Too Reckless

Vol 13 Chapter 14: Xuanyin Snake Ancestor

For the monks on the top of the mountain, eighty miles is not far away.

In the depths of the mountains on the west side of Camel Peak Ridge, six figures crossed the lofty mountains at a speed that was difficult for mortals to see.

Cui Yingying, dressed as a female martial artist, found out that something was different, in order to prevent the snake demon from escaping, she went one step ahead of everyone and came to the source of the spiritual fluctuation just now.

Remnant clouds covered the moon, and the five fingers could not be seen on the ground, only the outline of the undulating mountains could be vaguely seen.

After all, Cui Yingying is the venerable master of the Nine Sects, and her perception is far beyond ordinary people. When she found something unusual in the ground, she clenched her hands and spit out her red lips:



After the thunderbolt passed, the electric light lit up above the sky, illuminating the whole mountain and wilderness, and there was nothing to hide.

It was also at this moment that the low mountain ridge intertwined with withered vines swayed, the civil engineering, sand and gravel collapsed, as if the entire mountain ridge collapsed under the power of heaven, but the other end of the 'mountain' rose abnormally high.

Cui Yingying had been searching for snakes and rats that were madly fleeing on the ground, but only at this moment did she realize that the entire hill below, buried by earth and wood, was actually the real body of a giant python.

The giant python is three hundred feet long, with a triangular head and straight scarlet eyes. On the forehead covered with iron-like scales, there are two faint protrusions, showing that it is only one step away from turning into a dragon...

"hold head high"

The giant python roaring to the sky, like a dragon singing in the world, suppresses all the hustle and bustle in the mountains.


In the rear, Shangguan Baxue and the others, who were chasing after him, saw the whole mountain raise the snake's head in front of them. They were shocked that their faces turned pale and they stopped in a hurry.

It is impossible to see such a big monster in the right place, but the records of the monster are very detailed in the books. Shangguan Baxue saw the appearance of this snake monster and reminded him in a hurry:

"Senior Cui, Jade Rank Mysterious Snake, don't rush in."

It is not accurate to judge the Taoism of a monster by its body shape, but the bigger the Taoism, the higher it must be. A monster that can grow up to three hundred feet cannot be driven by the spirit of Youhuang to drive such a large body, so Shangguan Baxue can see it at a glance. The approximate realm of this mysterious snake.

Cui Yingying could naturally see that this was a snake king. Judging by the gap between each other's races, she would not be able to subdue such a big mysterious snake, no matter how good she was and her weaker combat power.

However, Cui Yingying's experience is here, and she sees more than Shangguan Baxue and others.

The big snake in front of him had been buried in the soil and had not been active for a hundred years. Its scales were dull and yellow, and there were many sword marks left by swordsmen on its head.

Such a **** snake king is still full of battle scars, and it is impossible for the right path to not be recorded at all; Cui Yingying recalled the battle report from Bosuozhou before, and said:

"It's the ancestor of Xuanyin Snake. He was cut by Juejianya a hundred years ago. His physique has reached the end of a strong crossbow, and he only needs to support his aura."

Shangguan Baxue slayed demons and demons in Bosuozhou, so he naturally knew something about the big demons that haunted here.

Due to their nature, the demon clan will divide their territories and occupy the mountains as their kings. For example, the big demon that rules the Snow Wolf Mountain Range is the Snow Wolf King 'Long Hao'; the most powerful demon clan on Gui Liaochuan used to be Xuan Snake. , Every generation has a snake king, known as the 'Xuanyin Snake Ancestor'.

But every time the righteous way came to advance from Gui Liaochuan, the snake demon was almost killed. After the snake king was beaten and fled, the right way thought that he had escaped to the west side of the Snow Wolf Mountain Range. The big monster with a fierce name is actually waiting to die in this deep mountain and old forest.

Shangguan Ba's **** fighting strength is not low. Facing this kind of old goblin who is "strong from outside and cadre in the middle", a little bit of fear is naturally dispelled. He immediately raised the big shield and rushed to the front of Xuanyin Snake Ancestor with his two companions.

But 'the dying tiger still has three points to spare', the old lord of the dignified Xuan Snake clan, who has fought with the human race cultivator for a lifetime, will not be easily surrendered.

