Warhammer Inquisitor

Chapter 336 Rise of the Primarch: Hive Guerrillas

Chayetoloff Coffee Shop, located in the middle and upper floors of the Moscow nest capital, is a well-known leisure resort. It has exquisite decoration, comfortable seats and more delicious coffee. It is a place for entertainment and leisure for elegant nesters , the imperial officials from the upper nest and the noble children who have nothing to do here all day will come here to drink coffee in the evening of a day, and watch the sunset of Terra with their arms around a beautiful girl.

It is a kind of romantic and elegant life, an elegant life that only belongs to those who go to the nest. The reason is very simple. After all, this is the only place in the entire huge hive city. You can see it on the top floor of this towering hive city. Sunshine and blue sky again.

The Chai Yetorov Coffee Shop is an excellent viewing place. It is located on the edge of a huge disc platform. There are no tall buildings and statues blocking its view. The blue sky and white clouds can be viewed from here. The wide windows on the side of the deck can be seen at a glance, and the towering city of Shangchao also ensures that the factory and living smoke below will not obscure the bright sunshine.

For example, it is like this now. The bright sunlight shines from the window into the side courtyard of Chayetoloff Coffee Shop, where the most pure, exquisite and expensive solid wood square tables are used on both sides. The sunlight shines on the soft and On the comfortable seat cushions, at the same time, the angel logo made of pure gold on the table is reflected on the wall decorated with exquisite candle lamps.

There is a golden lark statue hanging on it. The bird spreads its wings and soars lifelike in the sun. Its feathers reflect golden light, like a piece of broken one. Since it is really broken .

Really, it was indeed broken. The golden lark wall sculpture was shattered by the flying bullets. All the golden pieces were scattered into the air, and pieces of tiny reflective debris shone brightly under the sunlight. Like a piece of gorgeous stardust.

They fell from the sunlight projected into the coffee shop from the window, and the fine gold powder was knocked away by a figure rushing by from one side, and the debris began to fly around the entire shop, and it stirred up the chaos. The figure in the coffee shop lowered its body and galloped rapidly.

With a bazooka on his back, he ran quickly between the booths and the high chairs on one side of the bar. He didn't have time to appreciate the beautiful scenery here, look at the blue sky outside the window, because he stopped now , all you can see from the window is a floating Valkyrie and the machine shells it shoots.

Wearing a black uniform, Silva was wearing a steel helmet that had been scratched with countless bullet marks. It was carrying a bazooka and ran quickly through the coffee shop that was hit by guns and shells. On his side, in those Outside the window overlooking the magnificent blue sky of Terra, a Valkyrie is passing quickly in the air outside the hive building.

It flew flat on the outside of the building complex, and the propulsion jets on both sides pointed downwards and spewed violent flames, pushing the huge fighter plane to slide steadily and parallelly past the window, and as it moved past there were It fired a series of Vulcan cannon shells.

The entire coffee shop was hit with sawdust, and those exquisite wooden furniture and decorated golden statues were shattered and exploded under the bombardment. Large pieces of debris were accompanied by the beaten coffee cups, glass trays and tall The residue of the foot cup was splashed everywhere, especially the glass shards in it, which made Silva's steel helmet jingle.

The young Silva grabbed the bazooka strap on his chest with one hand, and rolled across the round table in front of him. The moment he rolled over, the wooden table was smashed into wooden residue .

Silva quickly rushed through the entire coffee shop that was hit by violent artillery fire, and he stopped at the end of the side courtyard with a sudden brake. Throwing it out, he completely ignored the pain that hit the side of his thigh after the bazooka was thrown out like a meteor hammer.

Silva's nerves were so excited that he had ignored the pain. Although he didn't know if he drank too much coffee in the coffee shop, or because of the roaring machine guns, he was full of energy.

He looked at the balcony door decorated with multicolored shutters in front of him, and Silva turned his head and yelled into the coffee shop bombarded by machine guns, "Toulouse! Hurry up! We and others are about to be smashed Already!"

"Thank you for reminding me, do you think I don't know the fuck?" Toulouse, with a rucksack on his back, dodged a barrage of barrages in front of him. It slid a long distance on the laid crystalline ground, and then came to Silva's side all of a sudden.

