Zelle sat behind his desk, waiting for the four students walking over to him. They stopped in front of him, concerned about what he might have to say.

"I hope you are all quite aware that Mr. Blood here did indeed perform the spell correctly. Meaning Ms. Kinley's power level is indeed 4,104." He could tell by their blank expressions that they believed his lie earlier on.

"But then, why did you lie to the class?" Paris asked while regaining a little self pride.

"If rumors spread that a second-year student has a power level that high then.." He sighed, thinking of the best way to describe the situation. "Don't let others use detect on you. There are other spells that can counter detect. However, it is forbidden for professors to teach this to students." He glared at them, hoping someone would contribute to the conversation. No one did, so he continued, "If I'm not mistaken, a professor's assistant doesn't technically count as a professor. I believe there you will find your answer. You are dismissed."

They thanked professor Zelle and walked out, heading towards the food plaza to grab a late breakfast.

"What could he possibly mean by our rpower levels?" Paris mumbled loud enough for them to hear, "Why would it be such a bad thing to have a high power level?"

"Don't know, but we should focus on trying to counter it like the professor said." Griffin responded without looking at her. "Oh shoot. I just remembered I still have another class! I'll catch y'all later!" He instantly dashed off in the opposite direction, waving behind him just incase they missed it.

They waved back in unison, proceeding to pick up some food from the stands. As they sat down with varying trays of breakfast essentials, Cartuja joined them with about five plates of food.

"Cartuja!" Atlas greeted him in a cheerful voice.

"Sup," He scarfed some eggs down his throat, winking his hello to Paris. "M'lady," Cartuja bowed to Laena, getting a gestured 'Oh my' in response.

Atlas and Paris were staring at them in question, but ignored it and filled in Cartuja with what they've just learned about power levels. However, they never mentioned what Paris's was.

"Cool," Cartuja raised his grease covered hand towards Paris, "Detect."

Paris didn't feel anything that time, smirking as if she finally had something against Cartuja for once. "Seems like you need more practice buddy." She laughed.

"What you mean? It said your power level or whateva is 4,104." Cartuja said out of boredom.

Paris quickly awoke from her laughter, "What! But I didn't feel anything!" She then raised her hand towards Cartuja. "Detect," Her eyes slightly glimmered their natural blue color. After a few moments, her face changed from shock, into a much relieved state.

"HA! Your power level is only 4,008!" She was expecting laughter, but just received blank stares in return.

"Cool," Cartuja replied and continued eating.

"Guys this is bad." Laena joined in on the conversation in a shallow voice like usual. "Professor Zelle said an average power level for a sophomore is 250. You two are way above that."

They suddenly stopped eating, thinking more logically about their situation. Atlas scratched his chin, "Rina might be even stronger now that I think about it. And what about Faibel during the night?"

"Rina is not stronger than me!" Paris jolted out of her seat, seeing the attention she just dragged on herself from those walking by. She lowered back down, crossing her arms with slight embarrassment.

"My my my. Endless Sun is it not?" A cool voice struck their ears out of nowhere. A tall man quickly appeared standing next to one of the open seats. He dressed in all black, sroking hi shand through his blissfully red hair. He widened his welcoming smile, revealing his daunting eyes.

"My name is Alastor Hellsgate, but please, call me Alastor."

"We saw you at the ceremony. You're one of the new teachers correct?" Paris asked, staring into his deathly eyes.

"My My, what keen eyesight you have young dear. A very good trait to have in our world, yes?"

She awkwardly nodded, taking a risk in her next move. She quickly raised her hand in the blink of an eye, focusing as fast as she could on Alastor life form. "Detect."

Alastor laughed like the devil, seeing Paris drop her hand with a face full of fear. He slowly bent down until he was a foot away from her face, "You should know that using spells against professors without permission result in consequences yes?"

"I'm so sorry professor, I don't know what got over me, I-"

"Do not fret child, I will do no such harm to you. But beware, not everyone will act the same." He interrupted her weak voice with his departure.

"That dude's a weirdo," Cartuja finished his last bite of the food he had remaining.

