Mordred The Dark Lord-Continued

Chapter 7 - Slytherin House

After Mordred seated himself at the Slytherin Table he gave the older ones a curt nod as a greeting and thought about what the Sorting Hat had said.

'It seems like my claim on the castle isn't acknowledged anymore and it sees the protection of the students as its purpose now. Well since that includes me, for now, it shouldn't be too much of a problem.'

He only half-focused on the sorting and clapped absentmindedly when he was joined by

"Bulstrode, Millicent",

"Crabbe, Vincent",

"Davis, Tracey",

"Goyle, Gregory",

"Greengrass, Daphne",

"Malfoy, Draco", and

"Nott, Theodore".

The moment "Potter, Harry" Mordred looked up faintly interested and saw that a skinny boy was called forth, who looked like he rather be anywhere else, stepped forward and began to whisper something. He squinted to read the lips of the Boy-Who-Lived. An ability he had acquired at a young age at court- it was always better to know when and which servants were creating rumors about one at the command of some noble who wanted to be declared heir to the throne.

"Not Slytherin, eh?", he muttered as he realized Potter's whisper.

Greengrass frowned, while Davis's hazel eyes widened "What are you talking about?"

"The 'Savior-of-the-Wizarding-World'', Mordred sneered at the title, the chances that he had done something to survive were minimal and the upstart was still alive "has a dislike for this house. Maybe he thinks he would be poisoned when he comes here."

"Hm, he wouldn't be able to become a Slytherin even if he wanted to."The blond with a holier-than-thou expression, Malfoy butted in "I met him on the train. He actually refused to shake my hand after I expressed my like he was-"

"GRYFFINDOR!" The Gryffindor table erupted in applause and two redheads even stood up chanted "We got Potter! We got Potter!" as the raven-haired boy seated himself happily.

The current Heir Black snorted derisively while Malfoy and the majority of the Slytherin rolled their eyes "-like he was my superior. Mine, imagine that!" Davis mimicked the righteous way he spoke two seats next to him and the girls at the end table reserved for the younger years covered their mouth as they giggled amused while Mordred flashed them a smile- no reason not to make any friends since he would need quite some time to find all the Horcruxes and some of them looked like their relationship could gain 'benefits' when they grew older. Malfoy, while a bit off-put nonetheless continued what he had to say. "But let us ignore that for now, 'Black'. I and my parents were appalled when a friend of my mother told us that Lord Black recently made the Half-blood son of Sirius Black his Heir instead of me his rightful Heir after my cousin. While we mourned how low the House of Black had fallen, we didn't expect its Lord to choose an actual bastard as Zabini told me just now. It naturally also is questionable why a Death Eater gave birth to a Half-blood. My father mentioned that it was possible that you were sired as your father, if he even is your sire, had his way with a muggle on a raid. Is that true?" By the end of his little speech, the eyes of most of the students of the first to third years from Slytherin were looking at the Dark Lord in a young body, whose eyebrows were amusedly raised at his really young challenger. 'Ah, politics my old best friend and fiend.'

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