"Then hurry up, let's knock down those flying flies!" Silva jumped eagerly, and he turned and rushed to the balcony door behind him when Toulouse was still getting up. The door was knocked open with his shoulder, and the exquisite double-door door hit the door frames on both sides because of the rough opening method, and the stained glass crackled and vibrated as a result.

Silva didn't care about the exquisite stained glass window that was almost broken by him, which was probably more expensive than him. He rushed to the narrow arc-shaped protruding balcony and looked at the Valkyrie whizzing by in front of him. Leaning out from the balcony railing to look at the Valkyrie, the thing flew flat on the pedestrian street on the side of the coffee shop, and was firing at the imperial soldiers on the plane with its cannon.

The Valkyries hovering outside the high-rise buildings in the Hive City ruthlessly bombarded the entire street, and the shops on it were shattered by their artillery fire. The guards with guns on the street hurriedly dodged around, and many people In the process of evading, they were all hit by the machine guns that swept through like a torrential rain, and their bodies were smashed to pieces.

"Toulouse! Rocket!" Silva roared and removed the rocket launcher on his back. He picked up the rocket launcher and aimed it at the Valkyrie hovering in front of him. But it was clear that Silva was facing the Valkyrie without any fear, who could smash him with the balcony and fall to the bottom of the towering hive just by turning around.

Toulouse, who was behind Silva, strode up to the balcony. He flipped down his backpack and quickly pulled out a rocket from it. Toulouse skillfully inserted it into the rear launch slot of the rocket launcher. After rolling in, the launch compartment is quickly closed and locked.

"It's ready! You aim at the point, we only have it!" Toulouse patted Silva on the shoulder and shouted loudly. He had to be so loud, otherwise he would not be able to suppress the strong wind whistling all around the hive capital. , of course, and that roaring Valkyrie.

But I don't know if it was because Silva didn't hear clearly, or simply didn't listen to Toulouse's words, grabbed the first half of "installed" and pulled the trigger.

He fired a rocket in a hurry, and the roaring warhead shot at the Valkyrie, and then flew over the upper side of its fuselage very smoothly, except for wiping off its dark gray fuselage. Except for the paint, it did not cause any damage.

"Silva! You idiot! I'll tell you to aim and shoot again! You're going crazy!" Toulouse yelled, grabbing Silva's shoulder, the missile that had just fired obviously caused the Valkyrie Without paying attention, the gray fighter plane turned around slowly, and its roaring cannon also turned towards the two people on the balcony in the air.

"We're going to be smashed!" "Nonsense! I know it! Reload!" Silva roared, and Toulouse, who was behind him, quickly took out a rocket from his rucksack, and stood up. Holding the rocket close to Silva, he almost yelled in his ear, afraid that he would grab half of it and run again.

"This is the last shot! Damn it, you're hitting the wrong side and we're screwed!" "Shut up! Get the damn thing in for me! Hurry up!"

Silva also roared loudly, carrying the bazooka and aiming at the turning Valkyrie. Its rotating machine guns were already aimed at Silva and Toulouse on the balcony, and at this moment of lightning, Toulouse loaded the last rocket into the bazooka, and with the locking of the closing bolt, Silva pulled the trigger without thinking.

The roaring rocket flew towards the Valkyrie with a white tail flame, and the Valkyrie exploded in an instant, and one side of its wing was torn off by the rocket. The propellers sprayed under the wings also exploded in a chain explosion, causing the fighter plane to fall directly to the bottom of the hive capital with billowing black smoke.

Silva looked at the falling Valkyrie below and cheered and raised his arms. He raised the bazooka in his hand and cheered, "Okay! Look what I said? I said that we will definitely be able to complete the finale." Commander's orders."

Toulouse looked at Silva in front of him. He straightened his helmet that had been crooked due to a series of high-intensity exercises. Just as he was about to say something, his eyes widened. He pointed to something behind Silva, "You It may be best to reconsider the conclusions just made."

Silva turned his head in surprise and looked behind him. Another Thunderhawk flew up in front of him. The Thunderhawk, which was a circle bigger than the Valkyrie, suddenly lifted off from the bottom of the balcony, and was flying behind it. Looking at the two brand new Valkyries, the beautiful bolter cannon gleaming in the sun was aimed at the two on the balcony.