Paris was suddenly gasping for air, trying her best to lower it, "H-His power level… It didn't show… It just, t-took the air out of me."

Atlas and Laena stared at her, worried for a moment until she regained her self control. Laena grabbed her hand politely, "We should go see Calvin."

They all nodded, standing up and walking out of the plaza.

Calvin just finished teaching one of his first classes of the day with Mooks, surprised by how well the students handled a talking animal assisting him. Calvin dismissed the class and headed towards his office with Mooks through the numerous halls of the Academy.

"I have recently received some intel from outside Princewood Calvin." Mooks said as he continued looking forward.

Calvin looked down at him, "What sort of intel? Based on your voice I can tell it's no good."

"Osiris is back."

Calvin stopped, "That's not possible… He was sealed off."

Mooks turned around, "That's just what I heard. Apparently one of the Sins set him free. And if it's true, you know exactly which Sin." Mooks started walking again.

Calvin followed, looking down at every step while processing the information Mooks shared with him. "Who told you this?"

"It's not about who told me. Kaplan said he saw a human corrupted by the curse. That's all I know."

Kaplan was another Zodiac: Leo. He was a large, fat man no older than 35. He had short, black hair on the top of his scalp, and the Leo symbol on his left shoulder. He was good friends with Mooks, mainly caring for his family in need.

Calvin continued scratching the rough patch of hair on his chin as he kept walking. "Should we tell the Laws?"

Mooks looked at Calvin for the first time, "If it's true. There is zero doubt in my mind Osiris will want the Laws dead for himself. Right now, let's try our best to keep them safe.

Calvin unwillingly agreed, arriving at his office to see familiar faces standing by his door. He could see Laena, Paris Cartuja and Atlas huddled together, waiting for Calvin to unlock his office. "And what brings the three of you at such an early hour to see me?" Calvin happily welcomed them in with a friendly grin.

"Professor Zelle taught us a new spell." Atlas said as he walked in and sat down.

"I'm assuming he taught you Detect?" Calvin gently sat behind his desk. "I'm already quite aware that you have some high power levels." He looked at Paris in particular.

"Professor Zelle told us that we should use a spell to counter Detect. Hopefully by a professor's assistant!" Paris glared at Mooks, eager to let loose her inner d.e.s.i.r.es to pet him.

Mooks jumped on top of Calvin's desk, slowly extending his face toward Paris, "A spell can't counter it. An enchantment is needed. For which you must give me time for." Mooks glared around the room. "I will need roughly one month to produce six."

Atlas thought for a moment, realizing there's seven of them in the guild, "But isn't there seven of us?"

Mooks gave a slight chuckle, which almost seemed like a cough since he was an animal after all, "Who said that all of you have a high power level."

The attention of the room quickly shifted towards Atlas. He seemed frozen in his seat, unsure of what to say.

Paris slowly raised her hand toward him, "Detect." Her loud voice broke the inner silence of the office, and her hand fell back to her side in disappointment. "What is this?" She asked. "I could of sworn I've got it by now.." she crossed her hands in frustration while rambling on, "It said Atlas has 0."

Atlas gulped his nervousness down his throat like a pill, "Maybe just a fluke?"

"Uh. Whatever I'm out of here." Paris jumped up and stormed out of the office. Cartuja quickly followed before she got too far, "Hey! Wait up sweet cheeks."

Calvin's eyes widened, "Didn't know they were a thing…"

The room fell back into an awkward silence, interrupted by Laena getting up to head to her next class. "I'll catch you guys later!"

The office was now left with Calvin, Mooks, and Atlas. Mooks jumped upon the open seat next to Atlas, slowly beginning to examine his body with his vicious eyes glowing multiple colors. He leaned in closer and closer until finally breaking free from his concentration, "Figures." He looked back at Calvin, "Draymond already enchanted the boy at his birth."

"What do you know of Draymond!" Atlas jolted up from his seat, looking at Calvin angrily.

"Things you are not ready to hear yet, Atlas. Go to your next class, we are approaching a great ordeal of evil. Evil your nightmares hide from in the depths of darkness." Mooks jumped back on the ground, and headed out of the room.

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