Seeing that several people were not scared away, the huge Xuanyin Snake Ancestor withdrew his fierce aura, and the snake mouth spit lightly.

The black mist is extremely rich and has a strange fragrance, but no matter whether it is grass, trees or sand, it begins to rot and melt when it touches the black mist, just like a black magma raging in the mountains.

Realm suppression is placed here, Shangguan Baxue doesn’t need to have a brain, and it is impossible to plunge into the poisonous mist of the mysterious snake to take a bath. He can only let his fellow warlocks use the wind method to clear the way. .

Cui Yingying's Taoism is higher than that of the ancestor of Xuan Snake, and the black poisonous fog can't get close to her at all. She rushed to the ancestor of Xuanyin Snake alone, raised her hand, and summoned a thousand vines from the earth, trying to restrain Xuanyin. The real body of Yin Snake Ancestor.

According to Cui Yingying's estimation, Xuanyin Snake Ancestor has run out of fuel, and no matter how brave he is, he can't beat her and a bunch of helpers, and there is a high probability that he will escape.

But what surprised Cui Yingying was that the Xuanyin Snake Ancestor, who was entrenched in the black mist, did not move the bullet, but raised the snake head to look at her, and said:

"Humans often say 'leave leaves return to their roots'. No matter how difficult it is for the deity to turn into a dragon, the snake king has changed hands, and he can enter reincarnation early. It is a blessing to have a beautiful little monkey like you buried with him before his death."

In the words of Xuanyin Snake Ancestor, it was obvious that he wanted to die.

Cui Yingying can understand that the demon clan is just as cruel as the human clan. After the rulers such as the wolf king and snake king were ousted from power, they were either killed, exiled, or huddled in front of the new king, wagging their tails and begging for pity. This was unbearable for the former king. ; Seeing the weather, Xuanyin Snake Ancestor is difficult to go further, and entering reincarnation early is indeed a relief.

Cui Yingying snorted coldly when she heard that she was going to be buried with her and called her little monkey.

"Just because of your little loach, do you want to hurt the deity?"

Xuanyin Snake Ancestor didn't say a word, his head suddenly bounced, he opened a huge mouth that was enough to swallow the sun and the moon, and bit towards Cui Yingying who was in the air.

Cui Yingying seemed to be contemptuous, but she was not at all careless, she dodged to the other side, dodging the earth-shattering blow.

But Cui Yingying seldom left Dongzhou after all, and she was not known for her combat power. She lacked experience in **** battles with big demons, so she underestimated the cunning of the demon clan.

The monsters have been fighting wits and courage with the human race all the year round. For thousands of years, apart from the difference in the body, there has been no difference in tactics and strategies.

Cui Yingying avoided the collision, and found that between the black fog that shook the ground and the mountains, several black lines appeared, lasing into the air, dense like a cage, and locked the surrounding space.

The cage is like a sky net, obviously with the venom of extremely yin snakes, Cui Yingying does not dare to resist rashly no matter how high she is, she wants to fly away from above; hit the ground.

"hold head high"

The huge Shekou seems to be able to swallow the entire mountain, including Cui Yingying who was locked out of the way.

Seeing this, Cui Yingying gave up and gave up her escape, and called a peach tree above her with both hands, covering herself with the canopy, trying to resist the attack of Xuanyin Snake Ancestor.

But the size of the peach tree, compared with the size of Xuanyin Snake Ancestor, is like a small bean sprout in front of the giant python, and the feeling of the man's arm as a car is full.

In the distance, Shangguan Baxue's complexion suddenly changed. After he snorted, his aura skyrocketed. He seemed to grow a few feet taller. Before that, he made a way out for Venerable Peach Blossom.

Cheng Jiujiang couldn't help him, so he could only seek to protect himself, but Zhao Wuxie remained calm in the face of danger, flying behind Shangguan Baxue, holding the sword hilt at his waist.

It was at this critical moment that I heard a 'choking' sword cry in the mountains!

The vast land swept by the black fog instantly turned into day!

The vast sword intent that is enough to shake the gods and Buddhas rises into the sky from the poisonous mist, and it seems to be able to smash the sky from the bottom to the top.

Shangguan Baxue attacked with great strides, and suddenly felt this terrifying sword intent that dared to point at the gods, and almost fell to the ground with his feet unsteady.

