Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 982: The Origin of a Beam of Light

What happened in a certain bar in the underworld is unknown. This bar seems to be another world. As long as it is a story that happened in it, no one can see the slightest information.

No existence can do that.

Of course Savitar didn't know any boring things like hell bars, all his attention was focused on his target.

The terrifying figure exuding white arcs shuttled back and forth at high speed, and at every moment, countless time and space were spanned by Savitar.

"The wall of speed and force has been severely damaged, and its full strength is not half of what it was before. This is my chance. I must kill that guy before the wall of speed and force recovers."

Savitar looked down at the Wantianyi world indifferently. In his sight, this new super-big universe was in the process of crazy expansion all the time, and countless parallel universes were born every moment.

In each parallel universe, countless speedsters are selected by the Speed ​​Force.

With each additional speedster, the wall of speed force can increase a little bit of recovery speed, and every speedster is charging the wall of speed force.

"Hmph, that guy Donny finally did a good thing... at least it's a good thing for me, breaking the wall of speed force!"

Savitar let out a wild laugh, and on his slightly changing sci-fi armor, anti-life force fields surged across.

His original battle armor is outdated, and the one he is wearing now is a new battle armor created by combining the anti-life equation he captured.

Savitar has been waiting. He became the biggest winner in the Darkseid War and captured the crucial anti-life equation, which gave Savitar the greatest confidence to face his deadly enemy.

He greedily glanced at the super universe. To him, the countless lives are basically nourishment. The anti-life equation four is about to move, sending an urgent signal.

Unfortunately, Savitar can't do that.

He was able to control the Anti-Life Equation, thanks to the almost endless speed force pouring into his body, forming an equal momentum with the Anti-Life Equation, opposing each other, depleting each other, and balancing each other.

You must know that the anti-life equation is something that even a monitor like Mobius cannot control. No matter how arrogant Savitar is, he will not think that his essence is a mortal himself, and he will be stronger than the anti-monitor.

The foundation left by the anti-monitors using the anti-life equation is enough.

Savitar has already felt the pressure to control this level of equation, and must maintain a high degree of concentration at all times, drawing a large amount of speed force to check and balance the equation.

"Soon, as long as I kill you, I will be free!" Savitar's eyes revealed madness and bloodlust.

Accompanied by a terrifying electric arc, it was a pale white color mixed with speed force and the anti-life equation, with a thick aura and dead silence, Savitar roared, and the whole person disappeared in place, crossing the difficult path in an instant. The distance to describe goes straight to the end of time.

He ran towards the source along the concept of time. On both sides, countless pictures flashed, and he could see the figures of countless gods fighting. It was the picture left by the entire world inside the wall, which gathered all the beings of three generations. .

Savitar kept running, beyond perception, beyond dimensions, so fast that even gods couldn't catch him.

At the moment when the world inside the wall was born, at the ultimate end of time, a golden figure was waiting for him.

The moment the two figures looked at each other, everything was still.

"Barry Allen!!!"

Savitar revealed madness and hatred in his eyes. He stared at the golden figure and roared, "I lost last time. This time, the wall of speed force is broken. Let me see what you are fighting against me with!"

The golden figure didn't answer right away, he just stood there quietly, hidden and well-behaved golden arcs jumped on his body from time to time, each arc exuded a palpitating aura.

Gold, in the Speed ​​Force, symbolizes the ultimate speed.

The speed force is distinguished by the color of the arc,

Although rough, it is indeed the most direct and effective way.

The extremely fast person with the red arc is generally the slowest, while the owner of the golden arc is the top speed.

The original Savitar had a white arc, only slightly inferior to the golden arc.

So last time he lost, under the attack of the Flash and the wall of speed force, he lost very badly, and was imprisoned in the speed force prison for hundreds of millions of years.

But this time, everything has changed. Savitar not only has a faster speed, but also masters the terrifying anti-life equation!

He's coming for revenge on The Ultimate Flash!

