“Boss, I seem to see a ship below!”

“Don’t worry!”

Lin Yang waved his hand.

Even if there are ships below, it doesn’t have much to do with him.

Now they have Bailey and resources, there is no need to attack other pirate ships.

However, seeing this, his subordinates also hurriedly said: “The boss seems to be a ship of gold in the sky!” ”

Heavenly gold can be said to be very famous in this world.

So famous that anyone who has a little thought will recognize this thing.

Heavenly gold means that the world government member countries pay a part of the treasure to the Draco world nobles every year.

Each of the 170 allied nations will hand over their treasures to the frigates of the government navy.

Send heavenly gold to the Holy Land of Mariechoa!

But an event.

Pirate Doflamingo’s family intercepts the heavenly gold to pay tribute to the Draco.

To threaten the world government and force it to recognize Doflamingo as a recognized member of the Seven Seas under One Piece.

Doflamingo’s bounty was revoked, and Vice Admiral Tsuru of the naval headquarters also gave up pursuing the Don Quixote family.

This is also the only pirate who dares to attack the gold in the sky.

“Heavenly gold!?”

There is a treasure on it, but one hundred and seventy allied countries pay tribute.

If you give Draco like this, is it a bit wasteful.

Lin Yang’s heart turned.

Then he quickly ordered: “Leaning over for me!” ”

“Boss, you don’t want to grab the heavenly gold, do you?”

Bucky said in a hushed voice.

This robbed the heavenly words of gold.

It is equivalent to completely offending the Draco and the world government.

Although Draco has always claimed to be the god who created the world.

But all this time, Draco did not show a godly posture.

Although it will still be wantonly robbed, but in front of the public.

Draco would still use money to do things like buy slaves and so on.

Hence the heavenly gold collected by the Draco from the various allied countries.

Every year, Draco amasses a lot of wealth through heavenly gold.

This makes there is no greater gap between the Draco and the humans living in the mortal world.

In other words, the appearance of equality among all beings.

This can also be seen at the population auction venue.

Charros San is under the public, and also needs to pay a lot of money to bid for purchases.

And the so-called heavenly gold has become the biggest lie of the Draco to the world.

The so-called heavenly gold is just a cover used by the Draco to hide their unreasonable plunder.

The true face of Draco is looting for no reason.

For example, Charros robbed people and women, which was the robbery of red fruits, such as its vomit slavery, and it was also unjustifiable robbery.

And the Draco whitewashed these through heavenly gold.

It whitewashes its need for possession of all kinds, whitewashes its contempt for the world.

“What are you afraid of, if we don’t do these things, the world government will let us go, hahabaki don’t be naïve, the little ones leaned over and snatched Draco’s things today!”

There had never been a Draco before.

Even if Doflamingo robbed it, he returned it later.

It’s just a threat with this.

Now Lin Yang didn’t care at all, so he directly started to grab it.

Obviously, they didn’t expect Lin Yang to be so crazy.

But as he said.

Even if they don’t grab it.

Look at these sins.

The World Government and the Draco will definitely not let them go.

If that’s the case, why bother so much?

Walder, in particular, was already filled with excitement on his face at this time.

Before, he was afraid that Lin Yang would not do what he said before.

Now it seems that I thought too much about it before.

Lin Yang really had the same ambition as himself, to subvert the world!

“A ship flew over…”

On the warship sailing on the sea, a sailor looked at the spaceship flying straight towards this side and muttered.

The vice admiral who escorted the heavenly gold took a puff of his cigarette and slowly said: “Where will there be any ships flying over, are you dreaming!?” ”

But the next second, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Ships flew over there.

Ships that can fly directly over.

There seems to be only one coming.

The pirate Lin Yang, who is currently named one of the most dangerous people in the world as the new flying pirate!

No way!?

Look up in the direction the navy is pointing.

Sure enough, a ship came.

And it looks like it’s coming towards them.

A trace of cold sweat appeared on the lieutenant general’s forehead.

In the next second, after seeing clearly the person standing on the bow of the ship, the vice admiral’s mood has now fallen to the bottom.

The person who came was really Lin Yang!

He took out the phone worm from his arms and got through to the other side.

“Moxi Moxi, I’m Sengoku!”

Inside the office.

Sengoku felt that he seemed to have called himself a little bit more recently.

