One Piece: Sea Devil Sanji

Chapter 12 - Osculation

Suddenly a dolphin Sea King caught them off guard as it jumped over the Going Merry, almost capsizing it. They frantically scurried around the ship and escaped far away.

Some time later, the crew reached the second island of the Grand Line. The island looked circular in shape, housing many smoking volcanoes and two huge identical white mountains on each end of it.

They noticed that many of the trees and plants are fauna that they have never seen before.

They decided to sail through a river going into the island before they reconvened in the kitchen. They surrounded Nico Robin who is sitting calmly on a chair still wearing the Seastone handcufs.

She warned them not to step into the island, she named Little Garden. It's a Prehistoric Island and as such is still stuck in the age of the Dinosaurs.

She explained that because of the difficulty to navigate from one island to the other on Grand Line, foreign interaction is rare, giving rise to unique cultures on each island. So if there are islands on which highly advanced people live, then there can also be islands on which time has stopped for thousands and thousands of years. This is all possible due to Grand Line's chaotic climate. And so this island is one such product of Grand Line's chaos.

Little Garden's climate happens to create a perfect habitat for dinosaurs. This has led it to be behind the average island in the Grand Line by millions of years. The climate is unbearable for many humans that plan to stay long, as well as providing ideal conditions for fatal illnesses to survive, some even thought previously extinct.

They didn't believe her at first but Vivi confirmed her warnings to be true. In addition Nami happens to remember reading something similar in a book.

"Woohoo! Dinosaurs!" Luffy was excited as he was about to run outside but Nami managed to get hold of him first.

"Luffy, where do you think you're going!?" she shouted at him.

"On an adventure!" his eyes turned to stars as he started vibrating from excitement.

"Didn't you pay attention at all! This island is dangerous!"

He didn't heed her warning at all "Sanji make me a lunch box! A pirate lunch box!"

"Alright, just hang on a moment" answered Sanji as he walked to the kitchen counter.

"If you decide to venture into Little Garden, it's more than likely that without even meeting Crocodile, you'll never reach Alabasta and the curtains will close on your mission and lives" interjected Robin "Further more, I've heard that it takes a whole year for the Log Pose to reset to the next island..."

"A whole year!?" Vivi was horrified "I can't wait that long! I have to get back to my kingdom as soon as possible!"

"What're we going to do then?" wondered Nami.

"You could still track back to Whiskey Peak" suggested Robin "I have an Eternal Pose that I left back there. It points to the uninhabited islands located right before Alabasta. It should help you out of this predicament"

"What's an Eternal Pose?" asked Usopp.

"Like a Log Pose, it records the special magnetic waves of a certain island within the Grand Line, allowing the user to know which way to go to arrive at their destination" explained Nami "Unlike a Log Pose, which resets its recordings on new islands, an Eternal Pose always points to the same island, no matter how long it stays elsewhere"

Zoro furrowed his brows as he looked at Robin "I still don't trust you... You're propably trying to make us fall into a trap"

"Oh, I wonder about that..." Robin smirked at him.

"I agree with Zoro" said Usopp "Let's not forget why we left Whiskey Peakn in such a hurry. By the time we return, the island could already be swarmed by Baroque Works soldiers"

Vivi sighed tiredly as she sat on an empty chair "If I knew, we would be stuck between a rock and a hard place like this, I would have left with Igaram earlier"

"There is no use to think about it" said Nami firmly "Even it's a trap, we have no choice but to return. We can't afford to stay on this island for a whole year"

"There is no need for that, Nami-san" spoke Sanji. They all looked at him as he pulled an hourglass-like device from his pocket. It has one glass orb in the middle of it and a needle floating inside of the orb with the word Alabasta written on the wooden part above the orb.

"Huh!?" everyone was surprised "An Eternal Pose to Alabasta!"

He grinned as he held it between his fingers.

Vivi suddenly jumped and hugged him tightly "Thank you so much Sanji!" She kissed him on his cheek "I was so worried about what to do...!"

"You're welcome" he smiled as he hugged her back.

"Where did you get it from!?" asked Nami.

He handed the Eternal Pose to Vivi then looked at Nami "Do you remember the Unluckies that tried to bomb Vivi-chan on Twin Cape?" she nodded "They must have dropped it when I blew them up. Because I found it floating on the ocean waters right afterwards"

"Well, this is lucky for us" Nami smiled in relief "This way we can set sail to Alabasta with no problems"

Sanji skipped over to her looking very eager "I did good right. Can I get a kiss from you too, Nami-san?"

