Warhammer Inquisitor

Chapter 335 Rise of the Primarch: Persevere

I have to say that many people will see a magnificent high-rise building or a magnificent palace and think of it as it collapsed. It's kind of weird, it's kind of cool.

Like cool guns, huge mechs and a flying cathedral? The roar of heavy tanks, the sound of explosions resounding across the earth, and those demigod warriors one or two stories high, maybe this is the romance of men? You know, the weird obsession with oversized things and lots of things that move loudly, like the oil guy.

Well, I may know why the emperor always likes this kind of big guy who is very big and can be piled up in any size. This is titanium "romantic", isn't it?

But it's one thing to look at it, but when those big things fall on you, you may not feel how romantic it feels, which is the case with Captain Eisenstein now.

The golden powered armor stood up from a large pile of rubble and rubble, the company commander stood up slowly, countless particles of dust and building debris rolled down from his shoulders and head one by one, Eisen Stan looked dispirited, like some tired miner returning from the pit.

In a sense, this is also true. After all, the miners are to crush some ore needed by the empire, and the job of the Astartes is to crush some things, but the things they crush do not need to be rebuilt and recycled. Just smash it into pieces, and then leave the body there and hand it over to the guards who clean up the battlefield.

Ah, you know, use a flamethrower, shredder or something to clean them up, and if they are bigger, you need to call someone from Mechanicus, take a chainsaw to dismantle them, divide them into different parts and burn them After all, dismantling the corpse of an orc boss or a monster is no different from dismantling a tank.

Perhaps the biggest difference from a miner is that Eisenstein's "tool" is not a chisel, but a chainsaw sword. The company commander pulled his own sword from the rubble, and he slammed it into On the large piece of gravel in front of him, he stepped on the stone and climbed over.

Eisenstein fell to the ground, and he patted his dusty head. Large swaths of dust rolled down from his head. At the same time, the company commander turned his head and noticed Bell who was striding towards him.

Bell with the pharmacist's white shoulder armor and the double-helix serpent doctor's logo on his shoulder ran over. He leaned forward from a distance with a gun in one hand, "Are you injured? Company Commander, I need to examine you."

"You are always like this, caring about others first and completely ignoring your own injuries, Bell." Eisenstein raised his head slightly, and pointed to the bolt hole on Bell's shoulder. The shoulder of the armor left a hole that exploded and collapsed inward, and traces of dried blood still remained on the edge of the hole.

Bell looked at his shoulder along the company commander's fingers, and he moved his shoulder lightly. The tearing pain caused Bell's expression to change subconsciously, but he quickly controlled it. The change in his expression calmed down almost instantly without anyone noticing, and it was not obvious that he was injured at all.

But the short-changing micro-expression was still captured by Eisenstein, he turned around and pulled his chainsaw sword from the gravel, "We need you to live, brother, we and the emperor, first give you Treat yourself."

"I'm fine Captain, just a small scratch, I need to scan your body immediately, you just had a fight with a World Eater, I saw him knock you to the ground, not to mention you were The entire tall building fell down, and you are very likely to have a concussion, internal bleeding, etc.!"

"I'm fine, Bell, that's what I call a small bruise." Eisenstein said, pointing at the scar on his face with his fingers together, he walked up to Bell and patted his shoulder lightly, and that A slight slap was enough to cause Bell's bullet wound to be torn apart.

Bell's expression immediately became contorted, but he quickly looked at Eisenstein beside him, and quickly suppressed the pain.

Eisenstein smiled, and hung the chainsaw sword on his magnetic belt. The chainsaw was quickly fixed in that position by the built-in magnetic lock. When the company commander let go, there was no sword belt or hanging strap hanging from it. The chainsword on his belt was firmly attached to his waist.

"Heal your wounds now. I can talk about my examination later. For now, I have other things to do." Eisenstein said and strode towards the fountain in the square. Walk to the ruins of the fountain that was hit in the flames of war.

The gigantic fountain was apparently once a sight of the neighborhood, with layers of angel statues towering above it, and those little baby angels spread their wings, flying and standing around the towering fountain's water column nozzle, every day Each angel is holding a ceramic water bottle, and there is also a water outlet at its mouth.

And in the huge pool under the main body of the fountain, horses with mermaid tails gallop in the water. Those healthy horses run and jump around the pool. They have been carefully polished by skilled craftsmen, and almost every mane hair The sculpted mane of the head dances with the movement.

