Horror Collection

Chapter 10 - Darkside

There once was a beautiful family how adored there son and daughter, Amelia and Kylian. They were such a happy little family, living near the forests in their small rural area the child became fond with exploring and seeing the good nature could bring for them. After a few years, they grew up, like all kids do and were more fond of fighting each other than playing tag.

They'd punch, kick and spit at each other aggressively, there parents ended up separating them earlier than expected for safety reasons. The children were always sharing rooms and together when they were 6-8. Unfortunately, they became fed up with happy brother and sister bonding. The forest was a battle ground, they'd come home cut and starting to bruise, it wasn't all bad, they loved each other really.

The older sibling Kylian was quite tall for his age when he started school. When they came to graduation in primary school, the young man was 5'3 (160.02 cm) and the other children were around 4'10 - 5'0. This made him feel powerful over the children, especially his sister Amelia.

Amelia hadn't grown too much since primary six, her brother was around five inches taller than her. She was only 4'10 (1.47 m) and it bothered her - he picked on her and spilled things over her head. She cried and told on him; his parents would scold him and force him into his room until he was "Good", it never successfully worked. His temper become dramatically worse in high school.

Teacher would call, and he'd be suspended and told off at home as well as being shouted at by teachers - he felt like a burden to everyone but not his annoying sister. She'd come into his room and give him stolen sweets from the kitchen, money from her mother's bag and even wine from the liquor cabinet.

One night, they snuck out to the forest and drink there father's gin, quite heavy and expensive stuff. At 13, you aren't able to handle heavy alcoholic substances, and they both thought it was hilarious to fool around and run wild in the forest on a rainy, cold night. Kylian was the most sober - if you can even call him that. Whereas Amelia was a loose canon who'd been dancing around with her shoes off and socks stuffed deep inside them.

"Come down from there." Kylian ordered his sister around in his drunken state, seeing the trees quadruple and surrounding area fade in and out.

His sister laugh and came to stumble when jumping down before spinning in circles. "Wow~ This is soo cool" she looked at the sky and the trees before walking over to her brother and taking his hand. "Mum's gonna be soo~ mad!" she hiccuped and laughed while leaning against his arm.

"Mum won't find out." he muttered sounding a bit off.

"Hmph... What makes you say that, Ky-lian?" she stumbled on her words and looked up at him before interrupting. "You're so tall, like... tall!" she whispered at the end childishly while leaning against him.

He looked down at her as they walked along the uneven pathways, the trail coming to the slope hills that ended in thick cavern like rock pits. "She won't, understand?" he wasn't playing around.

She came to walk on her own and raised her hands. "Okay, I won't tell Mum." Amelia walked a little, and she said something that scared her brother and ticked him off. "But, i'll tell Dad~" her voice was so mischievous and eerie that her brother came to shout at her.

"You won't!" he clenched his fists and ran forward to which she turned looking confused and started to run away from him.

"I won't what! Why are you chasing me, big brother?" she asked in a panic. Her hand clenching her shoes and feet slipping all over the place.

"You're not telling Dad! I won't let you get me in trouble." he screamed and before he knew it, he'd caught up with his sister and pushed viciously over the side of the highest [point of the slope, her screams echoed for a mere 15 seconds before the sound of her body hit the thick rocks below.

The sound of the rain and the sight of blood covering the cement coloured rocks caused Kylain to fall backwards into the thick grassy Mountain behind him, the sound of deafening silence overwhelmed him, his breathing was off the charts even though, he felt like he was suffocating.

"Amelia?" he called out and crawled over to the edge of the slope. "Amelia!" he screamed. Tears flooded the boys sockets and his lips quivered out of fear.

The boy laid on his side and cradled himself in his soaked, shaking arms. His tears running off his nose and cheeks onto the chilling stoned path, grit and dirt fusing with his clothes and rubbing into his hair. The sound of him crying showed remorse, guilt ans sorrow. He a child, they all make mistakes, and they all do bad things, right? People would understand and forgive him.

He laid there for what felt like hours, the sky so dark, you couldn't see a star or the moon; a night of pain and gut-wrenching sorrow was upon the boy, and he'd only feel the grief for real, when his parents found out what he'd done.

