Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 983 The Almighty Cosmic Visitor

In terms of probability, without the deliberate intervention of higher beings, a very small number of aliens will inevitably be born in a group with a large base.

Those who go beyond half a step are geniuses, and those who go beyond one step are lunatics. This is the reason. In terms of probability, the appearance of such geniuses and lunatics is inevitable.

"In countless worlds, there will always be some guys who make you dumbfounded. After a long time, you will know."

Fulcrum poured Donny a new glass of wine, this time it was not brandy, but a good Moutai, regardless of whether Donny liked it or not.

It's meaningless anyway.

"A ray of light from the world beyond the wall was thrown here, and the guy who slept in it, after oh no, a long time, finally woke up in the third generation, and then replaced a poor guy who just happened to be involved In a terrible disaster, the battle between two genetic mutants affected him."

"The moment he died, a surprising thing happened. The awakened soul replaced him in ignorance and became a brand new individual."

Fulcrum told the story of the light to Sleeping God and Downey.

Now, they all understood who they were talking about.

The Sleeping God frowned and glanced at Downey, "I didn't expect that you really came from the world outside the wall...not a character created by those idiots in the editorial department."

Downey was silent for a while, trying to digest the news. For some reason, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "So, the guys in the editorial department are also in a state of being deceived..."

"Yes, they thought they created you, and one of the ambitious guys wanted to use you as a shell for him to get a new life. Unfortunately, he failed. No one would have thought that he 'created' it all by himself. Guy, he is actually a time traveler in the true sense, all his hard work has become yours."

Fulcrum gracefully picked up the glass and sipped the fine wine, squinting his eyes happily, enjoying the distant taste.

Downey was never aboriginal, nor was it an editorial creation—although the No. 1 felt that it was his own to the end of his life.

Downey is a traveler from the world outside the wall, a real outsider who is above the special group of the editorial department.

The atmosphere became a little silent for a while.

The Sleeping God stared at Downey with surprise and scrutiny. Compared with the past fears, this time, there are more things about Downey in the sleeping logic.

"Why did you come to this world? Still go to the earth to be an ordinary person?" Sleeping God asked.

"You ask me, who the hell am I asking? Do you believe it when I say it's purely a coincidence?"

Downey's mood became bad, and he turned back. Immediately, he looked at the fulcrum, and asked the question he was most concerned about: "I came to the world inside the wall, is there someone pushing it secretly?"

It was his only concern.

At Downey's level, there is no need to worry too much about some things, so what if you come here? He is now a super god, standing in a high-level position in a huge world.

The process is not important, what matters is the result and purpose.

Fulcrum glanced at Downey strangely, and asked back: "The original you, isn't it special? Isn't it just an ordinary citizen?"

Donnie remained silent, his heart suddenly enlightened.

In other words, he doesn't have the qualifications to let someone spend so much time and money in all kinds of escorts. Even before the time travel, he was an ordinary person who couldn't be more ordinary. After he became a quasi-ninth-level Downey, he thought over and over again about himself. In his previous life, it was confirmed that there was nothing wrong with it.

At least the quasi-ninth-level himself can't see the problem. If there is a guy who is a ninth-level and tenth-level guy to arrange for him, then Downey will simply recognize it.

"Don't doubt it, it's just a coincidence. It's the only exception in the infinite probability that brought you to the world inside the wall. But to be honest, you are still the first to become the one in the endless impossibility. the possible life of

The first ever... At least as far as I know, you are the first. "

Fulcrum smiled, and said: "Even in the world you know, it is very common to travel through such things. It is nothing more than doing the right thing at the right time. For example, that guy, Huo Rong, came from a distant universe. , traveled to the main universe, and awakened the emotional spectrum of the main universe. And that guy in Manhattan, he simply came from another multiverse, and he has been suffering strong rejection since he entered here."

Time-travelers are actually very popular in American comics, such as Huo Rong and Doctor Manhattan are just trivial, and the watchers are strictly a group of time-travelers, and their background is the hardest.

Downey didn't speak, and lowered his head in deep thought. His brain, which surpassed the speed of a multiverse, quickly calculated all possibilities, thinking about everything from beginning to end.

Everything made sense. He was a time traveler in the true sense, or a time traveler who came with memories. He tricked a hapless guy in the editorial department and made his first pot of gold.

"Then my fire source..." Downey looked at the cube located in the core of Cybertron, feeling the inseparable close connection.

The birth of a divine tool is sometimes extremely difficult, and sometimes it is extremely simple.

But no matter which one it is, it must have the most basic characteristics - born under the blessing of a certain strong will, such a weapon can be called a divine weapon.

The Medal of the Observer Clan, the Ultimate Eraser of Devouring Stars, the Scepter of the Heavenly Father, the Mysterious Miracle Wishing Machine... Each of these did not appear out of thin air, but were produced under the influence of a strong will.

What kind of will, what kind of material, together create the different abilities possessed by the artifact.

The source of fire, the artifact that accompanied me step by step from weakness to greatness... Is it formed by the strong desire in my heart?

No, it's not just my own wish, but also the divine assist that the skinny man sent out with all his strength by chance, otherwise the source of fire would not have been born...

"To be honest, I don't know how to treat you. Of course, you certainly don't care about it."

Donnie drank the wine in the glass, put it on the table, and said these words calmly.

Fulcrum didn't get angry at all, picked up the wine bottle and tried to refill him, but the bottle was pushed away by Donnie.

"One day, I will go to the world outside the wall to take a look in person, and I will confirm it myself. Thank you very much for answering my questions, and also thank you for being able to accompany me as a mortal when I was weakest. , This is really a rare process for an existence like you."

