Too Reckless

Vol 13 Chapter 13: Mysterious Snake

Camel Peak Ridge is located near Laoya Town on the upper reaches of the Shajiang River. Outside the town is a mountain ridge shaped like a hump, and there is a dilapidated Dragon King Temple outside.

Bosuozhou is in a land of war, and the local people have no way of knowing what happened a hundred years ago. The origin of the Dragon King Temple has long been buried in the dust of war, and no one knows. . .

At dusk, outside the Dragon King Temple, which had already collapsed, five figures appeared, standing in front of the old temple and talking softly:

"...Looking at the traces, the stone statues in the temples are less than a few hundred years old; most of the people who built temples and shrines happened to witness the real face of the fairy and worshipped them as gods out of awe; since they are dragon-headed people, I guess it is one of them. The genus of the Flood Dragon that can only be transformed into a human form..."

"Brother Zhao, you are a sword cultivator, do you still know this?"

"Master is a Taoist priest. Although he has not taught me anything, he still said these simple things. The blood immortal has a long and profound knowledge and must know more than me."

"This is no nonsense, the blood-battle master is famous for his wisdom and bravery. There is an old saying in the Tiecu Mansion, which is called 'Tiecu House's brains share one stone, the ancestors have eight fights, the concubine and the concubine have two fights, and the blood masters hold two fights. One fight, the rest owe…”

"Jiujiang, your flattering temperament needs to be changed, or at least you have to learn to hit the right place; for my Tiecu Mansion man, being smart is not a compliment; being smart means that you will judge the situation when you do things, and in some cases you will be cowardly. I'm a man from Tiecu Mansion. I can do anything but I can't be cowardly. If you have a brain, don't let your brain dictate it. It doesn't matter what kind of immortal ancestor you are. When this 'advance but no retreat' style is out, the opponent will first counsel three points when they see you, and they will collapse without a fight..."

"Teached, thank you for your guidance..."


In a small forest about half a mile away from the Dragon King Temple, Cui Yingying, who was dressed as a mature beauty Wuxiu, listened to the chatter of the five people by pressing the hilt of the machete around her waist, and she couldn't help shaking her head secretly, thinking in her heart:

"Yutang, you disciples, disciples and grandchildren, one by one and so on."

After a long time, he had already returned from Zuofu, and was almost fed by Mrs. Zuo into a fat Shangguan ancestor, and a response sounded in the heart lake:

"If you have a brain, don't let your brain dictate it. It's about overcoming your natural instincts and not being influenced by emotions such as fear and cowardice; what you shouldn't do is better to die than surrender, and what you should do is the only death. You are such a coward, you can't understand. "



After humming quite coldly, there was no sound.

Cui Yingying waited for a while and didn't get an answer, and she didn't bother to put her hot face on her dignified, round butt, so she turned her eyes back to the Dragon King Temple.

The five people in the Dragon King Temple are Shangguan Baxue and two fellow Daoists who slay demons. They came here to investigate the cultivator's loss of contact in the Huofengling area.

Cheng Jiujiang and Zhao Wuxie, who were already walking in the country of Fulin, heard that Shangguan Baxue came to exterminate demons, because the distance is not too far, and following them to take advantage of opportunities is similar to following the big bosses to fight monsters and pick up equipment.

However, the situation in the Huofengling area was not as light as the five chatting.

Cui Yingying's combat power is not very high, but the three thousand years old of the female college is here, and her experience is far beyond that of ordinary monks.

She originally followed Zuo Lingquan as a small tail, and after catching the crab essence, she took the lead and came upstream.

Observing the trend of the Shajiang River Road on the road, we can see that this river road entering the sea is a 'Dragon Road' - that is, the inland Jiaolong. Much smaller.

In addition to river fish, there are also snakes and eels that can walk into the sea. As long as the spiritual veins of the sand river are not broken, there must be a 'blessed land' upstream for the cultivation of dragons.