Silva slumped his arms speechlessly, and he rolled his eyes and said in a discouraged manner, "Damn it, right?"

Well, yes, Thunderhawk responded to Silva with a roaring bomb cannon. If Toulouse hadn't grabbed his collar and pulled him into the coffee shop at the last moment, Silva would have been blown away Together their balconies became a burning spark in Terra's bright blue sky.

Toulouse dragged Silva into the balcony door, but the two of them had no chance to breathe. The Thunderhawk suspended in the air behind them roared quickly, and a series of explosive bombs shot in from outside the door. The howling penetrating bombs directly collapsed the side walls of the entire coffee shop.

The two screamed and rushed past the side of the coffee shop. Fortunately, their speed was quite fast, and the physical training in the academy was not lazy, otherwise the two of them would have to be outside the hive city with the whole building, almost suspended in the air The coffee shops above collapsed into the clear sky below the city.

Two unlucky guys ran onto the street from the gate of the coffee shop. The coffee shop behind them collapsed directly under the bombardment of Thunder Eagle's roar. To the sky outside the city.

Silva leaned on the street and looked at the collapsed building, but he had no time to sigh, and the pedestrian street where he was standing was immediately bombarded by heavy artillery fire, and the whole street was attacked by two Valkyrie planes flying over With a super double, the commercial shops on the street that had not been destroyed before were all gone.

Silva stood on the edge of the street. He looked at the Valkyrie machine guns that were constantly shooting into the inside of the street. All the glass of the shop and the goods displayed in it were smashed into pieces, and the guard soldiers hiding in it had no time to dodge. They were also beaten into explosive blood bombs.

Not only that, the two Valkyries gradually approached the side of the pedestrian street under the fierce firing. He opened his end hatch, stopped the artillery fire, turned around and pointed the hatch in the direction of the pedestrian street, almost immediately there was Columns of Traitor Astra Militarum soldiers jumped from it.

These traitors, who wore black breastplates and were covered with or engraved with the symbols of chaos and blasphemy, laughed ferociously. Once they landed, they completely ignored the painful legs that were hit when they jumped from a height of two or three meters. Almost as soon as he landed, he stood up and picked up the long and short weapons in his hand to fight with the guards on the street.

The eye-catching red light of the laser gun instantly flashed on the road. Relying on the roaring Valkyries behind them, those traitors suppressed the guards at the shops on the side of the pedestrian street and at the corner. The imperial soldiers were hit by the violent artillery fire from above Almost unable to lift his head, the walls and all the surrounding displays were shattered and scattered under the artillery fire.

Silva looked at the traitors in that direction, and one of the traitors also noticed Silva. He raised the laser gun in his hand and aimed a shot in Silva's direction.

Fortunately, Toulouse behind him reacted quickly, grabbed Silva by the collar and pulled him back to the corner of the pedestrian street, otherwise he would have been shot in the head.

Toulouse threw Silva into the outer wall of the shop on one side, and immediately opened fire after dodging the incoming laser beam. The laser gun with the logo of loyalty shot through the traitor's head. , he crashed to the ground, but it also attracted the attention of other traitors who landed beside him.

Those crazy traitors immediately separated several people to shoot in the direction of Toulouse, and now Toulouse could only hide behind the outer wall, and hid in the corner with Silva, a difficult brother.

Silva glanced at the corner of the wall that was reddened by the laser beam, and the brick fragments of the wall were still flying around. He shrank in the corner and stretched out his head like a kitten. I took a look outside, and then I was shot back by the roaring laser beam before I could take a second look.

Silva squatted behind the wall. With a wry smile, he took out the walkie-talkie from his waist and pressed the communication button, "What, Commander-in-Chief, we may have some bad news."

"How many?" There was a majestic but unusually calm voice from the walkie-talkie. After hearing this, Silva stretched out his head and looked out again. This time he saw a more cardiac arrest scene.

The Thunderhawk also leaned forward, and three Iron Warrior traitor interstellar soldiers jumped out of the huge cabin. Their huge bodies crashed to the ground, crushing the carefully laid marble-cut ground of the pedestrian street.

As soon as the space fighter landed, he immediately pulled out his bolter and shot something. Silva didn't want to see what it was, so Silva retreated behind the wall with a wry smile. Gun held up the walkie-talkie around the corner of all sorts of frenzied suppression.