Eisenstein had seen the fountain when it was activated. Although he still didn't remember much of his childhood memories before joining the battle group, the only pictures that remained in his mind were due to the passage of time. Blurred by the fierce battle, he could hardly make out what the memory fragments represented, their time, meaning, when and where.

But the fountain existed very clearly in his memory. Eisenstein didn't know why he was here at that time, and when he came here, but when he saw the magnificent fountain, his ears rang There will be cheers from the crowd, the beautiful colors of the ribbons and petals falling from the sky, and of course, the wonderful scene when the fountain starts.

But now, this place is completely different from the impression in my memory. The reason is also very simple. The fountain has almost completely collapsed and shattered. There are only a few sporadic angel statues left flying around the main body, and the rest are destroyed The bullets that flew from the air were incomplete.

Almost all the horses in the pool below have collapsed. The once impressive and exquisite horse head is now only exposed to the supporting steel bars below it, attached to it like brain tissue remains after being headshot The gravel can still be seen.

Eisenstein walked towards the fountain that was almost completely destroyed. Today, the towering fountain is just like the city, only the ruins of the wall still stand under the gray sky. It still stands, but it is also Lost the once radiant look.

Also standing tall with him are its guardians, the tenacious guards of the city are still standing here, Eisenstein walked around the fountain, he turned his head and looked at the groups of threes and twos on both sides Guardsmen.

Soldiers wearing the dark green military uniforms of the Defense Force and the black uniforms of the Academy of Loyalty cleaned the battlefield around them. They dragged away and piled up the corpses, and they were clearly divided. The corpses of the loyal soldiers of the empire were neatly arranged Put it on the open space beside the fountain and cover it with a white cloth.

Those white cloths looked like the white curtains they tore off from the houses of the surrounding residential areas, and after cutting and shredding, they turned into several white shrouds. Although this was not very decent, compared to the other side The mutants of Chaos can be said to be one heaven and one underground.

The corpses of those mutants were randomly piled up together, and the inhuman corpses were roughly thrown up by the guards who carried them. Those who looked different, but they were all definitely proper chaos mutants The corpses were piled up into a hill.

Eisenstein watched as the last ram-headed mutant corpse was dropped, and the two guards who were responsible for discarding the corpse stood aside and clapped their hands, as if trying to drive away the smell of the smelly mutant offal. like.

But whether they can disperse I don't know, but those smelly sheep, cows or mutant corpses made of god knows what creatures will be dispersed soon, another guard standing next to the two guards is carrying a big bucket The gasoline barrel poured a large amount of fuel on the corpse, then took out a lighter from his pocket, lit it, and threw it on the mountain of corpses.

The pile of corpses burned almost instantly, and the raging fire quickly spread upwards from the corpses of mutants at the end. Their manes became an excellent source of ignition, and the hill became like a bonfire at a bonfire in the blink of an eye. as bright.

But Eisenstein can be sure that the soldiers around did not have the slightest, even the slightest sense of joy after winning the battle, and they did not even have the slightest smile on their faces. Stack back dumped sandbags and bulletproof shield walls, or check your weapons while sitting on the wreckage of the surrounding ruins.

They didn't feel any ease. The entire square was full of chills, and the oppressive atmosphere enveloped the entire fountain and even the entire city. This place is no longer the prosperous nest capital before the war. This is a battlefield, and a tragic battle may break out at any time Street fighting battlefield.

Eisenstein walked to the open space in front of the fountain, and Bell followed him with his gun in hand. He stopped and stood behind the company commander and glanced at Dean Cullen who was sitting on the automatic gun. He was sitting alone. There, his face was full of fatigue, and his military uniform was already covered with dust and black blood. It had already become a thing of two worlds from the military uniform that fully complied with the dress code when he was in the academy.

"Your students are fighters now, Commander, you have played very well." Eisenstein said calmly, looking at Cullen in front of him. There was no trace of extra emotion in his voice, which was the purest kind. , the kind of discourse that leaves no room for any other interpretation.

Cullen raised his dirty hair and looked at the Imperial Fist in front of him. He grabbed the laser gun in his hand, and Cullen looked at the soldiers moving around in the ruins, using the same expression without any emotion. Cold words echoed Eisenstein.

"Please accept my gratitude, my lord, if it weren't for your timely appearance, we would have died long ago, and the position has been lost."