He looked at Zhao Wuxie beside him in astonishment, but found Zhao Wuxie beside him with a horrified expression, raised his hand, and looked like "It's not me, don't get me wrong". ? ?

Shangguan Baxue was stunned for a moment, and the sword intent was overwhelming and people couldn't figure out the source, but the next moment, he saw the deity behind this sword light!


The sword light appeared from nowhere, and when it appeared in front of everyone, a young sword immortal in a white robe had already smashed through the black cage with a simple sword in hand, and passed by the mid-air Venerable Peach Blossom.

Before the Xuanyin Snake Ancestor, the Sword Immortal was as small as an ant, but with a three-footed sword in his hand, it seemed like a giant blade that could slash all evil in the world.

The sword pointed at the head of the snake, and the contrast was obviously disparate, but it made people feel that the unparalleled giant python would become a dead soul under the sword in the next moment.

Not only did everyone feel this way, but Xuanyin Snake Ancestor also felt the same way.

The last time the Xuanyin Snake Ancestor was seriously injured and fell from the altar, he encountered Muyun Mountain who was traveling in Bhasuzhou. sword.

After seeing the terrifying sword of the white-robed sword fairy, Xuanyin Snake Ancestor's first thought was that the sword **** of the human race came over?

Although the snake's bones are terrifying, Xuanyin Snake Ancestor is not afraid, because his 'throne' and status in the Youying alien race have been deprived by Xuan Ye, and he is currently an immortal old man waiting for the end of his life, and can die in the hands of the sword **** It's not worth living in vain.

Therefore, seeing the sword that crushed it in momentum, Xuanyin Snake Ancestor was only a little stagnant, and the snake pupil turned into a ferocious and frenzy, the snake body arched, like a poisonous snake catching a mouse, pressing towards it and daring to rush towards it. The famous family swordsman.

call out

After all, the sword of the white-robed Sword Immortal is too small, and it pierces the snake's head, leaving a small wound on the snake's head that is not as big as a needle's eye.

Therefore, when the Xuanyin Snake Ancestor was still a hundred feet away, the simple sword in the hands of the white-robed sword immortal erupted in the air with the sword energy like a dragon, like a dragon emerging from the water, and collided head-on with the snake head pressed down by the air.


The earth-shattering loud noise shook the dense black fog in the mountains and fields, and the dark clouds turned into rings and retreated, revealing the bright moon and starry sky behind the snake's head.

The jaws of Xuanyin Snake's ancestors were as strong as iron, and a huge groove was torn open in an instant. He couldn't hold on for half a breath. He retreated before the edge, and instead raised his head and whined, and the mountain-like body fell to the side!


In the mountains, the poisonous mist was dispersed by the venting air waves, revealing the five people who stopped in the mountains.

Shangguan Baxue and his two companions were shocked, as if they had seen an immortal, they were stunned.

Zhao Wuxie and Cheng Jiujiang reacted slightly less, because they recognized who the white-robed sword immortal was, and they were almost used to this kind of scene.

However, Zhao Wuxie finally showed a look of astonishment.

Because the white-robed sword immortal who rose up into the sky landed next to the mature beauty Wu Xiu in mid-air after a sword.

The white-robed Sword Immortal had a stern face, but with a three-point frivolity, he slashed the demon with one sword and closed the sword, raised his hand and scratched on the face of the female cultivator, and a clear voice sounded from mid-air:

"Look, let you follow me, you have to run around alone, how many times is this?"

His speech and behavior seemed to be training his disobedient daughter-in-law. ! !

Shangguan Baxue was already shocked. When he saw this scene, he was stunned. He opened his mouth and stared in astonishment. He thought that he was confused, or that the female cultivator above was mistaken. Isn't that the high-ranking Peach Blossom Lord of the Nine Sects, but an ordinary female cultivator? ?

Fortunately, the female cultivator's reaction did not lose her identity as the nine sect masters.

Seeing that the white-robed swordsman, who is superior to the gods, has not shown enough manly demeanor, Venerable Peach Blossom's face sank, his face recovered, and he pushed the white-robed swordsman out far away:

"Presumptuous! Don't admit the wrong person!"


The white-robed Sword Immortal was stunned for a moment, but when Yu Guang saw Shangguan Baxue and others standing below, he understood the meaning and changed his words:

"It turned out to be Senior Cui, it's rude."