"It's nothing serious, just we were suppressed by a few enemy planes, and a group of mortal rebel infantry jumped down from the opposite side. Oh, and there are three traitor Astartes of the Iron Warriors. They look quite fierce."

"It's not over yet. Our rockets are all gone, and there are no heavy weapons or explosives." Toulouse, who was leaning against the wall, added in a very "timely" way. Silva pointed his finger at him, and then smiled helplessly. Then he brought the walkie-talkie closer to his mouth, so that his voice could overwhelm the deafening gunfire outside.

"There is another episode. We are useless against air and ground now. I see that the fire sticks in our hands may be able to entertain the traitors. Let's see if we can laugh them to death."

"Well, I think this plan is unreliable. The Iron Warriors are as unsmiling as the Sons of Dorn. They may not find it funny and be laughed to death."

The end of the walkie-talkie echoed the second half of the joke, Silva sat in the corner and looked at the walkie-talkie in front of him with a wry smile, listening to the rather young voice, "So, Commander-in-Chief, what should we do now? Why don't you try to pray to the Emperor, call him and ask him to give us a blessing or something, such as allowing Toulouse's laser gun to shoot through three Astartes with one shot."

"If possible, I also want a suit of power armor, and give me a bolter. I also want to kill the Quartet like the Astartes."

"Are you putting it here as the emperor is a self-service vending machine?" The voice on the intercom said, and at the same time there was a gust of wind.

"Then what should we do? Boss." Silva sat in the corner, pretending to be serious and asked with a straight face, just like the paralyzed expression every time Cullen threw him into the confinement room.

"We get our own takeout."

The giant standing on the roof of the shop on the side of the pedestrian street said to the communicator with the flashing dots of light on his armor neck. After speaking, he spun the long spear in his hand with one hand, and then stepped on the edge of the roof. All of a sudden jumped down.

The golden figure fell to the ground suddenly, and he landed in the middle of the street like a falling meteor. The mortal traitors with guns all turned their heads to look at the giant among them, the one in golden armor, A tall figure with a red robe on his shoulders.

"Forbidden!" The first traitor who saw him shouted loudly, but before he could utter his words, he was cut in half by the howling lightning blade, and the traitor's body was cut off in an instant, with What's more, the laser gun in his hand also exploded. The energy magazine of the gun was slashed by a single blade, and then exploded quickly after being overloaded.

The red laser beam exploded in an instant, and the golden armored guard rushed past the side of the flame at a high speed. His speed was as fast as lightning, and he rushed past a group of mortal traitors in the blink of an eye. Wherever he passed All the traitorous Star Militia troops were decapitated, or were neatly severed from different angles.

Among the fallen corpses, the golden lightning flashed in front of the Iron Warrior in the blink of an eye. The Iron Warrior standing on the edge of the pedestrian street immediately turned his head and found the Emperor's Imperial Guard who suddenly appeared and killed him like a golden lightning. He was alone. , twirling the long spear in his hand, charging forward like Zhao Zilong who entered three times and exited the enemy's formation three times in ancient Terra.

The Iron Warrior immediately turned his bolt gun and pointed it at him, but the bolt roared out from the gun's muzzle but missed the golden armored guard at all, and he turned sideways to dodge the incoming bullet at close range, Then he turned around, and Qi Wu'er, who was wearing a red shirt on his shoulder, shot out instantly.

The head of the lightning spear directly pierced the Iron Warrior's neck, and the Iron Warrior wearing power armor without any decorations, colors and decorations was killed in the blink of an eye, even the explosive shot he just shot The flame of the bullet has not dissipated at the muzzle of the gun, but the guards killed him faster than the bullet.

The Iron Warrior fell to the ground with a bang, and the brother beside him swung his power sword and slashed at the Custodian, but the latter pulled out his spear in an instant, and before the steel and black blood fell to the ground, even Astartes' superhuman senses, which had been strengthened, Attacked at a speed that could not be captured.

The power spear rushed out like a dragon, and the tip of the spear flashing with blue lightning almost broke through the speed of sound, directly making a sonic boom resounding in the air, and the roaring spear tip directly pierced the underside of the Iron Warrior's arm, His entire arm was pierced by the Lightning Lance.