"No, you don't need to express your gratitude to me. You have been holding on to the Moscow hive alone for more than a week without the assistance of any loyal Astartes. The warriors and their servitors have held out for so long under the onslaught and still hold and control the main part of the city."

Eisenstein made no secret of it, and quite directly put his iron fist on his chest to salute him, "You have achieved a miracle. In fact, when I made an estimate to Marshal Vito Constantine, I thought that you could at most It would break down after three days, but you didn't, so please accept my apology and respect, Commander."

"My honor, my lord." Cullen said quite calmly. There was no sense of pride in his words. He was too tired. The days of fighting here felt like years. Every day his soldiers died in pieces. It had to be deleted and edited several times, until finally Cullen could no longer remember the name of his newly programmed soldier.

This is the case with all of them, before the fight they would introduce each other, chat and laugh together, but now, all of them don't even say a word except for the fight, no one is introducing themselves, no one is laughing together , Some are only the gunshots and the silence before the gunshots.

Bell glanced at Eisenstein in front of him, and the company commander looked up at Cullen, who was slightly depressed, and raised his head slightly, "You are very depressed, Commander, do you still believe that we will win?"

"I believe."

"Really? You don't need to lie to me. I'm not a political commissar, let alone execute you."

"I really believe, my lord, in fact, that we have any choice but to believe in victory? Victory or death, that's all."

Cullen raised his head and looked at Eisenstein with those gray eyes that were as calm as water. The company commander looked into his eyes and was silent for a moment before nodding affirmatively, "Very well, my brother and I were looking for your commander-in-chief, I don't know if he is still alive, but we did not find him, so we came here by accident and participated in the battle."

"I believe the Commander-in-Chief should still be alive. He is the emperor's golden armored bodyguard, and the Imperial Army is not so easy to die."

"Do you know where he is, Commander."

"No, my lord, I don't know. The last time I contacted the Commander-in-Chief was two days ago. Ever since the Central Defense Headquarters of the Moscow Hive was occupied by traitors, the communication within the Hive has been intermittent."

Cullen was still sitting on the automatic gun as he spoke, and Bell looked at the tired commander. The place where he was sitting was surrounded by the remains of dried up corpses, they were stuck to the gun body like some kind of strange plasticine, Cullen sat Between them, there seemed to be no movement at all.

He didn't even jump down to salute or kneel down because of the two Astartes coming in front of him, but Bell knew that he was not disrespectful, but simply too tired, so tired that he no longer wanted to think about those meaningless questions, If you offend the Emperor's death angels in front of you, let them execute you, just to get out of this hellish defensive duty.

But he was lucky, or unlucky, Eisenstein was not angry because of this rude behavior, he would have denounced this kind of behavior without discipline and etiquette in normal times, after all, Donne’s sons are all But they are not quite like that, they will respect those mortals who have fought with blood, and mortals who have won their respect with blood, and at this moment, the sons of Dorne will treat them as equals, as their own brothers.

"You have indeed done it. I believe you can report to me in place of your commander-in-chief, so please start, Commander, and tell me the defense situation of the hive capital."

"Our troops were dispersed, and I reorganized a battalion with my own soldiers and the skirmishers gathered, although there are not many left now."

"But we are still continuing the street fighting according to the order, delaying the advance of the Chaos traitors, my lord." Cullen said softly, looking around at the soldiers, and Eisenstein also looked at them and nodded slightly.

Cullen shrugged slightly, and sighed wearily, "The main orbital defense system has been destroyed, and the Chaos Astartes were able to find the positions where they fired. They pulled out most of the orbital air defense positions with a quick decapitation strike. , especially the central fortress, although the defenders there put up a desperate resistance, they still failed to block the attack of a full company of traitor Astartes."

"Since then, the main defensive position has been lost. We have broken up into pieces according to the commander-in-chief's order, and brought the civilians in the city who have not been evacuated to fight street battles everywhere. Relying on dispersal to force the traitors to spend more Time to wipe us out to delay their advance."

This is a rather tragic way of delaying. The scattered defense forces will be further dispersed. Most of them lack effective heavy weapons. All that awaits, Astartes, is death.

But it is also through this extremely tragic combat method that the defenders crawling all over the hive like ants can fight guerrillas through the already extremely complicated streets and underground structures of the hive, attacking and delaying the traitors from everywhere. Their footsteps kept them busy suppressing and eliminating guerrillas everywhere.

To put it bluntly, the current guards are using their lives to delay the pace of chaos. The annihilation of each army is to delay the traitors for even a second, so that the subspace storm weakens and the imperial reinforcements enter the solar system. The moment was delayed.