When Shangguan Baxue and his two companions saw this, they were secretly relieved that it was the wrong person...

Fortunately, I admit my mistake. Venerable Taohua is a close friend of the ancestor. If Venerable Taohua finds a partner, the ancestor will not be the only old bachelor in the nine sects...

It is said that this Sword Immortal is really lucky, and by mistake, he touched the face of the Peach Blossom Venerable Lord, I am afraid that it will take more than ten years to be willing to wash his hands...


Cui Yingying could see the thoughts of the younger generation. After she slapped away the stinky man who looked down on her regardless of the occasion, she snorted lightly, with a high-spirited attitude to cover up the shame in her heart.

She still wanted to speak, and explained to the juniors of the nine sects that she and this white-robed sword immortal were not in a relationship with Taoist companions, and suddenly found that the huge snake body that fell to the ground was silent.

The jade-level black snake, even if it is only the first stage, is still exhausted, and it is impossible to be killed by Zuo Lingquan with a single sword.

Cui Yingying noticed something was wrong and pulled Zuo Lingquan back.

Zuo Lingquan was not distracted and kept on guard against the big snake on the ground. He waited for a while to see the big snake, and wanted to try to make up for the knife, but as soon as he approached a little, Xuanyin Snake Ancestor opened his eyes, and the two snake pupils suddenly exploded, turning into For a dark red blood fog, lasing to the surrounding.


The sound of the explosion was not loud, and it didn't even shatter the surrounding rocks, but the dark red blood mist was obviously not an air wave.

Shangguan Baxue and the others instantly returned to their senses.

Zuo Lingquan and Cui Yingying, who were closer together, were the targets of Xuanyin Snake Ancestor, and they were enveloped in blood mist almost instantly.

"Little Left!"

In the mountains not far away, Tang Jingxuan and Xie Qiutao were looking for an opportunity to help, and their faces turned pale when they saw this scene.

Xie Qiutao is a martial artist, so he didn't dare to rush into the poisonous fog, and said in a hurry:

"Mysterious snakes are afraid of fire and use fire to burn."

Seeing this, Tang Jingxuan didn't hesitate at all, she raised her hand to create a fan, setting off a raging fire wave, isolating the spreading poisonous mist; but Zuo Lingquan was in the middle of the poisonous mist, and she couldn't face the fan.

In the poisonous fog, Cui Yingying raised her hand and wrapped the two with countless petals. Although her body was not contaminated with the poisonous fog, the petals surrounding her withered at a speed visible to the naked eye. red texture.

Zuo Lingquan secretly said that it was not good, and wanted to split a passage with sword energy, but Cui Yingying said coldly:

"It's just a little poison, I can't do anything about this deity. This snake is a door god, and it's delaying time, there must be a snake cave hidden below, and other little monsters are fleeing and chasing."

As Venerable Peach Blossom spoke, he faced the dark red poisonous mist and crashed directly into the ground...—

On the other side, Wangchuan City.

There is a big monster in the northwest of Gui Liao Chuan, and Wang Chuan City got the news almost instantly.

In the hall of the East Continent South Alliance, Wang Rui, as an intelligence officer, immediately took the file and ran to the conference hall on the second floor when he got the news:

"Chen Daochang, welcome the news from Lufeng, there is an unknown monster in the upper reaches of the Shajiang River, the realm is estimated to be up and down the jade steps, and ask for help from Wangchuan City..."

In the council hall, all the senior leaders of the nine sects are responsible for the mobilization of monks. The main person in charge is Chen Guanyin, the elder of Fulong Mountain; the others are also elders of the nine sects.

Although Wangchuan City are all righteous forces, but the factions are different, it is impossible to intervene in everything, and the normal situation is to take care of one's own family first.

Chen Guanyin, who was sitting in the first place, heard Wang Rui's announcement and looked at Nangong Zhaixing, who was in charge of dispatching tasks:

"Yinglu Peak is where the Sword Immortal Sect is stationed. Are there any monks from the nine sects working there recently?"

"Shangguan Baxue is over there, and the two of them are half a step on the jade rank. It's not a big problem to escape when they really meet a big monster on the jade rank... That's right."

