Looking at the rock wall that opened like a gate, Renault's spirit was shocked, this is the entrance to the base!

Then I saw a medium-sized ship sail out of the open rock wall, without even turning on the lights, and sailed out into the vast sea by night. Then the rock wall slowly closed again, and became a complete rock wall again, so that one could not see any difference here.

The entrance has been found, but how to get in before anyone finds out?

In this way, Renault rested while thinking, and did not forget to pay attention to the movement of that base.

Finally, as the wee hours of the morning drew to a close, and the sky was already glimmering, Renault noticed from a distance that the ship was back and slowly heading towards the base from a distance.

Renault was shocked, then quickly opened his backpack, checked the equipment he had bought two days ago, and then took out a small breathing apparatus, the oxygen in this respirator can keep a person in the water for about thirty minutes.

Renault touched the sea. On the way, under his persuasion, Chino Chiba obediently returned to Poké Ball. After arriving at the beach, Renault took out another Poké Ball and opened it, releasing Menas. He then grabbed the respirator and jumped into the water, hugging Menas.

"Menas, take me to the side of the ship, be careful, don't get spotted. "

Menas nodded, and plunged into the water with Renault.

Next to the boat, Renaud and Menas emerged from the water. Renault took a closer look at the entire ship, which was supposed to be a transport ship, and the wheelhouse was actually in the bow. Look at the side again, it's good, no one!

Renaud put away Menas, pulled out a hook lock, and quietly climbed onto the side of the ship in the dim sky.

On the side of the ship, Renault put away the hook and lock, calmed down, and began to look around.

What is this? Renault quickly noticed that there were several large, black cloth-covered objects on board, which appeared to be shipping containers.

Renault took a closer look around, and when he saw that there was no one, Renault quickly lifted a corner of the black cloth beside him, and then lay down and rolled in.

After entering the black cloth, it was pitch black in front of me. Huh? It's... When Renault touched a cold object, he immediately took out the illustrated book, and with the faint light of the illustrated book, Renault could see the scene under the black cloth.

It's a big iron cage! There's a couple of elves in it.

After seeing the appearance of the elves, Renault was shocked, Nima was all riding dragons! Immediately, Renault thought that there were several such black cloths on the ship, and it seemed that all the black cages covered below were big iron cages, and they were all in the groove! Could it be that there were all dragons inside?

"Woo.~" After the dragons saw the thunder, they all showed frightened expressions and trembled.

"Shh~~ Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. Thunder sounded, whispered, and then immediately turned on the power of his heart to appease these dragons.

After seeing that the emotions of the dragons gradually stabilized, Nuo found that the gap in this iron cage was quite large, and the dragons could not get out, but he could get in.

Renault got into the cage and came to ride. Although the dragons had calmed down, the expressions of fear on their faces were still there.

Later, Renault asked them about the situation. As Renault guessed, the next few cages were full of dragons! It seems that a group of dragons were really taken out of a nest.

Then Renault stayed by the dragon's side, comforting them. He said that he would definitely get them out, and that he would need them to cover him later.

Outside, the ship slowly approached the base, and then saw the rock wall open again, and then the ship slowly sailed into the base.

There was light! Renault noticed that the black cloth was bright. It seems that he has entered the base, Renault has set his mind, and the next thing is to see the dragons.

After a few moments, Renault felt the ship stop. Then several voices rang out, and several people approached the cage with their steps.

Here it is! Renault clenched his fist, took out the translator and put it in his ear, and then quickly lay down in the center of the cage, and the dragons quickly followed Renault's previous instructions, quickly surrounded Renault, and even covered Renault with their fins, completely covering him. Not...... It's a bit heavy, Renault complained.

After a while, Renault heard a few footsteps stop in front of the iron cage he was in, and then the black cloth was lifted, and several men looked into the cage, and in their field of vision, they saw several dragons gathered together and shivering.

"The No. 1 cage is fine. One of the men picked up the walkie-talkie and said a word, and the men turned and stepped out of the next cage.

Renault breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the footsteps drift away, he was so nervous just now.

A few minutes later, Renault heard a rumbling sound, and the cage he was in was loaded onto a transport truck and transported deeper into the base.

In this way, after some time, Renault felt that the cage was lifted down again, put it on the ground, and then, as soon as the light dimmed, there was no sound.

Renault deliberately waited for more than ten minutes and found that there was no movement around him before he got up.

It was dark all around, and it seemed that he and the dragons had been transported to a warehouse.

Hmm?!Renault suddenly noticed the system map in his mind, and then there was a burst of surprise. I saw that the system map had changed at this time, and it had actually become a structural map of the entire base!

Renault was pleasantly surprised, it would be much easier for him to act. He was ready to act in the case of catching the blind before, but he didn't expect the system to be so powerful!

After a moment of joy, Renault came to his senses. A closer look at the structure of the base began.

The location of this warehouse is in... Renault found the red dot on the map that represented him, and then found that the warehouse was actually deep underground.

Renault was a little surprised to find that there were no cameras in the warehouse, but there was a camera in the corridor outside the warehouse door.

Looks like we'll have to take the vents!," Renault thought. The base had vents in all directions, just enough to make it easier for him to move.

Renault then took the flashlight out of his backpack and turned it on.

Renault was shocked, what did he see!

There are dozens of iron cages in this warehouse, and they are full of dense elves!_

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download the Fei Lu novel

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