She was about to reject him but when she looked at how happy Vivi looked, holding the Eternal Pose, she had a change of mind "Well, I guess you deserve a little reward..."

Sanji cheered at her "You're the best Nami-san!"

A red hue appeared on her ears as Sanji leaned closer to her. She stood on her tiptoe about to do like Vivi and give him a little peck on the cheek. However, Sanji surprised her at the last moment and sealed her lips with his.

She froze in place as she felt his lips against hers, brushing it lightly; and still that light touch sent shivers through her nerves, shivers that made her whole body tremble.

When they joined, he found her lips to be sweet and soft as they melted into his mouth. Sanji took it into himself and held her close. He kissed her slowly, breathing her breath, feeling what she felt...

He'd never known anything as right.

He reluctantly broke the kiss and searched into her brown eyes. He c.o.c.ked a small smile as he felt her heart beat hard against his. He knew that whatever he had felt was mutual.

Robin was amused by what she just witnessed. The rest on the other hand were flabergasted with their mouths falling down to the floor and their eyes almost popping out of their sockets.

"Why're you s.u.c.k.i.n.g on Nami's mouth, Sanji?" Luffy broke the silence "Someone once told me that if people do that, they'll get sick" he crossed his arms as he shook his head in disappointment "You must be stupid if you don't know that, Sanji"

"You shitty rubber bastard!" yelled Sanji with shark teeth as he kicked him outside the kitchen "I'll never get sick of Nami-san!"

Nami, behind him, stood in place with glazed over eyes as she absently touched her lips.

"I admire your courage Sanji. I'll never kiss Nami even if-" commented Usopp but quickly hid behind Zoro as Sanji glared at him "Eeep! S-sorry!"

Zoro looked at him strangely "... I never knew you had it in you, ero-cook"

"Hmph! Like I care what you think, marimo" Sanji dismissed him. He looked to the side and spotted Vivi red in the face almost painting her blue hair pink "What's wrong Vivi-chan?"

"N-nothing!" she spluttered as she avoid his eye in embarrassment.

Seeing her acting like this, he smirked as he wanted to tease her a little. He walked over to her "Are you perhaps... Jealous? I could kiss you too, if you want"

"What!?" she squeaks.

He chuckled as he brushed her hair back sensually "What do you say?"

Vivi squeaks again, her eyes wide open.

Robin, in her chair, is entirely too, too amused "Mm, it appears that the little princess is shy"

Sanji landed a kiss on Vivi's forehead, taking her by surprise. He smiled as he patted her head "You're too adorable for your own good, you know that"

She woke up from shock then pouted at him. She figued out he was messing with her.

He turned to the side and winked at Robin "Do you want a kiss too, Robin-chan?"

She smiled at him "Please excuse my inexperience. I have done it only a couple of times before. I don't think I'm any good at it"

"It would be my p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to teach you, my lady" Sanji's eyes exploded into hearts as he twirled by her side "I'm not known as the love-cook for nothing"

"Oh, I would love to then but..." she looked over his shoulder "I'm not sure you'll be able to"

"Don't worry Robin-chan. I'm confident about my k-"

"Sanji-kuuuunnn...!" suddenly a sweet voice interrupted him from behind.

Sanji gulped as he felt cold sweat run down his back. He slowly turned around, finding Nami giving him a sweet smile, too sweet he found it "N-nami-san...?"


Nami's Bo-staff came down hard on his head planting him on the ground "You flirt! I'll kill you!"


She kept raining down strike after strike on his face.

The rest looked at him getting pummeled under her fury with a sense of schadenfreude.

*pant* *pant*

After a while, she took a long breath and stopped her onslaught as she stood over him "Hmph! That's for being a pervert!"

"Nabi-than (nami-san), I'm tho thorry (so sorry)! I wath jutht gibbing awound (was just kidding around)!" m.o.a.n.e.d Sanji through bloody lips and multiple smoking bumps growing on his face. His head looked like a swollen red and purple cauliflower.

She looked him in the eye for a long time as he wobbled back up, making him feel anxious "You owe me a million, no, ten million Beli!"

"Eh!?" that wasn't what he expected to hear from her.

"T-that's for stealing my first kiss" her face flushed red as she pointed a trembling finger at him "I-I won't forgive any Beli less, you hear!"