"Barry..." The golden Flash opened his mouth, he walked forward slowly, very very slowly, walked out of the ocean of time, and stood not far in front of Savitar.

The figure was neither tall nor strong, but he just stood there, like a shadow countless times more terrifying than the wall of speed and force.

At least for Savitar.

"I'm not afraid of you!"

Savitar stood at the other end of time, separated by an unknown number of billions of light-years, roaring fiercely.

"Does this make sense? You have come here, standing in front of me again, and mastering extremely dangerous things."

The Flash, who single-handedly created the Wall of Speed ​​and Force, a creation that countless ancient gods hated to the bone, has an unexpectedly peaceful voice, as if he has been paying attention to all the mysteries of the world for many years, and has become calm.

Everyone says that Almighty God has seen all the truths of the world inside the wall, which is true, but not Almighty God, there are also special guys who can see all this.

The Flash is such a person, different from his doppelgängers, standing alone at the end of time and watching everything, he is the only ultimate.

Hiding at the end of time, no one or god can find him except Savitar, who is also Barry Allen, unless he figured it out himself.

"I am the god of speed, I am the ultimate end of all speeds! I am better than you and more qualified to control the speed force!!!"

Savitar let out a gloomy roar, his eyes were bloodshot, and he stared at the guy in front of him with hatred, the flame of hatred in his heart was burning wildly.

The hatred between the two parties was too great, at least Savitar felt so. He was imprisoned in the Speed ​​Force Prison for such a long time, and his own mind and ego were almost obliterated and collapsed.

He had almost died, a death worse than death, the permanent loss of his personality.

It wasn't supposed to be like this.

If Downey hadn't come across the Speed ​​Force Prison by accident, maybe the current him would have been...

"Let me guess, you always thought Downey saved you, didn't you?" the golden Flash said flatly.

"Isn't it?" Savitar sneered, "Although I have never regarded that ambitious and dangerous person as a benefactor, at least I can cooperate with him and get along with him, which is more comfortable than dealing with you, a cold machine. There are many."


The Flash said calmly: "It wasn't him who let you out, but me. Why do you think Downey, who was weak when he was young, has the ability to shake the wall of speed and force?"

"No! Don't try to lie to me! That's because I have never given up escaping from that ghostly place. Even if I lose my mind, my instinct is driving me to run wildly, hitting the prison again and again. It is a coincidence and necessity that I can escape! I have tried billions of times, and the one-in-a-billion chance of winning the bet..."

Savitar's words were quickly interrupted.

"There are no probabilities. In the face of the ultimate speed force, all probabilities are ridiculous, at least for you. I have the strength to defeat you. No matter how hard you try, you have never exceeded my upper limit. In front of me , nothing you do is probabilistic."

The Flash said these words very calmly.

Inexplicably, an extremely piercing chill rose in Savitar's heart, and his whole body was icy cold.

Did everything he did act according to The Flash's ideas? No, it's not possible...


Savitar roared, his speed increased to the extreme, and he threw himself at The Flash hoarsely.

The white arcs converged crazily, turning into a wave comparable to a tsunami, filled with the power of the anti-life equation, the pale color with the power to almost wipe out all enemies, and gave out a malicious low smile to all living life.

The Flash also moved, and started running crazily.

The two figures intertwined billions of times in an instant, and the golden and white oceans collided horribly. At the end of time, no one disturbed them, and the endless speed force filled it. Yes, the chaotic Speed ​​Force became more violent than ever.

This is the ultimate competition of speed, and the two fastest people in the world launched a second decisive battle.

A series of golden and white arcs collided with each other, making a faint sizzling sound, and the terrifying arcs escaped in all directions, bringing terrible destructiveness to the end of time that belongs to the speedster alone.

"I have the Anti-Life Equation! This is something that can kill even gods. This is something I specially prepared for you!!" The eyes behind Savitar's battle armor showed a terrifying light, "Kill you, I can get it all, I am the god of speed!"

