“Captain, I feel the need to make it clear to you, I’m here to apply for a secretary, so I will never do such a thing!”

After Kalifa was pulled into the room, she actually wanted to leave the next second.

But it’s not easy to explain if you leave now.

And everyone watched Lin Yang pull her into the room before, including CP9 including Rob Luqi.

Of course, except for his younger brother Kaku, no one else has the intention of stopping it.

Or they also know that blocking does not work, so they can only watch from the outside.

“I’m just talking to you about academic issues, what are you thinking?”

“Really?” A hint of disbelief flashed in Kalifa’s eyes.

It all took to the room, and there were only two people.

Who would be okay with what academic questions are said in this.

And according to Lin Yang’s personality, how can this product be such a person!


“Do you think he will take advantage of this time to do something?”

Vivi looked at the room where there was no movement for a long time.

He wouldn’t be trying to do anything in broad daylight, would he?

And he told them it was CP9 before, so they kept pretending they didn’t care.

They don’t really care.

“Maybe I was brought to the room alone by him before!” Robin put his hands on his chin, and then a trace of reminiscence flashed across his face.

But Wei Wei on the side was instantly stunned at this time.

Didn’t she come in herself?

When did it become that she was taken away by Lin Yang.

Could it be that her memory was confused, but she thought about it and knew that Robin was talking nonsense here.

She seemed to be afraid that this matter was not big enough, and she had to stir up the water.

“He certainly wouldn’t do this kind of thing, although he likes to mess around… But definitely not now…,” Yamato replied with a shake of his head.

None of them fully understood Lin Yang, and it seemed that he really liked beautiful women.

But it is also clear that at this time, there is a high probability that there is really something.

But the next second, the sound in the room instantly made the rest of the people look a little strange.

Vivi pointed to the room uncertainly and asked, “Are you sure?” ”

The voice inside couldn’t imagine what Lin Yang was doing inside?

She would love to go in and see, but if she was really doing something, although there was no one around but them.

But it doesn’t seem to be a good thing to go in.

“How about it, your boss I press this. Motorcycle technology is not bad! ”

“Well… You can use a little more force…”

Kalifa thought she must be crazy, but the technique was really good.

Lin Yang called himself in for this.

She was nervous before.

Seeing her slightly intoxicated look, Lin Yang’s hand also left Kalifa’s shoulder, and a trace of puzzlement flashed in her eyes: “What’s wrong!?” ”

Why did this all of a sudden stop?

“When did the boss press the secretary, you now follow my previous method to get it, my neck is also a little sore in the past two days!”


It turns out that I didn’t ask myself to come in and enjoy it.

This originally felt that Lin Yang was good, but the next moment she felt that there was definitely something wrong with this product.

Calling yourself in is actually because of this, saying that the weakness of this person is a woman?

Now it seems that there is no interest in myself.

Half ring.

Looking at Kalifa, who came out of the room a little weak, and her steps were a little unsteady.

Yamato and several people’s hearts tightened, this guy can’t really do that kind of thing, right?

“Kalifa, you are…”

Several people from CP9 gathered around, and their footsteps looked vain.

It’s really hard for Kalifa…

This time her sacrifice was too great.

“This guy is simply not human!!”

“Uh-huh, yes, sister, I’m sorry, I didn’t protect you well…”

A trace of sadness flashed across Kaku’s face.

If it weren’t for the fact that he was so useless.

His sister wouldn’t have suffered such humiliation either!

All blame him!

“Protect what!? This guy actually kept me pressing. Mo, and I’ve been dissatisfied! ”

She felt that this person was a huge villain, and she thought something would happen.

It ended up like this, and it was more torturous than that kind of thing.

He has actually been disliked by Lin Yang since the beginning, does this guy think he is very powerful?

In fact, just now she felt a little comfortable, and this technology is not worth mentioning!

“Is that all?”

“How else?”

A trace of strangeness flashed in Kalifa’s heart, looking at them like this, she still didn’t seem to understand a little.

Just now they have already entered, and according to the intelligence.