'Typical Nami' he smiled as he scratched the side of his head. Her breath hitched as he reached up and grabbed her outstretched hand "It was worth every Beli, Nami-san" he started drawing circles with his thumb on the back of her hand "So, how was it? Did you like it?"

The soft motion of his thumb sent funny thrills down her spine "Yes- I mean No!" Sanji gave her a mock hurt look "No, what I-I meant is that it was pleasant... Y-yeah, very nice... a-and good... really good...!" she felt faint at the end remembering the sensation of his lips c.a.r.e.s.sing hers "I-I- Stop looking at me like that!"

She turned bright red when she saw his eye shining at her and his smile stretching wide across his face "So, you did like it!"

She turned her head to the side as she felt a bit self-conscious. That's when she finally noticed that everyone in the room was intently watching her exchange with Sanji. She felt so much of her blood rush to her cheeks, she wondered if there would be enough for the rest of her body for how much she was blushing at the moment.

She was saved from further embarrassment when suddenly, loud screeches came from outside.

*Gyaaa* *Gyaaa*

"Kyaaa!" yelled Nami as she jumped on Sanji in panic "What was that just now!?"

*Gyaaa* *Gyaaa*

"Guys!" came Luffy running from outside "Come see! There is a flying dinosaur!"


"!!?" everyone was shaken up by the loud noise as they felt the Going Merry quake from underneath them ".....!!!"

"That sounded like a volcano exploding or something!" Usopp was freaking out.

Everyone walked outside to the deck leaving Robin back at the dining room. They spotted rising smoke from one of the mountains further inside the island.

They turned to their right and found a huge tiger on the river bank collapsing covered in its own blood.

"This place is definetly bad news!" dreaded Nami as she clinged to Sanji's arm "Otherwise why would a tiger, king of the jungle, end up like that!"

"Alright, it's decided. We're not setting foot on this island!" Usopp was sweating bullets as he crossed his arms and nodded at his own decision.

"Sanji! Did you prepare my lunch box!?" Luffy returned to his previous exitement.

"Yes" answered Sanji "It's on the kitchen counter"

"All right! I'm going on an adventure!" Luffy bolted to the dining room.

Seeing Nami about to shout for him to stop, Sanji spoke bringing her attention to him "I think it's too late to stop him, Nami-san. He's simply too fired up at this point"

"But we have to hurry immediately for Alabasta!" Nami argued back.

"We've got to stock up on food anyway. I wasn't able to restock at all at the last town. We may as well spend some time here" Sanji reasoned with her.

"B-but..." muttered Nami as she took a peek at Vivi.

"It's ok, Nami" said Vivi to her side "We already have an Eternal Pose to Alabasta, which is more than what I wished for. Spending some time here may help clear my head from my worries back home" she saw Luffy about to leave the ship wearing a yellow backpack "Can I come along with you?" she asked him.

"Sure, sure!" he grinned at her.

"Even you Vivi!?" said Nami with worry "It's dangerous out there!"

"I'll be fine!" Vivi smiled at her "Carue will be by my side, afterall!"

"....!!!" Carue stood to the side trembling with his mouth and eyes wide open.

"Your trusty bodyguard looks too scared to even quack..." sweatdropped Nami.

"Then allow me to make a lunchbox of love for you too, Vivi-chan" suggested Sanji.

"Thank you. Could you also make a drink for Carue as well?"

"No problem" he left for the kitchen.

A minute later, he came back with the packed food and drink, and handed it to Vivi. He also handed her a small cream tube "You should use this bug repellent cream before leaving, you don't know what kind of deseases they may carry around here" he remembered the sickness that befell Nami the last time around.

"Thanks, that's very thoughtfull of you" she smiled as she took the tube from him and started applying the cream on herself.

"Alright, let's go!" Luffy jumped outside the Going Merry.

"We'll be back!" Vivi, sitting on the back of Carue, waved at the rest as she left behind Luffy.

They watchd them disappear inside the thick jungle.

"That princess got some guts" stated Usopp.

"I guees it's expected of one who infiltrated Baroque Works" agreed Nami.

"Well, since I'm not doing anything either, I'll go for a walk" said Zoro as he cracked his neck. He jumped off the ship and wandered inside the island.