The imperial guard let go of the handle of the gun, then turned around on the spot, drew out the spear at the moment the red robe was flying, and then suddenly shot a spear with one arm and stabbed the third Iron Warrior. His abdominal armor was pierced, and the entire body The torso was directly pierced by the spear, and blood spurted out from the gap in the power armor like a collapsed barrier lake.

The golden-armored guard immediately drew back his spear, spun the handle like a windmill at high speed, and hit the steel warrior with the sword on the side of the head. His power armor helmet hit the spear handle hard The lower part broke instantly, and the red glass in the eye exploded and sprayed outward, exposing a gray-green eye under it.

At the same time that the steel warrior with the sword failed to gain a firm foothold, the Imperial Army turned back the spear and turned it backhand at high speed. The powered spear spun from his shoulder and slid to the other hand. , and then a shot pierced through the head of the Iron Warrior who had been pierced through the abdomen.

The roaring power gun head directly pierced through the entire helmet, and Iron Warrior's face collapsed, and as the gun head protruded from the back of his head, it exploded like a watermelon smashed with a mallet.

The emperor's imperial guards strode forward. He pulled out the bolt pistol hanging on his waist while the Iron Warrior was powerless and fell to the ground, and then shot the last one who was still standing with a backhand shot. Hit the traitor in the head, and now he doesn't have to worry about headaches.

The imperial army did not stop after killing the three Iron Warriors, but instead rushed towards the edge of the pedestrian street in great strides. Silva and Toulouse, who were hiding aside, didn't even see what had just happened. They only saw the imperial army rushing towards He stepped on the edge of the street, stepped on the edge of the platform and jumped out.

"Damn it!" Silva stood up in surprise, his eyes widened in disbelief as he watched the chain of events that followed.

The moment the imperial guards leaped into the sky, they raised the Iron Warrior's bolter and shattered the driving window of a Valkyrie floating outside the street with a single shot. Although the tempered glass could block most of the bullets, And the direct fire of the laser gun, but it is completely unable to block a direct bomb at such a close range.

The glass of the driver's window was shattered by a shot, and a large stream of blood spurted out from behind the shattered crack. As the driver's window was stained red with blood, the Valkyrie also lost control and spun at a high speed and hit the wall on one side. It fell directly into the sky after the explosion.

And in the flames of the explosion, the imperial army jumped directly into the cabin of the Valkyrie in the direction he was facing. He fell into the cabin door without any mistakes. The Realm soldiers stared wide-eyed in shock. They looked at the Forbidden Army who broke in directly, and were killed by the coefficient before they even had time to utter a single cry.

The imperial guard in the narrow cabin lowered his body, and he swept across the cabin with a single shot, killing the helpless traitors in the entire cabin like chopping melons and vegetables. Their bodies were neatly broken under the sweep of the spear head However, the golden-armored guard just fired a shot, and there were no living people standing in the entire cabin.

The imperial guard bent down, looked around, and quickly found the weapon box leaning against the side of the cabin. He stretched out his huge palm to open the box and took a peek at the things stored in it, which were placed in rows in the weapon box The bazooka must have been used by these traitors to deal with the defenders defending the building in the hive city street battle.

The Imperial Army snorted in satisfaction, then covered the box and grabbed it, holding the boxes in his huge hand like building blocks, but the Imperial Army stayed behind I picked up the last box, a box that was placed at the bottom and marked with a dangerous explosion warning sign.

"Thank you for the express delivery. Now, goodbye!" The young and energetic Forbidden Army cheered, then kicked his legs back and jumped out of the cabin. He raised his bolt gun and shot the last box left behind. In an instant, the box was blown up, and the explosion tore the entire fighter plane apart from the inside.

The Valkyrie exploded in an instant, the fuselage bloomed in all directions and fell towards the surrounding land, while the imperial army leaped backwards from the air and backflipped back to the pedestrian street, and just landed on the position where he jumped out, it can be said that, Come and go freely.

The golden armored guard fell backwards and landed on the pedestrian street. He stood up holding the weapon boxes and looked in front of him. The last Thunderhawk flew over quickly, and it sprayed propelling flames and hovered in front of the guards. , the bomber cannon hanging below aimed at the imperial army amidst the rumble.

