Child Of God

Chapter 21 - A Test To Prove Her Worth

"And why have you brought this girl to me?" Sengoku didn't keep his eyes on Esdeath for long. He simply had too much to do as a fleet admiral. He couldn't waste his time with just sitting and staring.

"She wants to join the marines."

"I got that. But you wouldn't bring her here for that. I know you, Garp, what do you want?"

"I want you to give her a rear admiral position."


Sengoku hit the desk hard with both his hands and glared at Garp. He had known this crazy old man since they were young, but still, Garp managed to surprise him yet again.

"Are you insane? This is the kind of thing that gets you in trouble with the elders. Why do you hate me, Garp?"

Sengoku now used his head instead of his hands to put cracks on his desk that was made out of marble. Half of the reports he gets is to fix something that Garp messed up on or broke with his fists. Sengoku was sure this man would be the one thing that would finally kill him.

"You can do it easily, and no one even cares about those guys. No one would even notice she became one. Easy peasy."

Garp chose not to hear a word Sengoku said. Just like he had been doing all these years. He would not even care for the elder's commands. He hated taking orders so he would never obey them.

"No! The answer is no."

"Let her take a test right now. If she passes make her a Rear Admiral." Garp was clearly not giving up on this.

"Why this girl? What got you so hooked on this?"

Sengoku finally asked trying to get to the bottom of this mystery.

"Because she's special. She has the strength of a Vice Admiral at least. I'm sure of it. You say something."

Garp turned and looked at Esdeath with eagerness in his eyes. He and Sengoku waited for her to say something and she did. She thought that since she's here, she would at least let them know what level she was pretending to be on.

"I can beat any of your admirals. And my goal for joining the marines is to become a marine admiral." She said with a lazy tone. A tone she did not mean to use, it was just that she was not excited about this test so the tone shaped itself according to her mood.

Sengoku immediately turned serious and stared at her and properly scanned her up and down. He could not refute Garp on the fact that something was off with the girl.

So because of this Sengoku started to like the idea of a test. He had the power to grant her a title within the marines just like Garp said. But he first needed to know what level she was on.

"That's a bold statement. Can you back it up?"


Esdeath didn't even hesitate in her answer and Sengoku was finally intrigued about who she was.

"Okay. A test is in order. Garp here will throw a punch that would knock out an admiral. If you can take it and live, then I'll up it even further and make you a Vice-admiral with limited authority at first. If you fail, you'll die from it."

"Let's go!" She said with a smile. This was what she was looking for. If she could skip being a foot soldier and jump directly to something like a Vice Admiral, then she would be more then happy with it.

"Okay, little missy, be ready."

Garp's fist turned black showing her that he was gonna use proper haki for this one. Without it, there is no way you're knocking out an Admiral of the marines.

Esdeath took a stance and observed Garp's haki. She wanted to know his full strength but the chances of getting him to go all out were low. Because Garp was a hell of a lot stronger than any current admiral. He was one of the tops in the entire world.

"Are you ready?"

Garp got a nod in return so he went into a proper stance as well. He observed Esdeath's stance and found no immediate flaws with it. The only thing he questioned was her choice of not using haki, but she knew the risks so he didn't say anything.

Garp lifted his foot a few millimetres above the ground and then using the same foot, he took a step forward and threw the punch.

Garp's fist passed his own face and travelled to Esdeath in under a second. It brought with it a wind storm that made all papers on Sengoku's desk fly everywhere.

Esdeath raised her hand and at the speed that perfectly matched Garp, She met his fist right in the middle of them.


A small explosion of aura spread out and the floor beneath them cracked open and the windows in the office exploded outwards by the pressure that was released when their fists met.

Garp and Esdeath both pushed at the same time and jumped back by using the recoil of each other's push.

"Not bad at all. Very impressive." Sengoku sat there and clapped his hands while admiring Esdeath. He found it amazing that he had never heard her name or seen her in a report. She could hold her own against some of Garp's power and unknown people shouldn't be able to do that.

"Who trained you?"

"No one. I am self taught." Esdeath said and shocked both veterans.

"Then where did you train? This kind of strength doesn't come easy."

"New World. I found an island that only housed powerful beasts, and they served as my sparring partners and also my motivation until now."

The two marines couldn't detect any sign of lying and they were focusing on what she said the entire time. They made separate deductions but they both came to the same conclusion. Mostly true with some minor changes in detail.

"Good enough. Now tell me why you want to join the marines."

"As I said before I came here to join you to become an Admiral. And when I reach that position I will use it to make changes to this world that will make things for the better. No more wars and needless killing."

This time Garp and Sengoku couldn't tell if she was lying or telling the truth. She wasn't easy to read, and when it came to her dream and motivation for joining the marines, they would never know.

"I see. Then I have a promise to fulfil now, don't i." Sengoku took out a piece of paper and started to write on it in a quick manner.

"I will have this sent away right away. Stay inside the base until the transaction is done. This will give you the rank of Vice-Admiral but with limited authority. See it as a test period to see if you are marine material."

Sengoku said and ones he was done writing he looked up from his desk and also put the pen down. He looked Esdeath up and down and jumped suddenly at the thought of forgetting the most important thing.

"I almost forgot. What's your name?"

"Esdeath, nice to meet you Fleet Admiral Sengoku."

Esdeath reached out and shook the man's hand and smiled kindly. Now only the future will tell what this Vice Admiral will choose to do.



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