Did something happen again?

This sea is really getting less and less calm.

You can’t give yourself a little time to take a good rest, every day either there is a problem there, or there is a problem here.

Sengoku felt like he was dying.

But whine and whining and sitting on this position himself.

Surely many things are not done how you want to do it.

“Marshal of the Warring States, here is the escort fleet of heavenly gold… Duh……. Click…”

It’s not over yet.

The other side seemed to make a strange noise.

Then the sound seemed to disappear.

Seeing this, the other side of the warring countries hurriedly asked: “Hey, what’s the situation over there?” ”

The fleet of heavenly gold generally only sees this sign.

Basically, no one dares to touch it.

It can be said that everyone who goes to sea knows this symbol.

The Draco’s Tianxiang Dragon’s hooves, generally pirates or civilians see it and walk around.

It just happened once.

But then it was also returned, is it that now someone dares to hit the idea of heavenly gold?

“It’s good over here… But the Navy also seems to have been controlled by me! ”

On the other end of the phone worm, this familiar voice.

Sengoku knew even if he didn’t look at his face.

Your sister!

It’s Lin Yang again!

What the hell is this guy trying to do.

The front foot has just broken through the Advance City.

Now the robbery of heavenly gold again?

Can’t we just be a little more stable?

Come to think of it.

Sengoku couldn’t help but feel that his head really hurt.

It’s not a pity for this bastard to do something to catch and kill dozens of times.

Even this thing dares to touch.

But if it was Lin Yang.

It seems that it is also normal for these fleets of Heavenly Gold to be controlled.

Now the other party is still chatting calmly with himself.

Apparently there is something to say.

What Sengoku tried to do was to stabilize the other party first.

Then judge the area where the Heavenly Gold Fleet is currently located.

You must not let Lin Yang snatch the heavenly gold away.

Otherwise, he can’t explain it on Draco’s side.

“What do you want to do?”

Sengoku took a deep breath and forced himself to settle down and speak his tone as calmly as possible.

Lin Yang did the rest of the things, and now even the Draco was going to offend.

Is it really not afraid of death?

“Me? Of course I want the treasures of these ships, don’t you think it’s a complete waste to give these treasures to the Draco pigs? ”

Sure enough, it is worthy of heavenly gold.

Among the things handed over to the Draco, there were all kinds of gold treasures and devil fruits.

I have already come over, is it a little inappropriate to go like this.

“It’s impossible, this is Draco-sama’s thing, if you dare to move, wait to die!”

Among the people who were controlled, a fat man quickly stood up.

Before, out of the sake of his small life, he never dared to speak.

But now if the other party takes this away, his little life will be gone.

So you have to stop each other!

“Who are you? Dare to talk to our captain like that! ”

The pirate on one side held his pistol to the man’s forehead.

They talked to Lin Yang in a good voice, who does this guy think he is.

They actually dared to speak to their captain so loudly!

Although the fear on his face when he was pointed at by a gun was already overflowing on his face, he still had to give himself a little courage and said: “I am the Draco butler!” ”

As people who can live on the Holy Land, although they are not Draco.

But relying on the power of the Draco.

Even if he is not a Draco, he has also stimulated his inner pride and arrogance.

“Draco’s dog?”


The fat man looked at Lin Yang with anger on his face.

There are actually people who dare to say that they are Draco’s dogs.

Although they themselves think so.

But no one has ever dared to say it!

Lin Yang is the first!

Even if it is a dog, in his opinion, it is a Draco’s dog!

This is Draco, a descendant of the Creator!

God of this world!

“Lin Yang, do you know what you are doing now, now that you release this fleet, I can treat it as if something has not happened!”

On the other side, Sengoku pinched the corner of the table at this time.

What Lin Yang said before seemed to have two meanings.

It wasn’t for this Draco butler to hear alone.

And Sengoku on the other side of the phone worm.

In fact, he was not telling the Warring States.

In fact, they are just a dog of the Draco?

Sometimes when I think about it, what Lin Yang said is not!?

“Sengoku, do you think if I were you, would I write off what I had done before!”

“I have decided on this heavenly gold, and the five old stars can’t stop it when they come, I said!”

This kind of words are probably deceiving children.

Actually said that when it didn’t happen.

Who would believe that.

Now it is estimated that all Warring States are thinking about is how to catch themselves and kill themselves.