A wonder through the woods of his childhood adventures became the foundation of his fears, sadness and grief. Every old den he'd see made tears fall off his face and hands shake - his mother would hate him and father would be torn. How could he tell them what happened without being abandoned and put in prison.

The glimpse of his home came to stop the young man in his tracks, her window, Amelia's bedroom window was covered in her teddies and some drawings she'd made for Kylian when he'd come home from Basketball and be the last one home every Wednesday. The doll he'd got her was facing out to him, it broke his heart.

Climbing onto the porch and crawling over to the bedroom door, he opened it and laid on the white carpet, frozen, hurt and snottery at the nose. His mother rushed downstairs and came to pull off her housecoat, throwing it over him and pulling him into her c.h.e.s.t - what came to follow was real grief.

The boy told his momma what happened, and she broke down crying and screaming, moving into the kitchen and hitting the counter uncontrollably smashing a glass before leaning her head on her hands and wailing into them, most likely praying that it wasn't real, none of this was actually happening.

"I stand outside the Julians home with Sheriff Bradley and Investigator Symons." the news reporter spoke in a voice of sincerity and tried to show his sadness for what he was reporting on.

"Hi there, Anthony. We've come to rule the death of 13 year old, Amelia Julian an accident." the Investigator clarified. "The deep slopes on the far south were an accident waiting to happen but luckily, Kylian Julian almost 13 wasn't injured, he sadly witnessed his little sister get to close and stumbled over the edge." the Investigator ended his statement.

"Yes, it's an extremely sad day for the Julian's, and we give our condolences. I watched that beautiful little girl grow up, and she was nothing but kindred, god bless her soul and god bless the Julians, Anthony.

The Reporter let the Sheriff and Investigator walk off and get on with the matter at hand. "Absolutely devastating, I hope the Julian's can come together with their son and hopefully over come the grief of their daughter and sister. God bless, thank you for watching 8 news, tonight." the reporter came to pause before walking off and covering himself due to the rain, he seemed not too phased by the death of a little girl, but, how could he? He didn't know her.

Meanwhile, the Julians where inside their home, grieving and talking to the officers and Investigator's. Kylain had been spoken to, and he'd went up to his room, staring out of his room door and over to his sister's room, he got up and slowly walked over. Entering and hearing the door click shut made him jump a little.

Running his hand over her stuffed bear, picking up her jumper and sitting on her bed. Kylain started to cry, the emptiness inside him was too hard to overcome. Why did he push her? Why did she act so oblivious to what she'd said about Father. The boy pondered everything and anything at once, thinking he was going absolutely insane, there was a shuffle from under the bed; he froze. Looking at the floor and slowly moving forward he hesitantly pulled the sheet up and looked underneath.

"Hah! You found me!" a girl's voice said cheerfully and suddenly Amelia crawled out from under and rolled along the floor like she used to do when they played hide and seek.

Kylian stared wide-eyed for a moment before walking forward and looking at his little sister laying on her front. He held out his hand, and she laughed before high-fiving him.

"Ha! Why are you being so quiet? Don't you want to celebrate, you won again." she was oblivious. It was like the slate had been reset and everything was okay.

He took a hesitant, deep breath. "Amelia..." he mumbled.

"Mhm?" she hummed in reply, picking up the teddy Kylian had got her.

"Ha... uh, can I have a hug?" he whispered. His arms slowly opened while Amelia stood across from him.

She made a face and sighed. "Fine, but don't tell Mum, she'll try make us hug all the time!" she walked over and hugged her brother. The teddy against his back and arms loosely around his shoulders.

Kylain laughed with teary eyes and when he felt how warm and alive she was - he held her. Rubbed her back and clung to her without even thinking, the pain in his c.h.e.s.t was gone for a moment, and he heard her say something, something he needed to hear.

"I love you, big brother. I'm sorry we fight all the time." she sounded so sad but happy.

Kylian smiled and held her as tight as possible. "I'm sorry too, Amelia. I will always love you, I hope you'll be okay." tears ran down his face and without a second thought, he closed his eyes, feeling the warmth and tight hug disappear.

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