World Traveler

Chapter 27 - 27 a futile effort to the end

Hisoka "now it is my turn to be on top"

Nero "on what now!!?"

With a quick firs step Hisoka arrived in front of Nero delivering a devastating smash with his aura arm. Nero managed to block the punch with his forearm, but something unexpected happen. The fore of the impact was so great that it actually lunched him of the ground slamming far away in to a tree.

Nero {???? What the hell was that I actually felt that one even though my armament}

Alfa {sir his is using the rubber aspect of his aura to compress it like as spring, this gives him multiple times the force of impact, with this he can deliver damage to you sir,}

Not opting to giving time for Nero to recover Hisoka fired another punch from where he was. His aura arm shot out like a Conon boll out of the barley braking the sound barrier with a {BOOOM}, landing on the face of Nero. Nero's head was rang backwards, and his body did a complete 360 before he stopped himself by digging his feet in the ground.

Nero {dam that stung like hell man, where was he hiding all that powers} he thought while spiting blood from his mouth.

Alfa {sir at this rate u will continue to sustained damage, might I suggest using act one for additional protection.}

Nero {stop worrying so much alfa this levee of damage is noting to me, he could spam that move all day, but his aura will run out before he could even make as significant damage to me.}

As he was talking to alfa another punch of the same caliber was headed his way, and instead of tanking it like the rest he chose to dodge instead. Using his flash step he appeared in front of Hisoka, lunching backwards with an elbow strike to his ċhėst.

Hisoka {it is note over, not yet, I want to see more, of you!!!}

Gathering his aura in on his legs, he propelled himself using his aura like out of bangy at Nero with an extreme speed. He delivered a flaying stomp kick, which Nero blocked easily, but right then he sensed something else flying for his head. He quickly jerked his head to the side avoiding it, to his surprise it was Hisoka's severed arm. It was attached to line of aura extending from his other arm. Hisoka's used this chance to launch another attack using his aura arm, it hit Nero square on the ċhėst sending his flaying backwards.

Hisoka used this chance to recover his baring's for a bite, hi was on his last leg here, his aura was running out, and he could bȧrėly muster the strength to do two or three attack of the same kind. He knew that he was not be wing this fight and this may be his last fight ever,

Hisoka {if this my last fight, might as well give it all I have in the tank} He started to condense his aura using KEN, and jumped at Nero, like a hungry punter.

Hisoka "come on now I know that this is not the best you can do, you haven not even used your HATSU yet, do you not find me worthy of seeing it or what"

Nero got off the ground avoiding a kick that caved the ground where his head was. He blocked another kick, then caught a right hook paunch. He looked at and smiled with a tin of melic and glee in his eyes and said.

Nero "you relay want to know what my HATSU is? Too bad for you the moment I sue it this fight stopes being fun and only boring. But…. Since this has dragged long enough {to the readers}."

Nero {I hope you are happy about this alfa}

Alfa {I am sir}


Hisoka "the wha…"

And before he could even finish what his was trying to say a third arm came out of Nero's aura punching Hisoka in the face.

The punk "LETS GOOOOOOO!!!"

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A Flory of punches rained down on Hisoka' from every direction. He could not even react to them much lest dodge them, it felt to him like all of the punches came all at once.

Hisoka {I guess this is it, well it was good life, my only regret is not getting to fight Chrolo}

Hisoka smashed through serval trees before finally stopping at the base of big one. Nero jumped next to him and said.

Nero "see no fun at all, don't get me wrong the handicap was not for you, it was for me. I was testing myself, so you could say you were a part of an experiment"

Hisoka averted his eyes towards Nero and smiled sarcastically at him. All the bones him his body was shattered, his vision was going dim, he was breathing sporadically, and coughing up blood.

Hisoka "you really know how to rub it in don't you? Ho Well, was I good enough of a subject to you?"

Nero "….. You where splendid one"

Hisoka "glad to hear, call me any time you need one that was amazing"

Nero "you know that you are dying right?"

Hisoka "ow, is that so, well what a shame, I had so many thigs in mind to do, guess I will push that for later"

Nero {...}

Nero looked a t Hisoka' for a while and had thought of something.

Nero "I could heal you if you want"

Hisoka "that would be a great help, please do so"

Nero {wow, he has no shame at all}

Nero "healing you is not free, it is going cost you"

Hisoka "do pry tell??"

Nero "one billion geni, and a one fever that you can never deny"

Hisoka "I accept"

Nero "your word is not good enough, I know your type very well you lie trough your teeth, we are going to make a NEN contract. If you don't fulfill your promise the contract will kill you"

Hisoka "do you really think so, I am not really that much of a duplicitous person"

Nero {yah tell that to someone who don't know you}

Nero "so do we have a deal or not"

Hisoka "I accept" he said before passing out.


Nero's right started to glow bright as aura condensed in to it. The aura in his hand was slowly taking the shape of an egg, then with a {POOOF} sound the egg exploded. Out of it came a small pixy fairy with red eyes and golden like glowing wings. It danced in the air around Nero before gently siting on his hand then said

Pixy: who shall reactive my kiss?

Nero "it is him, he does not have much time left" he said pointing at Hisoka who passed out.

Pixy: it shall be then by my mercy I will heal you

The small pixy floated out of Nero's hand and to near Hisoka face than gave him a gentility kiss him on the forehead. Hisoka whole body started to glow with bright light. And his injury's all started to heal, from his severed arm that grow back, to his broken bones, ruptured lung and internal organs to the cuts on his side and shoulder. Within seconds Hisoka's physical condition was back to 100%. If not for his bloody and torn cloths you could say this man was just taking a nap.

Nero placed the contract on Hisoka and left NEN writing on a piece of small wood near Hisoka to tell him where he will find him to fulfill the contract. And left the place. Without sing another word to him.

Alfa {was healing him a wise decision sir?}

Nero {why are you complain alfa we got a lots of money out of this deal"

Alfa {sir you are in no need of money, you have more rubies and precious stones in your bag than you could spend in two life time, that was just an excuse, the moment you chose to use the punk you had full intentions of healing him"

Nero {.....}

Nero {what}

Alfa {do you also have a thing for this man sir??}

Nero {(-_-)}

Alfa {sir why are you making that face}

Nero {alfa}

Alfa {yes sir}

Nero {just shut up}

Alfa {...}.


Hi guys, it is you dear lazy author her, blessing you with his incompetence {mohahahahahaha}.

This marks the end of the fight and probably the end of this phase of the exam. Next chapter that will come out "sometime" will be transition one, finishing up this phase and living us at the precipice of starting the next phase

Sorry for the delay on this chapter my personal life Capet me very busy. And will do so for the coming week or so.

Do not fear my lovely reads I will stile try to post to the best of my ability's. Or you don't care about my story and it is just "well whatever", then I say to you to each their own [it not like you to like me or whatever bakas, (why don't you like me plz like me)]. Wow sorer about that my mind to the tundra regain for a moment, I was thinking of menchi md machi.

Any way tell me down below what you thought of the fight between Hisoka the mad sėxy clown and Nero. Down in the comment below.

Did I butcher Hisoka's character or did I kept him relatively close to his character

How was Hisoka's dialog, was it on point or forced

How was the interactions between them?

Do you like how the fight turned out, and how I improvised with buggy gum powers?

Tell me all of your thought plz down blow

Anything is welcomed, so don't hold back

As all ways thank you for reading it means a lot to me

Thank you for the votes and comments in advance.

All the bests of health to you guys and your loved once and friends

Tank you

{EID MUBARAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!}

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