Virtual Empire

Chapter 42 - Start of the Tournament

The next day, the game was completely updated and he signed in. He nearly forgot about the banquet, but that did not stop it from happening.

A few hours later...

Sirius fell face first onto his bed when he reached his lodging after the banquet. He felt extremely tired as he recalled the events of the banquet. He tried to stick with the professor the whole nigh, but he lost track of him within a few minutes. He was then surrounded by nobles who made passive aggressive comments at him out of jealousy. They also tried to show their superiority, but he was able to get away from them in a big crowd. He then bumped into some duke inheritors who just glared at him with hostility. He was able to get a moment of rest by hiding out in a corner. He tried to leave the party, but the professor found him, and dragged him along to meet with some people. After all of that, he faked an illness in order to leave early. Luckily for him, the professor bought it, and he was able to leave. He decided log out to rest.

The next day in the morning, James took a good a look in the mirror and still couldn't believe the changes to his body from reaching the first level. When he was in the game, he even noticed that he slightly better control of his in game avatar. He also noticed that his body looked a little more muscular and fit. He then logged back in and waited for the tournament to start. There were the preliminary rounds which were kind of dull do to the fact that those with lower standings immediately surrendered to those with higher noble standings. The tournament soon began with 50 competitors in a one on one fight style for the remaining marks.

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