Adventures Of Bayek: Through The Void And Beyond

Chapter 34 - Battle Louisiana: Divine Intervention

As the clouds of darkness swept across the land, the chill of death crept into the bones of the human survivors in the General's convoy. The sound of spines shivering and body hairs snapping to attention emitted a low hum for a moment.

The convoy went quiet, not even the infants dared to cry out. A pin drop could be heard. But only the sound of cocoons cracking and Bayek's chair sliding echoed throughout the camp. While the convoy was paralyzed by the presence of death. Bayek wasn't phased in the least.

With just a pistol and a knife, Bayek walked to the medical truck. The source of the bone chilling presence of death. Stepping into the truck. Bayek pulled out a joint and put it to his lips. Gathering his Qi, Bayek sparked his joint and took a big hit. Infusing the smoke with his Qi. Bayek exhaled and the smoke filled the medical truck, calming the nerves of all of those present.

"Huuuh!" many of the attendant gasped for air as their bodies relaxed and they were able to move once more. "Everyone get out." Bayek ordered in a calm tone.

Now alone, Bayek closed off the Medical Truck and suppressed the permeating death energy. "I'll guess I can only wait now," he spoke to himself.

Free of the deadly suppression, the soldiers in the communications tent, began recording the distress signal in an attempt to piece together a complete transmission.

Back in the Medical Truck the first evolved human escaped its cocoon.

Shing! From its sheath and into the forehead of a newly revived variant. Bayek's KA-BAR flew, straight and true.

A cloud of smoke was blown from his lungs as he walked to pull his knife from the variant's skull. Registering the face of the variant, Bayek's heart twisted in on itself, "Hazel…" he muttered, his body became hot and his throat lost all of its moisture.

"Aaahh!" another two variants escaped their cocoons

Shlush! Bayek pulled the knife from Hazel's corpse and killed another variant with it. Bang! He fired his sidearm, putting down another one. In an instant, five cocoons erupted. Free variants. Bang! Bang! Bayek discharged around after round. Due to the limited space in the medical truck, Bayek was tackled by a variant and pounced on by another. The third tore its way through the truck door and escaped.

Puff! A large force of Qi was let loose and the bodies of the variant turned to blood mist. Painting the walls of the medical truck. "There's a variant loose. In the convoy. More are coming. Locate and destroy. Avoid the medical truck." With the help of his Qi, Bayek spoke to the entire convoy.

The commanders mobilized and tracked the variant, it was too early to tell if it was a stalker or normal variant. Either way, they it could control herds of walkers. But if it could find them again and lead more. The convoy would have big problems and the future.

Covered in blood, Bayek sat and observed the remaining cocoons as crimson dyed tears rolled down his cheeks. His c.h.e.s.t felt heavy and slow, every beat felt harder than the last.

The next cocoon opened, Bayek simply stared. Tears present in his eyes, yet he was void of all emotions. The man in the cocoon gasped for air "Raul, welcome back."

The next to emerge was Nadia, the Cesar. Looking around the medical truck, the three were gob smacked. Cesar looked over at Bayek and inspect his surroundings only to find a deceased Hazel next to Nadia.

"I'm glad you all made it. You've been down for weeks. Something has changed in the evolution process. Out of the 12 that underwent evolution, only you three made it so far. Yalissa still hasn't come to, yet. But I highly doubt that she made it to completion."

Bayek words were callous, though registering their surroundings. Cesar and Raul weren't as hopeful either.

Outside of the medical truck. The escaped variant was tearing soldiers to shreds. Making light work of the convoy as the team struggled to gather families and get them to safety. It was a slaughter. The variant weaved through the fighter, ripping out jugulars, snapping necks, and crushing skulls.

"Here" Bayek tossed a pistol to Cesar "If a variant comes out, kill it fast or you all may die."

In a flash Bayek vanished and appeared on the battlefield that was once the convoy camp. Now only death and disaster remained. Closing his eyes, Bayek stretched out his senses and located the variant. "Hmm, got you." Put his finger in the direction of the variant. A focus beam of Qi was fired, killing four fighters before putting an end to the variants rampage. Unfortunately, killing the variant didn't stop people from turning.

Through his senses, Bayek witnessed the results of an outbreak within the convoy, "Something isn't right, too fast. They're all changing too fast," he muttered to himself.

60 seconds were now all it took for the birth of a new walker. " The behavior, it's changed again."

The walkers now attacked like a virus, instead of a result of the original genetic mutation. Walkers infected their target, then moved on. They no longer stopped and devoured. They now scratched and aim for the eyes and mouth in an attempt to infect their target.

Bayek stood and watched as men, women, and children turned. He watched as they avoided him like he was the vile one. Like dominoes, the convoy people fell. Until all of the infected surrounded Bayek and the medical truck.

"Bayek, Yalissia made it. She didn't—" Raul stops mid sentence as he saw the scene around the medical truck and the situation that Bayek was in.

"It's over, You four is all that remains. Coffee is Shreveport. The communication towers are up, her call sign is Alpha-1, radio in as Omega. And she'll guide you to her location. Channel 12300. Here kid, take this" Bayek tossed his leather-bound journal, to Nadia " keep it until I find you"

"We can't just leave, what about---"

" You have to, everyone is gone. I can't go all out if you're here. I'll clear the way. Take the medical truck."

Raul placed a hand on Cesar's shoulder and pulled him along. As everyone got in the truck. The walkers didn't make a move. With a wave of his hand, Bayek cleared a path and allowed Cesar and what was left of his family leave.

"So, what's changed?" Bayek called out. The event of the day and the behavior of the walkers in Louisiana could only be attributed to a high-level variant.

From the comfort of her throne, the Goddess Gaia watched as she maneuvered her pawns. In Baton Rouge, the countless walkers were being redirected to Bayek's location.

"Hmm, no answer? I guess, I'll have to slaughter you all until I find the one in charge"

Puff! The surrounding walkers along with variants were reduced to blood mist in a moment.

"I'll wait, but you better hurry" Bayek went to the ground and began to cultivate. Connecting his meridian network and opening them one by one as he wait for what he assumed to be a massive walker army.

"I have to kill him, the world needs to be set upon its original course before this—parasite, arrived"

"My Lady, please calm yourself. He's growing in strength, but from what I can gather from Xiwangmu. Even though his cultivation level, as she calls it, raises to new heights. If he doesn't consolidate it. It can damage his foundation and make his Qi chaotic and rebellious." A man beside the Gaia spoke in a humble tone.

"So, the army needs to get there faster. Well, that's easy"

From that moment on, Bayek battle a limitless sea of walkers. From all over the continent, walkers and variants appeared to take Bayek's life. And though, cultivators had their limitless. Bayek's Samsaric Sword Art of Akasha kept him just at the edge of his, allowing him to battle through the days.

"My Lady, you must stop this now! If you send another wave, it will be considered direct action. If you want to succeed, you must let him go for now." Gaia's shadow aid, spoke again, sending her over the edge.

"God Damn it! That f.u.c.k.i.n.g bitch! I never meddled in her affairs! I'll kill that f.u.c.k.i.n.g man of her's, if it's the last thing that I ever do!" Gaia was furious. But as she took a deep breath. The waves of walkers stopped and her control over the present horde was extinguished, leaving them to be slaughtered by Bayek.

"Maelstrom..." Bayek muttered, conjuring up a Qi storm that made quick work of the last of the horde. The currents of the Qi storm were sharp enough to turn tungsten to shreds. Up against flesh and bone left behind an ungodly mess.

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