Child Of God

Chapter 40 - The Struggle Of Being A Goddess

Esdeath was standing outside a familiar little house on Sabaody. She opened the door and was faced with two familiar faces. And they both smiled when they saw her walk inside.

"What has earned us this surprise visit?" Shakky said while pouring a drink to her husband. Esdeath walked up and sat down on beside Rayleigh.

"I came to hear your answers of course? And to get a taste of that fantastic alcohol you're carrying." Esdeath threw her arms upon the table and slammed her face on the table.

"Being an admiral is tiring. All the people that are worshipping me like I'm some goddess. And all the reports I have to write and approve." She lifted her head of the table and slammed it down again.

"I can't believe I'm gonna say this. But aren't you an actual goddess? Worshipping should be something you're used to, right?" Rayleigh said with an expression that showed that he barely believed what he was saying.

"No, not really. My father and I created a bunch of different gods and goddesses to take care of all that stuff. People usually don't even know we exist unless we want them to. Like with you two. I read your deepest, and since both of you longed for an unforgettable adventure. I showed my true colours to you and offered it."

"If I didn't like you two and wanted you to tag along. You would see nothing but a tired and bored admiral chasing you down. So no, I am not used to being this worshipped everywhere I go."

"And Hina, my personal... Whatever she is. She is like obsessed. And I need to be careful around her, you know. I accidentally showed myself n.a.k.e.d to her, and she fainted with a bloody nose."

"BHA!" Rayleigh accidentally spits his drink out of his mouth and sprayed Shakky with it all. And his face was almost all red.

"I am a goddess so my body is godlike as well. So I don't blame her or anything like that." Esdeath spoke like it was a bother. But to her side, Rayleigh almost lost his consciousness.

"Lady Esdeath, how about you cool it down before my husband faints?" Shakky said while using a towel to dry her face and arms that were covered with the whiskey Rayleigh had been drinking.

"Oh, my bad. I'm not human and I don't even have a body, so human emotions and all that doesn't apply to me in a lot of ways. I don't feel embarrassed, so I often forget that you guys do." Esdeath apologized and went back to silently sulking.

"Apology accepted. How about you tell us about the other worlds you spoke of. I am highly interested in knowing what I am getting myself into here." Rayleigh said while doing a simple breathing exercise to calm himself down.

"They are all different. Most of them have people with extraordinary abilities. Like you all have here. In some worlds, you would be the weakest existence imaginable, Rayleigh." When Esdeath said that, she saw a real and pure shocked reaction from him.

"I would be at the bottom of the food chain? Interesting. If I was a lot younger, I would love to go there and climb that power latter ones again. There's no better feeling than a good fight." Rayleigh had no lies mixed in with his speech. He truly yearned for another great battle.

"That's no problem. because everyone that accepts my offers is required to go into a contract with me. The number one goddess. So having those great battles is very possible for you, Rayleigh. My contract comes with much more than bragging rights."

"Mind telling us what those benefits are?" Shakky asked while pouring her husband a new drink. And this time she gave Rayleigh a strong warning with her eyes about spitting out this one.

"Sure, as you accept the contract, you gain a connection my home. Universe one, the centre of existence. It has many names to many different beings. But by gaining the connection with that place, you gain false immortality. And that's just because you accepted the contract, so that's not all you get."

"F-False immortality?" Rayleigh said with very much excitement building up inside him.

"It's basically a ridiculously high regenerative factor. Meaning if you lose an arm, it will grow back in a day, maybe less, it's all depending on how strong you are when the contract is signed. And because you have such a high regeneration, you never age. Meaning you can live forever."

Rayleigh and Shakky now both at the same time, spit out their drink. Shakky spit on Rayleigh while he was aiming at Esdeath with his. She saw it coming so she raised a finger and stopped the whiskey in mid-air.

"You guys need to stop drinking when I visit. This is getting disgusting!" Esdeath said and waved her finger to the side, so the whiskey was thrown against the wall.

"Are you serious? So would that mean our bodies would heal any imperfections or damages?" Shakky said with her hands slightly shaking. Rayleigh and Esdeath looked at her at the same time. And both of them immediately knew what she wanted to know.

"I know what you are talking about, and yes, false immortality from my contract would allow you to do that. It would fix what you two have struggled with." Esdeath smiled knowing what both of them were referring to.

"I can't believe it." Shakky's hands had stopped shaking, but she was stuck in a realm somewhere between extreme joy and extreme worry.

"We have been talking about it every day. And we thought about accepting all this time. But I am pretty sure that I speak for myself and Shakky when I say. We accept your offer and will follow you as our captain."

Rayleigh had a great battle within him. Betraying Roger was never something he wanted to do, but would Roger, his oldest and greatest friend stop this from happening? Rayleigh was more than excited about the thought of travelling to another world and what he would see there.

And his genuine love and care for Shakky solidified his belief that he was making the right choice. Esdeath was someone he enjoyed talking to and being with. And Shakky was someone he would always put before himself or anyone else for that matter, even his previous captain.

"He is right. We accept your offer of becoming your commanders. There is nothing binding us here anymore, and if our two greatest wishes can come true then I don't see why we shouldn't enjoy a long life together."

Shakky said all this while looking at Rayleigh. They were a silly couple, but at the end of the day, they only had each other nowadays. Everyone else was gone.

"Welcome to my side of the universe. This contract lasts forever, so be prepared to see the best that the universe has to offer you." Esdeath said and offered her hands to both of them.

"let's see if it holds up to expectations." They both took her hands and a small white light appeared around their bodies.

"In the name of my father and myself, I now accept you to... Crap, I forgot the rest, well no worries. Just say I do." Esdeath said and looked at both of them.

"I do?" Rayleigh said and looked questionably at Esdeath.

"I do!" Shakky said it like a champ and refrained from giving Esdeath any kind of look.

"Great! Now comes the fun part." She said and Rayleigh and Shakky started to glow brighter and soon the whole area was so bright that the people miles away thought a sun appeared on the island. It was too bright to figure out what caused it, but it didn't take long for the light to die down.

"You feel the changes?" Esdeath looked at the couple with a proud smile.

"I'll say... It feels like I can lift an island with each hand." Shakky said and tried to pick up a glass, but it broke just as her index finger touched it.

"You guys are gonna need to train that power you have now. It's like nothing you have ever seen before. Right now, both of you should stand about equal to my first subordinate, Kurama. You will meet him eventually, he is, in fact, the 5th emperor that attack Marines HQ."

"hahaha, I already suspected you had a hand in that. I felt someone like Kurama would be a household name if he was from this world." Rayleigh said.

"yeah, and about leaving and all that. It won't be for a few years, so just enjoy your time here, and get that strength under control, or you are really going to destroy this island eventually." Esdeath stood up and stretched her body.

"Thank you for this, Lady Esdeath!" Shakky said with an unusual amount of seriousness in her voice.

"You're welcome. Just put that seriousness away. you two are more likeable when you're teasing and goofing around with people." Esdeath got closer to Rayleigh and said in a whisper.

"If you are ever in a bad mood or having a bad day. Just imagine me n.a.k.e.d, standing in the shower washing my body." Esdeath walked away while Rayleigh fell backwards. But not after giving Shakky a whiskey shower.



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