The emperor's Janissaries held their spears in their backhands. He was facing the Thunderhawk, but suddenly the Thunderhawk exploded, and the gray Thunderhawk with the Iron Warriors logo exploded into sparks in the air. The Custodian watched the blooming The flames, eyes followed a speeding black shadow.

That black shadow was also a Thunderhawk, a golden Thunderhawk whizzed by from the outside of the pedestrian street, it didn't intend to stay at all, but after blowing up the Iron Warrior's fighter plane like a little effort, it flew without slowing down at all. To the edge of the skyline.

The golden-armored guard stood up with a slight smile. He slammed the spear into the ground, and the tip of the spear sank deep into the marble floor. The golden-armored guard uncovered his power armor with his backhand. The battle helmet with long tasseled horsehair was clamped under his arm, and under the helmet revealed a rather young face among the imperial guards.

"Thank you!" He waved the battle helmet in his hand and shouted at the Thunder Eagle. The long tassels floated left and right with the dance of the battle helmet. The golden armored guard laughed and put his hands on his hips. Behind him, Silva and Toulouse They all leaned up, and all the guards came out of the shops on the street.

Everyone looked at the invincible golden-armored guard, and the young guard also turned his head and smiled, leaving some ammunition boxes in his hands on the ground. After the box fell to the ground, the box was knocked open , the bazooka and the attached ammunition contained in it rolled out of it.

Silva stepped on one of the rolling rocket launchers, and looked at the imperial army in front of him with a surprised expression, "This is you."

"Take the courier, it's free or not, now the problem is solved, everyone! Take these things and let's go to catch a few more planes."

The young imperial guard laughed and put his spear on his shoulders, and walked towards the side street of the pedestrian street. He raised his palm holding the helmet and cheered, looking in a good mood.

"What shall we do now? Commander-in-Chief." Toulouse walked up from Silva, with a gun on his back, and looked at the Forbidden Army soldier with his hands on his hips and a bright smile on his face.

"I like this title, Commander-in-Chief? Ha! Lord Trajan also said that I am too young to command battles? Hahaha! Take them all, let's hit a few more planes and give them to Commander Trajan and A Listen up, Barton!" The imperial guard walked towards the end of the street with a smile, Silva behind him and Toulouse looked at each other and shrugged with a smile, then picked up the bazooka from the ground.

The surrounding guards all leaned forward, and the two young soldiers distributed the rocket launchers in the box to them. Soon, everyone had a rocket launcher in their hands, followed the "Commander-in-Chief" of the Imperial Army behind their backs, and walked to the next place. battlefield.


And in the cockpit of the golden Thunderhawk whistling past, Bell held the joystick and turned it slightly, and brought the sideplane body of the Thunderhawk that whizzed by just now back to normal, and soon, with the sense of operation The flight system quickly returned the flying raptor to its proper position.

With the function of the vector nozzle, everything outside the pilot window of the fighter plane returned to the normal angle, instead of the strange angle of view from the oblique measurement, and as the fighter plane's attitude was corrected, the door of the cockpit was opened to both sides, love Sunstein got in from the cockpit.

"What happened just now? I heard the sound of gunfire and explosions." The company commander walked into the cab and asked, while Bell in the driver's seat in front of him quickly reached out and clicked between the left and right driver's seats, placing it in the center of the operating platform lock button on the electronic display.

With Bell's click, the red artillery logo was immediately locked by the green chain icon, "It's nothing, when I was flying just now, I found a few enemy planes besieging a street on the upper floor of the Hive Capital, and I can help them get the last one out." The enemy plane was just destroyed."

"But I just saw the appearance of the imperial guards. I think that is the "commander-in-chief" that Cullen said. This title is probably self-appointed. Although it is a bit exaggerated, he seems to be leading the guards to hold the position."

Eisenstein nodded slightly, he walked behind Bell, and pressed one hand on the back of his seat, "It seems that Commander Trajan sent some squads of the Imperial Guards to various places to assist and command the guards in various places to fight, It was a wise move."

"I remember you were the one who objected first, didn't you? Company Commander, you objected to the dispersal of the troops of the Elite Custodian, and believed that they should be concentrated to defend the palace and the Emperor himself." Bell said and sat back in the driver's seat after a series of operations , holding the joystick with both hands, he drove the Thunderhawk galloping over Terra's endless hive capital.