Lin Yang definitely couldn’t be the kind of person who let Kalifa go.

“I feel like I’m trying to get away with it, I’ve already seen through it!”

A hint of confidence flashed at the corners of Kalifa’s mouth, although she suddenly remembered that she still hadn’t told them something.

That’s right!

The place they’re going to is Justice Island!

But now Kalifa suddenly realized that it was too late.

I used to be in the room for about an hour.

And looking at Lin Yang who came out of the room, she estimated that she had called herself before mainly because she was about to arrive at Justice Island.

Now that it has arrived, it is impossible for her to have a chance to inform the past now.

Even if it is notified now, how will it be explained when so many people are present?

“Oh, what did you do in the room just now?”

“I just pressed it before, don’t I have a little sore neck!”

All blame Kalifa, press it, and actually make such a strange sound that caused people outside to misunderstand.

But in fact, he really didn’t do anything in it.

“It doesn’t look like a little, Robin you press him at night!”

“Uh-huh, Robin’s words are okay, after all, more hands are sometimes okay…” Lin Yang had not finished speaking, although Robin on the side did not speak, he decided not to say this smile.

Looks like this, if you offend Robin, won’t this be gone.

Although the people around me were a little strange, they didn’t think much about it.

They have now reached the head of Justice Island.

After waiting for the island to descend, they can act according to the plan they had made before.

Draco was tried on Justice Island before being publicly executed.

It seems really good to think about this!

The agency that is the world government is actually judging Draco.

This plan was thought of by Lin Yang Zero before, and it was only said to them, a group of old people who had joined the pirate group a long time ago.

“Lin Yang, shall we go down first!?”

Nami’s previous estimate should have been about the same, and she couldn’t see the island in the air.

So she can’t guarantee that it must be Justice Island below.

But her estimate should not be wrong, anyway, either Justice Island is in the vicinity.

At this time, fly down and look around, you should be able to find it.

And Robin on the side also knew that he was here on Justice Island at this time.

She subconsciously shook, for her, the haze of the world government seemed to have not been erased in her heart.

The Island of Justice, also known as the Island that Never Sleeps, was established for the World Government and contains a nominal courthouse.

Any person who is taken to the Island of Justice must have been recognized as a prisoner.

Prisoners will only be escorted through the empty courtrooms, and finally reach a cold, huge steel gate, the gate of justice.

The prisoners who pass through this gate generally have no return, symbolizing the absolute justice of the world government.

The prisoners who were taken to the island of justice never returned alive, because there were only two places to reach after going to sea through the gate of justice.

One is the naval headquarters of the world government’s main combat force, while the other is a city full of torture rooms and death tables, imprisoning prisoners who do all the evil in this world.

The Island of Justice does not give prisoners any mercy, but only sends prisoners to formal judicial organs, which is the gateway to the center of world government.

“Don’t worry!”

“I didn’t worry, I just remembered some things from before…”

Robin gently leaned her body into Lin Yang’s arms, which also gave her a great sense of security.

Indeed, as Lin Yang said, this time he came to Justice Island to take away this island, which symbolizes the face of the world government.

On the other hand, it was the Draco who came to judge the capture.

This was all thought of at zero hour, because Lin Yang had never thought that he could catch the Draco.

At least not for a while.

But there was a Draco who sent it up by himself, making Lin Yang feel that if he didn’t catch it, he would be a little sorry, this Draco ran over thousands of miles to send people’s heads.

Although Lin Yang did not say another reason, Nicole Robin actually knew it in her heart.

And part of the reason is on yourself.

It seemed that Lin Yang wanted to eliminate the fear in his heart.

Whether it was before or now, she has always had a demon in her heart.

This is a remnant of when I was a child.

“Thank you!”

“No thanks, I like your abilities very much!”

Nicole Robin glanced at Lin Yang with disgust, this guy actually said this at this time.

The people around were instantly stunned.

How does this speak of competence again?

Seeing him comforting Robin before, several of them knew in their hearts what was going on.

But talking and talking, he said that he liked Robin’s ability.

Is this a code word?

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