Weird Decomposition Guide

Chapter 222 Circulation Space

Sunlight passes through the overlapping roads and shines down, leaving mottled light and shadow on the ground.

Because of the obstruction of the road above, the Lianyuan Elevated Road looks very dark, and the light keeps changing.

Several people walked along the first road for a certain distance, and when they were about to reach the end of the road, an accident happened suddenly.

Bao Lili, who was walking first, suddenly disappeared.

The remaining seven people suddenly felt creepy, and all retreated a certain distance.

Beside He Shan, six leaves fluttered non-stop, watching everything around him vigilantly.

Was Bao Lili attacked by something just now?

Or is she like the 'Zhao Lie' back then, she has become invisible?

While He Shan was guessing the reason, Bao Lili's voice came from behind him.

"Hey, I'm here!"

He Shan turned his head and found that Bao Lili was standing at the entrance of the overlapping area, more than 40 meters away from He Shan and others.

"What's going on here, how did she get there, because the speed is too fast, or..."

He Shan narrowed his eyes slightly, and with a flick of his finger, a leaf turned into a black gold long sword, stabbing forward.

After flying a few meters, the sword disappeared into the air.

Bao Lili over there exclaimed, because the black gold long sword stopped directly beside her.

The others also saw this scene and frowned.

Le Qingyi asked softly: "Is it space teleportation? Between the starting point and the end point of the road, is there an invisible teleportation gate?"

He Shan shook his head: "It doesn't look like it. If it's space teleportation, then there should be at least 40 meters between my sword and me."

"But according to my perception, the distance between me and the sword is less than ten meters..."

"In other words, although the distance between Bao Lili and us looks like forty meters, it's actually only ten meters."

As He Shan talked, he got himself involved.

The weirdness of this overlapping area is really difficult to explain simply.

The seven of them joined Bao Lili first, and Le Qingyi pulled Bao Lili aside, and inspected it very carefully.

Confirm that there is no abnormal aura on Bao Lili's body, and there is nothing strange attached to her body. Her state is completely normal.

Then eight people stood on both sides of the road, using various things to test separately.

For example, bricks and stones, or Le Qingyi's snake whip, Xiao Pujie's Papox dragon, etc. In the end, the trickster went directly to test.

Eventually they concluded that the spaces of this path are connected.

Although it looks like a straight road fifty meters long.

But it should really be thought of as a circle.

The end of the road is the starting point of the road, and the starting point is also the end.

When standing in the middle of the boundary line, people can even stay in two positions at the same time, and the eyes of the two halves of the body can see different pictures respectively, which is simply weird to the extreme.

However, it is actually very simple to get out of this circular path.

Just walk out from the side of the road.

However, all the roads here are about 50 meters long, and they are still moving slowly, so He Shan has every reason to believe that all the roads here are like the initial roads, which are constantly circulating.

This reminded He Shan of what he had encountered in the illusion. He kept moving at high speed and couldn't stop at all.

Such a scenario is entirely possible in this overlapping area.

When He Shan glanced at it, he could see a completely vertical road. Once he fell off that road, he would probably fall into a situation beyond redemption.

He took out a box of chalk and distributed a few to each person.

"The space here is completely chaotic. If we want to explore here, we must always mark it."

Then he drew a trace at the junction of the road'circle'.

In the process of exploration, every time you encounter a circular road, you must make a similar mark.

In this way, it can be ensured that when the battle occurs, no mistakes will be made because of these 'cycle points'.

After figuring out the nature of these roads, He Shan and other talents finally began to explore.

Lianyuan Elevated Road is very complicated because there are many roads.

But here is also very simple, because there is only the road.

He Shan explored the road on the ground, but did not find a human building.

Every road here has similar characteristics to the first road, but as long as it does not reach the end of the road, this special cycle will not be triggered.

Occasionally, some vehicles can be seen on the side of the road. These vehicles have been completely alienated, integrated with the road surface, and become a part of the road.

Every car is like a work of art that can only be produced by exhausting human imagination.

Some cars look like tall robots, some cars are twisted into curly baboons, some look like a big dung beetle, and some look like shit balls pushed by a dung beetle...

Among these things distorted by strange forces, occasionally some interesting things can be found.

For example, the treacherous copper coins scattered on the ground, or some car parts with trick power.

On a bicycle, Ma Baolong removed a bicycle wheel with the characteristic of "acceleration" and replaced it with his own unicycle.

Speaking of Ma Baolong's unicycle, He Shan even suspected that he came from a circus.

This guy plays with a unicycle even more smoothly than a bicycle, and his movement speed is much more agile than ordinary people.

And He Shan found two motorcycle rearview mirrors for his motorcycle.

These two rearview mirrors look like rearview mirrors, but they are actually car lights...

Well, it's boring, but Ho Sun loves it.

Apart from this harvest, He Shan and the others walked all over the ground, but they didn't see a single monster.

He Shan looked at the roads that "grow" obliquely upwards, and shook his head slightly: "It seems that the mystery of this overlapping area is mainly on the roads above."

After searching for a while, they found a suspended road close to the ground.

He Shan took out the ladder from the spare disassembly bin, and everyone climbed up this road one by one.

In the spare disassembly warehouse, He Shan put a lot of tools, most of which are not used in every exploration, but occasionally these things can have a miraculous effect.

It's called taking your pants off and farting - be prepared.

This road is a dirt road, or it used to be a dirt road.

Now it is covered with withered and yellow weeds, among which the most common one is the cocklebur that He Shan hates very much.

What is cocklebur?

It's the kind of small ball with spikes. When people or animals walk by, the ball will stand on the clothes or hair...

Apart from some taboo plants, cocklebur is the plant He Shan hates the most.

Just as everyone stood firm on this dirt road, something approached quietly...

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