Let him act as if what happened before did not happen.

This is absolutely impossible.

Sengoku forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart.

Now is not the time to turn heads with Lin Yang.

There will be such opportunities in the future.

There is no need to turn faces with Lin Yang at this time, otherwise if this heavenly gold is taken away, the consequences that the Warring States will bear.

Not what he wanted to undertake.

“You must not move this batch of things, otherwise the Navy and the World Government will definitely not make you feel better!”

After the Warring States said this, he actually had the meaning of accepting Lin Yang’s conditions in his heart.

In his opinion, Lin Yang would definitely not be robbing the heavenly gold.

Rather, I was ready to talk to him about the conditions, as there had been examples of Flamenco before.

The amount of heavenly gold that countries hand over every year is not much, and there is no less.

But to bear the consequences of taking away this heavenly gold, this is what other pirates do not want to bear.

What those who take away the heavenly gold need to think about is what they should do with it after they take it.

Don’t take it away when the time comes, don’t take it without your life.

“The last billion Bailey of the Warring States really thanked your navy, how could I not accept the gift that the World Government and the Draco gave me this time!?”

Lin Yang looked at the phone bug with a grin.

At this moment, the other side seems to be so angry that he wants to drop the phone worm directly.

Not to mention that it’s okay, Sengoku may still be able to pretend that he forgot.

But when Lin Yang mentioned it at this time, this bad memory before the Warring States appeared again.

The last time he caught Lin Yang, Hawkeye said that he was caught and saw at the scene, and he was indeed handcuffed by Hailou Stone.

This also gave the Warring States the illusion that they traded the past without having time to think about it.

But I didn’t expect that this was a specially laid trap.

In the end, he not only let the Advance City be breached, although he was later made up for and caught a lot, but the key is that among the people who fled, there were several that the World Government did not want to see them go out.

The Warring States were scolded for this time.

On the one hand, the people who escaped, on the other hand, this Bailey.

He also sent Lin Yang a billion Baileys.

It was as if they sold themselves, and helped Lin Yang count the money and finally handed it back to Lin Yang.

The more I thought about the Warring States, the more angry I became, and now I was ridiculed by Lin Yang like this and said that I was grateful for myself.

“Warring States, you are still here and a pirate ink what, if this batch of heavenly gold is snatched by a pirate, will your navy bear the responsibility?”

The Draco butler did not care about the face of the Warring States at all at this time.

After so many years with Draco, the others have not learned.

Arrogant and domineering, but learned a lot.

Click, click, click…

Sengoku’s anger has now reached the extreme.

If Lin Yang mocked himself over there, it would be okay, after all, the strength is strong and they are enemies themselves.

If you are yourself, if you have seized the opportunity before, you will also taunt your opponent, which is understandable.

But now even a waste dares to mock himself like this.

To put it bluntly, the Draco butler is just the same as Lin Yang said before, the Draco’s dog.

Could it be that Draco would still offend himself because of this?

Even if they have a little problem in their heads, the problem is obviously not so serious.

Between Sengoku and a Draco butler, whether it is Draco or the Five Old Stars, they should choose.

But it’s such a waste that he dares to speak so loudly.

“Isn’t the Warring States very angry now, do you want me to help you solve this guy, there is another matter to trouble you to tell the five old stars…”

Lin Yang pondered for a while, and then said sadly: “Don’t let us meet Draco next time, we can come and play a game, if I catch a Draco, we will have a public execution that your navy and the world government like very much!?” ”

In front of the whole world, Draco was publicly executed.

I believe that this will definitely be very good-looking, and after this death, the world government and navy will definitely send all kinds of strong people to find themselves.

In terms of brushing experience, Lin Yang still has a little experience.

It would be good to get the Draco of this world to do it, in order to protect the Draco, the world government will definitely send someone to arrest itself!

Looking at the phone worm that had been hung up, Sengoku quickly dialed it twice, although it was clear in his heart.

Maybe those few Heavenly Gold Escort Warships can’t be saved, but Sengoku feels that this is not the most important thing.

What Lin Yang said before was to perform a public execution.

Who to be publicly executed?

It’s Draco!

If it were anyone else, Sengoku would definitely not believe it, no one would have the guts to publicly execute Draco.

But Lin Yang is different, he has now been completely defined as a madman here in the Warring States.

