"Are you really going to follow him?" mihyo's worried friend eren tailed her around as she packed. Mihyo kept nodding to his every statement and vain attempt to persuade her not to go by herself, in fact not to go at all.

"What would your dad say? you're leaving home to chase after a man that's almost the same age with your father"

Mihyo stopped to give the kid a harsh look before she proceeded with what she was doing. Eren couldn't believe she'd end up doing something like trying to runaway with a man that has kids elsewhere, probably a wife too.

He knew nothing about Haru but his mental portrayal of the man came from Mihyo's narration and the pictures he saw on her phone. She was obsessed with him. He was able to help her conquer her drugs addiction but her new addiction is him.

The girl stuffed clothes into her bags and moved them all to the door "Going to help me out or sit idle all day and stare?" He shook his head and left.

Mihyo huffed slightly annoyed by his decision. she'd get each one of those large packs down the stairs. It's not like her dad would question where she's going. He doesn't care about her neither does she care about him. She was going to live a happy life with the man of her dreams. live the life her single father failed to give her.

Eren walked down the pavements hands in his pockets as his eyes brimmed with tears he tried to hold back. He doesn't want her to leave him, he doesn't want to lose her to anyone else again.

He'd loved her for years. They were best friends but she never made them more than that. She never gave him a chance.

Now she's leaving again, to someone else. He let it slide when she was with her abusive boyfriend. Now that he has her, she's going gaga for someone he perceived was wrong. Not because the person was bad or anything but because he knew he was the right and only one for her. He loved her.

He checked the time and accepted at that point she'd just gotten into the taxi and zoomed off. No time to express his feelings face to face. He'd texted her love messages but she'd always laughed it off despite the countless times he'd said it was real. He wondered why she kept evading his love, probably because she knew she couldn't love him back. He lost her this time, to someone that might break her heart or give her the life she deserves. All he wishes her is the bliss and the great man she's looking for.

After a week, Haru said a final goodbye to the members of his rehab. They weren't happy neither was he, but he had to go back to the place he belonged. A place that he could reach his daughter's, even if he wouldn't be allowed to have body contact with them, he'd be grateful to see them from a distance. Each choice he made, he put them first.

"Li Na" meilin thumped on her little girl's door. As they got older, they wanted to have separate rooms. Their mother could tell that her daughter's weren't getting along like they used to. The perfect family she always wanted couldn't be achieved because she decided to break down one of the pillar's that was keeping her family together.

How would she find him after six years? Where would she start? What would she say? Can she really fix everything.

She spent minutes banging on the door and calling out her daughter's name but the girl remained on her bed, and popped on her headphones because she couldn't put up with the disturbance.

"Tell Me Li Na, did I fail as a mother?" Meilin burst into tears before she turned to leave. Things were getting agonizing, she missed the children she once had, two angels that thought about her, wouldn't let anybody or anything make her pitiful, but now they're the ones making her unhappy.

She'd been sending letter's to Haru's business email but he never replied. She wondered if he was still alive? if he moved elsewhere? If he's going to come back or not? She didn't know what else she should do to satisfy her children.

"What else can I do?" She stood in front of Guiren's old frame, the only one that could understand her and she could pour out her emotions to. "I'm a failure, I've been and I'll always be."

Li Na always kept watch over the flowerbeds of her father's old cafe. The delightful blossoms never wilted when she was near. She'd show her father her hard work over the years since he'd been gone.

If possible she'd like him to open up the shop again and spend time with her. She really missed him, but she wondered if he did the same too.

"God I ask you for one miracle...I want you to bring my father back" she clasped her hands together, and shut her eyes tight saying those words from the most profound piece of her heart. She needed to see him again regardless of whether it's for a brief timeframe.

She frowned as she picked up her bag and began walking away. Would he really come back, when he could be free from everything that added up to his rough past. Even if it meant that she wouldn't see him again, she wanted him to be happy.

Back at a lodging, Haru laid on his back, face turned to the ceiling and his hands behind his head. All he thought about was his daughters. How to contact them, he had no clue. All All he needed to do was trust that Fate will reunite them.

In the interim at Meilin's home, A random individual kept ringing the doorbell. The Butler answered it and saw a young teen, close to a.d.u.l.t hood standing at the door step. He arched a brow as he adjusted the old pair of glasses that balanced on the bridge of his nose.

"I'm Mihyo Kim and I'm the one Miss Meilin Zhao Hired for the baby sitting job and child counselling" Mihyo's goal was simple. Jump on the child's great side and make them consider her to be a commendable mother figure. She wasn't going to snatch Meilin's entire family away, she wasn't going to act so cruel. However she'd likewise be part of the family, most likely as Haru's better half.

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