"We have a serious reduction in personnel. The regiments we fought together before have been wiped out. Now I have more than a dozen battalions in the battalion. Their troop organization has completely collapsed, and now they are all broken up into pieces. Afterwards, we will look for troops that are still fighting and continue to resist."

"Their loyalty is admirable. Commander, these fighters could have chosen to flee or surrender, but they still chose to continue fighting with weapons and delay that time with their lives." Eisenstein said with full respect, just like As before, that respect was not discounted in the slightest, it was all the respect an Astartes could express.

Cullen just shrugged his shoulders slightly, as if he didn't have a particularly big reaction to the respect, "It's not all, we received a group of deserters before, who escaped from the central fortress, and they panicked like crazy."

"Crazy? You mean they've been corrupted by Chaos?"

"I don't know, my lord, or maybe they're just being frightened and stupid. They're yelling like crazy that the Warmaster is coming, he's right here, and we're all going to die blah blah blah blah."

Cullen said blankly, while Eisenstein and Bell in front of him immediately noticed the word "Warmaster", and they frowned after looking at each other.

After a moment of contemplation, Eisenstein looked at Cullen, "Did they say anything else?" "Huh? Ah, just some words to shake the morale of the army, to persuade us to flee, and then they let the regiment-level political commissar kill him."

"Did they see Abaddon? Here?" Bell whispered as he moved closer to Eisenstein, as if to keep Cullen, or anyone else, from hearing.

Eisenstein turned his head slightly and glanced at Bell, he nodded slightly after a moment of silence, "These guards don't know who Abaddon is or what he looks like, and certainly no one among those traitors would dare to pretend to be the Warmaster, Abaddon According to what Loken said, he would not use a stand-in, which is not an easy strategy, he probably told the guards himself, and asked them to spread the news of his arrival, so as to provoke the marshal."

"Although his "messenger" was killed by the political commissar before he could go far, and the news about him almost didn't get out."

"My lords? What happened?" Cullen sat in front of the two Astartes and asked puzzledly. Eisenstein and Bell looked at each other and nodded affirmatively. He stared at Cullen in front of him. He nodded slightly.

"We will bring the news you told back to the palace, and I will personally report your courage to the marshal. Commander, what is your name? I believe the marshal will want to know."

Eisenstein said quite seriously, while Cullen raised one of his arms and gave a tired, not-so-standard military salute, "Stephen Cullen, dean of the Artillery Academy of Loyal Descendants Academy."

"Very well, it is my honor to meet you, Dean Cullen, I am Company Commander Eisenstein Batalov, I hope you and I will meet again after the war." Eisenstein stretched out his big hand , the thick arm reached out to Cullen, who sat on the automatic cannon, so that he was at the same height as Eisenstein, as if shaking hands with another Astartes brother.

"Me too, Captain Eisenstein, I swear we will continue to fight until the blood runs dry." "I believe you will, Master, may the Emperor bless and guide your path."

"May he guide you too, Captain, I believe you will need it too." Cullen said and reached out to hold Eisenstein's hand. Disproportionate, but that will not affect the atmosphere at the moment.

After shaking hands with Cullen, Eisenstein turned and walked towards the edge of the square, where there was a Thunderhawk docked steadily, and Bell also strode up to follow. He followed the company commander from the ruins of the fountain with his gun in his hand. That Thunderhawk, the exhausted soldiers on both sides looked at them and watched them leave.

"Captain Commander, if Abaddon does show up here, then we must." "Tell the Marshal, yes, and as soon as we can."

Cullen sat on the automatic gun and watched the Thunderhawk take off. The golden Thunderhawk fighter spewed flames and rose from the ruins of the high-rise buildings in the Hive Capital. Thunder Eagle flew towards the ruined corner of the city and disappeared from Cullen's sight.

He watched the disappearing Thunderhawk and stood up with a sigh. Standing on the pedestal of the automatic cannon full of corpses, he looked at another street beside the square, where a group of mutants and evil rushed out from the corner. The believers rushed forward in groups, roaring and waving their weapons.

Regardless of standing under the gray light, a golden light suddenly shot out from the clouds, and the light beam shone on the Dean. That might be the last figure of Stephen Cullen, but he would not be afraid .

"Ready to fight!" In the light, Stephen Cullen raised his laser gun and pulled the bolt violently.

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