Judging from what he said before, it seems that as long as he says it, he will definitely do it!

Including this time, the Warring States also knew in their hearts that the other party would not just talk!

It’s Lin Yang again, everything before was Lin Yang.

I don’t know how long the first half of the great voyage took place under the control of the navy and the world government.

Sengoku rubbed his head and shouted outside: “Now the high-ranking people inside the navy headquarters, let them all come over!” ”

Eventful, this involves Draco again.

I also have to think clearly about how I should report such a matter to the five old stars.

On the one hand, the heavenly gold has been snatched away by Lin Yang, and according to Lin Yang’s performance and words before, this time will definitely not be like the last time when he was snatched by Doflamingo, and finally returned to the navy.

On the other hand, there is the problem of Draco, and the words to publicly execute Draco can also be said by Lin Yang, it is estimated that only he and the revolutionary army in this world dare to say it!

At most, other pirates want to become One Piece or a king.

Good fellow, change to Lin Yang and start killing Draco directly!

“Haha, the Warring States heard that you have encountered something again!”

After Karp came in, he directly lay down on the sofa, and then took out the Senbei of the Warring States in a small drawer and swallowed it all directly.

Looking at Karp’s appearance, which is neither big nor small, Warring States now feels that the trigeminal nerve is very painful.

Today was popular with three people in a row, and now Karp’s side will follow suit and start to demonize.

Isn’t there one to reassure yourself?

Karp didn’t seem to notice the abnormality of the Warring States, and picked up a package of senbei after eating: “I said that what happened to the Warring States again, I was originally going to return to the East China Sea!” ”

Karp had once wanted to go back, but was denied.

But who is Karp?

If Sengoku didn’t let himself go back, wouldn’t he go, and finally was caught by Sengoku when he secretly wanted to sneak back.

Now Karp is very depressed in his heart, so he is ready to vent his depression on the Senbei of the Warring States!

Give him all to eat, so that the Sengoku does not give himself a holiday.

“There are three meetings on this day, Marshal of the Warring States, I feel that I am about to die of exhaustion!”

Huang Ape was not a middle-aged man who liked to clock out of work before.

For him, it was a beautiful thing to be able to leave work on time, but since Lin Yang appeared, he had worked overtime I don’t know how many times.

And there is no overtime pay every time, which is still so dangerous.

I want the horse to run, and I don’t want to give the horse grass.

The current admiral is really difficult to do!

The crane on the side did not complain about anything.

After all, if the Warring States summoned them over, there was obviously something.

Tsuru looked at the phone worm that had been crushed on the side, probably guessing that it was some trouble.

Could it be related to Lin Yang again?

Thinking of this, Tsuru also tentatively asked, “It won’t be Lin Yang’s thing, right!?” ”

I feel that every time the Warring States find them now, they must have something to do with Lin Yang.

This guy is now much more active than the Four Emperors.

“That’s right, it’s Lin Yang, this bastard, this time he snatched the heavenly gold!”

Sengoku said viciously, don’t provoke him.

If this is the case, he will definitely capture Lin Yang when he goes out directly with the naval headquarters.

The things that are done are becoming more and more lawless.

This time, the heavenly gold was snatched away.

Then what else can be done next time is unknown.

From the confrontation with the four emperors at the beginning, and then to the heavenly gold event made now.

It seems that nothing is something that is worth showing off on any pirate.

But these things were all focused on Lin Yang.

This is a lawless figure, it can be said that next time if not to catch him.

In the future, it will even fuel the arrogance of other pirates, and those who rob the heavenly gold have nothing to do.

This will definitely happen again.

Sure enough, the last time Doflamingo was a foreshadowing, but the Warring States couldn’t hold back the decision of the old men on the head.

Without the consent of the navy, the world government directly gave the title of His Majesty the Seven Warriors to Doflamingo.

In any case, the organization of His Majesty the Seven Wuhai actually belongs to the world government, not the navy.

So they don’t have the right to govern the things inside, and many things need to be negotiated with the world government.

It is this passive situation, and the Navy cannot do it if it wants to show its hands.

Now is the time for the appearance of heavenly gold, which originally has little to do with their navy.

But once it is not recovered and Lin Yang is caught, the Draco will definitely blame this matter on the navy, so there is no need to think about it.

The old back pot man!

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