"W-Well...I-I-I uh... guys... I think I've suddenly developed a Can't-Enter-This-Island-Disease" said Usopp as he clutched his stomach in *pain* "I'll stay here and guard the ship" he darted towards the restroom.

Nami looked left and right as she suddenly realised she was left alone with Sanji. She started getting fl.u.s.tered again as her mind wandered back to the earlier kiss. She timidity looked at him "S-so, what're you going to do, Sanji-kun?"

"I guess, I'm going to hunt for something that looks edible to replenish our stock" Sanji glanced at Nami and pulled another small tube of the same bug repellent cream "This is for you, Nami-san. Want me to help you rub it on your body?" he smiled as he quirked his visible eyebrow suggestively at her.

"N-no thanks. I-I can do it by myself" she stuttered as she became red in the face. She snatched the tube from his hand and put it in the pocket of her skirt.

"So what about you, Nami-san?" asked Sanji "You can come along with me if you want to tour the island"

"I... I think I'll stay onboard the ship" stummered Nami as she spotted some dinosaur walk by the shore.

Sanji smirked as he noticed her subconciously grab the edge of his sleeve for comfort. He whispered suddenly in her ear "You're so cute when frightened, Nami-san"

She shivered with the way she felt his smoky breath hit her skin. She gulped as she felt her throat go dry.

He anticipated her to sock him across the face like whenever he flirted with her but she didn't. He frowned as he called for her "Nami-san?"

She refused to make eye contact with him.

"Nami-san, are you alright?" she heard him ask her gently, sounding concerned.

She bit her lower lip and finally looked at him, her stomach felt like it was being squeezed by something. She gave him a small smile, "I don't know…I just feel…"

Sanji watched as Nami struggled for words, her brown eyes peering into his blue one. She had a blush on her cheeks and her lips were parted slightly as if she was about to speak.

When she didn't, Sanji smiled at her encouragingly "Yes?" He raised his right hand and brushed his knuckles against her cheek "How do you feel, Nami-san?"

Her eyes were on his lips as he spoke, seeming to be studying them. Nami took in a sharp breath "I... I feel nervous"

"Is it about this island?" she shook her head.

He stared at her for a moment then asked "Am I making you nervous?"

She nodded her head "I don't know why, I've never felt so nervous before…"

Sanji chuckled softly "Oh, Nami-san" he c.a.r.e.s.sed her lips with his thumb "Perhaps you'd like me to kiss you again"

Her insides felt like they were burning at his words. Nami opened her mouth and gazed into Sanji's blue eye, but only a gasp came out.

A grin appeared on Sanji's lips "Nami-san, you look absolutely stunning" 'Ahh god, I love that mouth of hers…I wonder if she would let me kiss her again…'

He moved his face closer, slowly, waiting for any reaction from the orange-haired girl.

Nami found herself closing her eyes and slightly parting her lips as she tilted her head up to his. When she felt Sanji's lips land on her own, she soon wasn't thinking about anything except the feeling of his touch, his tongue invading her mouth and c.a.r.e.s.sing her own.

After what Nami felt wasn't a long enough amount of time, Sanji pulled away. When she opened her eyes, Sanji was looking at her with a large smile on his face.

Still unable to speak, Nami said nothing and just stared at Sanji through half-lidded eyes with her mouth half-open.

Silence stretched for minute between the two as they continued to gaze at each other. Sanji noticed how quiet she has been so he asked "What're you thinking about?"

She sighed "You" he raised a curled eyebrow at her, expecting more so she continued "Why I let you kiss me"

His face became confused and worried "Are you upset I kissed you?"

Shaking her head, she replied, "No, but I don't know why I let you, either... I never kissed anyone before" she averted her eyes.

Sanji place both of his hands on her cheeks and turned her to face him "Maybe this will help you know" he smashed his lips against hers, slipping his tongue right into her mouth exploring the inside with gusto.

Without realizing it, Nami closed her eyes again and begun to kiss him back with the same vigor. The kiss was forceful this time, filled with passion and emotion, that when he pulled away, her lips were left swollen.

She was panting as she opened her eyes and found herself blushing when she saw the hot look in Sanji's eye. "Sanji-kun…" she finally breathed, but couldn't manage to find any other words to say.

He brushed a strand of her hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear, looking deep into her brown eyes "Nami-san, I don't want any other man to kiss you…ever. I want to be the only one who gets to kiss you, do you understand?"

Nami nodded at the blond as she felt her body heating up and her heart beating a million miles per hour at his words.