Donnie got up, imitating how he was on Earth many years ago, reached into his pocket, took out a banknote, and gently placed it on the table, just like a normal alcoholic who came to drink.

"Goodbye, old bartender, this is the last time I will address you. The old guy I knew was already dead and buried with my own hands, and you... are just a stranger who makes me feel familiar."

Downey straightened his collar calmly, turned around, and walked slowly towards the door.

A few people who had been drinking quietly at other tables finally stood up at this moment, and they stared at Downey.

"Hey, do you want to leave now? Although I can't hear what you guys said, but leaving like this is too ignoring me!! I am Zod, but I have always wanted to settle accounts with you!"

A figure in black battle armor suddenly stood up, walked out with a sneer, and stood in front of Downey.

General Zod, the Kryptonian who invaded the earth and was killed by Downey, who was then the supreme mage.

"You... are not the Zod I know, but a bastard mixed with countless Zod souls."

Downey raised his hand and punched him lightly. General Zod was sent flying, and his whole body was deeply embedded in the wall.

"How can you be so strong?!" General Zod asked in confusion.

I have grown to such a powerful level, I am only one step away from those multiverse-level ancient gods, but I am so vulnerable in Downey's hands.

Even than in his memory, when the main universe himself was killed, the gap between the two was even more unreachable.

Another figure slowly walked over.

Gu Yi's face was as gentle as ever, just like her attitude towards Downey many years ago: "Why are you leaving in such a hurry, why don't you stay and chat with your old friends?"

Downey gave her a complicated look, and said in a low voice, "The old friends I knew are all dead, including you... now you, the group of people I know, are basically the same, I don't know you."

After finishing speaking, Downey pushed open the door of the bar and resolutely withdrew to leave, even though, in this bar, there were still many guys he had known drinking and talking quietly.

The inside and outside of the bar are like two worlds. Inside the bar, the lights are feasting and the most popular music is playing. Outside the bar, there is darkness and silence. The gate is like a dividing line separating the two worlds.

During the short gap when the door automatically closed, Downey's shadow was finally reflected on the ground, stretching a long, long distance.

No one went to persuade him to stay, and everyone just watched him leave quietly.

Fulcrum was still concentrating on pouring the wine, his expression didn't change at all, and the Sleeping God was always watching Downey's back.

"It's really a long story, a story that continues from the first generation to the third generation." The Sleeping God suddenly sighed with emotion.

This time, Fulcrum didn't speak, and carefully wiped the cup.

"Including you, many gods know about it, right?" Sleeping God asked, and his intuition told him that if he missed this time, it would be impossible to obtain a little bit of precious information.

The justice must know a little bit of Downey's information, and the Sleeping God confirmed this, because the justice is too powerful and his origin is extremely mysterious.

And this fulcrum... The Sleeping God still can't see through it. It seems that Downey knows the origin of this guy, but he refuses to say anything.

In the end, I am still a fool and don't know anything.

Even Downey, an outsider who is essentially a mortal, knows more than himself.

"The world outside the wall is more cruel than you imagined. Your duty is to earnestly complete the task entrusted to you by the judge. Don't think too much, because... you will really die."

Fulcrum put away the wine glass that Downey dropped, and said calmly.

"Then what about you, where did you come from? From the world outside the wall? I have exhausted the records of three generations, but I can't find any information about you." The Sleeping God asked.

Fulcrum suddenly smiled: "Me? I've always been here, but you never noticed it. If you don't believe me, go back and ask the judge, he will definitely answer you like this."

Any tenth-level existence is everywhere, even if it is not there, in the moment of thinking, all the fog will be torn away by them, and all the mysteries will be gone.

Their level, which symbolizes the ultimate end, is no longer, omnipotent, omniscient, and they can appear in any place and any occasion as long as they want.

But obviously, the Sleeping God can't interpret the information contained in this passage, which has exceeded the thinking limit of the Sleeping God. Even if his thinking organs and calculation logic are operating to the extreme, he still can't understand what kind of level this is.

Intense thinking activities directly caused the head of the sleeping god to heat up crazily, and the dark armor turned red, and terrifying energy flowed crazily within it.

But unfortunately, he still couldn't calculate anything, not even a simulation.

"Give up, think too much, you will really die. With your current thinking, you can calculate the information of a few multiverses at most, and you are still far behind when it involves a level beyond the omnipotent universe."

Fulcrum randomly picked up a glass of wine and poured it directly on the sleeping god's head, forcibly interrupting the sleeping god's thinking.

Ordinary wine, the moment it touched the sleeping head, turned into countless particles and soaked in, forcibly cutting off the thinking system of the sleeping god, similar to the operation of forcibly disconnecting.

The Sleeping God once again fell into autism, and an unprecedented sense of frustration arose.

"Leave, my bar should close, it's already late." Fulcrum kept smiling.

The sleeping god subconsciously glanced out of the window, it was as dark as ever, there is no saying that it was very late... But he still got up, his thick body looked very intimidating.

"I'll come back in a while, it's rare to find a good place." The Sleeping God said in a deep voice, and immediately, a banknote was made in his hand, and he tapped it lightly on the table just like Downey did just now.

Fulcrum picked up the banknote dumbfounded, folded it, and put it in his coat pocket.

"Welcome to visit next time."

The Sleeping God hummed, turned around with a heavy body, and with the sound of heavy footsteps, pushed the door and left.

The bar immediately became quiet. Like most of the time in the past, it should have been quiet here.

A ghost who died in the multiverse in the past also sat in their respective positions, savored the wine carefully, fell silent for a while, and then began to talk in a low voice again.

Everything is the same as in the past, but there is always something more unspeakable.

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