"The Speed ​​Force is all mine!"

"Everything related to speed is mine!!"

"All the secrets you know are mine too!!!"

With roars, Savitar frantically fought against his old enemy. Although each attack seemed to be just the most ordinary fist, each shot carried a terrifying speed force and anti-life force. , even if an ordinary god came, he would be crippled if he was hit.

Two men standing at the pinnacle of the speed field, the two who are both Flashes, broke out the most tragic confrontation.

There was a terrifying roar, and a broken wall quietly appeared in this closed area.

It is still so tall and endless, but this wall is full of damage, broken walls and ruins, silently telling the tragedy.

Here comes the Wall of Speed ​​Force, and it has arrived in response to the war call of the two speedsters.

Even if it's broken, it's still here.

Last time, the Flash teamed up with the Speed ​​Force Wall and locked Savitar in the Speed ​​Force Prison.

This time, Savitar gained a new power, but the wall of speed and force became weaker than ever.

From the looks of it, The Flash looked precarious.

"What you want to know, I can tell you. At this point, there is no point in hiding it... As for your desire to be the god of speed? I can also give it to you, as long as you dare to ask for it."

The Flash grabbed Savitar's vicious fist, his body swayed slightly, and the terrifying white arc was defeated, but the anti-life force mixed in it bit fiercely, erasing Flash's life crazily.

The Flash tightly grasped the opponent's fist, frowned slightly, and then let go, more speed force surged in to restore the lost life.

In the speed force, their creators are immortal, as long as the speed force is there, they can fight until the world is destroyed.

The speedsters are all lonely, and while they are running, time becomes unprecedentedly slow, and some movements of ordinary people are as slow as snails in the eyes of the speedsters.

The faster the speedsters, the more obvious the loneliness they feel. They have to endure the slowness and stagnation of the world while running.

The power of the Speed ​​Force endowed them with near-omnipotent superpowers, at the cost of loneliness.

The Flash and Savitar, the two Barry Allen standing at the end of the speed, have already stood at the peak of their resistance to loneliness. What they fear most is the passage of time, and what they fear most is... loneliness .

The two Barry fought frantically for a long time, and no one knew how many times they fought and how many rounds they had confronted, perhaps even they themselves could not remember clearly.

That is hundreds of millions of billions of powers, and it is simply incalculable. Even if the super universe is destroyed, they can continue to fight.

Finally, Flash spoke again: "Stop it, your efforts are essentially meaningless, I can give you everything, I don't care at all."

Savitar paused for a moment, and then he was sent flying with a punch from The Flash.

The terrifying attack that exceeded the upper limit of an independent dimension shattered Savitar's mask on the spot, revealing the half-burned face.

"What I want, I don't need your charity, I will take it back from you with my own hands!" Savitar glared fiercely at Flash.

"But what if your efforts are really pointless? Are you going to stick with it all?"

The Flash's tone was calm from beginning to end. He leaned casually on the damaged wall of Speed ​​Force and looked at Savitar.

Savitar stared at this old enemy, with unbelievable madness and rage.

"Tell me, what is the purpose of you sitting in this ghostly place?! What are the things you hide that the Almighty God wants to know?!" Savitar stabilized his emotions and asked in a low voice.

The Flash paused, the golden arc flickered, and then slowly said: " will be disappointed if you say it, and those Almighty Gods who want to leave here are also disappointed, Because this answer has nothing to do with what you are after... Or, even if there is a connection, you can't use it."

"I saw a light."

"There is a person in the light."

"He fell asleep in the light, crossed the newly established wall of origin, and entered here."

"This is the answer you want to know, and it's also what's hidden at the end of time, isn't it disappointing? No matter where he comes from, it has nothing to do with your goals."

The Flash calmly poured out the most cryptic information he knew.

Savitar was stunned for a while, before asking in a deep voice: "So, who is that person?"

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