"Good" Sanji smiled at her sweetly. He pulled her body closer to him, making her b.r.e.a.s.ts press up against his c.h.e.s.t "Want another kiss?" he asked her playfully.

Feeling bashful, she didn't speak and only nodded again.

"Damn, you're cute!" That did it for him. Sanji kissed her. He meant to be soft and romantic. But the second she leaned into him, he forgot about being soft and romantic. He bit her plump, bottom lip then stroke her mouth with his tongue for her to open. He kissed her deeply, pouring heart and soul into it, s.u.c.k.i.n.g on her tongue, tasting her in his mouth.

He heard her m.o.a.n against him as she gripped his jacket. He trailed his lips accross the exposed parts of her collar-bone and neck before finding her mouth again and capturing it in another deep, hungry kiss. When her hands came up to touch, slide up his neck to his jaw until her fingers ran through his hair, he couldn't help a sigh and a shudder of satisfaction.

Her shoulders hit the nearest wall, but neither of them really noticed. He brushed his lips against hers in teasing, feathery touches. He smiled as she impatiently tugged at his collar, so he moved in again for a kiss that was hard and soft all at the same time, relishing the way she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him even closer to her.

Gradually, the kisses slowed and lightened. Sanji pressed a last one to her mouth and her brow.

Nami was panting a little breathlessly "That was... incredible" she said at last.

"That was the goal" he grinned at her.


Sanji was humming a happy tune while smoking a cigarette, feeling euphoric after making out with Nami. He sighed dreamily remembering her blushing face "She is so beautiful. Truely an angel, some kind of perfect entity that doesn't belong in this world"

He rode on a sabertooth tiger that has a newly made bump on its head. It tried to sneak attack him earlier but it ended up as his mount after he beat it to submission.

He travelled for a while until he reached a candle house in the middle of the forest.

"It's in the same place I remember it. I didn't even have to use Haki to locate him" he came down from his mount then instructed it "Wait for me here" it frantically nodded its head with its tail between its legs.

He approached the door of the candle house then pushed it open.

"Ah, so you have come Mr. 5. I have been wai- huh!? who're you?" spoke an average-sized man with a rather frail-looking build. He wears glasses and has neatly combed hair with a top knot in the form of a 3. He was code name Mr. 3 of Baroque Works, Galdino was his real name. He was crossing his legs while sitting on a chair made of wax, leasurely drinking tea.

Sanji ignored the man's question and flickered over the wax table bettween the two, appearing right above him. He brough his right foot down on the man's head as the latter reactively created a wax barrier with his Candle Candle Devil Fruit power (Doru Doru no Mi) to protect himself.


Sadly for him it wasn't enough as Sanji's kick shattered it, hitting the man squarely on top of his head. Sanji landed behind him as he fell unconsious, face down on the table.

Sanji straightened his jacket then looked at a corner of the house. There was a teenage girl with a childish appearance, with circles of blush on her cheeks. She is fairly short in stature and wears her dark red hair tied in braided pigtails. She was sleeping soudly while resting her head on her knees, her back to the wall.

He smiled as he approached her 'Still as lazy as I remember...' her name is Marianne or better known as Miss Golden Week, Mr. 3's partner, a realist painter. In his past life, she and some of Baroque Works officers had decided to retire after they were defeated and opened a café on some island. They called it Spiders Café. They were some of the few that offered him and Robin shelter when they were being chased around by the World Government.

He pulled a bag of Senbei Crackers that he cooked himself and placed it by her side 'I know they are your favorites. Enjoy'

He turned around and picked a basket from the floor. He opened it and found a sleeping Den Den muchi. He closed it back satisfied then returned to the man and shackled him in Seastone handcuffs before he picked him up on his shoulder 'Well, I got what I came here for so I guess I should leave this shitty place'

Just as he exited the house he was met by Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine who just arrived, standing about thirty meters away from him.

"Who're you!?/What're you doing with Mr. 3?" the duo were surprised seeing him carrying an unconsious Mr. 3.

"You don't need to know my name but you could call me, Mr. Prince" answered Sanji as he closed the door behind him. He walked to the sabertooth tiger and placed his captive and the basket on its back.

"Mr. Prince? That's not one of the code names from our organization. Are you an enemy?" Mr. 5 pulled out a revolver. His real name is Gem. He is a tall, dark-skinned man with black hair in short spiky dreadlocks. He wears a brown trench coat with a pink cravat and a pair of sunglasses.