After Cui Yingying came to Shituoling, she found that the density of snakes in the forest was far higher than that of other places. The people in the town even made a living by catching snakes, so this 'blessed land' is likely to be nearby.

However, there is nothing underground in Shituoling. The nearby area is tens of miles away or thousands of miles away. It is difficult to determine the location.

With Cui Yingying's conduct, it is not too difficult to investigate this kind of thing. However, Bosuozhou is a place where immortals and demons compete, and the jade-rank immortals are the main thugs.

In this kind of place, Cui Yingying can only stand in the back as a nurse, wandering around the front line by herself. If she is caught by Youying Alien, then she will most likely go to meet Shi Zun.

Therefore, Cui Yingying still gave priority to counseling. She originally wanted to ask Shangguan's ancestor's opinion, but the ancestor was too lazy to pay attention to her, so she didn't ask, but just followed Shangguan Baxue and others, secretly watching for clues.

Shangguan Baxue is a new generation of Qingkui. Like Zuo Lingquan, Daoxing is a half-step jade, but he has more experience in slaying demons and eliminating demons.

Shangguan Baxue said very rudely, but if he can become a young master, how can he really be a reckless man who "has no brains".

After leaving the Dragon King Temple, Shangguan Baxue and four teammates went to the Huofengling area to investigate, and found that there were many snakes in the Huofengling area, but there was no other abnormality.

The last time the monks discovered that the location where the scholar worshipped the solitary tomb could not be found, Shangguan Baxue simply deduced several possible locations of the tomb according to the feng shui theory of the secular world.

The style of behavior that followed was very iron-clad. Several people showed their magical powers and began to dig all over the mountains and fields. Since people or demons worshiped, it means that the tomb has a special meaning.

Cui Yingying felt that the success rate of this method was worrying, but after waiting in the dark for a long time, something hidden near Camel Peak Ridge was really dug up by a few stunned young people...


Along the sand river, the setting sun sprinkled on the river surface, turning the river water and the vegetation on the river bank into golden red.

The three figures walked side by side, observing the surrounding mountains and fields along the way; the river crabs the size of grinding discs walked sideways by the river, the crab claws held a small wooden box, and Zuo Lingquan also gave it a small bottle of Qingdu River water essence, which is very safe at present. It has become a new mount for Dango.

The dumplings couldn't eat big crabs, so they lacked interest, and their small claws were lying on the crab shell, "gugujiji", probably talking about Qiu Tao's masterpiece:

A crab is half a zhang long, and the crab shell is bigger than the pot; one day it will be turned over and fried with fennel and star anise...

Zuo Lingquan didn't come to swim in the mountains and water, so naturally he wouldn't have the leisurely mood of the dumplings. He put his hand on the hilt of the sword and looked at some stone walls on the river bank:

"The mountain walls on the banks of the river are relatively neat, they don't look like they were washed out by water, and they don't look like they were manually excavated..."

"I am afraid it was a big river in ancient times, or there was a big flood. When we passed that small village just now, there was a stone buckle under the old bridge hanging a rope. It should have been hanging a sword in the past. It is estimated that a dragon has passed through this river..."

"Are there dragons upstream?"

"Hey, the dragon doesn't go back. If it doesn't go into the sea, it doesn't break the realm. If it fails to cross the tribulation, it will die on the way. There are definitely no real dragons in the upper reaches, but the river that can transform into dragons must have dragons in the upper reaches. If there are monster nests. , with a high probability of being related to dragons and snakes..."

Xie Qiutao carefully analyzed her views and said it with reason and evidence. Zuo Lingquan did not take it as a rant, and listened very intently.

Tang Jingxuan didn't study these cultivators deeply, and was not good at interjecting. When he was indecisive, he naturally asked his mother-in-law in his heart.

But the ancestor of Shangguan is not a **** of heaven and earth. In the nine sects, where can he know the details of Bosuozhou, and he did not respond directly. Tang Jingxuan had no choice but to turn his attention to the delicious and lazy group:

"Duanzi, go ahead and explore the road to see where there are monsters, so we can save us from looking around."