Those cities that used to be the most magnificent and prosperous of all mankind, now there are only fragments of ruins standing below, billowing darkness rises from it, the sound of guns echoes constantly in all corners, and the remaining foundation anti-aircraft firepower is aimed at The sky unleashes powerful firepower.

Bell looked out at the red light in the distance through the driving window. It was the beam of a heavy ground-based turbo cannon firing. He had to be careful of those orbital weapons that were still firing. Bullets don’t have eyes, let alone orbital lasers. It's blinding, and you won't be given any reaction time, as long as you are accidentally hit, you will immediately turn into powder in the beam until you disappear.

"Indeed, but now it seems that is the most correct decision. If the imperial army hadn't gone to help the guards everywhere, I am afraid that all the nests have fallen, and we can only stay in the palace and wait for death."

Eisenstein said unabashedly that he doesn't mind admitting his mistakes at all, which is his advantage, just like his genetic father, although he is stubborn and has no emotional intelligence, he can say anything but his brain, but as long as he is conscious When they realize that they have made a mistake, Dawn and his sons will admit their mistakes without hesitation and without concealment, and will not care about the damage to the so-called glory.

This is their advantage over other brothers, the biggest advantage of other legions, general knowledge, humility and recognition, and obedience to better people, this is especially valuable in Terra now.

"They did help the guards a lot, as well as the residents of Terra. It's a pity we couldn't evacuate everyone before the attack began. Too many people died in the attack of Chaos, old people, children and women, they It shouldn't be like this."

"Your compassion is admirable, my brother, which is an exceptional quality. You care about others and are willing to help others, even at the expense of your own safety. You have not healed yourself until now, have you? Eisenstein glanced at the bullet hole on Bell's shoulder while the latter shook his head slightly.

"The hemostatic agent built into the armor has been automatically injected, and the regenerated cells and muscles will soon squeeze out the fragments of the bomb. There is nothing to worry about." Bell held the joystick, and then fell silent as he spoke. Slightly turned his head to look at the burning land outside the window, watching silently.

Eisenstein also looked out the cockpit window, at the burning city below, "Just say what you want, brother, we are the only ones here, you don't need to be so cautious."

"We are trying to help them, ordinary people, but... who will help us? One day the Chaos offensive will break through all the hive cities, and the fleet on orbit will also be exhausted at the moment, after that What? What shall we do next?"

"Have you lost hope? Brother." Eisenstein asked softly standing behind Bell, who was silent for a moment. He looked at the joystick in his hand and was silent for a while.

"No, I am an Astartes, Angel of Death of the Emperor, and I shall not despair without hope."

"No, we will lose hope, too, the traitors, whether it is the traitors of ten thousand years above and below us now, or the treacherous ones who have turned their backs on the Emperor's duty in the past years, they have lost hope, Thus falling into the embrace of Chaos, they were bewitched by Chaos because they did not see the light of hope."

Bell was silent for a moment after hearing this, he held the joystick, his eyes were buried in the cab all the time and did not look at the destroyed city outside the window, Abaddon said he would let Terra burn, and he did, "Where is the light?" What about it? Company Commander, the flames of war are raging, and the dark clouds are overwhelming, where is the light of hope?"

"Where is it?" Eisenstein said slightly looking up at something outside the window, and Bell also raised his head and looked in that direction. It was a light, a light that shines forever, no matter how deep the darkness is, that sacred light It still shines.

Bell looked at the light that illuminated the darkness, even in the darkest depths of the galaxy, it could also illuminate the light of hope there, the light of hope that hundreds of billions of humans have looked up to for millions of years.

"Come on, brother, we have to hurry up, he is still waiting for us there." Eisenstein said and patted Bell's shoulder lightly, and then walked into the cabin.

"We can't keep him waiting too long."

"As you order, Captain."

Bell said, sitting back on the driver's seat and looking up at the burning lighthouse, he took a deep breath, as if the light had dispelled all the haze in his heart just now, he opened his eyes again, pushed the operating lever with both hands, Thunder Eagle Fly to the direction of the towering light of hope.

The astronomical torch that towered above the snow-capped mountain and burned with the flames of the emperor's spiritual energy was still burning blazingly under the haze of the flames of war.

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