"It depends" he smirked as he faced them.

"Let's beat him up first then ask questions later" said Miss Valentine. Her real name is Mikita, a tall young woman with short blond hair and bright green eyes. She wears a blue jacket with white stripes over a yellow dress with a lemon-like pattern, lemon earrings, and white high-heeled shoes as well as a yellow and orange hat. She is also carrying a bright green parasol with blue stripes.

"Allow me to burry your face on the ground with my ability! I ate the Kilo Kilo Devil Fruit (Kilo Kilo no Mi) whick allows me to change my wait frim 1kg to 10.000kg in the blink of an eye!" she made herself light enough to leap high in the sky and start gliding through the air using her umbrella "Kyahahaha, eat this *10.000kg Press*!"

She dropped high from midair by increasing her mass suddenly for a devastating dive-bomb force towards Sanji. She expected him to try and dodge her but he calmly put his hand on his pocket and lifted his right leg a full 180 degrees vertical in the air.

Mikita's two feet met Sanji's foot in the air as she came down. She imagined squashing him under her weight but she noticed that her momentum was halted the moment they touched.

"Wha!?" she was flabbergasted as she looked down and found giant cracks forming on the ground under Sanji as he stood still balancing her on his foot.

He grinned at her as he met her eyes, making her sweat "It's just ten tons cutie, you're not that heavy" he said before he flipped her in the air making her spin dizzily as he brought his right leg down. He then caught her in his arms before she hit the ground like she weighed nothing.

He sensed something coming at him from the front so he swiftly jumped out of the way.


An explosion occured where he just stood.

"Watch it, shithead!" shouted Sanji as he faced Mr. 5 who just shot a him from his revolver "You could've hurt the lady here!" he looked back at her "Are you alright?"

"Y-yes..." she stuttered a response.

Gem breathed into his flintlock .44 caliber 6 shot revolver and aimed at Sanji once again "I ate the Bomb Bomb Devil fruit (Bomu Bomu no Mi) and became a human bomb. Even my very breath inside this revolver can explode. So let her go before I shoot you, now!"

"Hey, it's not like I'm holding her against her will! She's the one that threw herself at me!" Sanji started walking towards him "Here, I'll give her back to you"

"Stop right there!" Mr. 5 warned again "One more step and I'll shoot!"

"Mmm... You mean like this" he took a step forward.

"I said stop!" yelled Mr. 5.

Sanji smirked as he ignored him and took another step forward.

"I warned you but you didn't listen!" a vein appeared on his forehead as he squeezed the trigger on his gun.

*Breeze Breath Bomb*

He fired the six air bullets all at once causing a huge explosion. A cloud of smoke now stood where Sanji used to be.

"An impressive little ability you've got there" came Sanji's voice from behind him "Still a bit slow though"

"You!?" he turned around "Then I'll kill you with my next move! Not even your bones will be left when I'm done with you! *Full Body explosi-*"Sanji cut him off by kneeing him on the stomach.

"Ugh!!" he clutched his stomach in pain as he kneeled down. Sanji followed by a kick to the back of his head knocking him out cold.

'What waste of a powerful fruit on someone this weak. I'm half tempted to take it from him. But then, I would have to kill him first...' thought Sanji as he looked at his prone body 'Nah, I owe him one. He's a future employee of Spiders Café'

Sanji turned his attention back to Miss Valentine, the future chocolatier of Spiders Café.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Sanji caught her as she helplessly came down from the sky after he tossed her up, right before the explosion.

He felt her tremble as he looked at her "I-I'm sorry we attacked you!" tears fell from her eyes as she felt terrified at how easily he played with them "P-please don't kill us! I-I-I swear w-we'll never bother you again!"

"Hey hey, don't cry!" he gently let her down then wiped away her tears "Shhhhh, it's okay, don't be afraid. I already got what I came here for" he pointed at Mr. 3 still laying on top of his mount "I've no reason for me to hurt any of you. I only attacked because you two came at me first"

He felt her body relax a little "R-really?" she sniffed her nose trying to stop crying.

"Yes, really" he smiled as he nodded at her. He picked up her hat that fell to the ground and put it back on her head after dusting it off "I'll be going then" he jumped on top of the sabertooth tiger then urged it to move "Take care, beautiful. We'll meet again if fate wills it"

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