The dumpling turned upside down, pointed his wings to his feet, and gestured: "Mother, do you think this crab looks like a monster? If it does, the bird will bake it now, the bird will eat the crab legs, and the rest will be honored to the mother..."

It's a pity that before the chatter was over, Jing Xing gave him a fierce look, and Tuanzi could only reluctantly fly out as a reconnaissance plane.

The three of them followed the river crab essence and groped upstream. When the sky was dark, they came to a tributary of the Shajiang River, about a hundred miles away from Camel Peak Ridge.

The crab spirit seemed to be very afraid of the small river upstream, and became cautious when moving forward, walking upstream along the river, and after entering the deep mountains and forests, it came to an inaccessible pool and pointed to the dark pool.

Zuo Lingquan restrained his breath and came to the edge of the pool. By the silver moonlight, it could be seen that the pool was very deep, and there was living water coming out of it. No accident was connected to the dark river below, but there was no sign of demonic energy or spiritual energy in the water.

The river crab essence stood on the edge of the pool and pointed to the crevice under a large stone with crab claws. It should be to indicate that this was its hometown, and pointed to a few small sequins stuck in the crevice of the stone.

Xie Qiutao frowned slightly, and picked up the sequins stuck in the cracks of the stone with Imperial Object Technique - it was a thumb-sized snake scale.

"There are different types of scales. There must be a snake cave connected to this pool. I guess there are monks from the demon race who practiced in that place.

Zuo Lingquan does not question this statement. Human monks can't keep the pill box and empty bottle on their body when they eat pills. , it is reasonable to leave these practice garbage.

Now that he roughly found the location, Zuo Lingquan wanted to follow the vine and sneak into the monster's lair from the pool.

But he hadn't made a move yet, and the group sentry on the top of the tree, "jiji--" called out twice, and pointed its wings to the depths of the mountains.

Zuo Lingquan raised his hand, motioned to silence his voice, and when he felt it carefully, he found that there was a fierce aura that covered the sky and the sun, and it was definitely not emitted by a human monk. It's demonic.

Xie Qiutao's face changed slightly, and he took off the iron pipa from behind:

"It's such a heavy demon, you startled the snake?"

Zuo Lingquan frowned and stared at the deep mountain: "It's not for us, it should be a monster that has been disturbed by others..."

"hold head high--"

Before he finished speaking, a roar resounded in the deep mountains, the voice was like a dragon's roar, and it carried a ghostly and evil spirit that calmed the soul, making people feel horrified.

The river crab essence, who was already cautious, was so frightened that he dived into the water and burrowed into the narrow stone crevice...



The sun had just set, and on the shady **** of Huofengling, in a wasteland with a bird's-eye view of the town down the mountain, Cheng Jiujiang took a shovel and dug a grave at the selected location.

All five people were digging, and there were as many as 100 potholes dug out on the hillside. Camel Peak Ridge was near the secular village and town, and several dead coffins had been dug up, but they were all mortal graves, and they were filled back after nothing unusual.

As for whether digging other people's graves will damage the yin and virtue, Cheng Jiujiang and others have no psychological pressure; because according to materialism, people have already entered reincarnation when they die, and the burial place is only the rotten body that has lost its soul, and the earth, wood, sand and gravel. According to idealism, they dig graves to remove the monsters near the town and ensure that the surrounding people are not affected by the monsters. The graves must be buried by the ancestors of the villagers. And hate them.

Cheng Jiujiang didn't remember how many graves he had dug. After digging four feet and one inch in the wasteland, the shovel stabbed a hard object and made a light "clang" sound. By the feel of his hand, he knew that the coffin below was made of secular cedar wood. , definitely for mortal use.

Cheng Jiujiang sighed and wanted to backfill it, but to be on the safe side, he pulled the soil away and prepared to open the coffin for an autopsy.

This behavior completely crossed the bottom line of the person in the dark.

As soon as Cheng Jiujiang made a move, a gloomy wind blew on Hump Ridge, and the dark clouds covered the silver moon that had just emerged.

