed, and in the end he didn't get anything, how could he be coaxed by a word or two?

Her eyes were slightly dark, and she was about to press Zuo Lingquan and stab him with a needle until he could not get up for half a month, but before she made any move, she turned her head to look out the window:

"Get up, Ling Ye is here."


Zuo Lingquan was stunned for a moment, wondering if Venerable Peach Blossom was just looking for an excuse to get out, when he found himself spinning around and was directly pushed back on the bed.

Venerable Peach Blossom, who had no resistance just now, instantly showed the tyranny of Venerable Lord. He blinked his eyes and sat on the side of the bed, raising his hand was a needle!



Zuo Lingquan took a deep At this moment, the door of the room was pushed open with a 'bang--'.

A figure dressed in a gorgeous dress walked in, glanced at the bed, his eyes were suspicious, and his movements were like his wife kicking the door to catch a fox spirit.

There is also a series of "jijiji~~" voices, it seems that the dumpling is chasing after the nurse...


The daily interaction without a plot at the end of the volume is actually more difficult to write than a face-to-face with a plot.

As the saying goes, slow work and careful work, don't worry, it will be a big update when it can be burst, and it is indeed busy at the end of the year.



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