My Animation Era

Chapter 914 The End of Cool Cat

Cool Cat is coming to an end.

As a sci-fi comedy animation, the main audience of Cool Cat is children, unlike "Hell Girl" which is extremely popular on the Internet.

But this does not mean that the animation "Super Cool Cat" will not become popular.

Quite the opposite.

Only those who go deep into primary and secondary schools and often deal with children know how popular the Cool Cat animation is.

without any exaggeration……

Since the launch of the "Super Cool Cat" animation, at least tens of thousands of cats across the country have been involuntarily renamed "Kool" or "Little M" by their owners and have begun to learn how to use machine guns. , and study how to launch missiles with their tails.

This data is quite conservative.

Anyway, Lao Zhang told an interesting story, that is, in the community where he lives, there are at least three cats named Kule, and they are dragged around by a group of children every day.

What’s even more outrageous is that the children bought the Gatling toy from nowhere, gave it to the cat, and then taught it to press the gun in a serious manner.

The cats were frightened by the play.

Not long ago, an interesting incident occurred in Chengdu due to the animation "Super Cool Cat".

Ms. Yang had a cute black cat, but when she came home from work, she found that the cat was in very bad condition. After checking the surveillance system, she discovered that it was some of the demon kings nearby who took her cat to play role-playing games as soon as school was over. The game is a joy to play...

There are countless similar incidents.

The popularity of the animation "Super Cool Cat" has caused countless innocent cats to be brutally murdered. Especially cats with dark hair are the favorites of children.


The children played and made fun, but in the end they didn't do anything too extreme to the cat.

Gu Miao was really afraid that one day while watching the news, she would see a child who was obsessed with animation and planned to mechanize the cat like Dr. Gang, and even feed the cat gasoline.

That was suffocating.

Kule is a very handsome cat. In addition to possessing the strongest combat power on earth, the most memorable thing about him is his mouse hands and feet.

That's right!

Kule's hands and feet, because they resemble a mouse, have not escaped the nickname "mouse hands" after all, and were even made into "real mice" by unscrupulous merchants.

This is a batch of "Super Cool Cat" co-branded mice specially produced by the mouse manufacturer after obtaining authorization from Wanbao.

Not to mention, they are selling very well.

This thing fits Kule so well. When you connect a mouse like this to your computer, it really looks like Kule's hands and feet from a distance.

The most outrageous thing was that a computer installation blogger had a sudden idea to customize a "Cool Cat" themed case, and then connected four mice to the computer at once.

Good guy!

Animation fans were heartbroken.

Even a novice like Gu Miao, who usually doesn't pay much attention to computer installation, couldn't help himself when he saw the "Cool RGB Set" posted by this blogger and wanted to install one for himself.

Of course, this is unrealistic.

What computer needs four mice at the same time? If you think about it, you will know that this thing is only used to pose for photos and has no practical significance.

The original version of "Super Cool Cat" was not finished, which left Gu Miao with deep regret at the time.

The Wanbao version is finished.

Not only was it completed, but according to the instructions of Care Miao, nine out of ten holes dug in the early stage were filled in, leaving no regrets as much as possible.

At the end of the story, everyone met a new friend named Wu Lang.

Wu Lang was born in a single-parent family. He was abused and mistreated by his father for many years. He resented his father very much and chose to set a fire in order to seek relief. However, the fire also killed Wu Lang himself.

In order to save Wu Lang, Zhizi used his superpower to transplant Wu Lang's soul into the tachometer, and then Dr. Gang transformed it into an ecological metal robot.

But no one expected it.

Wu Lang's resentment towards his father was still too strong. Even after being transformed into a robot, he still went berserk and out of control. The terrifying ecological metal devoured every plant and tree in Sakura Town. Even Dr. Gang and Little M almost died.

At the critical moment, Wu Lang was finally awakened by everyone's friendship and resurrected with the help of ecological metal.

Wu Lang woke up and was reborn, and Kule, with the help of everyone, successfully defeated and destroyed the ecological monster born from the infinite devouring of ecological metal.

At this point, Sakura Town has returned to peace again.

Wu Lang and Zhizi became a primary school couple, and Xiaohui and Lin Mu got married and lived a happy life.

Ku Le, Nana and others still live a life of laughter and play, but occasionally in the dead of night, Ku Le will look up at the stars in the sky and lament how hard-won a peaceful life is.

The ending of the animation is actually far calmer than everyone thought. There was no fierce battle or unexpected strong enemies. There were just Dr. Gang, Little M, Nana, Ku Le, grandparents and Lin Mu, Wu Lang and many others. A group photo of the characters.

Finished spreading flowers!

This time I really want to spread the flowers.

In other animations, the flower-sprinkling part at the end may just be casually talked about, and it is impossible to actually get some petals to scatter.

But the animation "Super Cool Cat" is different. As a work that Gu Miao cherishes so much that she sighs every time she thinks about it, real flowers must be used for the flower-sprinkling part at the end of the Wanbao version.

Lao Zhang got a large basket of rose petals from somewhere. Everyone grabbed a handful and scattered them toward the ceiling.

Shake the champagne...

Gu Miao was not so excited about the ending of "Hell Girl", but he was happy from the bottom of his heart that "Super Cool Cat" was successfully completed.


The champagne is not poured out randomly. As a TV animation with the highest ratings exceeding 10 points, the achievements of "Super Cool Cat" are also worthy of high-profile celebrations.

According to data from Red Crane Cartoon, when the animation was broadcast to its finale, the peak ratings even exceeded 12 points.

This is an amazing achievement!

Although this is only a temporary brilliance and cannot represent the average ratings, the crazy ratings of CoolCat still make everyone involved in the production very excited.

"Times have changed!"

Lao Zhang took a sip of his drink and joked: "In the past, when we drank celebratory drinks, it was to celebrate that the ratings exceeded 15 or even 20 points. Unlike now, when the ratings exceed 10 points, it is worth popping the champagne."

"Don't worry! In the future, it may be worth holding a celebration party if it breaks five o'clock."

Gu Miao shook her head and said: "I have a hunch that "Bugs Bunny" may be our last TV animation with a ratings of over 10 points."

His premonitions were always accurate.

As the television industry continues to slump, it is not difficult to surmise that the performance of future television animations will only get worse year by year.

"Bugs Bunny", which will be broadcast in the second half of the year, may be Wanbao's last TV animation to become a god, and it will also be Wanbao's last glory on the TV platform.

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