"Chino chinchilla, sweep the tail and slap it!"

"What?!" Everyone was stunned, what is Renault going to do?

I saw that after hearing the order, the Chino chinchilla quickly jumped out of Renault's collar, and then his tail was emitting white light, and he rushed up and jumped lightly, and his tail "snapped" five times at the place where Renault was pointing.

"Huh? Nothing happened. The crowd was puzzled.

A few seconds later, however, a voice came.


I saw a crack appear in the place where the Chino chinchilla swatted.

"Click1" was another voice.

Then, a dense "click" sounded continuously, and the crack spread like a spider's web on the rock face.

Renault quickly picked up the Chino chinchilla and ran to the center.

Then, with a "click" sound, the crack gradually spread to all the surrounding rock faces, including the rock wall that Renault and the others passed on their way down.

In the dense "click" sound, everyone watched in amazement as the crack continued to spread upward, and slowly, when it reached a place that everyone couldn't see, the sound kept coming.

"This is?!" At this time, archaeological expert Cheng Lao exclaimed, and then said loudly:

"If I'm not mistaken, it's just a layer of rock and soil that's shattering right now! This layer of rock and soil was specially painted by the ancients, just to cover up what is under the rock and soil! That's why the age of this layer of rock and soil will be different from the age of the rock layer below! "

Everyone was shocked, and then thought about it, it seems to make sense!

"And what's hidden under this layer of rock?" Someone asked.

"I don't know, but it's probably a mural or a text carved into the wall." Cheng Lao said his guess.

"Hey, how did you find out?" Sun Chi asked beside Renault.

"It's nothing, just look at the details, and then suddenly a flash of inspiration comes to your head." Renault said calmly.

Just when Sun Chi wanted to say something again, he heard a "pop", and a piece of rock and soil fell and fell to the ground. Just when everyone wanted to see what was behind the rock, the falling rocky soil seemed to be a signal, and the dense rocky soil began to fall from above, kicking up a large cloud of dust, and everyone had to cover their mouths and noses, close their eyes, and wait patiently.

The sound of falling rock and earth continued to reach everyone's ears, and just like that, after a few moments, the sound stopped.

There is light! Renault was shocked, and now even with his eyes closed, he could feel the brightness in front of him, just like sleeping with his eyes closed during the day.

Renault couldn't care about the dust, and immediately opened his eyes to look.

"I'm... Go! Ray looked up dumbfounded.




Everyone also felt the light, and their eyes opened, and all of them opened their mouths wide, and they were so shocked that they couldn't say a complete sentence.

I saw that after the rock and soil fell, what appeared was a mural painting! And that's not all, the murals are all sparkling and colorful! This light brightens the surroundings!

Renault looked up at the top of his head, and suddenly groaned again. I saw that the places they couldn't see before were also shining! At this moment, Renault felt like he was standing in a delicate pagoda with light through!

"I see!" Cheng Lao woke everyone up with a loud shout.

"These murals are all made of glass, and these lights are refracted from the hole!"

Renault was stunned for a moment, and then realized that this was indeed the case. But...... In order to refract the light from such a high hole, the angle of each piece of glass on the mural and the density required to concentrate the light had to be calculated clearly, and each piece of glass had to be inlaid just right, which was simply an impossible task for people in ancient times.

"The wisdom of the ancients!" Renault sighed deeply.

"That's right! The wisdom of the ancients! Cheng Lao also said with deep feelings.

"It's a miracle!"

"This is a treasure of humanity!"

Everyone also praised this pagoda built inside the mountain, which made them admire the wisdom of the ancients.

Well? Mission not completed?! When Renault came back to his senses, he realized that something was wrong. The secret hidden here has obviously been revealed, how can it be that the task has not been completed.

Renault thought for a moment, and then was shocked, unless... There are still secrets to be revealed, and there are even bigger secrets hidden here!

After figuring it out, Renault acted and immediately looked around. The crowd didn't pay attention to Renault's movements, they were so attracted by the murals that they couldn't take their eyes off it.

After a moment, Renault pondered again. He'd looked around carefully, and this time he really didn't notice anything wrong. Unless......

Renault jerked his head up and stared at the murals carefully. Unless the secret is hidden in the mural! Renault shouted in his heart.

"Huh? What kind of elf is that? At this time, an expert pointed to a mural and said suspiciously.

"Huh? I don't know. "

"I haven't seen it, is it an ancient elf that hasn't been discovered yet?"


Well? Renault was stunned for a moment, then looked in the direction the expert was pointing.

it! Renault was shocked to see that the mural depicted a white elf resembling an alpaca, unicorn, or centaur, with its torso, mane, tail, and dark side of its face outlined by gray vertical stripes. Four golden hooves are the tips, the mane rises high from the head, the face is gray, with green eyes and red pupils, and green circular patterns around the eyes. There is also a ten-shaped wheel-shaped wheel that connects to the body in its abdomen.

Is that...... Arceus !!

Could it be that the ancients who built this place met Arceus?! Renault's heart was shaken.

Wait a minute! Renault suddenly felt that something was wrong, why did this group of people not know Arceus?! Could it be that there is no legend of Arceus in the literature?

Renault lowered his head and recalled carefully, only to realize a problem that he had previously overlooked. It seems that he has not seen the legend of Arceus on the Internet or in books, why is this happening? Zero!

Arceus appears in the mural, which proves that Arceus existed and appeared in front of humans. So why don't they know each other? Is it because the literature is missing? Or is it because Arceus has been hidden for thousands of years? Renault was puzzled.

Isn't there a legend of the creator god in this world?! _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection and recommendation

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