Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 221 Endless Road

Soon, He Shan chatted with the three of them.

After chatting for a while, He Shancai found out that these three guys in strange clothes were actually three freshmen who had just been promoted to the first level.

No wonder they did not exclude He Shan from exploring with them.

For those who are exploring secondary overlapping areas for the first time, the more companions, the better.

During the exchange, He Shan learned that this elegant man wearing a Lun scarf was named Zhu Ge'an.

It turned out that he was an opera singer and liked to call himself Mr. Kong Ming's brother.

His ability is called Seven Star Positioning.

Seven different lanterns will float by his side, giving all his actions traction.

Every movement of his is as precise as a machine, and there will never be any deviation.

The one with the white horse and silver spear is named Shi Jialong.

He has some mental problems. He was once arrested and sent to the police station for riding a bicycle and playing with a long gun on the road.

Shi Jialong's ability is called 'spear like a dragon'.

When the spear stabs out, there will be a dragon-shaped phantom attached to it, enhancing the destructive power of the spear.

After listening to the self-introductions of the first two, He Shan bowed his hands to the last bearded man.

"I guess you must be related to Zhang Fei. The ability is Zhang Ba Snake Spear or something."

The bearded man shook his head and said, "No, my name is Li Kui..."

He Shan was stunned for a moment: "Li Kui... Well, although it is not a series, the style of painting is very good."

The ability of this Li Kui is 'Sunflower Treasure Tree'.

During the battle, he can plant a sunflower tree, and the sunflower tree can produce a group of special energy to assist Li Kui in the battle.

He Shan complained: "Sunflower is a plant of the genus Helianthus in the Asteraceae family of the Campanulaceae has nothing to do with trees, forget it, anyway, things like trickery abilities are not scientific in the first place."

Just by hearing their names and abilities, He Shan has no way of judging whether their strength is reliable or not.

However, no matter what the strength of these three people is, they will not interfere with He Shan's purpose of advancing through this exploration.

After all three of them had introduced, it happened to be He Shan's turn.

But at this time, Xiao Pujie and others also arrived one after another.

Xiao Pujie was wearing a green turban and a fur-covered overcoat. That coat was the mammoth coat sold at the Suiyuan shop.

This set of equipment itself should be very handsome, but with Xiao Pujie's thick lips, it looks a bit nondescript.

Le Qingyi was wearing a white lantern-sleeve shirt and cropped jeans. When she saw He Shan, she ran over with a smile.

Bao Lili was the same as usual, with a dark red training suit and a simple ponytail.

The skin that was originally a little rough due to years of martial arts practice has now become delicate and tender, and the trick energy has a beautifying effect.

Finally there is Lauzhilan, who is wearing a camouflage uniform and paint on her face.

"Ahem, these guys are my teammates."

Looking at He Shan's teammates, Shi Jialong dropped the spear in his hand to the ground with a bang, and grabbed Zhu Ge'an's clothes, wanting to break up with him.

"Ah, why are my teammates two rough guys."

"And his teammates are three beauties with different temperaments, and a person who can highlight his appearance...

Xiao Pujie pointed at himself embarrassingly: "You said that I can highlight He Shan's temperament... I am very hurt!"

After some farce, He Shan and the others introduced themselves to each other.

Then the preparations for entering the overlapping area exploration began.

This area has become an overlapping area, and it has been two years, and there are more than ten teams exploring.

But no team of Tier 1 tricksters could successfully kill the domain master here.

There are also teams claiming to have killed the domain master, but judging from the appearance of this overlapping area, they obviously didn't.

The difficulty of this overlapping area far exceeds that of the general secondary overlapping area.

He Shan deliberately chose a more difficult overlapping area because he wanted to advance.

Everything here has been highly distorted due to being an overlapping area for too long.

Through a layer of film, you can see that this overlapping area is full of densely packed roads.

Asphalt roads, cement roads, dirt roads, overpasses...these intricate roads are three-dimensionally distributed in the space of overlapping areas.

In terms of grandeur, this may be the most overlapping area that He Shan has ever seen.

He Shan has read the exploration records of those teams.

Most of the descriptions are the intricate roads here, and you may get lost if you are not careful.

But since there is not much space here, it is not difficult to escape from it.

There were all kinds of monsters in the Lianyuan Highway at the beginning, but since the later stage, only one monster remained.

'Snake Demon'

All kinds of big snakes run rampant in this overlapping area.

Some snakes can breathe fire, some snakes can change size at will, and some snakes are super poisonous.

However, the last exploration record was a few months ago. At that time, the place did not look so 'three-dimensional'.

Therefore, this exploratory report can only be used as a reference and cannot be trusted.

He Shan and the others have cooperated many times, and they have accumulated a certain tacit understanding with each other, so they quickly decided on the entire plan.

This opened the eyes of the three in the Zhuge case. Although they had been promoted to the first level, they were still far behind the experienced tricksters.

The first person to enter the overlapping area was Bao Lili, her reaction speed was the fastest among them.

After Bao Lili entered the overlapping area, she woke up within ten seconds, with a weird expression on her face. It seemed that the illusion in this overlapping area was unusual.

Then He Shan stepped into it for the second time. As soon as he entered the overlapping area, he seemed to lose his sense of direction. Now he has entered the illusion.

Different from other illusions, He Shan was always in motion when entering the illusion this time.

Since he lost his sense of direction, He Shan didn't know in which direction he was moving.

The surrounding scenery is a chaotic street, up and down, front, back, left, and right, and it is impossible to judge the location based on these streets.

He Shan moved faster and faster, but he didn't collide with anything, just kept moving in this grotesque illusion, as if it would never stop.

After experiencing it for a long time, there was no new change, so He Shan forcibly exited this illusion, because it was meaningless to continue watching.

After he woke up, the tricksters behind also stepped into the overlapping area one by one.

He Shan saw a straight road in front of him. The length of the road was about 50 meters. At the distance of 50 meters, it was cut off by another road.

Not only the one under their feet, but also the other roads are all about 50 meters long.

"One, two, three... It seems that it is not easy to count clearly."

He Shan tried to count to more than forty, but immediately gave up, because there are too many roads here, and some roads are still moving slowly.

"Everyone cheer up, it seems that in this exploration, we must not only pay attention to the monsters, but also pay attention to the environment here..."

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