5 meters.

10 meters.

15 meters.

If I fell from up here, I'll be sure to break a leg or two.

The higher I get, the more scared I am.

I severely underestimated the magnitude of this situation, being in an unknown place.

This is definitely not the Earth I know.

40 meters.

I can see a lot of things below me.

The lake we were at earlier is in full view.

The large plains where we woke up at, well, they don't look so large now.

70 meters.

The wind is starting to pick up, and we're moving.

If this was a VR game, I'd be really happy with this experience.

But I know it's real life. The inevitable drop down is going to kill me.

Should I just enjoy my time and savour these last moments of my second life?

150 meters.

I've got a good view of the surrounding terrain.

I've accepted my fate. I might as well stop panicking and just look around.

After all, I'd regret it if I died without knowing anything. It's been a confusing two hours.

....Ok. What?

The forest areas, plains, and lakes, seem to come to an abrupt end.

How did I not see this before?

There are towering cliffs in the far distance. It seems to stretch upwards for miles and miles.

Are we at the bottom of a giant crater? Or an abyss?

Either way, I think I have a plan. We won't die if we use our levitation powers to get to the top of those cliffs.

Thank goodness that the wind around us has been picking up speed.


Yuki and I are traversing in the sky towards the cliffs. Thankfully, the wind patterns are in our favour, and we can travel even higher by catching a few updrafts.

It doesn't seem like our levitation effects are going to wear off until we have completely digested these fruits.

On our way there, we noticed a few more things about this world.

Inside this massive crater, we have not seen a single living thing other than the plants. No humans, no animals, and certainly no monsters.

The fact that I'm searching for monsters is probably due to the habits of seeing anime on TV where people get isekai'd. I've pretty much accepted this world to not be Earth.

The gravity is the same to Earth, so I suppose the world is roughly the same size. But then again, we're levitating right now so I can't confirm this.

Some of the lakes we pass by aren't reflective either. They are either pitch black or vivid red. It's kinda unnerving.

A few minutes ago I noticed a hostile-looking area where all the plants were withered away. It was a disgusting shade of brown, and had a few deep-looking cracks and ravines scattered inside it.


We're getting closer to the cliff now.

Thankfully we're about at the same altitude as the top of the cliff.

My stomach kinda feels weird, though. Probably due to the fact I've been weightless for so long.

Yuki's face also looks kinda green.

The clouds around the cliffs really don't allow us to see what's around, though. Is the environment up here similar to the stuff in the crater?

Everything seems to be really flat, though.


Our stomachs are grumbling.

Looks like we've digested the fruits.

Just in time, too. We're only an arm's length away from being safe on top of the cliff.


Just like that, our levitation effects have worn off.

A "soft" landing onto the rocky cliff ensued.

"Owww! Right in my nuts-- wait. I'm fine."

Yuki seemed to have landed on a rock between his legs. How lucky.

Meanwhile I was prepared for this and landed on my feet. Although my ankles feel a bit sore.

I kinda want to throw up, since my stomach is so uneasy after all that weightlessness.

Ah well, I'll see if I can handle it.


We've been walking on these rocks for a long while now.

The emptiness of our stomachs is tough to ignore.

"Ritsu! Look!!"

Yuki points over to a dark object in the distance.

It's the first change of scenery we've seen for a long time. Might as well approach it.

By the time we reach it, it's apparent that it's some kind of large vault door.

So it seems that there is intelligent life on this planet, or, at least, has been.

I'm rather relieved. It's the first sign of life that wasn't Yuki or the plants.

There seems to be some type of operational device planted next to the door.

A sign is above it, but the words are unintelligible.

"Can I press the buttons randomly and hope something happens?"

Yeah. Like sure that'll wo-

-Oh no. Yuki already started to touch it.

What am I going to do if something blows up!?

...Well, it's unlikely. But I'm sure that nothing good will come out of doing this.

While I was just about to grab Yuki and stop her from doing anything else stupid, alarm sounds started to ring.

Oh no! We're gonna blow up!!!

"Hey, Ritsu! Look! They've noticed us!"

Unexpected to me, the vault door started to shudder. Oh, looks like it's not going to be a bomb after all.

A voice started booming into our ears.

"Identify yourselves!"


That voice, it doesn't sound appropriate for the current situation.

It's as if it is coming from a small kid. It's high pitched and girly, just like us.

Might as well reply anyway. If I comment on the voice, I have no clue what will happen.

"Uhhh, hi. My name is Ritsu, and the idiot who touched the device was Yuki."

The voice blasted again.

"No! I don't want your names. What sector are you guys from?"


Should I play dumb? Should I lie?

I think being half-honest is probably the best situation.

"We both suddenly woke up in the crater with no memories, and have been exploring the area since. We have no idea where we are or who you are. I would appreciate any information, or food, that you might have."

Suddenly, we hear a sigh from the voice.

"Haaah. First-timers to this world. Got it. I'll fill you in."

The large vault door in front of us slowly opened.

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