Shangguan Baxue, Zhao Wuxie and the others jumped out from all over the mountain in an instant when they noticed something was wrong, gathered in one place, and looked up at the top of the hump mountain.

Camel Peak is not high, and there are only a few old pine trees at the top of the mountain. At this time, a figure appeared between the pine trees.

The figure is dressed in a scholar's robe, with bare hands, and his face does not have any sense of evil spirits, but his eyes are like snake pupils, with a three-point coldness, staring at the five people below:

"You are the Immortal Masters of the 'Righteous Way', digging the place where ordinary people rest in the middle of the night, don't you feel that you have lost your identity?"

The distance between the two sides is about one mile. Shangguan Baxue can't see the details of this person, but he can tell from his eyes that he is definitely not a human race. Seeing that the other party was talking like a person, he said solemnly:

"Where is the holy place? Sign up."

The scholar on the top of the mountain did not hide the killing intent in his eyes, but his tone was very calm:

"Xuan Ye. I was originally a small snake in the mountains. I fell into a snake's net when I was young and was rescued by the old farmer in the town. When I got the Tao, the old farmer died and was buried here, so I often come to worship. Even if you come to me, why do you have to do such filthy things that the demon clan are not ashamed of?"

Cheng Jiujiang frowned, and it was a little hard to fight back after being said.

Shangguan Baxue had no reaction on his face. He had practiced for so many years and had already understood the nature of the demon clan.

It is not uncommon for monsters to repay their gratitude, but this does not mean that they have a good impression of the human race. They are just grateful to a certain person who saved them in the past; if there is no snake net of the human race, how could this snake monster fall to the old farmer? rescue? The demon clan generally still hates the human clan.

Because of the influence of human culture, the monsters also have names, but most of the names are related to the bloodline of the body. Shangguan Baxue listened to him calling himself Xuan Ye, and his body was a snake, so he roughly guessed that the other party was a mysterious snake who had achieved Taoism.

The mysterious snake has the blood of a beast, and has a fierce and cold-blooded personality. There are people in the recipe, and people will be treated as chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep. Like tiger demons and wolf demons, wildness is difficult to tame and unfamiliar.

At this time, the other party had the intention to kill but didn't do it, and even communicated with them verbally.

Shangguan Baxue raised his hand to fill in the excavated wasteland, and said solemnly:

"Since this tomb has been discovered, if you don't die, or if I won't be silenced, the owner of the tomb will have no peace, so why talk nonsense?"

Xuan Ye, dressed as a scholar, snorted coldly, as if he wanted to say something, but at this moment, a female voice suddenly sounded in the mountains:

"This is a virtual image, and the real body is underground eighty miles to the northwest."

Shangguan Baxue felt a little familiar when he heard the voice, but after reacting, he was slightly taken aback.

Xuan Ye on the top of the mountain looked at the few people who were chasing towards the northwest, his eyes were still flat and cold:

"You are seeking your own death."

Several people did not respond, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Xuan Ye frowned, and his figure slowly dissipated among the pine forests. When he opened his eyes again, he had reached the depths of the Snow Wolf Mountain Range, above a peak.

Thousands of miles of snow in the Snow Wolf I can't see any grass, trees, light and shadow, but there is a group of people walking between the mountains, aiming directly at the peak where Xuan Ye is located, headed by a woman in a white dress , with a green long sword hanging from his waist.

Xuan Ye is not the only one at the top of the peak. There is also a silver hill next to it. At first glance, it is covered with white snow. When you look closely, you can see that the waves undulating with the wind are silver hairs as long as reeds. The hills are higher than a pair of scarlet pupils. , was looking back in the distance, looking at Fulin Kingdom, the wolf head spit out the words:

"Which side to kill first?"

"The demon king has an order not to kill Qiu Youyou, and the others will be beheaded and thrown to Wangchuan City."

"The little loach in the snake cave can't stop these little monkeys."

"Do business first."




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