Somewhere in the city.

Zect’s hidden secret experimental base, where the remnants of the insect explosion collected by the rest of the troops every day are integrated and transported, and researchers in white coats walk back and forth inside.

All kinds of advanced instruments, shining with strange light.

Among these researchers are humans and protozoa.

The study is the ClockDown system, where when a switch is turned on, everyone in range, whether knight or worm, can maintain ultra-high-speed movement.

There is also an anti-mimicry bomb that eliminates the mimicry ability of xenozoa, but now it has entered a relatively difficult stage, and there is no clue about how to further develop it.

Area X of Shibuya ruins.

On the bright side, the researchers of the protozoa are developing beyond the insect instrument, but secretly, the original “837” worm is studying how to transform humans into protozoa, and the initial results have been obtained from the original experimental body mimicking the body of the heavenly way.

All this is done quietly.

Ordinary people don’t know.

In the dark night.


Researchers conduct research in batches, and they seem to be eager to reap the results, so the research will be carried out day and night, the former is fine, and the latter… Stuck in a bottleneck!

It was early that morning.

Natsume playing tai chi in the yard.

A watermelon cut in half, you half, I…

No howling wind, no special effects.

But it’s also pleasing to look at.

This world of fighting is not a world where martial arts flourishes, and ordinary people are in a state of punch and palm, and Natsume has never seen it before.


One set is finished.

Natsume slowly exhaled a turbid breath, he remembered yesterday’s dream, and couldn’t help but fall into deep thought, in addition to the alien insects, Gurangi, Ophie Enoch, tooth vampire and other weirdos also appeared in the city.

shook his head.

I can’t think of a reason, he is the Dark Emperor Rider, but the drive comes from the system, which is not the same as the Dark Emperor Rider in the Knight World itself, moreover, the Black Emperor’s Drive has never appeared in the plot of Natsume’s memory.

Wang Xiaoming also used the White Emperor and Magenta Drive.

The Dark Emperor Rider Drive has always been a legend!

Now his dimensional walls are still in the seal, not to mention, there has never been a problem before.

“Probably, it’s just a dream.”

Natsume said to himself.

Wiped the sweat.

Natsume sits in a rocking chair in the yard.

The gentle sun hangs in the sky.

Today is another good weather that has not been seen for a long time.

“Then again, I haven’t challenged the daily projection today.”

Natsume shook his chair and made a crunching sound, saying to himself, he usually challenges in the early hours of the morning, but he slept early yesterday.

And then I had that strange dream…

“Then let’s challenge now.”

Enter the system space.

Natsume directly asked the system to extract the projection of Kamen Rider, the picture tumbled, and finally froze on a pink knight projection, not to mention, Natsume was also stunned.

Kamen Rider Emperor Ride

Magenta drive version.

This means that even the AI-manipulated projection also has the power of the knights of the new decade, and even the form of the God Lord 21 can be used, which can be seen from the previous battle with the projection.

The projections in the Knight Fighting Evolution System can all transform into the ultimate form.

So, when it comes to getting the Knight Card.

Natsume generally resolves battles quickly.

So as not to dream more at night!

After all, getting the points and cards of the challenge first is king, and after getting the cards, there are three projection challenge opportunities every day, and you can go to the wave however you want.

Scene blur, enter the challenge.

An empty mountain forest.

There was a black fog.

A huge tower-like base with the DCD logo on it, and a large vulture standing on the earth, which belongs to the base of the overhaul card, and the figure of the magenta emperor horse appears not far from Natsume. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

A pair of dark green eyes, looking calmly.

Natsume glanced at it, and the headlamp color was normal.

It’s not passionate.

Natsume was temporarily relieved, the battle ghost form of the purple lantern can use the power of other knights when not changing forms, and the dimensional knight kick also comes with a locking effect, which is somewhat troublesome……….

After all, now his own war ghost form is sealed like the dimensional wall, and there is only one experience card, which is used in this place, and some gains are not worth the loss.

Moreover, first fight the ghost, and then the god lord…

It’s hard to think about!

In the duel space, the AI-controlled knight still plays cards according to the routine.


Natsume took out a card and fed it into the drive to read it.

The corners of the mouth curve slightly.



A set of armor suddenly appeared on Natsume’s body, not the Dark Emperor Rider, but a knight holding a golden tin staff, Kamen Rider Odin! Control the power of time.

The emperor horse instantly attacked Natsume.

On the right fist, pink energy fluctuations bloomed, and when he stepped forward, it seemed that the air around him was constantly trembling under this situation, and Natsume just stood calmly in place and took out a card.

In an instant, the winner and loser will be divided!

【TimeVent! 】


With the reading of the advent of time, an inexplicable and mysterious fluctuation, centered on Natsume, began to spread around, and within the scope covered by the fluctuation, everything was forced to stop moving.

The same is true of the Emperor Rider Projection, who jumped into the air and was about to punch Natsume.

Taking advantage of the momentum, Natsume launched a kill. 3.3【EternalChaos! 】

The contract beast golden immortal bird manifested by the data manifestation was embedded in Odin’s back, and the power condensed in his body, Odin kicked his feet, struggled to jump, and when he was in mid-air, all the power was poured into his right leg.

Cast a knight kick!

Hit the Emperor Ride.

Boom one by one

The fluctuations that time stopped disappeared, and explosions followed.

The surrounding picture is frozen here.

Natsume’s ears also sounded.

[Defeat Kamen Rider Emperor Riding Projection, reward 1,000 points, Emperor Ride Bazooka! ] 】

【Ding! The emperor riding bazooka, has been transformed into the dark emperor riding bazooka…]

Natsume was stunned.


ps: Well, please make your own order! Thanks to Tenshin for the great monthly pass support!

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