Nangong Zhaixing was not nervous at first, but after thinking of something, he sat up:

"A few days ago, three scattered cultivators came here. They were good in their conduct, but they had little experience. Their words and demeanors were a bit ignorant. If something happened over there, there is a high probability of rushing over there rashly."

Chen Guanyin frowned upon hearing this, slightly dissatisfied:

"Loose cultivators have just arrived. What's the difference between letting them go to the west and sending them to death? Quickly notify Ba Xue and ask him to pay attention to shelter."

Nangong Zhaixing nodded, thought for a while and then said: "If you are a big demon who is known for his combat power, you will be worried about self-protection; Miss Qiu is currently in Xuelang Mountain, not far away, let's see if we can contact you. Go, it's best to let her lead the team to turn back first, and go to Shajiang to settle the matter..."

Outside the door, Wang Rui heard the order and ran down to inform the outsiders.

If the person arranged by Nangong Zhaixing himself would be destroyed the first time he went on a mission, he could only say that he was not skilled in his business, and he would inevitably leave a knot in his heart.

He couldn't let go of the Lengtouqing called 'Zuo Lengwan', so he wanted to get up and ask about the situation over Shajiang, but what he didn't expect was that Wang Rui, who had just run downstairs, hurried up again:

"Master Chen, Master Chen..."

Chen Guanyin asked, "What's wrong?"

Wang Rui looked a little weird, standing at the door and said anxiously:

"There are two pieces of news, one good and one bad, you..."


"Incoming news from Yinglu Peak, the Shajiang side is fine, there is no need to arrange for someone to come over to help."

Chen Guanyin was not surprised by this reply, and asked:

"Perception is wrong, a false alarm?"

The geography of Bosoa Continent is strange and unpredictable, and misjudgment is very common.

But what surprised them was that Wang Rui was holding the file he just got, with a weird expression:

"No, the big demon that just emerged was cut off."


Chen Guanyin was inexplicable: "After you ran up and down the stairs, the big demon was beheaded? Are you sure it is the jade-ranked big demon, didn't it come out to give people's heads?"

Wang Rui was also a little unconvinced, holding the file and saying:

"Yan Xiong, the sword immortal, saw it with his own eyes, so there shouldn't be any mistakes."

"Yan Xiong cut it?"

"No. Yan Jianxian noticed something strange and rushed over to support him. As soon as he reached the upper reaches of the Shajiang River, he found a young swordsman jumping out and raising his hand to strike a sword. He thought that the old swordsman had come'..."


In the council hall, many elders of the nine sects looked at each other in dismay, not understanding who Fang Jianxian came to help out, but it was a good thing to settle beforehand.

Nangong Zhaixing asked: "Can you find the traces of the three loose cultivators, the one called Zuo Lengwan?"

"Yan Jianxian didn't pay attention, there should be no dead people depending on the situation..."

Chen Guanyin nodded slightly and asked again:

"What's the bad news?"

"I just contacted Miss Qiu, but there was no reply. I lost contact in Snow Wolf Mountain."


The expressions of the elders of the nine sects changed.

Miss Qiu's team is all top-level combat power from the right way; if they can be destroyed by the group, the only people who can save in the past are the immortals in the late jade and they may not dare to go. save.

Because the Snow Wolf Mountain Range is dominated by alien races, the high-level monks rushed in without knowing the details. If they were 'encircled and aided' by alien races, they might be beheaded by the leaders of the alien race and sacrificed to the flag. Take this risk?

However, Miss Qiu's team is very strong alone. If the demon clan does not come, the possibility of being wiped out by a silent group is very low. If something goes wrong, there should be time to react.

Chen Guanyin thought about it and got up and said, "Notify the nine monks in the northwest of Gui Liao Chuan to inquire about the situation outside the Snow Wolf Mountain. Don't go deep; if there is any situation, report it immediately, so that the Immortal Venerable who sits in Wangchuan City will come to help."

Nangong Zhaixing knew the seriousness of this matter and thought about it and said:

"Shangguan Baxue is not far from Xuelang Mountain. He must want to go to help when he learns the situation. He told them not to go deep alone, and let him quickly find the three loose cultivators and bring them back. As for the sword slash. The sword fairy of the mysterious snake..."

Chen Guanyin shook his head and said, "I guess it's not our people. With this kind of Taoism, we naturally know that 'everything matters', we can just take care of our own people."


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